Counselor with Intentions

By Jake Lyons

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Let me first thank everyone who has taken the time to e-mail me with their feedback. As long as the feedback keeps coming I will keep writing for you guys and girls. So please send all feedback to All the normal disclaimers apply. If you shouldn't be reading this then don't. If you are offended by this type of stuff then what in the hell are you doing here anyway? This story is all make believe, any semblance to real people or event is strictly coincidence. This is the second part to this particular story, I am still in the process of `setting the scene' so please be patient I think your wait will be well worth it. I hope you all enjoy~

Doug woke up at 10:15 AM that morning and rolled out of bed. What a dream he thought as he walked to the bathroom his cock tenting his boxer shorts out. I can't believe that dream he thought to himself. He chuckled thinking what he would do with Jake if he was actually here. That had to be a dream he thought. He just finished going the bathroom when the phone rang. "Hello."

"Doug this is Shelly from the Center." replied the female voice on the other end of the phone. "We are still looking for Jake. As you know he ran away last night. Some of us are getting pretty worried about him. I know it's your day off, but would you mind coming in for a couple hours to help look for him this afternoon?"

"I ah... I ah... yeah sure what time do you want me in?" stammered Doug. What the fuck he thought to himself that wasn't a dream. What the hell was I thinking, now I have a twelve year old kid in my basement. Shit, shit, shit.

"How about twelve thirty or so?" asked Shelly "Jim and I were talking this morning when I came in and we think he might be trying to get home because he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday at the Center and his birthday is in three days. So we need people out there searching. Thanks for coming in, we'll get you a day off in a couple weeks to make up for it. Thanks again Doug, see you at twelve thirty."

"Yeah no problem." replied Doug as he hung up the phone. What the hell was he going to do now. He thought to himself. He went into his bedroom and put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and went downstairs to where last nights dream would become reality.

Doug got to the bottom of the steps and sure enough the hide-a-bed was pulled out and on that bed was a young boy sleeping with one hand handcuffed to the frame. Jake was still sleeping. He was curled up into a ball with his head resting on his arm and the blankets pulled up tight to his chin. He looks so peaceful Doug thought nothing like the little bastard that has caused him so many headaches at the center. He looked almost like a little angel laying there. Doug knew that how he work the kid up would go a long way in the control he wanted to have over the boy. He knew that if he started out hard it would be easier to soften up a little when he got things how he wanted them.

"Wake up you little bastard!" Doug shouted as he ripped the blankets away from Jake nearly spilling him to the floor in the process. Jake mumbled and rolled over covering his head with the pillow to steal a couple more seconds of sleep. "You have five seconds to get your ass out of that bed or you will have to deal with the consequences."

Jake peeked out from under the pillow, the look he gave Doug was a cross between sheer anger and defiance. "Fuck you!" Jake mumbled as he pulled the pillow back over his head.

Doug reached out and grabbed the pillow with both hands and waited until he felt Jake relax a little then yanked as hard as he could pulling the pillow away from Jake. "What did you say you little punk. You need to learn right now that I am in control not you. Now get your little ass out of that bed. Five... four... three... two..."

Jake hopped out of bed just before Doug said one. Jake stood with his right wrist handcuffed to the bed frame and his hair having the classic morning dishelmed look, sleep in his eyes but still caring that defiant look. "So what are you going to do to me?" he asked looking around the room obviously trying to figure out how to get out. Just as he turned back to look at Doug he was slapped on the left side of his face. Not enough to hurt, but it certainly got his attention.

"Remember you little puke that after everything you say you end with sir. If you don't you will be punished. It's that simple. Even you can understand that now can't you? I thought we taught you that last night before you went to bed?" asked Doug, he didn't really want to hurt the boy but he needed him to listen if this was going to go well. He couldn't have this kid be that defiant forever, or else it would never work. If truth be told he really liked the kid. Sure the kid was cute as hell and was an object of several of his jack-off sessions, but the kid was a neat kid. He was smart and easily likeable when he wasn't being a prick. He just had to break him down, kind of like what the Army did to basic training recruits.

"Ok, so what are you going to do to me... Sir." said Jake with a sly smirk on his face. He was obviously going to play this game as long as he could. Well maybe if the kid got a little uncomfortable he would change his tune.

"Well I am not going to 'do' anything to you." replied Doug "As far as I am concerned until you start treating me how you should treat adults I will go about my business. Now I bet you might get a little uncomfortable if I don't let you go the bathroom, if I don't let you eat and all the other things you want to do, but you see none of that will happen as long as you are being an asshole to me. Understand?"

