Could It Be You

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Aug 15, 2001


Well guys, here we go once again. That's right it's time for Angel to once again make his return to the Nifty boards. For those of you who have been reading my story, thank you. For those that have written me I appreciate the response and I apologize for not having written back. However things have been a bit hectic around her lately between work and a fire in the kitchen, my grandmother getting sick, and finally remodeling the house. So I apologize for not having written back, I do still have all emails in my account and I will be working on replying to them as I can.

A couple of shout outs like always:

DDP: Bro keep it kewl. Zak: Write me sometime damn it. Clive: Give me a hollar Missy: Babe you rock and don't let anyone tell ya other wise. Brad: I miss ya. Also I'd like to make a shout out to all the regulars at #boybands. You guys are awesome. And now a special shout out to a very special friend of mine, Jake, thanks for the support. I can honestly say without you that this chapter wouldn't have been written by now. Thank you for everything. Love you.

Last time:

As I drifted off to sleep the last thing that I remember was hearing the door close.

And now:

I woke up to sunlight streaming through the window onto my face. As I lay there I was momentarily confused as to where I was until I looked around the room. With a slight smile on my face, I realized that I was home in my own room. Looking over at the man lying next to me my smile broadened even more. It was hard to believe that after nearly a year him and I had found each other. As I laid there and watched his sleeping form, I couldn't help but think how wonderful he was. Those perfect eyes, his hair that was hanging over his forehead down into his eyes, his voice, and a perfect body and all of it was mine. Leaning up on an elbow, I reached out and slowly brushed the lock of hair out of his face. Smiling down at my angel, I started to get out of bed, when a hand reached up and grabbed mine. Looking back down, I smiled as JC pulled my hand to his lips with a gentle kiss.

"Where do you think you're going?" he mummer around my hand.

"I had to go to the restroom," I said as I gently pulled my hand from his. Bending down, I kissed him on the forehead and hopped out of bed. Reaching for a pair of boxers, I slid them on and made my way down the hall to the bathroom. As I finished my business I looked at myself in the mirror. It was hard to believe that this was the same guy who had looked at me all year. Gone were the bags under my eyes, gone was the glazed look that had been in my eyes, instead it seemed like I nearly back to my normal self. I was so occupied with what I was seeing that I failed to notice JC come into the room. It was until I turned to head out of the room, that I noticed him standing in the doorway and it was like I was seeing him for the first time. As my eyes traveled up and down his body, I marveled at the physique that was presented to me. From head to toe you would be hard pressed to find a more perfect specimen. As I stared at him, I didn't realize that he was doing the same thing until a voice startled us out of our revelry.

"If you two are through staring, I do need the restroom," Justin said as he walked around JC. "I would use the other one, but I think that Jon and Erin are in there."

"Why do you think that?" I asked as I broke off my stare long enough to glance his way.

"Well judging from the moans that are going on and the fact that one of them are female, there's not much more that one can expect."

"Sorry, I should have warned you. They're what I call sound exhibitionists." I could tell that Justin and JC both were confused, so I elaborated, "What I mean is they get off on people hearing them perform." As understanding dawned in their eyes we all started laughing. "Come on love boy, let's let Justin get about his business. Let us know when you get through. I know that I definitely need a shower, and I might need some help," I said with a mischievous glance at JC.

As we got back to my room I pulled JC into a frantic kiss. As our tongues dueled, I slid my hands down his back to that perfect ass. As I pulled him as close to me as I could, I could fell his manhood pressing against mine both of them pulsing in time with each other. As we finally broke the kiss, I gazed into those eyes filled with desire and found myself getting lost in them. "Has anyone ever told you that you're gorgeous?" I whispered to him.

"Not as gorgeous as the man standing in front of me," he whispered back to me before pressing his lips against mine and moving me back to the bed.

Several hours later I awoke once again to find his body spooned against mine. Rolling over, I gently kissed him on the forehead. "Time to get up babe," I whispered into his ear.

"Don't wanna," he grumbled as he pulled me closer to him.

"We've got to babe or the others are going to think we're holding each other hostage."

"Let them think what they want," he said as he nuzzled his face into my shoulder. As I played with his hair, I felt myself giving into his demands. Reaching down, I brought my hand down with a sound smack on his ass and jumped out of bed.

