Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Nov 13, 2000


Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

One more thing Please send us feedback. We're hoping that everyone is still reading the story.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 8 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

JC pulled up to Kevin's House. He got out and opened the back door. He held out his hand to Joey who took it graciously.

"I'm not that helpless yet" Joey pouted slightly.

"I know baby but I love you anyway," JC said as he helped Joey out and kissed him on the cheek. "By the way when we get back tonight watch out."

"Ooh I love it when you get aggressive Josh" Joey smiled as he licked his lips. "A little tight are we."

JC followed Joey's eyes to his erection. "Well it didn't help when two of your mates were sucking each other off."

"We bad" Justin smiled as he kissed Josh. "And you love it."

"That is true," JC said. "Come one let's go take a look at Howie's new baby."

"Oh he's so cute!" Lance said in a cute voice. "How old is he now."

Brian smiled as he watched Joey and Lance fuss over the baby. "Jeremy is one week old."

"How does it feel to be a daddy?" JC asked Howie.

"Man, I'm still flying high. It's great! God when he was born I felt nothing but pure love for Brian and our son. He's so perfect, so little, so red" Howie smiled.

Kevin chuckled as he bounced Dustin who was now six months old.

"I'm just glad it's over" Brian replied tiredly.

"Is it that bad?" Joey whispered.

"God the pain is unimaginable. I thought I was going to die" Brian replied.

"Um can I change my mind on having a baby" Lance asked.

"Too late" Chris replied rubbing Lance's shoulders.

"Brian, we got two pregnant males in the room" Nick said.

"Ooh sorry" Brian blushed. "But it hurts. All that pushing, screaming, feeling like you're going to split into two."

"That's it!" Joey announced. "I am not having these Babies. They're gonna stay in me forever!"

"I agree with Joey. I'm not all that fond of pain" Lance replied.

Lance sat back. He wanted this baby. But still he kept pushing the thought about actually giving birth far, far into the future.

He decided to think of the evening instead. Tonight it would be just Chris and him; free to do whatever they wanted. A faint blush crept onto his face as he thought of what they most likely would be doing.

Realizing that this wasn't the time nor the place to dream away about that, lance concentrated on the here and now again.

There was one Backstreet boy missing. Joey had discovered that as soon as he entered the house. But he wasn't going to ask about AJ. JC would throw a fit, and Justin would be following his lead.

But Joey couldn't help to be just a little curious.

When he found himself sitting next to Nick over in the corner of the living room, Joey found his opportunity to ask. "What's up with AJ?" he asked casually.

"Don't really know," Nick said, smiling at Kevin and their son. "He haven't been around much lately. I think he is seeing someone." "Thank God," Joey thought and relaxed. "Hopefully that will keep JC and Justin from wanting to strangle him the next time they see him."

"So when are you and Kev going to have baby number two?" he teased Nick who put up a fake horrified face. "You mean, have another one? That little one over there takes all the energy I've got, not to mention his father..."

"I think these two of mine, are going to be quiet little things," Joey said, letting one hand rest on his stomach. "They don't move much. Not like Lance's baby. Apparently that one takes after his father already. He's probably going to be just as hyper as Chris."

"There's two of them," Nick said, "they don't have so much room to move on. But just give them time..." Joey smiled. "I kinda like feeling them move.2 "It's a great feeling, isn't it?" Nick replied. "I guess that's what I miss most about being pregnant. Feeling the life inside you."

"It is a great feeling," Joey agreed. "It still amazes me, not just that I'm going to have babies. We're even getting married."

Leaning over Nick hugged Joey warmly. "That's great! When's the wedding?" "Soon, I guess," Joey said, "I know I want to do it as soon as possible."

Thinking about his fathers, Joey felt a little uneasy again. The family bond in an Italian family was always very strong and in his case even stronger. The family also served as a business...that was something Joey hadn't told very many people especially JC and Justin. But his dads were the heads of the most powerful families there were. Sometimes being the youngest son of the damn godfather himself wasn't exactly easy.

All Joey could do for the time being was to hope that his fathers wouldn't do anything stupid. He had to talk to them, he thought to himself. If he could just get them to see that he was happy now, and how much JC, Justin and him loved each other, things would be all right.

