Counselor with Intentions

By Jake Lyons

Published on Dec 15, 2022


This is my first attempt at writing a story. This is just the starter part of the story. If I get enough feedback I will continue on. There are many things I want to do with this, but if the readers don't want to read then I am not going to waste my time. So please send all feedback to

All the normal disclaimers apply. If you shouldn't be reading this then don't. If you are offended by this type of stuff then what in the hell are you doing here anyway? This story is all make believe, any semblance to real people or event is strictly coincidence.

I hope you all enjoy~

"God damn it!" Doug screamed. "How the hell did he get away this time?" he asked the group of staff standing in front of him.

"I don't know he said he was going the bathroom right after the first night check. I went back to do the second check and the door was still closed. I knocked and no one answered so I pushed it open and the window was open and he was gone." Replied Jeremy the 22 year old new staff member at the residential center for emotionally disturbed and troubled youth.

They were talking about Adam. Adam was a 12 year old with a propensity for getting into trouble and doing things he shouldn't be doing. He was at the Center for basically being an ass to his parents and older sister. If you saw the boy it was hard to imagine him causing any trouble at all. He was small for his age only standing 4' 10" tall and tipping the scales at 75 pounds. Short blonde hair and ice blue eyes that could melt the hardest heart. What finally got him sent to the center was when his mom had found him after he had put the family cat in the dryer and turned it on. Of course the cat needed to be dried after being in the toilet he had said.

"You know we have to go look for him now." said Doug in frustration, this was the third time this week that they had to go look for Adam and it was only Wednesday! The center was set up with the backyard being a huge wooded area. The kids and staff often went hiking when the weather was good. At times like this the woods was a curse. A little 12 year old could hide anywhere out there. "I'll take the East trail, Jenny you take the North trail and Scott you take the West trail. Remember twenty minutes then come back here." Doug knew that the kid probably was already on the interstate which ran parallel to the woods about 300 yards away. The odds were pretty slim they would find him tonight. But heaven help that little bastard if Doug found him first, he was sick and tired of chasing this kid and if management wasn't going to do anything about it he would take matters into his own hands.

The three staff split up on their respective trails each taking a flashlight and a pair of handcuffs in case they did find him they could cuff him and bring him back. Scott had worked for the center for two years now and he had seen many kids run away, but this kid never gave up no matter what they did. Just last night to try to stop him from running away they took his shoes. So this kid was out here without shoes in his pajamas. Where the hell is he going to go he thought to himself. Regardless he had a job to do and went out searching. He knew the west trail pretty well so he had an idea where Jake would be if he took this route.

About 200 yards away Doug was fuming with anger. He had better things to do then chase spoiled brats around the woods at 10 O'clock at night. He was going to be at work until midnight doing the paperwork now. He was running through his mind just what he would do if he caught Jake. Maybe the kid would 'fall' a couple times going back to the center. It's dark and after all he might trip. His mind wandered to other nastier things he could do to the kid. Doug had been a boy-lover since he was fourteen and had a job as a lifeguard at the local public pool. He had never had a chance to act on that, but he had a computer and one could find anything on the net if you knew where to look. Maybe he could get a quick blow job from the kid before he took him back. Probably not the little fucker would tell anyone that would listen. Just thinking about it started making Doug's cock start to get hard. Oh what I could do you your little white ass Doug thought.

As he continued to think about the nasty things he could do he was walking and only half searching his trail. Suddenly Doug heard a twig break up ahead. He shut off his flashlight right away and moved toward the edge of the trail. The moon light was pretty good tonight he could make out shapes if he tried hard enough. Another twig snapped, this time a little closer. Onto the trail steps a slender boy looking around. He had the look of a convict in a movie trying to elude the police. Somehow he had got turned around, because Doug was in front of him the direction Jake needed to got to get to the interstate. What luck Doug thought, this little bastard is going to walk right into my hands. He carefully pulled out his handcuffs and crouched down ready to spring when the kid got close enough.

