Counselor with Intentions

By Jake Lyons

Published on Dec 29, 2022


Counselor with Intentions- Part 3

Let me first thank everyone who has taken the time to e-mail me with their feedback. As long as the feedback keeps coming I will keep writing for you guys and girls. So please send all feedback to All the normal disclaimers apply. If you shouldn't be reading this then don't. by this type of stuff then what in the hell are you doing here anyway? This story is all make believe, any semblance to real people or event is strictly coincidence. I am not sure how many more parts will be involved in this story I will let the story decide that. I hope you all enjoy. ~

For those of you who are starting to read this story with this chapter, I strongly suggest that you go back and read the first two parts to better understand what is going on.

Quick Author note - I apologize for this taking so long. I tried to `clean' my keyboard and ended up wrecking it so it took a little bit of time to fix it. The next part should be along shortly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Doug pulled into work and walked in to the Director's office. "Hey Jim any news yet on Jake?" he asked the man sitting at his desk reading the previous nights reports of what happened, and who searched where.

"No nothing yet." replied Jim setting the report down and looking up at Doug. "I have Scott and Jenny searching the interstate and Brooke and Mike and searching in Cloverton hoping to turn something up there. Do you have any ideas where he could be. We need to find him, or we could face some serious fines and such from the state."

"I have no idea Jim. Jake didn't say anything last night. I figured after the attempt on Monday when we took his shoes and coat that he wouldn't get that runaway bug for awhile." replied Doug looking around Jim's office admiring his Elvis collection. He has to have a lot of money wrapped up in this stuff Doug thought for the hundredth time. "Any place you want me to look or anything you want me to do?"

"Yeah why don't you go down to the unit and search his room and bag up his stuff so the other kids do dig through it, just throw it up in the attic. Let me know if you find anything. Then go look around the mall and bus station and ask about him. Beyond that I think we have everywhere else covered." replied Jim rubbing his eyes. He knew that if they didn't find this kid the Center would be in a world or hurt from the state department. If they lost a kid and never found them again the Center could possibly be shut down.

"I'll let you know if I find anything Jim." Doug responded as he left the office and headed towards the unit to search' Jake's room and see if he could find anything about just where the boy had went. He chuckled to himself as he walked on to the unit and into Jake's room. He found a duffle bag and put a couple shirts, a few pair of shorts a pair of pants, some boxer shorts and some socks in the bag. He would need to find a way to get this bag to his car so Jake could have some of his clothes to wear. He finished packing up the rest of Jake's things and put them in the attic. He then made his way back to the Director's office to let him know what he found'.

"You'll want to see this Jim." Doug said as he walked back into the office. Jim looked up from his desk an motioned Doug to keep talking. Doug set the duffle bag on the table in the office and said. "I found this in his closet. It looks like he was planning on leaving for awhile and didn't have time to grab it."

Jim stood up and looked into the bag, seeing the contents of the bag Jim ran his hand through his hair and said "This isn't good Doug, the looks of this he meant to really run away to get away, not just for attention but to actually get away. We need to find him, I can't stress how important it is. Go do whatever you can."

"Sounds good. I'll do my best. I'll check the mall and the bus stop then try and figure out where else he might be." Doug replied as he grabbed the bag and headed out of the office. He headed towards the unit and out the side door so no one would see him carrying the bag to his car.

Doug spent the next three hours driving around and stopping at different places making it a point to talk to sales people, just to make it look like he was looking for Jake if anyone asked. He thought he even did a good job of making it sound like he was scared for the boy. He got many be to promise him that they would be on the look out for Jake and even gave them the number to the Center to call if they did spot him.

Doug hopped into his Blazer and grabbed his cell phone and called the Center to talk to Shelly or Jim. "Hi Shelly this is Doug, say I have spent the last three hours looking for him and no one I have talked to has seen hide nor hair of him. Is there any place else you want me to look?" He said when Shelly finally got to the phone.

