Cosmic Journey

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on May 30, 2001


Disclaimer: We do not know NSYNC or any other celebrities mentioned in this story. We also do not know their sexuality although we've been hinting about the Josh/Joey/Lance affair for awhile. Any other characters mentioned in this story belong to us. Please gives proper credit if you're planning to use 'em :)

Author's Note: WE'RE BACK! Scary, ain't it Anyhow I would like to send a special thanks to ALL who've emailed Kat, Colleen, Jackie or myself asking for the squeal. Well, guess what. I've finally got off my lazy ass and decided to edit :) We have a couple chapters already written out.

Special Note: Please...I want to clarify some things. I've heard that Cosmic Companions had some similarities to another universe. Parlance's. I've talked to her and I would like to give her some credit. In her universe she had that a man was a transie. That they can possess both male and female parts. There are similarities to that and to the males in Cosmic. Not many but just a few. I would like to thank Parlance for being understanding.

Also if you haven't read Cosmic Companions please do so, or you would be very confused. And a side note: Kat and I love being evil. Just a hint for what's coming up. >:)

Plus I would like to think Ally for editing it. Thanks Girl.

Email: I have two uses either one:

Shell: Kat: Jackie: Colleen:

=================== Cosmic Journey Chapter 1 written by: Shell and Kat ===================

"Back on Tour" Justin said with disbelief.

"It's too dangerous" JC said. "Joey and Lance just had babies. They're bodies are still healing. There's no telling what kind of impact performing will do."

"It'll take time to get the steps down" Chris said. "Besides the boys are barely three days old. They can't leave the house."

Joey held onto Nickolas. He couldn't believe that management wants them back on the road.

"Maybe when the boys are older" Lance suggested.

"That would be better. Then Joey and You can get back into shape" Chris said.

"What' Both Joey and Lance said. "You callin' us fat?"

"No" Chris said backing away. He knew that it's a sin to mess with Lance and Joey when they're still in the hormonal stage.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Lance said as he and Joey glared at Chris.


"OH NO! We're keeping our mouths shut" JC said.

"You were thinking it" Joey glared.

"No we didn't" Justin protested. "honest."

"You think we're still huge. That our hips aren't as skinny" Lance pouted.

"I thought this wouldn't happen" Justin whispered to Chris.

"It's called postpartum depression" Chris whispered back.

"I thought you get that during the pregnancy" Justin said.

" A little of both. Well their bodies are adjusting to not having the babies inside of them and they're feeling empty. It's only gonna get worse Just" Chris said.


" have beautiful hips" JC encouraged.

"We do"

"OF course and you gave us three beautiful boys" Chris smiled.

"That's true we did' Joey beamed. "Very handsome boys."

"Which one do you think is going to be a flirt" Lance said.

"Hmmm..Let's see Nickolas is like Justin. Hyper as hell. Hunter is quiet like his dad So I think both of them" Joey said.

"Oy poor You" Lance chuckled as he placed Trent into the bassinet.

"I know dealing with four children isn't going to be easy" Joey said as he placed Nickolas next to his brother.

"I'm not going there so lets get something to eat I'm starving" JC said.

"I say we order out" Joey suggested. "I don't feel like cooking."

"Okay then what" Justin asked.

"We do fatherly stuff" Lance smiled. "Joe, do you think we're gonna get any sleep.


"Thought so" Lance said as he watched the sleeping baby.

"Wait till they get older. Dustin is really giving Kevin and Nick a run for their money. Hopefully their second child is gonna be like Kevin" Joey chuckled.

"Tall and quiet." JC said.

"How's he reacting to being a big brother?" Justin asked as he turned on the TV.

"Well let's just say he isn't all that thrilled" Joey smiled. "Hopefully when I have another baby the boys won't be like that."

"Our boys will be fine" JC smiled.

"So what are you all in the mood for?" Justin asked, standing by the phone.

"Italian," Joey answered.

"Pizza," Lance said.

"Chinese," JC replied.

