Counselor Jake

By joey asdf

Published on Mar 12, 2014


This story is purely fictional, All characters are made up. Please don't post this story elsewhere without my permission.

Jake the Counselor Feedback:

"Really? We have to do it all over again?" Jake sighed.

Jake's best friend, Max, shook his head, "No, dude, this time it's gonna be cool. We get to be in charge! Think about it, 'Jake the Counselor'."

Jake sighed again, "I guess it might be better." His only memories of camp were bad. Everyone in seventh grade had to take a bus up to the mountains and they would stay there for a week away from home. Back then, Jake was just coming to terms with his sexuality. He had just learned how to masturbate and it was all he could think about during camp. The indians and hikes sucked, he would spend the whole time thinking about the cute guys in his class and how he wished he was at home jerking off to porn on his computer.

Max put his hand on Jake's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, man. We're going the same week. We'll help each other through it if it sucks dick."

Jake smiled, "Yeah. It'll be alright." The schoolbell rang and they parted ways to go to their separate classes.

That night, Jake laid on his bed thinking back to the camp. He decided that he would make it so none of the kids in his cabin would have as bad a time as he did. He hated his counselors in his cabin. They never paid attention to him and would talk to each other while the kids did whatever. He thought about how strange it was that he thought of seventh graders as kids. He never thought of himself as a kid back then. It was only four years later. He wasn't even a senior in high school yet. He realized that people in college probably think of him as a kid. And people older than them think of people in college as kids. He soon drifted off into his dreams.

Jake always seemed to remember his sex dreams but not much else. One night, he had a sex dream about Max. He had never thought of Max that way since they'd known each other since elementary school. Still, he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that Max turned out to be extremely hot. He had long, wavy blonde hair and he was tall. He worked out regularly and it showed. They'd also seen each other naked time to time in locker rooms at school and at swimming pools. Max was very confident about his body and everyone knew it. He brushed off the dream as a random occurrance and tried not to think about it. After all, he knew Max was straight and had a girlfriend.

Jake was thankful they didn't have to ride the same bus up to the mountains as the kids. He was able to sit next to Max and relax for the next four hours until they reached the cabins. "So, what cabin did you get? I'm Oak." Max asked.

"Luna," Jake responded. "Sounds gay."

"Right up your alley then, huh?" Max joked. Jake confided in him a couple of years ago.

"Shhhh," Jake hushed. "Someone might hear you!"

"Oh come on, no one gives a shit. It's 2014, being gay is, like, a good thing now."

"Yeah, but still..." Jake insisted.

Max turned his smile into a serious look for two seconds, "Alright, alright. I'll stop."

A couple hours later, they finally left the city area and began the bumpy bus ride up. Jake and Max had both fallen asleep on the way up but the bumpiness woke them up. Jake rubbed his eyes and looked at Max to see if he was awake. While bringing his eyes up, he couldn't help but notice Max's bulge in his jeans and stared for a second too long.

"Hey," Max said. Jake shot his eyes up to Max's face.

"Sorry," Jake said. "I didn't mean to look."

"It's okay," Max responded. "It's just weird, you know? Like, I've known you for so long. And to think--" Max paused and smiled.

"--to think," he took Jake's hand and placed it on his bulge and whispered, "You'd actually suck my dick if I asked you to."

Jake shot his hand away. "No, I wouldn't. You'd have to like, buy me dinner first or some shit," he joked. Secretly, they both knew that Jake probably wouldn't turn down the opportunity if he did ask him. He wasn't out to anyone but Max and was a virgin in every way.

"Don't worry, buddy. I'm sure you're classy," Max smiled.

They both started some more small talk as they finished the ride up.

The counselors all got to the campsite first and the kids would arrive an hour later. They got instructions on how the daily routine goes and if there was ever a problem with a kid, to report it to a teacher. Jake realized that the camp literally didn't change at all. The routine was the same, the cabins were the same, everything was the same. The Luna and Oak cabins were next to each other, about twenty yards apart, which was a very short distance considering how long the campsite stretched out.

The first day was a relax day. The counselors were encouraged to get to know the kids in their cabin and they had a couple of hikes lead by teachers. Otherwise, everyone pretty much stayed in and around the cabins and enjoyed being not-in-school.

Each cabin had two counselors and they were always the same gender as the kids in the cabin. His counselor partner was from a different school. His name was Ben and was also a junior in high school. Jake, Ben, Max, and Max's counselor partner, Jerry, hung out together on a picnic bench before the kids arrived. They all talked about how they remembered the camp being four years ago. They all seemed to like different things. Ben loved the hikes, Max loved the girls, Jerry loved the role-playing, and Jake loved the games.

They heard tires on dirt in the distance followed by the screams and yelling of a bunch of kids. "Well, I guess it begins. Hopefully we get a break and can chill like this at some point this week," Max said. They all said their good-bye's and see ya's and headed back into their two cabins.