Jake looked up and down the trail trying to see if he was being followed or not. Finally being confident he was alone he started to casually walk up the trail towards the interstate. He was hoping to catch a ride back to his home town so he could hook up with his friends and hang out. He continued walking up the trail when he heard "Psst." He jumped a little and looked into the darkness, not really seeing anything. "H..h... hello." he stammered not entirely confident being out here by himself, after all he was only twelve.

Suddenly there was this blinding light right in front of his face where he was looking into the darkness and he quickly found himself on his stomach with his hands behind his back in handcuffs. "What the fuck!" he screamed "Get the hell off you asshole."

"Shut up Jake." said Doug "I am sick and tired of chasing your little ass around these woods. "I am going to take you back and you are going to lay down and go to bed and we will discuss your punishment tomorrow OK."

"Fuck you Doug." said Jake "I go where I want when I want and I sure as hell don't want to spend anymore time in that hell hole. As soon as you leave I will take off again. Sooner or later you guys will never find me."

Doug stopped and smiled "You know kid, you're right. One of these days no one will find you. Like maybe tonight eh." Doug was quickly forming a plan. Who was to say he found the kid? What if he never `found' him at all. He had searched for his twenty minutes and didn't see anything. Yeah this could work he thought. "Alright Jake stand up, we're going for a walk."

"What the hell does that mean." Jake said as Doug pulled him to his feet and started off up the trail. "What are you doing the Center is back that way." Jake said as he nodded his head back down the trail.

"I know where the center is you little fuck now shut up and for once in your life be a good boy." Doug replied as he quickly ushered the kid up the trail. Doug knew these trails like the back of his hand. He knew up here about 150 yards there was an abandoned shack that was just off the road. His plan was now in full swing there was no going back. He had always had dreams about what he was going to do, but he had never really thought it would work.

They came to the shack Jake still in his handcuffs and Doug holding the chain of the cuffs so there was no way Jake could get away. "Alright we're here." said Doug and he pulled the door open just enough so he and Jake could get in. There was broken bottles and an old lawnmower and a bunch of other junk in the shack. He did spot what would come in very useful though, a pile of rope that looked to be in good shape.

"What the fuck are we doing here?" questioned Jake as he looked around the little shack.

"I don't have a lot of time so just shut up. You are smart enough to figure it out. You wanted to run away so bad, well here you go. Your own little home." With that Doug pushed Jake into a sitting position and grabbed the rope. He looked up into the rafters and found a bean that seemed to be fairly solid, and threw one end of the rope over the beam. with the other end of the rope he tied it to the chain between the handcuffs. "What are you doing?" asked Jake his voice a little shaky as he was starting to get scared. Suddenly without warning his hands were pulled up and his shoulders strained. He quickly stood up to relieve the pain but his hands kept going up.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing? That hurts let me go. I'll tell Jim and Shelly, they'll fire your ass." screamed Jake. Jim and Shelly were the two head honchos at the Center and he could say anything and they would believe him. Jake was left standing on his tip toes with his hands pointing almost straight up in the air. God his shoulders hurt, he was certainly going to get Doug fired for this as soon as he got back. "You better let me the fuck go right now. You are so going to get fir..." Jake was interrupted in his rant by a swift punch to his stomach that knocked the wind out of him. He wanted to curl up, but the position he was in wouldn't let him.

"I told you once you little fuck, shut up." Doug said as he looked around for the last thing he needed. No seeing what he was looking for he walked up to Jake and pulled his socks off. He took one sock and stuffed it into the boys mouth so he couldn't yell anymore. He continued looking around the shack. He found an old roll of duct tape that was still sticky. Doug taped the sock in Jake mouth. Jake now had no hope of getting the sock out. He was no just sobbing and looking around like a cornered deer ready to bolt. "I am going back to the Center now. I will be back as soon as my shift is over. I want you to think about all the choices you have made the last two weeks. Once I get back I will let you down, I promise. Okay." said Doug as he patted the side of the boys face. Jake just looked up at him with a mixture of fear and anger in his face. Oh what I have planned for you Doug thought to himself.