Jake looked at the ceiling then back at Doug and said "I understand sir. I'm sorry. May I please go the bathroom again?" Jake then looked down at the floor. Doug wasn't sure if the kid was being legit or not, but he was liking the way things were going.

"Same rules as last night OK.?" Doug replied as he walked over to the bed. Jake looked up and nodded his head. Doug un-cuffed him and led him to the bathroom. Jake walked into the bathroom and looked around, he seemed nervous. "What's wrong?" Doug asked leaning up against the door jam intently watching the kid.

"It's just... it's just that... I uh... I have to go number two sir." Jake replied as he rung his hands in front of him. Obviously very nervous of going number two in front of someone.

"I told you until I can trust you I am not letting you out of my sight. So if you have to go number two then you better go now. Maybe if you would have gotten up when I said so and talked a little more socially I would turn my back, but not now." replied as he looked back at Jake. He was enjoying making the kid feel uncomfortable, if it was this easy this would surely go ok. There might be a couple bumps along the road, but things would be ok.

Jake looked around trying to figure out how to go the bathroom without Doug seeing him down there. Finally nature won out and it was either Jake sit on the toilet and go or he was going to go in his pants and he had nothing else to wear. He started to squat over the toilet and held his hand over his private area and pulled his pajamas down and quickly sat on the toilet. Doug smiled to himself, such a cocky kid so unsure of himself an odd mix. Doug looked down at his watch 10:45 AM shit he had to be at work in a little under two hours.

When Jake finished he reached out, still covering himself his hand, and grabbed the toilet paper. This was the moment Doug was waiting for, he knew the kid could cover himself and wipe at the same time. Jake have stood up and turned his back towards Doug and wiped. My god Doug thought to himself. What an ass on this boy. Two perfectly formed globes. Doug moved his hand to the front of his pants to hide his growing erection, he didn't want to scare the boy. Jake quickly finished and pulled up his pajamas and looked back at Doug. "What now sir?" he asked.

"Well I am guessing your hungry right?" replied Doug looking back at Jake again realizing how beautiful this kid. When this kid got older he would be absolutely gorgeous. Jake nodded his head admitting he was hungry. "Well before you eat you need to take a shower, you didn't have time last night because of how late it was, but you need to this morning. So do you want to do that now or wait?"

Jake looked scared and said "Can I eat before I take a shower sir?" Doug shook his head no. Jake hung his head and said "Are you going to watch me take a shower sir?"

"I already told you Jake, until I can trust you you're not leaving my sight. I also said if you would have listened earlier I might have let you, but not now. Maybe later. So do you want to take you shower now or not?"

Jake looked at Doug then back at the bathroom then back at Doug again. "No I think I'll wait, I'm not really that hungry right now."

"Fine by me, come back to the bed." replied Doug. Jake walked over to the bed and looked up at Doug. "Well what are you waiting for make your bed. You need to make your bed every morning from now on. Understood?"

"Yes sir." replied Jake as he made his way around the bed tucking in the sheets and straightening the blankets. Once he was done with that he looked up at Doug. Doug grabbed his right wrist, the one with the handcuff on it and rebuffed it to the bed frame.

"I have to go take my shower and get something to eat before I go into work for a little bit. It seems a kid ran away last night and they want me to help look for him. I will check back on you in a little bit." Doug replied as he made his way up the stairs and shut the door. He took a quick shower and then went about making himself some eggs and bacon. Doug finished eating his breakfast and looked at the clock 11:45 AM. He had to be to work in 45 minutes. Time to see if smelling the breakfast made Jake hungry enough to take a shower.

Doug opened the door and walked downstairs and looked at Jake sitting on the floor. "So are you ready to take a shower yet?" he asked looking down at the boy once again admiring his beauty.

"Yes sir. I am really hungry sir." replied Jake hanging his head as he spoke.

"Well we need some clothes for you to wear after your shower don't we. I'll be right back." Doug replied as he ran up the steps to his bedroom. He quickly searched through his drawers and found a pair of boxers and a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for Jake to wear until he could smuggle some of his own clothes out of the shelter. He made his way back downstairs and found Jake standing at the side of the bed. "Here are some things for you to wear when you're done with your shower." he said as he handed Jake the clothes. He un-cuffed Jake this time leaving the cuff on the bed so Jake was completely free of any type of restraint.