About ten minutes later, the door to Jake's cabin opened and in walked a handful of seventh graders with their backpacks and suitcases. Jake and Ben said hello to each of them. There were five in total: Hayden, Eddie, Jules, Luke, and Brad. Jake realized that even though they were four years younger, they were actually pretty cool. He wanted them to see him as a counselor though, so he tried not to seem like they could walk all over him. He couldn't help but think about how cute they were.

"I probably would have had a crush on most of them in seventh grade," he thought to himself. He tried to ignore the fact that he still thought they were pretty hot. Ben seemed very nonchalant about everything and Jake realized he was probably going to have to be the hardass in case they got too wild.

After dinner that night, everyone was to return to their cabins and get to know each other better. Not all of the kids in the cabins knew each other well so they were encouraged to just be alone without the counselors. The idea was that they became friends, at least for the seven days that they were at the camp.

The counselors on their side of the camp met up for a teacher-counselor meeting where the teacher explained more information to them. Everything seemed pretty common sense to Jake but it made sense to him why they would need to go over it. After about twenty minutes, they all head back to their cabins.

Jake and Ben were greeted by five rustled up kids yelling. They were all talking at once that they couldn't make out what each of them was saying.

"HEY!" Jake yelled. The five kids instantly stopped talking. "What's going on?"

Jules stood up and said, "Okay, Eddie said that he got a blowjob from Carrie at school but Luke is dating Carrie and thinks Eddie is lying because she won't give him a blowjob and Hayden asked Eddie what a blowjob feels like and he told us but then Brad said that that's not what a blowjob feels like and no one thinks Brad has had a blowjob either."

Jake was so confused at this point and all he could muster up was a "What?!"

Ben said, "You guys were supposed to be getting to know each other, not talk about what blowjobs feel like."

"We will," said Hayden. "But let's settle this first, what does a blowjob feel like?"

Jake and Ben looked at each other and both shrugged at the same time. The kids said, almost in unison, "You guys have NEVER had a blowjob!?" They seemed to be in disbelief.

"Not everyone has had a blowjob before," Jake said.

"Yeah, but you're like, old!" said Hayden. "I mean, how have you not had one yet?"

"I don't know, man. I just haven't."

Brad started talking, "I have an idea. How about someone gives Hayden a blowjob and he can tell us if it feels like what Eddie said."

"What?!" Jake exclaimed. "No way! No blowjobs in the cabin."

"ooh, you're just jealous that I'm getting one and you're not," Hayden teased.

"I'm not jealous, it's just a bad idea is all..." Jake trailed off and looked at Ben. "What do you think?"

Ben was on his phone, "Shit, I don't care. I'm just trying to get through the night. There's no fuckin' reception up here." He put his phone back in his pocket. "But if someone is going to give Hayden a blowjob, who's gonna volunteer?"

There was silence as the kids realized that even though they wanted one, they weren't sure if they wanted to give one.

"How about," Luke said. "Hayden and someone else give each other a blowjob so it's fair."

"That's a good idea!" said Jules.

"I'm first, though," said Hayden.

All the kids looked at each other, thinking it over. "I'll do it," Brad said, finally. "But you better hold up your end, too."

"Wait, wait," Jake stammered. "I mean, Ben... what if one of the teachers comes in?"

"I'll keep watch," he responded and walked outside to sit on the bench.

"Okay, I guess..." said Jake. "Go ahead."

Hayden stood up and took off his pants. "Wait, what the hell? Not here, do it in there!" Jake pointed to the bathroom.

"Noooo," said Luke. "I wanna see them actually do it. I don't think they will."

"Me too," said Jules and Eddie.

Hayden resumed his stripping and took off his white shirt over his blonde hair. All he had left were his boxers and he seemed to hesitate. "Same time as you," he said to Brad. Brad stood up and took off his shirt and pants.

Jake couldn't help but stare in wonder at the two cute boys about to experience more sex than he's ever experienced in his life. Brad had the torso of someone who has just started working out and Hayden was just thin. The three boys sat cross-legged to the side just staring in awe. "Teacher, can you countdown for us?" Hayden said.

Jake didn't realize for a second that he was "teacher". "Three, two, one." he said. Hayden and Brad both pulled their boxers down and revealed their entire naked bodies. Both of them were rock hard and were starting to develop bushes. Jake looked on and saw that both of their dicks were about five or six inches hard, which was about what he had back then.

"So go ahead!" Hayden said as he pointed to his dick. Brad got down on his knees and inched forward until he was right in front of Hayden's dick. He stuck his tongue out and licked the tip which already had some precum oozing out.

Brad took his tongue in. "Salty," he said. The three kids watching laughed.

"Come on!" Hayden said and moved his hands to the back to Brad's head pushing his mouth towards his dick. "Suck it, pleeeeease". He was begging at this point.

Brad allowed Hayden to push him onto his dick and engulfed most of the shaft before it started being too much. "Stop hitting it with your teeth!" said Hayden. Brad did his best and licked up and down the shaft while Hayden pushed him back and forth on his dick. Hayden didn't last very long, only about forty-five seconds before he exclaimed, "I'm gonna cum!"