Doug closed the door of the shack and started jogging back to the Center to meet up with the others that had went out on the search. He was pretty sure they hadn't found him either he thought as he had a soft chuckle to himself. --------------------------------------

Scott and Jenny were standing at the start of the trails when Doug jogged up to them. "Did you find him?" Doug asked already knowing the answer.

"Neither of us found any sign of him." replied Scott "I bet the little shit made it to the interstate and hitched a ride already."

"Probably right." replied Doug "Lets go do the paperwork and see if Eric has anything else for us to do before we head out for the night."

They walked up to the supervisors office. "We didn't find him." Doug said to Eric who looked up at them from behind his desk. "Is there anything else you want us to do?"

"No, I didn't think you guys would find him. I already did the paperwork. No use everyone sticking around. You guys head home. The rest of the kids are asleep and the night crew is here already. Check back tomorrow afternoon to see if they need you to search though." replied Eric.

"Sounds good." replied Doug "I will catch you guy tomorrow then. I hope they find him though. He is a small kid to be out there by himself. I hope nothing bad happens to him."

Doug tried his best not to run to the staff parking lot. He hopped in his 95 2 door Blazer and headed off. 5 minutes later he found himself backing up to the shack where he had left Jake forty five minutes earlier. He walked up to the shack and pulled open the door and shined his flashlight in. Just as he left him there was Jake with his sock in his mouth and arms up in the air. "Hey kiddo, how you doing?" asked Doug as he walked up to Jake. "Are your arms sore?" Jake nodded his head several times. "If I let your arms down are you going to do anything?" Jake shook his head no. "Okay I am going to let your arms down and I want you to sit right down where you are. Do you understand me?" Jake shook his head yes, just happy to be able to relax his shoulders he would do anything.

Doug walked over to the knot and untied it releasing Jake's arms. Jake sat down right away as promised. Good thought Doug, he learns quick. This is going to be fun. "Ok Jake here's the deal. You have been at the Center for 3 months now and have gotten in a lot of trouble. I don't think the Center is the right place for you. So what I am going to do is take you to my house and try to see if we can't get through. So we are going to walk out to my truck and you are going to get in back and we will go to my house. Do you understand me?" Jake looked up at Doug very unsure of what he had just heard, but nodded his head in agreement.

"Good stand up then." Jake rocked himself into a standing position still with his arms behind his back. He walked with Doug out to his Blazer and Doug picked him up and put him in back. Doug then had Jake lay on his stomach and tied his feet to the handcuffs. Doug then covered Jake with a blanket so if anyone did look they wouldn't see anything.

Doug heard the crunch of gravel as a car pulled up. The lights were on bright making it hard to see. Suddenly Doug realized there was too many lights for a normal car. It was the cops. Fuck Doug thought not now, not yet. Doug walked up to the patrol car so the cop wouldn't get out.

"Can I ask what you're doing over here sir?" asked the cop from inside his patrol car.

"Hi officer." Doug replied "I was just checking the shed. I work at the center and we had a runaway tonight. I thought I would check the shed quick before I headed home. You never know where those kids can hide."

"I got the report of that runaway." replied the cop "Still haven't found his yet? No problem I just had to check to make sure you weren't dumping a body." the cop said as he started to laugh "So I guess he's not in there then?"

"No I was just getting ready to head home for the night now." replied Dog hoping Jake wouldn't make any noises in his truck.

"Ok I'll let you be. Have a good night and I hope you catch the little guy soon." said the cop as he backed out of the drive and drove away. Doug leaned back against his Blazer and took a deep breath. Well no going back now thought Doug as he hopped into his truck and drove home.

Doug pulled into his garage and closed the garage door and opened the back hatch. He moved the blanket away and Jake was looking up at him. "Alright we're here. Once we get out of the garage we are going to go right to the back door and into the house. Do you understand me?" Jake nodded his head. "Good the more you cooperate the easier it will be." Doug leaned in and untied Jake's feet from the handcuffs and helped him out of the back of the Blazer.

