Cottaging and cruising

By Ben Craig

Published on May 25, 2024



The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story may depict sexual situations between minor males, and minor males with adults if reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, BenCraig, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission.

© 2024 Ben Craig. Please donate to Nifty to keep this archive free. Address all comments to:

Cottaging and cruising part 1

This story is partly autobiographical and partly fictional and is set in the nineties when most cottages were still operational.

Let me introduce myself my name is Ben, I am a 36-year-old teacher at a private boarding school, and I live on my own in Colchester in a large, detached house set back in a leafy cul-de-sac. I'm currently on sick leave from work but am hoping to return in the next week. The story begins.

I woke myself up trumping loudly. Instinctively my right hand went to my bottom to feel if I had followed through. A quick look and sniff of my finger showed all was fine. `It be a blowy day', I murmured to myself, as I had sauerkraut for dinner which causes me major wind.

The radio alarm clock turned on and the seven o'clock beeps from Radio 2 faded in.

`Good morning here are today's headlines. The construction of the millennial Dome will begin today. Prime minister Tony Blair...'.

My hand hit the off button on the radio, and I jumped out of bed. I walked into the bathroom opposite the bed. Another trump came out. Best have a poo first', I said out loudly, to no one as I was on my own. I do talk to myself quite a bit. I switched on the shower before I sat down on the toilet. Lots of wind followed before I managed to actually empty my bowels. I got up without wiping my bottom and got into the shower there I washed my bottom and stuck a finger up my poohole to make sure all remaining poo was gone. You never know your luck someone may want to explore that later', I thought as I inserted a second finger. My uncut 8" willy responded by peeking up at me. Ah good morning' I said, you have woken up then.' I grabbed a large fresh white towel and towelled myself dry. A little poo stain appeared when I dried my bottom crack. `Ah well it's really clean now', I mentioned to no one again.

There's a commotion outside, I look through the window overlooking the cul-de-sac and see a large removal lorry backing up in the drive opposite my house. A car pulls in front and a young couple get out and a young boy. '11 or 12', it goes through my head, very cute.' He looks pretty cross and shouts at the couple, who I presume to be his parents. The man shouts back grabs the boy's arm and smack his bottom hard. Well, this is refreshing to see', I say out loud again. The boy shouts even more and this earns him another hard smack. He then storms off. The couple do not seem perturbed and walk towards the removal lorry. `Ah well, end of show', I say to myself. I grab my shorts and put them on. Next is a t-shirt and I put on some trainers. I walk out of my bedroom go down the stairs and grab my house keys. I go outside and head out for some breakfast. As I walk past the new couple's house I get a better look at them while they unload the lorry. Early 30s I guess very good looking both. I stick my hand up and they walk towards me.

`Hi I'm Ben, your neighbour opposite.'

Hi there, Laura and Tom, here', he says with his hand outstretched. We have a son too but he went off in a huff, he didn't like leaving his friends and move here.'

Kids eh', I say. Well, I let you get on. We sure will chat later.' Their hands went up in acknowledgment and I walked on. A quarter of an hour later I sat at my favourite table in the Castle Park with a large breakfast. A man on the table next to me paid his bill and walked away leaving his Telegraph newspaper behind. I watched him walk away before I pricked it up. I ordered another coffee and settled down to read. Around 10am I paid up and walked down the park towards the pond. I sat down on the bench opposite the public toilet and made a hole in the paper. This way pretending to read I could keep an eye on the comings and goings. It wasn't long before an elderly guy went in the toilet, he came out in the time it took someone to do a wee. It took another hour before someone else approached the toilet. A smartly dressed young man entered. He did not come out so after 5 minutes I folded up my paper and went in as well. I saw cubicle door in the middle shut and I went into the disabled cubicle to the left. There was a glory hole looking into the next cubicle but the side where the young man was had been covered with toilet paper. Disappointedly I am about to unlock my door and leave but then a cough'. Aha', I think, as I cough twice in response. A smart shoe appears underneath the dividing wall and taps twice. I look through the glory hole and see the paper has been taken down. I'm staring at a smooth bottom. The man bends over and I get a great view of a lovely chocolate starfish. He inserts a finger and moves it in and out his poohole. My breathing is getting faster and I push my hard willy through the glory hole. I feel his mouth taking me in and sucking me gently. Then he stops. A minute later a note slides underneath the dividing wall with a pen. Can you accommodate', the note says. Yes', I scribble hastily. I hear trousers being hoisted up and the door opening. I hastily get out of my cubicle as well. Outside the young man waits and we walk away without saying anything. Two policemen approach the toilet from the left and go in. Close call', I say Phew indeed', came the reply `I'm 10 minutes from here, I'm Ben by the way.'