He pushed Brad's head onto his dick as he shot six bursts of cum into his mouth. Brad gagged and coughed and cum came shooting out the side of his mouth and Hayden finally let go. "What the FUCK, man? I never said you could cum in my mouth," he struggled out that sentence in between coughs. "I fucking swallowed some of it, fag."

"You swallowed my cum and I'm the fag?" Hayden smiled.

"Shut the fuck up and come here," Brad stood up and pointed to his dick the way Hayden did earlier.

"No way, I don't want your dick in my mouth!"

"It was part of the deal!" Brad screamed.

"Yeah, I made that deal when I was thinking with my dick. Now that I'm not horny anymore, it seems gross."

Brad was enraged as the other kids stood by. "Make him suck it, teacher!" he said to Jake.

Jake didn't know what to do. Hayden lied to get out of it but he didn't feel right forcing him to suck Brad off. "I can't, Brad..." Jake said. "It's not right."

"How is it right that he fucked me over like this? I swallowed his gross ass cum." The four other kids giggled to each other.

"I-- uhh..." Jake stammered. "It's not right."

Eddie pointed to Jake's pants, "Look, the teacher has a boner!" The kids were shocked.

"Yeah, um... I mean, it happens to everyone."

"Are you gay?" Jules asked the question everyone was thinking.

"W-well, y-yeah... I guess."

Brad said, "Wait, if you're gay, then you can suck my dick and Hayden won't have to."

"Yeah! Duh!" said Hayden, as if he knew all along.

"No, dude... it wouldn't be right."

"Why not? You're a fag, here's a dick. Isn't that what you like doing?"

Jake sighed, "Yeah, but if someone found out..."

"No one's gonna tell," said Brad.

Jake was really horny after watching Brad give Hayden a blowjob and was always curious about giving one. He decided if no one found out, then it would be fine. "Okay then."

Jake walked to Brad and got down on his knees, almost level with his dick. He had seen this done a million times in porn but it was so much different in real life. He could smell Brad. He put the head in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it a few times.

"Mmmmm," moaned Brad. He decided to sit down on his butt and let Jake lay down in between his legs. Jake went up and down the shaft with his tongue. This is the first time he felt like he was doing what he was meant to be doing. He used his index finger and thumb to jerk off Brad's dick while going up and down the full length with his mouth.

"Holy shit," Eddie said. "He looks good at that."

Jake kept sucking Brad off and seemed to be lost in a trance, as if nothing else mattered. Suddenly, he was poked on his left shoulder by a finger. He let go of Brad's dick and looked up. Eddie, Jules, and Luke were standing there with their shirts on but hard dicks out.

"Didn't you hear us? We said we wanted a BJ too."

Jake realized he wasn't listening to anything, he was just lost in his own mind while sucking Brad's dick. "Sorry, I didn't hear you." He got up onto his knees again and started jerking off Luke and Jules on the left and right of Eddie. Eddie had the biggest dick of them all, about seven inches which looked even bigger on his thin twink body. He had long, black hair and a cute face. He moved his mouth on the length of Eddie's dick while still jerking off Jules and Luke. Eddie sighed in pleasure.

Hayden was hard again and went in front of Brad, who was still sitting down but watching Jake blow Eddie. "Sorry, I should have just done it," Hayden said and laid down in front of Brad to hold up his end of the deal. Brad smiled and pushed Hayden's head down on his dick like what happened to him.

Jake couldn't believe what was happening. He was actually sucking off a bunch of seventh graders. He went from one dick to the next and they would jerk themselves off while he wasn't bobbing his head up and down on their cocks. Eddie started moaning loudly. "I'm gonna cum!" he repeated a few times. Jake was happy Eddie was the first to cum. He thought he was by far the cutest in the group and spent the most time sucking Eddie's long dick. Jake let Eddie shoot his cum into his mouth and swallowed every drop.

Eddie sighed and sat on his bed while watching the rest go at it. Jake was sucking Luke off while Jules was furiously jerking off. In near perfect unison, both of them said they were about to cum and Jake took his left and right hands to push them both closer to each other. He put both of their dick heads into his mouth at once and licked around the tips. They both exploded into his mouth at the same time. There was so much cum from both of them shooting at once that Jake started coughing and had to spit some of it out.

Meanwhile, Brad was still forcing Hayden's head up and down his dick but when he was about to cum, he let Hayden take his mouth off. Instead, he held Hayden's head in place and jerked a few times to start shooting. He shot seven or eight huge loads of cum onto Hayden's face. A couple shots got into his hair, a couple above his eye, and the rest splattered around his face.

"Fuck," Hayden said. "I guess I deserved that." The rest of them laughed.

Jake smiled, "So, no one's gonna say anything, right?"

"If we did, then how could we get more blowjobs while we're here?" Eddie said.

"So, uh, Hayden, did it feel like Eddie said it did?" Jules asked.

"Who gives a shit!" said Luke. "We've all gotten a blowjob now, so it doesn't matter anymore."

"Well, not everyone," Hayden said and pointed at Jake.


Next: Chapter 2

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