Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Nov 5, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :) Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 6 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

On the way home they picked up Chris and Lance. The couple was holding hands, and looking very happy. "You two are just sickeningly cute," Joey told them. "I know!" Lance beamed. "And so are the three of you, when JC and Joey aren't lost and Joey's not being a tease."

"See, Joe?" Justin said and turned to him. "Other people say it too. You're a tease and you're mean to poor old JC and me." "I," Joey stated, "am not a tease..." Big, brown puppy dog eyes stared at Justin. "And I'm not old!" JC exclaimed. "Sheesh, curly."

"So," Chris said as the three of them started to give each other some rather interesting looks. "I guess your plans for the night got canceled too?"

Sighing heavily, Joey answered: "It did. I'm supposed to stay in bed for three weeks or so all by myself. Takes all the fun out of it, that's for sure." "I'll share a bed with you, Joey," Lance offered. "I'm supposed to stay off my feet for three weeks too." At first he couldn't understand what made Joey laugh. Then JC and Justin started laughing too. Then Chris turned to Lance. "Lance, sweetheart, is there something you want to tell me?" lance

"He really is blonde!" Justin said, a little amazed by Lance's seemingly cluelessness. "I mean, that was such an obvious joke... But I guess Chris is the only one of us who knows the real truth about that..." "Justin Randall!" JC yelled. "I swear, you're getting as bad as Joey!"

"Hey!!!" Joey protested. JC quickly kissed him on top of his dark hair. "I know, and I love you. But still..." "Now I am going to pout," he warned JC. Of course, knowing that JC would do absolutely everything Joey wanted him to then. Which was the whole idea.

"Oh, I get it!" Lance suddenly said, startling all four of them. "What?" Chris had to ask. "The joke, silly," Lance admonished him. "And, no." "What?" Chris tried again. "I don't have anything I need to tell you, babe," lance explained patiently. "Sometimes you can be so slow, Chris!" As Chris delivered his third "What?", Lance nearly keeled over laughing.

"That's it," Chris said, not able to keep the smile away from his face. "You're going home to bed. Obviously being pregnant doesn't help your sense of humor any...and it makes you damn talkative too!" "I thought I was only that when we had sex," Lance answered, looking innocent. "I so didn't hear that," Chris said, blushing faintly while taking Lance's hand and leading him towards the entrance.

"I heard that, Chris!" Joey called after him. "Do you want me to repeat it for you?" "No, he doesn't," JC broke in. "And you're going home to bed too, Joe." Joey still pouted. "You're no fun, Josh." "I'm tons of fun," Josh answered. "Now, let's go. Justin, are you with us." The blue-eyed man looked a little zoned out again. "I'm going to be a dad!" he exclaimed. "Oh, Jesus, here we go again!" JC sighed.

Ten minutes later all five of them was back in the car. Chris drove, lance next to him in the front seat, while the three others were cuddled together in the back seat. "So, what are we going to do tonight?" Joey asked JC and Justin. "If I'm stuck in bed, I don't want to be bored. You guys have to take care of that."

"You'll have Lance there with you," JC answered, at the same time Chris said from the front seat. "you're spoiled rotten, Joey.

"I'm not!!" Joey said from the back seat, pretending to be very insulted. "And lance is no fun. All he is going to do is whine about how much he misses you and how you can't be..." He was stopped by Justin's hand over his mouth. "I think that's enough from you, baby." Joey bit him. "I'm going to put that one down as frustration, Joe," Justin said, looking at his sore finger. "You're aware of that we won't be doing anything for a long time either

First looking at Justin, then at JC, Joey leaned back. "When did the two of you all of a sudden grow up? You're no fun." Justin groaned and JC looked out through the window at the sky as if he hoped to find some heavenly guidance out there.

**** They were back at the hotel and a grumpy Joey and a whiny lance was tucked into bed, despite protests. "You two are supposed to rest," Justin said. "So we're going to leave you for about an hour. The we'll order some food and we'll watch a movie or something, 'kay?" "I guess," Joey sighed. "An hour?" Lance said. The he crawled out of bed again and hurried over to Chris. After kissing him warmly, he got back in bed.

"What?" he asked when he noticed the way Joey was looking at him. "I don't get to do that in a whole hour. That's a long time." "It is," Joey agreed. "Guys? "You stay where you are," JC told him. "We're coming over." After a new round of kisses were done, Joey and lance was left to their own company.

"What do you think it will be like, Joey?" Lance then asked. Lying on side, hugging another pillow, Joey looked up at Lance. "What will be like?" "Being pregnant, of course," Lance replied. "I mean, it just happened, and I already feel different." To his surprise Joey actually thought about his question, without throwing a snide remark.