"I don't think so Doug." replied Shelly "I think we've looked pretty much everywhere. I just got off the phone with Jake's mom and she didn't seem to worried that he was missing. Jim talked to the police department and filed a runaway report with them. Scott, Brooke, Jenny, and Mike all came back and had the same luck you did. Maybe he hitched a ride somewhere with a trucker from the interstate. I have no idea. Jim is worried that we won't find him after this long. Why don't you head home and we'll call you if we need you for anything. You have this weekend off so enjoy yourself. Hopefully he is back by Monday. We'll let you know if we find anything. Take care."

"No problem bye." replied Doug as he hung up the phone. This is great Doug thought. Not only does no one expect anything, but he has the weekend off to enjoy himself and find something or `someone' to do. He chuckled to himself. He then decided to head to the grocery store to pick up a couple pizzas for supper tonight, after all what do 12 year old boy like more then pizza. He grabbed a couple pizza a twelve pack of soda and a bottle of KY jelly just in case anything happened.

He headed home and almost had trouble concentrating with all the wild thoughts running through his head. Waiting for him at home was a twelve year old boy god that was under his complete control. His cock started to twitch in his pants in anticipation of the things that he wanted to happen at home. Doug stopped himself and reminded himself that if he was going to do this he was going to have to take it slowly. He would rather have the kid be a willing partner then an unwilling partner. He would have to do this the right way so he wouldn't ruin it.

He pulled into his garage and walked into the house and put the pizzas in the freezer and the sodas in the fridge. He made a quick stop in the bathroom and then headed downstairs to visit his little cherub. "How you doing Jake?" he asked as he made his way into the basement.

Jake looked up at his with his piercing blue eyes and said "I'm fine sir. I was wondering how much longer you would be. I finished my assignment sir." as he handed Doug three pieces of paper with his twelve year old scrawl on it. Doug looked at him a little surprised that he wrote three pages worth. He had only intended that to keep the kid occupied while he was gone.

"Alright let me see it." Doug responded as he reached for the papers. He looked down at them and was a little amazed at some of the things he read. "Are you sure about these?"

"Yes sir." Jake replied as he looked down at the floor. "Of course if you don't like them you can change them sir. But can I use the bathroom sir?

"Yeah go ahead." Doug replied as he undid the cuffs and sat on the bed reading the papers. Jake looked at him expecting him to follow. Doug just waved his hand towards the bathroom and Jake went in by himself. "we can talk about some of these rules later though, just to make sure I understand them and we are both on the same page. But there is something else we need to talk about before that."

"What's that sir?" Jake asked from the bathroom.

"It can wait until you are done." Doug replied. He thought to himself just how he was going to say what he had to say. He wanted it to have the most effect it could on the boy.

Jake came out of the bathroom. Doug motioned him to sit next to him on the bed, Doug looked at Jake and said "I have some bad news for you, that you probably don't want to hear. Do you think you can handle it?"

Jake nodded his head really not understanding what Doug said. What bad news could he say? Here he was in a basement having to be handcuffed to a bed, being watched when he went to the bathroom and even being watched when he took a shower. What could be worse then that he wondered.

"Well Jake, you know I went to work today to look for you right." Doug asked. Jake nodded his head. "Well Shelly called your mom today to tell her you ran away. I talked to Shelly after she got off the phone with your mom and she told me your mom didn't really care that you ran away. She even said she was glad you were gone and hoped we didn't find you." Doug added just for effect. He needed to break the kid and this was one of the ways to do just that.

Jake looked at him without saying anything for a good minute with a look of utter shock on his face. Then he erupted in a fit of anger. "No! You're lying. She wouldn't say that about me. She loves me I know it!" breaking into tears and sobbing.

"I'm sorry Jake, but I wouldn't lie to you about that." Doug replied. So far so good he thought to himself. He didn't want to push it too far, but he needed the kid to be pissed and sad at the same time.