Justin looked at Chris with the resemblance of fear in his eyes. "Do I dare to ask what you're going to make me order?"

Smiling very innocently Chris answered: "I'll go with Lance and have pizza."

"Sure, you had to," Justin started, "what? Oh ok, I'll get pizza for you two." looking confused he turned to the menus on the refrigerator. Behind him the four others cracked up laughing.

Twenty minutes later, after an endless discussion of what to get Justin could finally hang up the phone. "I swear," he said, "next time none of you get to choose. I'll just order something, Mexican, for all of us."

"You're no fun," Joey told him.

"Do not start that again," Justin warned him.

"I never start anything," Joey told him.

"Of course you don't," JC backed him up. "Justin's being mean to you again. Bad Justin."

"And don't you start either," Justin told JC. "Or You'll both spend the night on the couch downstairs."

Joey looked at JC. "My, he's in a bad mood."

"So he is," JC answered, nodding. "You think he could be...?"

Catching on to what JC was up to, Joey hid a smile. "What, pregnant? Yeah, he acts like if he is, anyway."

"That is it," Justin stated. "You two are so not getting near me for the next...let's say month! Sleep on the couch for all I care..." One very convincing pout later and he had two husbands begging for forgiveness.

Letting them suffer for a little bit, Justin soon had to laugh. Especially Joey seemed to be confused by the younger man's sudden mood swings. Thinking to himself that the brown-eyed man could do with a little pay back, Justin soon took pity on them both.

"Only kidding!" he said, hands high in the air. "I won't make you sleep on the couch. I might kick you both out of bed tonight, but I don't think I want you to stay anywhere else than with me..."

"I'll get you back for that one," Joey said a little embarrassed over having fallen to Justin's joke. Then he smiled and kissed Justin quickly and affectionately on the cheek. "but I'll let you make it up to me first."

The doorbell rang and Chris went out to get their orders. Coming back inside, he balanced a lot of food boxes and was looking at a large envelope in his other hand.

"A messenger service just dropped this off too," he explained. "From our record company."

"Yay," JC muttered. "Wusses... Couldn't even deliver it in person..." He opened the envelope, expecting it to be about the upcoming tour.

"What are they going on about?" Lance asked, trying to read over JC's shoulder.

"They're assigning us to a new manager," JC said absentmindedly. "Some young guy, he's done real good with some others acts and now they want him to work with us."

"Well he can't be worse that the last one," Joey said, going to sit down. "And if he is young and inexperienced we shouldn't have any trouble getting him to do what we want."

Looking at his husband over the edge of the letter, JC sighed. "You're bad, Joey, bad."

"Thank you," his husband answered.

After lunch Joey turned to make sure his babies were still breathing. It was quite for him. Too quiet. He thought they should be protesting about something.

He relaxed a little. They're newborns and should be sleeping but doubts filled his mind as he got up and gently touched Hunter's back to make sure he was breathing. He sighed as he felt the little chest rise up and down.

"Well I'm just as bad as Lance" Joey said softly watching his tiny babies sleep.

"Checking on them" Lance asked.

"I can't help it. I think they should be wailing their little heads off" Joey said. "It's too quiet it here."

"I know what you mean" Lance said. "It's like okay the babies are here. Do something."

"Exactly" Joey said. "But when they start walking and getting into things it's gonna be like why can't you just sit still."

Lance laughed. "It's never gonna be the same again is it."


"Joey are you honestly ready to go back on tour" Lance asked.

"Hell no. MY body is crying for me to sleep. Lance, I haven't told JC and Justin this but I feel tired all the time" Joey admitted.

"Joey, have you said something to the doctor"

"No, I don't' want him telling me I can't have children anymore" Joey said softly.

"Well you still can have children. Joe, you have to tell them. Diabetes Joe. it's dangerous." Lance said.

"Shush" Joey said. "I asked a certain doctor to do a blood test on the twins. He said I should get the results in a couple of days."