`I'm Barry'.

`What are you into?'

`I love being fucked, and I love piss. What about you?'

Oh yes', I say, I must say though that I prefer the word wee. Would that be an issue?'

That's a kid's word, don't tell me you say poo as well?' In actual fact I do.' `Mate, I don't think I can do this.' And with that he walked off.

I didn't take it personally and turned round to go back to the bench. In the distance I saw the two policemen disappearing as I approached the toilets. I sat myself back on the bench and got my newspaper out again. It was only ten minutes before the next contender walked into the toilet. A 50 odd year-old guy. Again, I waited the obligatory 5 minutes before I walked in. He was standing at the urinals and it was obvious he wasn't doing a wee from the movement of his arm. I stood next to him and pulled my shorts slightly down to take my willy out. I noticed him looking but pretended to look straight ahead. Next I see his hand coming towards me and feel him touch my willy who responded straight away and stood to attention. Slowly the man started rubbing me, his other hand reached in the back of my shorts and started to caress my bottom. `In the disabled toilet', I whispered hoarsely. We quickly moved to the end cubicle. There he ripped my shorts down and bent me over the toilet. I heard him spit in his hand and felt his wet hand moistening my poohole. Next I felt him enter me. With a real urgency he moved in and out of my bottom and 20 seconds later I felt him unloading inside me. He pulled out hoisted his trousers up and left the cubicle while his spurts were pulsing out of my poohole. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped my bottom. I had not locked the door though and before I could get decent another man walked in. It was obvious that he was expecting me there because without a word being spoken he sat on his knees and began licking my poohole. There were still spurts from the other man coming out and he licked them up greedily. Then he got up pulled his shorts down and entered me. To be fair he took a bit longer than 20 seconds and while he was doing me stroked my willy was. After around 5 minutes he came deep inside me. I could feel gulf after gulf inside me. He pulled out and turned me round he then motioned that I should rake his willy in my mouth and clean him. Again I was left without satisfaction and dripping spurts. I didn't really mind I loved being used to be fair. I made sure to lock the door when he left though. After a quick clean I left the toilets.

I was ready to leave and go home for a proper shower when I heard a young boy's voice approaching. He was obviously having a conversation with someone but I could only hear oneside.

Yeah mate, it's a shithole. I never wanted to leave Billericay.' As the boy approached I saw he was talking into a Nokia mobile phone. Obviously wealthy parents getting a 12-year-old a mobile', I thought to myself. There was something familiar about the lad though.

`And then he smacked my arse like I am a little kid. Twice'. The penny dropped, my new neighbour. Wow how cute was he. Dark blue shorts, yellow t-shirt draping over his shoulder. Taut tummy showing. Oh my God!

`Yeah, listen mate I got to hang up there's a toilet here and I'm dying for a shit.' With that he walked into the toilet. I stood perfectly still weighing up my options. After 5 minutes I walked into the toilet. He had taken the middle cubicle so I walked into the disabled cubicle for the fourth time that day. I glanced through the glory hole and to my surprise it was still open. I could see the boy's head as he was bent forward. Despite me trying not to breathe the boy looked up and looked straight at me. I expected him to shout or scream but no! He got up and turned his bottom towards me, he then spread his buttocks and gave me a full view of a very pooey poohole. Next he pulled up his shorts and stuck his thumb up in front of the glory hole, he undid the door and disappeared. I could not get out of the cubicle fast enough. As I walked out of the cottage the young lad was standing by the duck pond as if nothing had happened. I approached him and stood next tohim.