"No! You're lying!" Jake screamed as he punched Doug In the arm and leg. Doug tried to grab the boys arms, but they were flailing around like a fish out of water and equally as hard to grab a hold of. Jake just kept screaming and crying and swinging until his anger blew itself out and he was left tired and crying next to Doug on the bed.

Doug knew then next couple minutes would be very important to his plan. He gentle reached out at patted Jake's back. Jake made no move to pull away so he moved over and put his arm gentle around the boy. "I'm sorry, but I thought you needed to know." Doug said gently. Jake continued sobbing and put his head on Doug's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Doug and cried so hard he started coughing. "Easy buddy, just relax everything will be ok." Doug said returning Jake's embrace.

Jake pulled away from Doug and said "Can I be alone for a little bit please?" as he wiped away his tears and wiped his nose on his arm.

"Sure, no problem. Let me get you some tissues." Doug replied as he walked into the bathroom and grabbed the box on the counter and came back and handed them to Jake. "But if I leave you alone you know I have to handcuff you again."

"I know, I just need some time to think." Jake replied holding out his wrist so Doug could put the handcuff on. Doug slipped the cuff on and cinched it down just enough to make sure he couldn't get out. Jake continued to cry but was now doing his best to not let Doug see.

"I'll be back in a little bit." Doug said from the steps. "If you need anything just give a holler okay. We are going to have pizza for supper. I'll start them around six if I don't hear from you by then. I promise things will be okay."

Doug made his way upstairs not believing how well things were turning out. He was pretty sure the kid would look to him for support over the next couple of days. He cleaned up around the house a little bit and looked at the clock after awhile and noticed it was almost time to start the pizzas. He quietly made his way into the basement to see what Jake was up too. He was a little surprised to find Jake sleeping, curled up into a ball on the bed. The kid must have cried himself to sleep Doug thought to himself. He made his way back upstairs to throw in the pizzas before he woke the little angel up.

Doug made his wake back downstairs to wake up Jake. The pizzas had about 5 minutes left so he thought now was about right. "Jake. Jake time to get up. The pizzas are almost ready." Doug said as he slowly ran his hand up Jake's back feeling the young boy muscles underneath his shirt, god this boy was perfect he though to himself.

"Wha.. What's going on." Jake stammered as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. What the hell's going on."

Doug realized as nice as he wanted to be to this kid now was not the time. If this was going to go according to his plans he was going to have to teach the boy some discipline. "Get the fuck up now!" Doug said as he slapped Jake in the back of the head.

Jake looked back at him, finally realizing where he was. There was a moment of fear in his eyes before he said "Fuck this I want to leave, you can't keep me here." Then he started pulling on the handcuff trying to get it to let go.

This was not how Doug wanted things to go. "Listen Jake, no one knows you're here. Your mom doesn't miss you. Where are you going to go? You don't like it at the Center, so where is a twelve year old going to go?" Doug said trying to put some doubt into the boy. Doug looked to the side of the bed and spotted the rules Jake had written this afternoon. He reached down and picked them up. "Plus I have these. You're smart enough to know that a court of law will find these legally binding you to me." He knew that wasn't true, but hopefully the boy didn't.

"But... I... I didn't... "Jake stuttered as he started to cry again. He wrote some things on there just to be funny, he didn't know it was all legal and stuff. If that was the case he was in for a pretty big learning curve.

Doug heard the beeper for his stove going off upstairs. "Are you hungry or not?" he asked Jake in the meanest voice he could possible come up with. Jake looked up and nodded. "Well I'll let you eat first then we will talk about your punishment. I was going to try and be nice to you, but after your actions down here I see that won't be happening for awhile yet. I am going to un-cuff you from the bed and cuff both hand in front of you. Do you understand?" Jake nodded so Doug did as he said. He then grabbed the chain between the cuffs and led the boy upstairs.