As he looked at me with shock, a smile quickly came over his face. "I'll get you for that," he said he jumped out of bed.

With a glance I was out of the room and running down the steps. As I reached the bottom, I ran right into Erin. As I tried to keep us both from falling, JC came tearing down the steps and ran into both of us causing all three of us to fall in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. As we looked at each other we all started laughing. Getting up I reached down and pulled Erin to her feet. Then extended my hand toward JC. As he grabbed my hand I could see the twinkle in his eye and tried to break free, but was unable to before he pulled me down on top of him.

"Told you I'd get you back," he said as he kissed me on the nose.

"So now that you've got me, what are you going to do with me," I asked as I hugged him close to my body.

"I'm sure that we can think of something," he said as a smile came lit up his face.

With a laugh I kissed him and then forced myself back on my feet. Reaching down a hand I pulled him up onto his and twirled him around before pulling him close to me. As I snuggled into him from behind, I looked at Erin with a smile on my face. "See what I have to put up with?" I asked as I winked at her. "Here I was minding my own business and he threatens me. Then when I try to get away from him, he chases me into the arms of my best friend. What kind of man is this?" I asked as I tried to hold back a laugh.

"The type of man who is going to prove himself a man of his word," JC said with a mock serious expression on his face before he started laughing. As Erin and I joined him, we were startled to hear a voice clearing from behind us. Looking back up the stairs, I was surprised to see Tim there with a serious expression on his face.

"Ant, can I speak to you for a min?" he asked quietly.

"Sure bro. Give me a sec okay?" I asked as I turned my attention back to JC.

"Anthony, I need to speak with you now." Tim demanded.

Hearing this, I frowned. The only time that Tim ever called me by my full name was when he was serious about something. "Okay," I said as I looked pleadingly into JC's eyes. At his nod, I reluctantly let go of him and followed Tim to the guest room. "Okay, you wanted to talk so let's talk."

"Anthony, don't you think that I can take care of myself?"

"Of course I do," I asked as confusion clouded my face.

"Then why are you trying to get guardianship of me? I'm 17 years old. I'm old enough to take care of myself. You're treating me like I'm a kid."

"Tim, that's not it at all. Until you are 18 you cannot be expected to take care of yourself. You're still a minor. Until you reach 18 you have to have someone to take care of you."

"But Anthony, How I can expect for you to take care of me. You have your own life to live."

"Now stop it right there," I said as I got out of the chair and sat down next to him on the bed. As I reached over and hugged him to me I whispered to him, "Do you remember when you were 8 years old? How you would come into my room on a stormy night and crawl into bed with me because you were scared of the thunder? What did I tell you then?"

"That you'd always be there for me and that you wouldn't let anything happen to me," he said as tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"I wasn't there to keep that promise," I said as tears of my own started to flow, "but that's one mistake that I'll never make again. Tim, I might have my own life to live, but that life includes my brother. Not my half-brother, but my brother because I've never thought of you as anything other than that. Family sticks together bro. I would go to the end of the world and back for you. I'd give up my dreams, my passions, and my love to see you happy. That's why I'm trying to get guardianship Tim. It's not because I don't think that you can take care of yourself. It's quite the opposite as a matter of fact. You've taken care of yourself for too long, it's time to let someone take care of you for a change." As I pulled him into a hug, tears flowed freely. This was my brother and it hurt to see him hurting this much. Even my own pain was but a dim ache compared to what he was going through.

With a sob he through himself into my arms and held on to me as tight as he could and for a minute there we were kids again with me comforting him once more. As he finally cried himself to sleep, I tenderly reached down and brushed the tears from his face. Then pulling a cover over him, I sat down next to the bed and watched him. It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder that I realized I wasn't alone in the room anymore. As I looked up into the familiar blue eyes, I threw myself into his arms.

"Shh, don't say anything," JC said as I started to open my mouth. "I just came to tell you that lunch is ready if you're hungry."

Looking up into his eyes once again I saw the love and the sorrow that they held and knew that he'd heard at least some of what was said. With a silent nod, I allowed myself to be led down to the kitchen. Sitting at the table I bowed my head and gave a silent prayer of thanksgiving. Looking back up, I noticed that everyone was staring at me with different expressions on their face. Chris and Joey seemed slightly confused, while Justin and Lance had concerned looks on their face. With a slight smile in their direction I was able to communicate to them that I was okay. It was only when I actually looked at the table that I realized something was amiss. The only course on the table was macaroni and cheese. It was then that I heard a voice from behind me that I thought I'd never hear again.

