Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Oct 31, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Big Thanks goes to Jackie who contributed to the story. Thanks Girl.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :) Shells: Kat:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 5 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

The next morning JC woke up first incredibly enough. Next to him Justin and Joey were still sleeping, exhausted from the night's shenanigans.

Curling up next to them, JC started thinking over their situation. As much as he hated to admit it, Johnny's words, no matter how cruel, had some truth in them.

They would have to keep their relationship a secret, as would Chris and Lance. One couple in the group could pass not the whole group being involved with each other.

Kevin and Nick didn't have to hide, and it would be difficult to hide the fact that they were married now as they had a baby. But Howie and Brian's relationship was still a secret. And it probably would be at least until after their child was born.

Looking at Justin who was sleeping in a position that didn't look healthy, and far from comfortable, JC sighed. They were trying to have kids now, and they would have them soon too, so how were they supposed to hide then? And he wasn't even taking into consideration the fact that he didn't want to hide....

And then there was the other Johnny-problem... JC knew that their manager was a Dominant, and even though he would scent that Joey belonged to someone else, that didn't always stop every dominant.

The sun was coming up outside. JC wondered how things had gone between Chris and Lance. A smile graced his face as he thought of the way they had taken off on their own. Management would probably don't have anything to say about the two of them getting together.

Another issue was the slight controversy about the three-ways marriages. Not everyone thought that should be allowed, even if everybody knew that sometimes that was they way things happened.

"Now I'm making myself depressed," JC thought, frowning. "Why do I bother so much what all the others think? We are a family now, and nothing will break us up."

"You think too much," a sleepy voice said. Looking down at Joey who stared back at him, JC smiled. "How could you tell?" "Because you were making that face again. The one you make when you think of something bad. You look like you just ate a lemon."

"I do?" JC answered. "Geez, remind me to not do that again." "It's kinda cute," Joey replied, wrapping his arms around JC's thigh, snuggling close to him. Resting his head against JC's hip, he continued. "Don't worry so much, love."

Letting his fingers play with Joey's soft hair, JC sighed again. "I can't help it, Joe, that whole ordeal yesterday with Johnny... And then Kev said something that made me worry even more."

On Joey's other side, Justin mumbled something and attached himself to Joey's back again. "What did Kevin say?" Joey asked, now seemingly a little more awake."

"Johnny was after Brian and Nick," JC explained, "even after Nick got together with Kevin and Brian with Howie. I'm just afraid he's going to go after you now."

"Like that's going to happen," Joey answered very dryly. "The guy hates me, if you haven't noticed." "I'm not too sure of that," JC said slowly. "There's something in his eyes when he looks at you, a look I don't like at all..."

"He doesn't like me," Joey insisted, moving up as much as Justin would let him. Then he let his arms encircle JC's waist. "And I sure as hell don't like him. Can't we fire him or something?"

"He's has a contract, love," JC said, "we have to have a reason for firing him." "He's jerk," Joey said surely. "That's good enough reason for me."

"The judge he's going to drag all our asses to if we fired him 'cause he's stupid, might not agree with you, sweetie," JC smiled. "Although it's tempting thought..."

"But I want him to be fired," Joey pouted. "Fire him for me, Josh." "You're spoiled, sweetheart," JC admonished him gently. "But ok, I'll see what I can do." "Good," Joey sighed, giving JC a hug. "Thanks."

The room went silent again as Joey fell asleep again, with his head resting on JC's stomach. Justin still slept, pinned between the wall and Joey. "Might as well get some more sleep myself," JC thought. "Our two nature freaks are probably going to be back soon too." Wiggling his way back down into the bed, he put his arm around his two sleeping lovers and went back asleep.

Lance and Chris smiled as they walked into the hotel room. It was a bright sunny day and everything was good. Chris hugged Lance and rubbed his stomach. "You think?"

"We'll find out soon enough" Lance smiled as he kissed Chris.

"So how was the woods? Nice and Comfy?" a voice chuckled.

Lance blushed.

"OH shut up Joey. By the way where are the hormonal twins?" Chris asked.

Joey chuckled. "In bed. They're exhausted."

"I bet. I thought you be the last one up" Chris grinned.

"I slept enough" Joey said. "Go shower I want to talk to Lance."

"Shesh demanding." Chris replied.

"Honey go" Lance said. "I want to talk to Joe."

"Fine but you two take it easy okay" Chris said as he went to his room.

"We're not fragile yet," Joey said as he stuck his tongue out.

"So you think?" Joey asked as he patted his belly.

"I don't know I think so." Lance smiled. "Babies Joe. We're gonna have babies."

Joey smiled. "I'll guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks. If we are, are you mad?"

"No, I thought I wanted to wait but after holding Dustin I wanted one of my own. I want to be a father" Lance smiled.

"Same here. Even though I tease Justin and JC I love them with all my heart and soul. I want to give them beautiful babies. I want one of my own too" Joey smiled.

"We're just naturally born suckers" Lance chuckled.

"I agree what about the tour. I mean if we're pregnant and there's a good case. Johnny is gonna be so pissed." Joey replied.

"Damn straight I am" a voice said behind them.