Frowning he felt a sharp pain in his lower stomach. He winced and rubbed his spot.

"Joe, you okay?" Nick asked.

"I'm fine" Joey replied as he continued to rub the painful area.

"Is it the baby?" Nick asked.

"Yeah he kicked me really hard" Joey pouted.

"It's Justin's" Nick chuckled.

Joey gave a slight smile. He was worried about everything. He read that getting stressful during the second trimester isn't a good thing.

"Hey take it easy" Nick replied. "You need a shoulder rub."

"Nah, I'll be okay. Just a lot on my mind" Joey said softly.

"You're unborn can sense what's up with you. When' you're not happy, they're not happy and you're in trouble" Nick said.

Joey rubbed his belly. "So I see. Nick, I'm starved. Can we eat now?"

"Yes Joey, we can eat" Nick chuckled. "I don't miss that."

Joey smiled and got up. The pain got worse. It was bothering his side for a day now. He never told anyone.

Joey clutched the chair tightly. It had to be the stress. Relax Joey. Don't get stressed. "Hey there you two calm down."

"Joe, you look a little pale. I'm gonna get Josh and Justin" Nick replied leaving his friend.

Joey tried to take a step but stop as the pain flared up his side.

"Please, please be okay" Joey whispered as he gripped the chair harder.

Nick rushed over to JC and Justin. "Guys," he said, looking nervous. "Something's wrong with Joey. I think..." He didn't get to finish the sentence before they all could hear the sound of someone falling to the floor. "Joey!" Lance's scared voice reached them.

Justin spun around, seeing his mate lying unconscious on the floor. JC was already there, kneeling by Joey's side.

"What's wrong with him?" Justin said, his voice high in fear. "What happened?" "He said he felt some pain in his side," Nick said, Kevin was standing next to him with his arm around him. "Then he went awfully pale, and then he just collapsed."

"I'm calling an ambulance," Howie said as Joey didn't wake up again, "Thanks," JC mumbled. Carefully he placed his hand on Joey's forehead. The skin felt hot.

"Come on, baby," he said softly. "Wake up." Justin shaking hands felt for Joey's pulse and let out a deep breath as he found it beating steadily against his fingers.

"What the hell's wrong?" JC mumbled to himself. "Joey, please wake up, you're scaring me now..."

Justin sat back, feeling the icy fingers of fear tying his stomach into knots. "Joey has to be okay," he told himself. "And the babies are fine too... They have to be..."

They were still waiting outside the ER. Justin was pacing, JC was going mad from worry, and Chris and lance sat closely together in a leather couch.

"We have been here for hours!!" Justin exclaimed. "Why can't the just tell us anything? Anything at all! This is killing me!" Realizing that he could have chosen his words more carefully, Justin went quiet.

"He's going to be fine," Chris said. "And the two of you need to calm down. Making yourselves sick from worry, isn't helping either Joey, the babies or you."

Forcing himself to calm down, JC sat don by Chris and lance. "I know," he said. "Joey is fine. The babies are okay..." In his mind JC was a little scared over the fact that he was more concerned for Joey than the babies.

He didn't know what Justin felt, but if he had to choose, his choice was already made. He just wished that he would never have to choose.

Justin was still pacing the floor. He waited the waiting. He hated that he didn't know what was happening behind the closed door of the emergency room. Just the name of it scared him.

Emergency that meant something bad, something serious.

"Shouldn't we call Joey's family or something," lance said a little unsure. He knew about Joey's parents' reaction to the news too, but felt he had to ask.

"I don't know," JC said. "I guess we should, but I'm not sure Joey would want to see them now, especially if he is..." "Especially if he is loosing the babies," JC added in his mind. "God, why can't they just tell us already? If Joey isn't okay, I don't know what I'll do."

Justin went over to the others and sat down next to JC. Silently JC put his arms around Justin and the two of them sat closely together in a comforting hug.

"What are they doing in there?" Lance asked, his voice small and thin. "Why haven't anyone come to tell us if Joey is okay yet?" "I don't know, sweetie," Chris said. Looking over to the door himself, he hugged Lance closer and hoped that their friend would be all right.

The hours passed. Leaning onto Chris Lance fell asleep. Justin resumed his pacing, to worried to sit still. JC just curled up in a corner of the couch, not speaking.