"Go sit down." Doug said as he pulled the pizzas from the oven. He looked over to see Jake pulling out one of his kitchen chairs. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Sitting down like you said, what the hell does it look like." Jake retorted before he could think about his tone or use of words.

Doug made his way to the boy in two angry steps traversing the kitchen to stop standing in front of Jake. "Did I tell you to sit in a chair or to sit down?" Doug asked. Jake looked around the kitchen not sure what he was supposed to do.

"You... you told me to sit down. I thought you meant a chair." Jake replied.

"If I had wanted you to sit in a chair I would have said Jake go sit in a chair... but I believe I said sit down. So if you want some pizza sit the fuck down and shut the hell up!" Doug replied as he put his hand on Jake's shoulder and pushed him to the floor. He then went back and cut the pizza grabbed himself a soda and a glass of water for Jake and came back to the table. He grabbed a couple paper plates as well and a few paper towels. He grabbed himself a nice big slice of pepperoni pizza and put it on his plate and looked down at Jake who was slowly leaning forward smelling the pizza. "what do you want?" Doug asked as he went back to eating his pizza.

"I was wondering if I could have a piece." Jake said as he leaned back on his heals and looked up at Doug with his big blue eyes and tussled blonde hair.

"What makes you think you've earned a piece of my pizza that I paid for with my money?" Doug asked Jake as he took another bite of pizza while looking at the boy. He was baiting the boy to say some things that would further entrap him.

"I'm hungry and just want a piece of pizza. You have enough, I don't eat that much." Jake replied. What was the big deal of a piece of pizza he thought to himself.

"Just what will you do for a piece or two of pizza?" asked Doug trying to hide his smirk. This was the moment of truth he thought to himself.

"I'll do anything for a few pieces please I'm hungry." Jake replied quickly.

"Anything huh... just remember you said that kid, just remember you said that." replied Doug as he handed Jake a plate with two pieces on it. "Here's a glass of water to wash it down to."

The two of them ate the rest of their meal in silence. Doug cleaned the few dishes and threw their plates away. He looked at the clock 7:15 PM. Perfect plenty of time to have his fun for the night. He figured he was going to have to be pretty hard on the boy if all his plans were going to succeed. "Come into the living room." Doug said to Jake as he made his way into the living room. Jake followed Doug like a little duck following its mom. "Sit." Doug said as he pointed to the floor in front of the sofa he was sitting on. Jake quietly kneeled and then sat down crossing his legs Indian style.

"It's time we talk about how many rules you have broken within the last lour or so." Doug said as he looked at the papers Jake had written earlier. "One of the rules you have written down is; When I don't say the word sir after each time I talk , I should be spanked." Doug read as he showed Jake the paper where he had written that. Jake looked a little shocked then looked down at the floor. "Did you or did you not write that?" he asked.

"I did sir." Jake replied looking down at the floor not wanting to meet Doug's gaze.

"Good at least you admit it. Lets see what else is on this list. If I am disrespectful, I should be spanked. Did you write that too?" Doug asked showing him the page. Jake looked up and nodded his head. "Well in that case you didn't say sir quite a few times and you sure as hell have been disrespectful to me haven't you?" Jake again nodded his head. "So I guess that mean you need to be spanked, oh I don't know 30 times. How does that sound?" Jake looked up eyes wide in fear. Thirty times, that was a lot. The most his dad had ever hit him was ten and that hurt like hell, but Jake didn't think he had much of a choice.

"Stand up." Doug told Jake. Jake slowly stood up not sure what was going to happen next. "I will give you a choice this one time. Do you want your 30 spankings with my hand or a belt?" Doug asked as Jake shifted from foot to foot in front of him obviously nervous about what was coming.

"Um... um... I guess your hand sir." Jake replied. How could a hand possibly hurt as much as a belt Jake thought to himself.

"Alright, you picked it so I will honor that choice. Drop your shorts. Doug said matter of factly. He was hoping the boy would pick hand, he intended to get as much enjoyment out of this as he could. Jake looked up at him, not believing he heard what he thought he heard. "Alright five more for not listening." Doug said "Now drop your shorts, if I have to do it for you I will add another 20."