"I guess I feel a little different too," he admitted. "When all the stuff with Johnny happened, I was scared out of my mind. All I could think about was that he was killing my babies, that he was doing the same to you... I was sure that they would be hurt..." "I know," Lance nodded. "We both were lucky."

A silence fell between them. "So, what are you going to name your kid?" Joey asked, shrugging away the uneasy mood in the room. Lance's eyes were shining. "Oh, that's an easy one! Christopher, of course. Named after his dad." "One of his dads." Joey absentmindedly corrected him. "And you've got it bad!"

That made Lance frown. "Bad?" "Really bad," Joey said. "The two of you getting all Mr. and Mr. sunshine swear it isn't healthy."

"And you're going have JV and Justin admitted to a mental institution," Lance came back. "You're driving them mad, the both of them." "But that's just for fun!" Joey said. "And they know I only do it because I care about them."

Getting a bit more serious, Joey added: !I do love them, I really do...but I don't want us to stop having fun. They get all protective and stuff now and I don't like that. I want my freedom and I want us to be the way we use to be." "You know that's not going to happen, joey,2 Lance said mildly. "Not after what happened today..."

"I know, " Joey said. The room was getting darker and he turned to his back to reach the lamp on the night stand. A twinge of pain in his back reminded him all too much of what had taken place that day... And he hated the idea of that it could happen again, if he didn't watch his back.

Three months later

I sure am hungry Joey thought as he got out the shower. Three and a half months along and he still only had a medium sized poochie on his tummy. He ran his hands on his stomach. He stopped in front of the mirror in his bathroom. I'm getting so fat, he thought.

He felt arms circle his waist and rest on his stomach. Lips kissed the back of his neck. "Am I fat?" Joey asked twining his fingers with Justin's.

Tread lightly, Justin thought. Last week, JC had mistakenly told Joey he looked like he'd gained some weight. A good thing since Phil had said he wasn't quite up to par for as far along as he was.

However, Joey had taken it the wrong way and locked himself in the bathroom for three hours while he ate a gallon of Haagen-Daas. Only Lance was able to talk him out.

"You look beautiful, Joe. You are not fat." he said just the way Chris had taught him.


"Yes, honey, you look beautiful." JC said entering the bathroom. He had a glass of orange juice in one hand and a pre-natal vitamin in the other.

Joey took his vitamin and just as he was going to walk out of the bathroom, he felt movement in his stomach. He stood stock-still.

"Joe, is there something wrong?" JC asked

"No..."he stood still. There was the movement again.

"" he said slowly.

"What?" Justin asked getting a worried look on his face. Joey grabbed a hand from each of his mates and put it on his stomach.

"What is it..oh?" JC said feeling the movement under his hand.

"That's the babies?" Justin asked in a hushed voice.

Joey nodded, tears in his eyes. He really was going to be a father.

"Honey," JC said hugging Joey tightly. The Alpha side of his wanted to run around whooping and hollering and gloating. Yeah, he'd gotten his mate pregnant in one shot, but the rational side decided this wouldn't be this right time for that. He could probably do it later with Chris and Justin.

"Sweetie." Justin said also hugging Joey. There was a knock on the bedroom door and JC went to open it.

"Hey Chris, Lance."

"What's going on here?" Chris asked seeing Joey wipe tears from his eyes.

The babies moved..."Joey began only to be interrupted by JC.

"...for the first time." JC finished.

"That's great, Joe. My little one's been kicking me all day," Lance said putting his hands in the small of his back," You got something here for a pregnant boy to eat. I'm so hungry."

"Me too. Let's find something and leave these three upstairs." They waddled out of the room.

As Joey was fixing up breakfast to feed a small army the doorbell rang. "Lance could you get that?"

But before Lance could heave himself out of the chair, Chris had come downstairs with JC and Justin. "Sit down, babe. Don't overexert yourself." Chris said heading for the door.

Lance rolled his eyes. Chris came back a second later with the next door neighbors.

"We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." a very pregnant Joey Lawrence said from beside his mate Joey McIntyre. Chris took the outstretched coffeecake from Joey Mac's hands.

"Join us? My mate just fixed breakfast." Justin said ushering them into the breakfast nook. Joey Mac helped his mate into a nearby chair.

"How far along are you?" Lance asked gesturing to Joe's burgeoning stomach.

"Actually, I'm a week late. I'll be glad to not be pregnant anymore. This baby of his has been parked on my bladder for the last two months. Speaking of which."

Joey Mac came to help his mate out of the chair. "Second door on the left." Lance told him.

"Any names?" JC asked.

"We both agreed on David Joseph Lawrence McIntyre." Joey Mac said in his heavy Boston accent

"So have the little men reached that really dandy part of the pregnancy yet?" Joey Mac asked.