Joey and lance turned and saw their manager with a couple of unknown bodyguards.

"Johnny" Lance replied softly. < "You two are gonna learn not to defy me. We'll make sure those babies will never be born" Johnny said coldly.

"No" Joey replied as they backed off.

"We have a concert tonight. How the hell do you two expect to perform if you're pregnant" Johnny glared.


"Exactly. Besides if you're going to have kids it's going to be mine. Boys take them" Johnny replied.

"NO!" Lance and Joey screamed out as the two bodyguards grabbed them.


"CHRIS!" Lance replied.

"We sound like wusses" Joey said as he struggled to get free.

"Typical movie plot" Lance shrugged.

"Hurry before they enter the room" Johnny said as he left the room.

"You take the blonde one," Johnny told one of the large, silent men. "This one," he looked at Joey, "I'll take care of him myself."

"Don't you touch him!" Lance said angrily, trying to get away from the men that were holding him. "Damn it, where is Chris?" "Shut up!" Johnny said, moving over to Lance and hitting him hard over the face. "Unless you want me to make sure that you'll never have any kids again, ever."

Struggling to get free from the arms that were holding him, Joey knew that they both were in serious trouble. Johnny was mad enough to carry out his threats, and if somebody didn't show up soon, it was going to be their words against his.

"I'm going to make sure that the next time I speak the two of you listen," Johnny said, an evil smile curling his lips. "And now those precious little mates of yours aren't here to help you either."

A look at lance told Joey that his younger friend was afraid, from what he had gathered from their short conversation, Lance was sure that Chris and him would have a baby soon. Now that might not happen.

"Let lance go, Johnny," Joey asked. "You're mad at me, let him go." "Not at all," Johnny replied calmly. "You both need a lesson. Nodding to the man standing in front of Chris, the man drove his fist into lance's stomach, making him double over in pain.

"No! Please don't hurt him!" Joey begged. He couldn't stand to watch the pained expression on Lance's face. "Don't worry, Joseph," Johnny chuckled. "I'm getting to you too."

His fist moved and before Joey could do anything, it struck him in the face, making his nosebleed. "That's for the fucking attitude you give me," Johnny said, his eyes cold. The next punch hit him in the stomach, powerful enough to nearly knock his breath out of him.

The pain was like flames licking all over his body, Joey could barely gather enough strength to remain standing. Johnny hit him again, and Joey wished to all the higher powers above that he were wrong, that wasn't going to have a baby now. Well, he sure wasn't to after this.

He could hear Lance calling Chris's name again, then a muffled sound like someone had put their hands over his mouth.

Chris stepped out of the shower, reaching for a towel. Finding one the counter he dried off quickly and searched for something clean to wear. He was in a hurry to get back to his lover, after they had mated he couldn't stand to be away from him.

Putting on a pair of faded Levi's jeans and a white T-shirts and his shoes, Chris ran a hand through his damp hair. It was sticking up in all different directions, but he could care less. Reaching for his toothbrush he smiled to himself as he turned on the cold water faucet. The night had been magical, he had never ever dreamed that anything could feel that good and so right. The running water blocked out the noises from the other side of the door, still Chris was sure he had heard something.

The bathroom was quiet and Chris listened carefully. The he heard it again. It was faint, but he knew that whatever was going on out there it wasn't good. Hurrying out the door, he almost ran into Justin and JC. Justin only wearing his pants, JC in both pants and an open shirt. "You hear that too?" Chris asked, worry shining through in his dark eyes.

"We did," Justin replied. The worry in his own eyes matching Chris. "It's coming from the living room. Let's move."

"Let's go" JC replied. "I don't like this feeling that's crawling up my spine."

"That's my hand" Justin grinned.


"Sorry" Justin whistled.

"I thought you were tired?" JC replied.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not" Justin grinned.

"Lord help Joey and his kid" Chris replied.

"I resent that." Justin said.

"Hey let's bicker later. I'm worried" JC frowned as all three made their way to the living room.

They came skidded to a halt at the sight that welcomed them.

There they found one of the bodyguards holding Joey while the other holding lance. Johnny just slammed his fist into Joey's stomach again.

JC and Justin tensed as anger flared through their body. "Get your fucking hands off of him."

Johnny turned to them and sneered. "What You're careers are over! I'm just making sure that the conception won't succeed! You five are under contract. You cannot have children or mate unless I SAY SO!"

There were no words to describe the anger that was flaring throughout Chris, Justin, and JC's soul. All they saw was their mates being harmed by another dominant male. The instinct to protect their mates grew filled their souls to the very brim. It was time to whip Johnny's ass but good.

"You fucking coward" Chris growled. "How could you! You dare try to kill innocent children! OUR CHILDREN! There's a reason why we're called NSYNC asshole!"

"You hurt him" Justin snarled. "You hurt Joey and Lance. You hurt our mates. You're gonna pay big time."

JC snapped. Being the Alpha male and protector of his family all judgment left him. He jumped and tacked Johnny to the ground. "I warned you Johnny. Now you gave me one good reason to fire you're ass."

"I'm under contract. How is this gonna look to the public when I tell them that the five NSYNC members are no longer available. That they're fucking each other!"