It became dark outside. "You should probably take Lance home, Chris," Justin said. "JC and me are going to sty here...we'll give you a call as soon as we know something more."

"I'm don't want to go back," lance said sleepily, "I'm staying here." Chris nodded. "We'll stay here until we know Joey's okay." That brought a little smile to Justin's face. "Thanks, guys."

At that moment a man in a white lab coat approached them. "I'm looking for JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake," he said. "I'm Dr. Smith."

"JOEY! How's Joey" Justin asked frantically.

"Calm down young man" Dr. Smith chuckled. "Joey's going to be okay. He's been stressful lately. One of the twins has been pressing against his side. We had to shift the baby but Joey will be okay in a week or two. But he can't have no more stress."

"OH thank god" Both JC and Justin replied.

"We can we take him home?" JC asked.

"Tonight. But he really needs to rest. Those twins of his are giving him a hard time" Dr. Smith replied.

"We'll make sure he'll stay relaxed" Justin said. "Can we see him?"

"Yes" Dr. Smith replied. "Follow me."

Justin and JC left to follow Dr. Smith to Joey's room. ****

"Oh my poor boy" Phil said as he brushed away Joey's hair.

"Dad, please.." Joey said softly.

"Sweetie, don't worry. You're father's being an asshole right now. I love you and you're my baby boy. I want you to be happy" Phil Fatone said softly. The Doctor called him immediately after Joey was wheeled in. He had to make sure his son was okay

"Has dad said anything" Joey asked.

"Just taking you away from this. I managed to talk him out of it. You know how stubborn he can be." Phil sighed. "Are you happy Joey?"

"Yes dad. I'm perfectly happy with Justin and JC. And with the twins if they ever decide to settle down" Joey said as he rubbed his belly.

Phil touched Joey's stomach. "My baby's having a baby. Oh Joey.."

"Dad" Joey replied starting to tear up. "NO stress now."

"I know. Guess what" Phil smiled.

"What" Joey asked. He loved being the youngest and the most spoiled out of the three.

"Well, since you're father is being an asshole. I want to plan you're wedding. You'll get married away from the press on a tropical island. Courtesy of moi"

"You don't have to" Joey replied.

"You're my baby. I want you to be happy. Besides I talked to Josh and Justin's parents. They're fine with it. You should see Justin's father. He's a wreck."


"OH no honey about the babies. He's going crazy on what to get the child." Phil chuckled.

"That's Larry for you" Joey chuckled.

"What about my dad?" Justin asked as he popped his head in.

"Hey love" Joey smiled.

"BABY" JC and Justin exclaimed as they came in and hugged him.

"You're dad can't wait for the twins to be born" Phil replied.

"He knows" Justin squeaked. "Oh I'm in trouble."

"No sweetie. He's ecstatic. I told him. Oh you and Josh have to call your fathers. They want to talk to you. It's all good though."

Joey whistled.

"You talked to my parents too?" JC asked. "Oy, were they mad?" "They wondered why you haven't called them to tell them the news," Phil answered. "But they were glad to hear about Justin, Joey and you."

Justin lovingly ran his fingers over Joey's hair. "Have are you holding up, babe? You gave us a good scare." "Sorry about that," Joey said.

Looking up at Justin with a very familiar glint in his eyes, he continued: "I think it was your baby that kept kicking me in the side. Just couldn't stay still..." "Now I know you're feeling better," Justin replied.

Joey smiled. "So they'll let me out of here tonight? Please guys, I want to go home."

"We'll go home," JC assured him. "And then you're not allowed out of bed for the next two weeks." "Why do I feel like you don't mean that in a good way?" Joey pouted. "This time I won't have lance to keep me company either."

"This time?" Phil asked. "Joey, has anything like this happened before. "Sort off," Justin said, frowning, "just after..." He stopped when he felt Joey give his hand a hard squeeze. Immediately he turned to him. "Everything okay, Joe?" "Don't tell him," Joey whispered, looking pleadingly up at Justin.

"What? Why not?" Justin asked and looked over to Joey's dad who was talking to JC now. "I'll tell you later, okay?" Joey replied. "Just trust me...we don't need my parents knowing about what happened to Lance and me." "Okay," Justin said, and watched Joey relax again. "If that's what you want."