Jake made his way to the bathroom somewhat slowly. How do I take a shower without him seeing me he thought to himself. But he was pretty certain that Doug meant what he said, that if Jake didn't take a shower he wouldn't get anything to eat. "What's wrong now?" asked Doug walking into the bathroom behind Jake handing him a towel.

"N..n..nothing sir." replied Jake as he looked to the floor. "It's just that no one except my mom and dad have ever seen me without any clothes on."

"Don't worry you don't have anything that I don't. Besides you might as well get used to showering in front of people when you get older you will have to do it." replied Doug. He was trying to put the kid at ease, he knew he had to take this part slow in order to get the results he wanted. Doug leaned into the shower and started the water for Jake. "Alright lets hurry up I have to be to work in thirty five minutes."

Jake slowly pulled his shirt up and over his head. Showing his perfect boy chest. Doug looked on with no expression on his face. However, inside Doug was in seventh heaven looking at this beautiful boy in front of him. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would have a young boy in front of him taking off his clothes. Talk about making someone's day. Doug looked back at Jake to watch Jake slowly pull his pajama bottoms off showing off his perfect legs with not a single hair on them. Doug looked at his feet and slowly let his eyes wander up the boys young smooth body. He looked at Jake's legs, nice flat stomach, and beautiful chest with just a hint of little pectoral muscles starting to bud, and his nipples Doug had always had a fetish for small nipples and if he could have picked any nipples these would have been it. They couldn't have been bigger then a dime. Everything about this boy was perfect Doug thought.

Jake stopped realizing that Doug was staring at him, he blushed a little bit no one had ever paid this kind of attention to him. He stood in front of Doug's penetrating gaze in just his boxers wondering what to do now. He really didn't want to get naked in front of Doug, but he didn't really have much of a choice. He turned his back to Doug and slowly peeled off his boxers and let them fall to the floor with the rest of his clothes.

Doug realized he was staring but there was little he could do about it. He was standing there in utter amazement at the sheer beauty of this boy getting into the shower in front of him. Doug had the best seat in the house to see this magnificent specimen of boy ass in front of him. Doug watched as each step Jake took his ass cheeks would flex. Doug thought to himself what it would be like to spread those cheeks and give the boy his first rim job. "Can I pull the curtain?" Jake asked shaking Doug from his fantasies.

"Yeah sure go ahead." Doug replied. As soon as Jake pulled the curtain Doug started rubbing himself through his jeans. He didn`t want to admit it, but this boy was slowly developing a control over him. Just the site of him standing there naked gave him urges that no woman had ever given him before. He knew he was going to have to be careful, he wanted to do this the right way.

"Can you hand me those clothes please sir?" Jake asked interrupting Doug yet again. Doug was a little embarrassed that he was still rubbing himself and the boy had seen him. He didn't want to scare him. He handed Jake the pile of clothes he had brought down. Jake quickly dressed and stood facing Doug. Doug tried his best not to laugh at the boy. The clothes Doug had given him were obviously too big for him, but it was the best he could do.

"Alright back on with the handcuff while I get you your food." Doug said as he motioned towards the bed and the empty handcuff hanging from the frame. Jake walked over to the bed and held out his wrist ready to be cuffed again. Doug put the cuff on and said "Hang on I'll be right back." As he went up the stairs into the kitchen.

Doug came down the steps holding a box of Apple Jacks and a bowl and a large glass of milk. "Here you go, I hope you like Apple Jacks. I don't have time to cook anything because you didn't take a shower when I first asked you to. You can eat as much of these as you want. I have to go to work now to go look for a runaway that I doubt anyone will find today. I shouldn't be more then a couple hours. While I'm gone I have a task for you. Here is a note pad and pencil. I want you to write down what you expect to happen here and try to come up with some rules that you will have to live by as long as you are here. Okay."

"How long am I going to be here, and do I ever get to be without the handcuffs sir?" asked Jake a little scared over some of the things Doug said. Would he ever get to go home he wondered, would he ever get to see his mom and dad and girlfriend?

"Well maybe some of the rules you come up with will be how you can get out of the handcuff and what privileges and punishments you will get as well. But I have to go, we can talk more later when I get home. See you then." Doug replied as he made his way up the stairs and shut the door leaving Jake alone in the basement.

No to go to work and try to find the `runaway' Doug though to himself as he chuckled. This is all working so perfectly, better then he could have ever expected.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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