Hi', I said quietly, that was quite a performance, I liked it very much.'

'50 quid', the answer came, `and I do whatever you like.'

`How old are you?'

`I'm 12 and a half.'

`This is a dangerous game. Ok follow me.' We sauntered off towards the end of the park. I did not go straight home but took us through some back alleys to end up at the back of my house. Not a word was spoken the whole way. I undid the latch of the back gate and went through the kitchen door.

`Come in. So what's your name?'

Josh. Where's me £50?' Ah, a proper entrepreneur', I laughed, don't you trust me then?' I walked into the hallway and took my wallet out of a jacket that was hanging on the coatrack. Here you go Josh.'

Thanks,' he said grudgingly. What you want me to do, suck your dick?'

`No, but for a start I want you to use words a 12 year old uses at home. Do you use that word at home?' I asked sternly.

No', he said looking at his feet ashamedly. We say willy.'

`Right, so let's pretend you are at home and use the words you were told by mum and dad. Now first of all I think that your bottom needs cleaning. You had a poo in that toilet and you showed me a very pooey poohole. So upstairs.'

`Ok', he said blushing like a young boy that got caught stealing a biscuit. He followed me up the stairs.

On that table there', I said pointing to the baby changing table in the spare bedroom. Josh looked at me worriedly but he climbed on the table. Right legs in the air.' I took off his blue shorts and pushed his legs further back so his little chocolate starfish was completely exposed. I grabbed a baby wipe and started wiping his boy bottom like a baby. Look at this poo coming off your bottom', I said pushing the pooey baby wipe under his nose. Another three wipes followed before I was satisfied with the result. Josh's willy had stood up to its full 3" with this treatment and a little drop of precum formed at the tip of it. I pulled the foreskin of the small appendage back and exposed the pink head in all its glory. It was obvious that willy hygiene was not top of his list as a ring of boy smegma was showing prominently. When did you last wash your willy?'

More blushing as he answered, `last week.'

Naughty!' I lowered my mouth over his willy and gently sucked it clean. The young devil was so horny that he was moaning like crazy. I moved my right hand to his bottom and fingered his tight little hole at the same time and within about a minute my mouth was filled with young boy juice. Wow, those were proper spurts', as I swallowed the mouthful. Are you sure you are 12 and a half?' About 6 months now I cummed lots. I like playing with my willy often. Where is your toilet I need to pee.'

`You are ok just wee in my mouth.' My mouth took his now shrunken willy in and I awaited the gulf of wee.

`Yuck, ah well if you are sure' he said as he turned his tap on.'

I swallowed the golden liquid for all it was worth. Gulp after gulp of delicious hot wee. It was obvious Josh was very well hydrated the wee was almost tasteless. When he finally finished I pulled away. Lovely, you can wee in my mouth anytime you like', I said with a wink. Now you mentioned sucking my willy.'

Sure', Josh replied, as he slid of the changing table. He kneeled down and took in my hard willy. Like an expert he went to work and it wasn't many minutes before I moaned that I was going to cum. Thinking he would take my willy out, but no, he swallowed my ample load. We stood there for a while before he said I need to get home, I only moved here today and don't know the area. If I give you the address can you tell me where it is please?'

I just grinned and said, follow me.' I walked into my bedroom opposite and pointed to the window. Have a look.' Josh's face went white when he saw the removal lorry right outside at the end of my long driveway. But, oh fuck', he stuttered. `How did you know? Oh shit.'

Calm down, sit down on the bed.' I explained what I had seen this morning and how I put two and two together when I heard him on the phone at the toilets. We chatted a bit further and at the end he calmed down. Think of the benefits', I told him, `You can come here whenever you like. Now put your shorts back on, make sure you put them in the wash at home though as there will be poo stains in them. If you go out the back door and through the gate you follow the path to the left and you come out on the road, and no one will know you were here if they were to see you.' I watched from the bedroom window as Josh walked up to his new house. His dad was out there and they were chatting for a while. Josh looked upon my direction as they turned round and gave me a small surreptitious wave.

To be continued...........

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