"Thanks," Joey whispered. They did not need his parents out to find Johnny and hang him from the nearest tree or whatever was high enough. His brothers couldn't know either. They would do exactly the same. Joey was the baby of the family was smothered in protective love.

And them going off the deep end thirsting for vengeance now really was the last thing Joey needed. His body hurt, The twin he was dead sure was Justin kept kicking him in the side even if it wasn't supposed to even be there any more, and basically he just felt exhausted.

"Let's get you home, hon," Justin said, helping Joey up. "You look ready to fall asleep right here." "I am," Joey sighed, "but I want to go home to our bed."

"Dad?" he turned to Phil. "Why don't you come back to the house with us?" "Okay, Joseph," Phil answered. "I'm just going to call the rest of the people at home to let hem know that you're fine." "Sure," Joey said. "Daddy still as pissed off at me as he was when I told him?" "You know your daddy," Phil said. "You didn't come to him first. Joe really feels like everything that happens in yours, or your brothers' lives, should be Okayed with him

Joey got to his feet, glad he already had dressed again, except for jacket and shoes. Right now he wasn't sure he had the energy to do more than keeping on his feet.

"Don't worry about your daddy," Phil said, patting Joey on top of his dark hair. "I'll deal with him, you just get better."

JC put his arm around Joey. "Come on, darling, we're going home."

The house was quiet. Joey was in bed, sleeping soundly. Chris and Lance had retreated to their own room, happy to know that Joey was going to be all right again. JC was talking to his parents on the phone, and Justin was sitting in the kitchen, talking to Joey's father over a cup of coffee.

"So when's the wedding?" Phil asked. "Actually we haven't decided yet," Justin answered, holding his coffee mug with both hands. "We haven't had time to set a date yet with all that's been going on."

"Hmmm, it 's lovely this time of year down in the Caribbean Sea. Joe and I own a little island down would be perfect for a small family wedding. we'll fly everyone down there and perform the ceremony on the beach."

"That sounds great," Justin smiled. "I was thinking about asking Chris and lance if they needed a place to get married too. I don't know what plans they have, but wouldn't it be fun if we did a double wedding?"

"I like the idea of that," JC asked, coming into the kitchen. "I'm not sure about Chris and lance, but they're moving in together, so I guess marriage isn't that far ahead in time for them.

"That's a deal then," Phil said. "All five of you are getting married in, shall we say a month from today?"

Justin and JC looked at each other and smiled. "A month," the both answered. "That's a deal."

Next Month

It was all set. They were going to get married. It was going to be office. But Joey didn't want to get married looking fat.

"Sweetheart, you're baring twins. You can't help it" Phil said as he tied Joey's tie.

"Dad, I look like a pig in a suit" Joey said.

"Me to" Lance said munching on a carrot.

"It's only natural you feel like that. You're only having babies" Phil smiled.

David sighed happily. His son was getting married. He won't be his little boy anymore. "I'm so pound of you James."

"Thanks dad. I love you to" Lance said as he hugged his father.

"A grandfather. I'm going to be a grandfather" David sighed.

"Same here" Phil smiled touching his son's semi huge belly.

"At least they're behaving today" Joey smiled.

"I think it's time for you both to start Lamaze" Phil said.

"We're talking about it" Lance said. "We're also getting ready to decorate the nursery"

"Dad?" Joey asked.

"You're father doesn't want to have anything to do with this. I tired Joseph" Phil said sadly.

Joey collapsed in his father's arm. "The fuck daddy. If he can't get over his fucking pride than so be it."

"Don't worry Joey, he won't interfere with your life. I made damn sure of that" Phil said as he calmed his son down. "Now, we have everything ready. So let's get you two married.

"Joey what's your last name gonna be?" Lance asked as they walked to the door.

"Joseph Anthony Fatone Timberlake-Chasez


Joey laughed. "I know. I can't wait."


"Steve" Joey smiled looking at his brother.

"Good luck bro. I love you."

"I love you to" Joey said as he hugged his brother.

"You ready?" a voice asked.

"Yes" Phil said as the usher opened the door.

The music started playing as the fathers led their sons to the altar.

=============== End Chapter 8 ===============

Next: Chapter 9

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