Lance raised an eyebrow. Joey did the same.

"Excuse me?" Chris said.

"The second trimester. Geez, Joe wanted to have sex all the time. 4 or 5 times a day. He about wore me out."

"You mean in the second trimester they get really horny" Chris asked with a grin.

"Oh yes. Their bodies are changing to accommodate for the babies growing inside them. And their hormones skyrocket thus causing them to be extremely horny. Didn't they tell you that?" Joey McIntyre said.

"NO" three voices replied looking at their beloved mates.

"What?" Both Joey and Lance echoed.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Chris asked.

"Because we'll never leave the bed" Lance said.

"And we were hoping that we wouldn't have to tell you" Joey pouted. "Besides you should have read you're 'The Pregnancy Guide for Fathers'."

"It really is quite informational and helpful" Joey Lawrence said. "So how far are you two."

"Three months' Both replied.

"Not to far along. They'll really start moving now" Joey Lawrence replied.

"We have three Joey's. Is this a good thing?" Chris asked.

"Yes" Joey replied as he hit Chris in the head with a piece of toast.

"What about the tour?" Joey McIntyre asked.

"Well Joey and Lance have taken time off. Management found out and well let's just say they weren't exactly fond of the pregnancies" Justin sighed. "But we told them we didn't care. We're going to be daddies and there's nothing they can do about it."

"I should have warned you about Johnny" Joey McIntyre sighed. "He was always an asshole."

Joey and Lance shivered at the thought and unconsciously rubbed their bellies. If their mates came a second later they wouldn't be pregnant now.

"Sorry didn't mean to bring up such a touchy subject" Joey M said.

It's okay" Joey replied. "It's over with. At least Jive got rid of him."

So have you thought names for your kids?" Joey Lawrence asked trying to change the subject.

"Christopher" Lance replied.

"Christopher?" Justin asked. "Isn't that a wussy name."

"And Who in their right mind would name a kid Justin" Chris retorted.

"okay enough bickering" JC replied.

"What about you Joe?" Joe asked.

Joey snickered. "Twins."

"Oh man, it's gonna be difficult like at two in the morning feedings." Joey Mac said softly.

"That's why I have two mates. One to get one baby and the other to get the other" Joey grinned.


"What? I'M the one giving Birth here. Not you" Joey replied.

Lance snickered. "Oh good one Joe."

Joey got up and started to clear the dishes.

"Hey love we'll take care of it. You relax" JC said taking the dish out of Joey's hand.

"But I'm restless" Joey pouted.

"Soon he'll be horny" Joey whispered to Chris.

"Can't wait for that" Justin grinned.

"You're bad Justin" Joey said as he sat down. Soon the phone rang and he answered. "Hello."

"STEVE! Hey how's my big brother" Joey replied.

"Oh fuck" Justin replied.

"What?" Chris asked.

"our families. We forgot to tell our families" Justin whispered.

"Oh fuck" Lance replied.

Joey got up and went into the living room. "Steve, can I speak to dad."

Joey sat on the couch and bit his lip. he had to tell him that he was going to be a grandfather. Not an easy chore in the Fatone Household.

"Joey, how's my boy"

"Hi Dad. I'm fine. Dad, I need to tell you something" Joey said in a quiet voice. He hoped his father won't blow a gasket.

"I'm proud of you son. You're going to go far in the music business. Taking after your old man. I couldn't have been more proud" Joe Sr. smiled.

"Dad my career is on hold" Joey replied softly.

"How come?" Joe Sr. asked.

"Dad, this isn't going to be easy but promise me that you'll understand?" Joey said in a small voice.

"Joseph, what's the matter. You're my boy. You can tell your old man anything?" Joe assured his son.

"I've mated and I'm three months pregnant" Joey blurted out.


"I have two mates and twins on the way" Joey whimpered.

"No. You have a career first Joseph. YOU DO NOT HAVE MATES NOR CAN BE PREGNANT!" Joe screamed.

"Dad, it's true...I love my mates and my children. Please understand" Joey said as tears fell from his eyes.


"dad, I'm not fucking up my life" Joey pleaded. "This is what I want."

"You're coming home Joseph. Then we'll get an abortion and you'll life will be better" Joe said sternly.

"NO! I will NOT DO THAT!" Joey screamed into the phone.

"Joseph, I am your Father! you will do as I SAY! You're Coming home!"

"YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" Joey screamed again.

"You will and we're going to get rid of those unwanted bastards. No son of mine is gonna bare children out of wedlock. Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. I will not have you embarrassing our family name!" Joe replied angrily.

Joey dropped the phone and started to cry. He can't understand why his father would do this. To see how happy he is with JC and Justin.

================== End of Chapter 6 ==================

Next: Chapter 7

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