"So why didn't you tell me that you had someone famous staying with you? And why in the hell didn't you tell me you were going after Tony?" my sister asked as she stepped into the doorway.

"Rena?" I asked disbelief ringing in my voice. "Oh my god, sis. What in the hell are you doing here? I thought that you didn't want to speak to me. I mean after what I've heard from back home, I thought that no one in the family wanted anything to do with me." I said as I stared at her.

"Ant, you're my brother. It took me a while to realize that, but when I did I told mom and dad that they were being assholes and I moved in with Jeff."

"Does he know?" I started to ask before I realized that someone else had stepped out of the living room with her. "Jeff," I said as I got up to extend my hand to my sister's boyfriend and one of my old high school friends. To my surprise he pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't realize what was going on in your family until Rena told me," he said as he released me, "if I'd known I would have been there for you."

"Well you're here for me now." I said as I hugged him and my sister both. "I guess you're the one that cooked lunch," I said as I glanced at my sis.

"Yeah, how'd ya guess?"

"Well around here we're used to people who can cook more than macaroni and cheese." I said drawing a laugh from everyone present. "Oh man, where's my manners. Rena, you know who these people are. You only listened to me going on about them forever when I was still in the house, so I'm sure that I don't need to introduce to them. However guys, this is my sister and her boyfriend Jeff."

"Fianc‚," my sister interrupted with a smile as she brought up her hand showing off the ring.

"Well fianc‚ then," I said with surprise. Hugging them both again I muttered my congratulations to them. Then pulling Rena off to the side, I whispered to her. "Tim's upstairs."

"What?" she cried out in surprise. "How?"

"That's what I went after Tony for. He had Tim." As I said this I saw a haunted look come over my sisters face.

"Was he," she started.

"Yeah." I said cutting her off.

"Oh my god," she cried bringing a hand up to her mouth. As the tears started to trickle down her face, I reached over and hugged her once again.

"It's okay sis, he'll never hurt any of us again." I whispered to her as I stroked her back. Looking over at Jeff, I motioned him over and had him take her from me. I watched as he led her to the couch and pull her to him in a comforting embrace. I didn't even realize that I had tears pouring down my face, until a hand reached out and stroked them off my face. Looking up I was surprised to see that it was Lance instead of JC. Without a word, he pulled me into a hug. When he released me Justin was next in line, then Joey, and then Chris. After each of them hugged me they went over and said something to my sister. As I turned to head back to the kitchen, I was stopped by yet another pair of arms wrapping themselves around me. I knew immediately from the feel that it was JC. As I leaned my head back against JC's shoulder, he kissed me on the back of my head. Immediately a sense of comfort spread through my body.

"Will she be okay?" JC asked with obvious concern as he turned us toward my sister.

"Yeah, she's just having to deal with what Tim and I went through last week. At long last all of us are free."

As we stood there we failed to hear Tim coming down the stairs. It wasn't until we heard a cry and saw a figure rushing across the room that we realized he was there. Before we knew what was happening, Tim had grabbed Rena and was spinning her around before sitting her back down and hugging her tight. "Sis! Oh man! I'm so happy to see you!" he said as he held the now laughing girl tight to him. Within minutes the two of them were chatting like crazy. Tim and Rena had always held a bond that I was jealous of, but I guess it came from being the same age. Now I'm sure that many of you will wonder about that, but let's just say that my father wasn't known for keeping it in his pants.

As I made my way back to the kitchen, I looked at the table once more and went to the refrigerator. Within minutes I had some chicken tenders going and was in the process of making some instant mash potatoes when JC came into the room and asked if there was anything that he could do. "Do you know how to make biscuits?" I asked with a grin.

"Open up a can and put them on the pan?"

"In that case, you finish up the potatoes and I'll make the biscuits." Within seconds I was up to my elbows in dough. The essential thing about making biscuits is getting the measurements just right. Ten minutes later I had finished up the dough and was starting to making it into balls and putting them on the pan. When I had filled up the pan, I put them in the oven and put the rest of my dough in a bowl and set it into the refrigerator knowing that I'd be using the rest of it that night. Twenty minutes later we had a real dinner on the table and everyone was eating. As we ate, it seemed that my sister was well on her way to impressing the guys and I could tell that she was gaining more respect for them than what she'd had. While we were eating, there was a question that came to mind that I had to ask the guys.