"How bad Joe?" Lance asked. He was the only one who knew that Joey had Diabetes.

"Doctors said I might have to start injecting" Joey said. "I'm more worried about the boys getting it."

"If they find out I'm dead" Lance said. "Hopefully the boys won't get it. It may pass them."

"But hit their children" Joey sighed. "Going back on tour. It's gonna be very dangerous. I could end up in a coma."

"We won't let that happen Joe" Lance said. "We just won't."

Just then Hunter and Nickolas picked up on their father's mood and started to wail.

His doctor's appointment was at noon. After handing the twins over to Lance's care for the time it took, Joey walked out to his car. '

It was a bright, sunny day and he put the sunglasses on. He hated to keep this a secret from his husband, but right then he just couldn't stand any more fussing. And this was going to make them both go into overprotective mood again, and he wouldn't be allowed outside of the house.

Still he felt bad for not telling. "My," he thought to himself, "look at you, you're starting to develop a conscience... That's scary..."

The route to the doctor's office was a familiar one by now, Joey was sure he would know how to drive it in his sleep. After living with JC for so long, Joey was just waiting for the day his ever sleepy husband would sit himself in the car, in his pj and drive to the doc's office... All in his sleep.

Stopping outside the office, he could see the hospital just up the hill. It gave him some mixed feelings. Last time he had been there, the twins were born. The other times had not been so happy. Shrugging off the bad mood, he went in to se the doctor.

The doctor this time was a new one. Middle-aged and slightly balding. He introduced himself as Dr. Hanson. "I'm a specialist of diseases like diabetes," he told Joey.

"What were going to do now is run a few tests, we should be able to determine pretty fast if you actually have developed diabetes, or it's just your body still reacting to the problems you went through as pregnant."

He studied Joey over the rim of his glasses. "we should have the results by the end of the day."

JC entered the nursery to find Lance putting three sleeping babies down for a nap. Surprised to not see Joey there too, he frowned.

"Where have you hidden my husband, blondie? Or was he serious about his threat about running off and joining a circus?"

"Well, then Hunter and Nicky wouldn't be here either," Lance said, in his best parent voice. That drove JC crazy, which Lance knew. "Joey had an appointment," he explained and chuckled over the look on JC's face.

"No, he hasn't ran away, he still loves you and he says stuff like that because he is after all a tease and loves to make curly and you squirm."

"What appointment?" JC asked, he didn't like this at all. His husband was supposed to tell him everything, didn't he know that? Including mysterious appointments.

"That's up to Joey to tell," Lance answered calmly. Turning the baby monitor on, he shooed JC out the door. "Let's go someplace else, or we'll wake the little monsters."

JC was still working on the appointment. "But where is he?" he asked Lance again. "I know you know something, lance, come on, you have to tell me..."

Taking a look at his friend's obvious worry, Lance sighed. "I promised Joe that I wasn't going to tell. But he should be home in a short while. If he doesn't tell you then, I'll make him tell you. Deal?"

"It's something bad, isn't it?" JC was following Lance downstairs. "You wouldn't say this if it wasn't bad."

Lance just hoped that they wouldn't run into Justin. Two stressed out, hyper-worrisome, over-protective husbands was more than he could take. And neither of them even belonged to him.

"Look!" he finally said. "It's sorta serious, but it's not that serious... I promised Joey that I wouldn't tell you, he wanted to do that himself. So calm down before you give yourself an ulcer, Josh."

Dropping down in the nearest couch, JC still frowned. When Justin came in from the kitchen, that was the first thing he saw.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Joey's having doctor appointments and he isn't telling us about it," JC answered glumly.

"He is what? But he can't have that...he is supposed to tell us everything, doesn't he know that?"

Lance turned and ran.


End of Chapter 2

What is wrong with Joey? JC and Justin are back to being over protective. Will Joey be able to put up with them or will he send his father after them J What's going to happen in Chapter 3. Find out and don't forget the feed back.


Next: Chapter 3

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