Jake knew 35 was bad enough he didn't want 20 more so he slowly pulled the draw string of his shorts to loosen them so he could slid them down. He now stood in front of Doug only in his boxers and a t-shirt. Doug sat down on the couch and looked at Jake. Doug tried very hard not to smile while looking at the boy. He didn't want Jake to know he was enjoying this at all.

"Well, get you ass over here so I can start spanking you." Doug said as he patted his lap. "Lean over and put your chest on my legs and your ass in the air." Jake walked slowly over to Doug and laid down like Doug wanted. It wasn't the most comfortable position he could be in he thought to himself. He just wanted to get this over with.

Doug looked down at this young boy laying across his legs ready to get spanked. Now the moment of truth he thought to himself. He grabbed the waistband of Jake's boxers and pulled it down exposing the two wonderful mounds of boy ass. Jake jumped and looked back at Doug. "What did you think I was going to do. If I spank you it's on your bare ass. You have a problem with that?" Doug asked. Jake shook his head no. "I Didn't think so, now lay back down." Just the sight of this beautiful ass in his lap made him get an instant hard-on. God the things he wanted to do to this ass hell the things he wanted to do to this boy.

"Alright after every one I want you to count and follow the number by sir. You got it?" Doug asked. If he was going to dominate the boy he was going to do it right. Jake nodded his head without looking back. "Here we go." Doug said as he wound up he was going to start off fairly hard and then lighten up towards the end.

WHACK... "One sir." Jake stuttered as he jumped from the impact of the first hit. Holy hell he thought 35 of these, he wouldn't be able to sit down for a week... god it hurt. WHACK... "T... two sir." Jake stammered as the tears started to come. WHACK... "Three sir" said Jake WHACK... "Four sir." the tears coming freely now. WHACK... "Five sir." as he started to sob from the pain.

Doug had to stop at five for a second or he would have shot his load in his pants. Every time he spanked the kid he moved back and forth in his lap rubbing his dick along the way, god it felt good he thought. He looked down at Jake's ass and saw five distinct hand prints. That's got to hurt he thought. He took his hand and slowly rubbed it up and down Jakes ass feeling the beginning of welts starting to form. WHACK... "Six sir"... WHACK... "Seven sir." They continued this pattern of five whacks followed by a nice rump rub down and then five more whacks. WHACK... "Thirt... thirty five sniffle sir" Jake said as he was now crying freely and tears were streaming down his face.

"Alright all done get off my lap." Doug said as he stood up spilling Jake to the floor. Jake tried to stand but his legs proved to be to weak and he collapsed to the floor. "I hope you remember this so I don't have to spank you again in the future." Doug said looking down at Jake curled into a ball sobbing. He hadn't even pulled up his boxers so his red ass was sticking out. Doug couldn't resist any longer. He sat back down on the couch and looked down at the boy. What he was about to do would go a long way in how far he could push this kid.

"Stand up!" Doug shouted. Jake jumped at his voice and turned and looked back at Doug. "I said stand up. Or do I have to spank you again?" Doug asked. Jake was on his feet in a matter of seconds. For the first time Doug realized Jake had an erection. He smiled to himself. Perfect he thought he enjoyed that. He likes pain that is certainly a good thing. "What's this?" Doug said as he reached out ant took a hold of Jake's little boner. He didn't grab it long just a little squeeze and let go. Jake jumped at his touch, but didn't pull away.

Doug leaned back and said. "How many pieces of pizza did you have tonight Jake?

"Um... four sir." Jake replied, not really understanding why Doug asked him that, Doug's' the one that gave it to him.

"And what did you say you would do for those four pieces of pizza?" Doug asked as he watched for a reaching from Jake.

"I.. I uh said I would do anything for pizza sir." Jake replied wondering just what he had gotten himself into this time.