"Lance, how long did you say that you guys had managed to get off?"

"Well we were supposed to have a week, but management called this morning. We have the rest of the weekend and then we have to get back."

Two days, that was all the time that I had to spend with JC. I could tell that the same thought was going through his mind as he reached over and took my hand in his. I could see the surprised expression on my sister's face and then the smile that lit her face as she nodded in approval. The rest of the day seemed to fly by. Rena, Tim, and I caught up on old times while Jeff and the guys got to know each other. When Jon and Erin made it home from school, I thought that the roof was going to blow off from the screams that Erin let loose when she saw Rena. Jon was a bit more reserved, but he hugged her tightly when he got his chance. The three of them had gotten be good friends when Jon and Erin had come home with me once before I came out to my family. After I came out, their support for me caused my mom and dad to disapprove of them. They assumed that the same went for my sisters so their relationship with Rena had deteriorated.

As they all visited, I went into the kitchen once more and opened up the liquor cabinet. "This calls for a celebration. What's your poison?" I hollered.

Making the drinks kept me busy for a couple of minutes until Tim came over and offered to help. When seeing that he was as capable as he said he was, I immediately let him take over and JC and I went and sat down in the recliner. Well actually I sat down in the recliner and he sat down on me. The rest of the night was a blast. We all sat around and visited. It was like old times with my sister. The only difference is that we never had any famous people with us. At first sis seemed a little put off by it, but soon she realized that they were just as normal as we were and loosened up a lot. It was nearing two when I whispered to JC that maybe we needed to go to bed. As he got up off of me and pulled me up to stand behind him, we made our goodnights. As we were heading up the stairs, I heard Chris's voice call out from below.

"And remember to shut the damn door this time! I nearly got blinded by a full moon last night!" he yelled with a laugh in his voice.

As my face turned red, I finally remembered the door closing last night as I was drifting off to sleep. As I looked over at JC, I saw he was a red as I was and we both started laughing. Staggering up to our room, we entered it, made sure the door was shut, and collapsed on the bed. As I hugged him tight to me, I kissed him softly on the lips. Then we fell asleep holding each other close.

The next morning I woke up early enough to see my sister and Jeff off on their way back home. After watching them pull out of the driveway and pull out onto the street, I slowly made my way back to bed. As I climbed back into the bed, JC reached over and wrapped his arms around me. As I snuggled up against him, I rested my head on his chest and fell back to sleep. The next time I woke up it was to a persistent hand shaking me.

"Anthony, wake up." Jon's voice finally penetrated my dream filled sleep.

"Hmm?" I mumbled as I looked up at him.

"You have a phone call. It's Buchannon."

That brought me out of my sleep and I reached for the phone in Jon's hand. Putting it to my ear, I mumbled, "Anthony here, what is it?"

"Well I've got some bad news for you. It concerns Tim."

"What is it?" I demanded as I sat up in bed the blankets falling from around me. Not even caring that I was naked, I got out of bed and started pacing the room.

"Well I just found out that Tony's will was read yesterday. I got a copy of it this morning and it's very disturbing. Tony provided a clause in his will. If anything happened to him, then Tim was to go live with brother Alex."

Those words were like a brick in my stomach. I had thought that Tony was bad, but if the stories about Alex were true then Alex was even worse. "Is there any way that we can fight it?" I demanded into the phone.

"I'm working on that right now."

"I don't want you to work on it. I want, no, I need results today. Is that clear?" As I stalked around the room, nothing existed but the rage that had filled my very being. With a cry of rage, I threw the phone at the mirror on the vanity shattering it. Even from the grave Tony was haunting us, but I wouldn't lose Tim again. I couldn't could I?

Is Alex going to get custody of Tim? How long will Tony continue to haunt their happiness? What's going to happen when JC goes back on tour?

All these answers and more when the next chapter comes out. As always there are several ways for you to get a hold of me.

Email: ICQ: 64749928 AIM: angellenoir MSN:

Next: Chapter 7

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