Doug hurried Jake into his house, it wasn't a large house by any means but he was a bachelor so it was fine for him. His house had a downstairs and half an upstairs and a good size main floor. He led Jake to the basement There was nothing special about the basement. He had a small hide-a-bed for anyone that ever spent the night and a bathroom down here as well. There was only one window and it was only about two feet by three feet and near the ceiling.

"Do you have to go the bathroom?" Doug asked. Jake looked at him and slowly nodded. "Well we have two choices then. Either I can get your word that you won't do anything and I will un-cuff you and you can go the bathroom or I can help you go the bathroom. Which will it be?" Jake mumbled something but the dirty sock in his mouth made understanding him impossible. "If I take this off are you going to scream?" asked Doug motioning to the tape and sock. Jake shook his head no. In one movement Doug ripped the tape from Jake's mouth. There was a muffled scream from the pain of the tape. Doug then pulled the dirty sock from his mouth. Jake was about ready to spit on the floor when Doug said "If you spit on my floor you will lick it up."

Jake looked at Doug then back at the floor before saying "Can I just go the bathroom."

Doug reached out and slapped Jake across the face. "When you ask for something he last word out of your mouth will be sir. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I guess." replied Jake. Doug's hand was like a serpent smacking him upside the head a second time. "What was that for?" Jake asked just as the hand hit him on the other side of his face.

"I just told you. After everything you say, you end it with sir. Every time you don't you will be punished. That's the easiest way for you to understand. Got it?" said Doug standing over the boy.

"Yeah I got it." replied Jake "Sir!" Jake quickly added as Doug's hand started to rise.

"Good you are learning. Now which do you want? Cuffs off or do you want me to help you?" questioned Doug.

"I would like to do it myself. Sir." stammered Jake. There was no way he wanted Doug touching him there. No one had seen him naked since as long as he could remember. Well there was Stacey, Jake's girlfriend back home, but that was different. No guy had ever seen him there before.

"Alright I will take off the cuffs but the bathroom door stays open so you don't try anything." With that Doug reached out and un-cuffed the boy. Jake instinctively rubbed his wrists where the cuffs had been. He looked at Doug and then started walking into the bathroom. He walked up to the toilet and unbuttoned his pajamas and turned his back towards Doug so he couldn't see. If Jake would have looked up he would have seen the mirror above the sink. The mirror was in the perfect position to give Doug a great view of Jake's 12 year old little cock. It couldn't have been more then an inch and a half on pure cut boy meat. This was the first time Doug had seen a boy cock in person. He almost creamed in his pants right there. No not yet he thought. There will be plenty of time. He smiled to himself as his fantasies ran through his mind.

Jake finished and flushed the toilet and looked back at Doug. His eyes saying now what. "Well you must be tired after all that. It's twelve thirty in the morning right now." Doug said looking back at Jake as he leaned against the door frame. "Go pull out your bed. I am not going to do it for you."

Jake walked over to the couch and pulled off the cushions and set them off to the side. He had some trouble pulling the bed out, but Doug made no motion as to help the small boy set it up. Jake was finally able to wrestle the bed out and set it up. There were already sheets on the bed so he didn't have to do that. "Ok hop up there." said Doug. Jake hopped up on the bed and was surprised at how comfortable the bed actually was. Doug handed Jake a pillow and started to walk upstairs. "Oh wait I almost forgot." said Doug as he came back to the bed. He grabbed Jake's right wrist and handcuffed it to the bed. "Just in case you get any ideas. I will check on you in the morning when I wake up. If you wet the bed you will have to be punished. Goodnight. Doug shut off the light and left the kid alone to think about what was going to happen. He also had to get out of there because his seven inches of manhood were ragging in his jeans and needed some relief.

He went right to his bathroom and couldn't wait so he pulled his cock out of his pants and started pumping away at a fever pace. He lasted maybe two minutes before he had the mother of all orgasms. He sprayed the wall and the mirror in the bathroom. Wow he thought to himself and this was after just thinking about what I am going to do to Jake... what is it going to be like when I actually do things to him! Doug cleaned himself up as well as the bathroom and took a quick shower and jumped into bed, ready for the dreams of Jake and him that would surely come.

To be continued... if I get enough feedback.

Next: Chapter 2

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