"Good I'm glad you remember you said that." Doug replied as he leaned back on the couch. "Because that anything you offered to do for that pizza is to come over here and give me a blow job. I'm sure those nice lips of yours will do a wonderful job. Might I remind you what you wrote on that sheet too. If I don't do anything you ask me to, you can spank me. So, you either come over here and give me the best blow job I've ever had or I get to spank you 300 times. So pick which one you want, and I will use the belt this time."

Jake stared at Doug in shock. Doug wanted him to do what. How could he even think of that. That's disgusting, how could he do that... but then again he really didn't want to get spanked three hundred time with a belt. How bad could it be really he thought. Just suck it a couple times until he was about to shoot and be done with it. He'd just try to make it as quick as he could. "Lets go Jake I don't have all day." Doug said as he patted his lap and unzipped his shorts.

Jake walked over to Doug and got on his knees and looked at Doug not sure what to do next. "Well you can't suck it until you pull it out now can you." Doug said to Jake. Jake leaned down towards Doug's crotch and reached into the fly of his shorts and felt a hard cock. He wrapped his hand around it and slowly worked it out of Doug's boxers and pulled it out. It was huge Jake thought his never got that big. This hand to be seven inches or more. The biggest Jake's got when he measured it once was 4 inches and he thought that was big. He stared at it in amazement.

"Well start sucking, you said you would do anything or do I need to take off my belt?" Doug said. He was trying not to rush Jake but he had to feel the kids lips wrapped around his cock. "Just suck it like you would a lollipop."

Jake ran his tongue up the side of Doug's cock trying to see what it tasted like. Doug let out a soft moan. Not bad Jake thought, kind of tangy and salty but not revolting. He put the head of Doug's cock into his mouth and gently sucked on it. Doug moaned again. Jake wondered how much he could fit into his mouth, surely not the whole thing he would choke. He went down a little still sucking and Doug still moaning. "Just relax your throat and take it all, you can do it." Doug said to Jake as he twirled his fingers around in Jake hair moving the boys mouth to swallow more and more of his cock.

He had about five inches of his cock in Jakes mouth, he wanted the boy to deep throat him, but he didn't want to scare him from doing it again either. So this one time the boy would decide how much he took. Jake stopped at five inches but kept sucking, moving up and down the shaft. "play with my balls with your hands." Doug said between moans. This kid was a natural cock sucker. His mouth felt like soft velvet wrapped around his cock.

Jake reached up with his hands and started massaging Doug's balls as he bobbed his head up and down. Doug was moaning so he must be enjoying it Jake thought. It really wasn't that bad either. Not as repulsive as he thought it would be. Jake kept sucking and bobbing his head up and down while playing with Doug's balls.

Doug wanted this to last forever, but it was so damn hot this twelve year old sucking his dick he wasn't going to last much longer. He wrapped his fingers in Jake's hair so he could make sure the kid swallowed.

Jake felt Doug's balls move up into his body. This was different he thought. He kept sucking. He felt Doug's fingers tighten in his hair. Not enough to hurt him, but he couldn't move his head anymore. "Keep sucking boy, swallow it all." Doug said to Jake, just as he shot one, two, three no four blasts of hot cum into the boys mouth. Jake did his best to swallow it all, but he wasn't ready for the first burst so some got out between his lips. He sucked a couple more times trying to get more out. Once he realized there was no more he leaned back on his heals and looked up at Doug who had his head back and was smiling. Jake winced as he felt the welts from his spanking.

"You're a natural kid, a real natural cock sucker. Did you like that?" Doug asked looking down at Jake between his legs.

"It wasn't bad sir." Jake replied honestly. It was a little salty, but not really that bad. In fact he was really hard after everything. He was hoping Doug would let him do it again sometime.

"If you liked that wait until you see what other fun things we can do." Replied Doug as he winked at Jake.

To be continued...

More to come if the feedback keeps coming.

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