"For one our fans support us no matter what" JC answered him. "And would they believe a worm like you when I ask Nick and Brian to tell the world how much of a slime ball you really are."

Johnny pushed him off. "I can challenge you."

"For Joey. Well you can but I seriously doubt that Joey and Lance would accept. You forget the rules of nature." JC replied. "By the way I'm going to contact Jive and tell them about your little stints. And by the way you're fired."

"One word Josh and I'll have my men break their bodies" Johnny smiled evilly.

The room was silent. Then Chris' fist connected with Johnny's jaw, sending the other man headfirst into the wall. "Don't think you can play us around like that," Chris growled. "If it was up to me, you be dead by now..." "I'd say go for it, Chris," Justin said, "Kill him and we'll dump the body in the god damn river."

Leaving Johnny to try and get up Chris turned his back to him and went over to Lance. The men holding him were unsure what to do. "You gonna let him go, or do I have make you," Chris asked simply. The look on his face made them release Lance and Chris caught him before he could fall.

Too relieved to say anything, lance just hugged Chris tightly, burying his face against his lover's neck. "It's going to be ok, baby," Chris soothed him. "I'll break his neck if he ever comes near you again, you're safe now."

Holding lance close to him, stroking his hair, Chris looked back to the unknown men. "I suggest you leave before your asses is buried so deep in lawsuits that you'll never see the sun again."

"You're staying," Johnny said immediately. But the men, all dressed in black suits, looked indecisive. JC was holding Joey, and he glared hatefully at Johnny. "Like he gives a shit what happens to you. If you're not out of this room in ten seconds, I'll kill you myself. Forget the damn lawsuits, I'll tear your fucking bodies part limb by limb myself." That language the men understood. They left.

Now Johnny was alone with three very, very angry men something that made him nervous. He already knew that JC got violent when he felt that somebody threatened the people he cared about. Especially when it was his mate.

But this time it was Justin that seemed to be the most aggressive one. He circled Johnny like a predator circled its prey; never letting his ice cold blue eyes leave the other man.

Then JC's worried voice rang through the room, cutting through the silence like a saber. "Justin? Something's wrong with Joey. I don't think he's breathing..."

A veil of red dropped over JC's eyes.

His mate was hurt all because of Johnny. His mate was pregnant and Johnny tried to kill their baby. Before he quite knew what he was doing he had Johnny up against the wall with his hands squeezing his throat.

"If Joey dies, you die." he hissed squeezing harder. Johnny choked and looked over at Joey's prone form, willing him to wake up.

"JC, JC..." Joey said faintly. JC let go of Johnny allowing him to slide to the floor.

"Joey, you Ok, baby?" JC felt tears springing to his eyes. He'd never felt so helpless in his life.

Joey lay very still on the floor. He took a deep breath. "Where's Lance?"

"He's over here. He's fine." Chris told him as he walked Lance over to where Joey lay flat on his back.

"See I'm Ok.

"Are you going to be all right?" Lance asked while Chris rubbed small circles around his stomach. Joey nodded. "I'm Ok. I just got the wind knocked out of me."

Chris brow wrinkled. He wanted to make sure his mate and his baby and Joey were Ok.

"Let's get you two to a hospital."

"NO!" They said in unison. The other three were surprised. Neither of them wanted to go.

"But what about the babies?" Justin asked helping Joey off the ground.

"I have a friend that's a nurse. He can get us checked out." Joey said.

"But honey you really...." Chris began.

"No hospital. The press would have a field day." Lance insisted.

As usual, Lance was right. The press would have a field day with this information. Lance opened his cell phone and handed it to Joey. Joey walked a short distance away and returned three minutes later. "He's expecting us." Joey said.

The woom woom woom sound was all that was heard in the cramped room. Joey's friend Phil was a midwife and had his own equipment. He spread the cold ultrasound gel on Joey's stomach. JC and Justin gripped Joey's hands. They both tried to not look worried for Joey's sake. Lance's ultrasound had shown no problems.

They were worried something would be wrong internally with Joey or something would be amiss with the baby. Phil warmed up the sensor on his hand and placed it on Joey's belly. "Hmmmnnnn." Phil said. "Hmmmnnnn....hmmmmnnnn...what does hmmmmnnn mean?" Justin asked frantically.

" we go," he pointed to a little circle the screen, "Here's your baby."

"Hmmm means here's your other baby as well."

"Twins?" three voices at once echoed through the room. "Yes," Phil said with a snicker. "That's what happens when you get yourself two mates, Joey. Then you have twins."

"Twins!" Justin still wasn't over Phil's first words. He looked like he was going to be working on that one for a while, so Joey left him to it and looked up at his friend. "Are the babies ok? He didn't hurt them?"

"They look fine, Joey," Phil clamed him, noticing the frantic grip Joey had on JC's hand. "But you're were lucky that you're still very early in the pregnancy, other wise it could have been much worse. You get some rest and take it easy for the next days and everything should be just fine." "Thank God!" Joey sighed and laid back. "I second that," JC said, looking like a thousand tons had been lifted off his shoulders.

Leaning down to kiss Joey JC whispered: "I'm so happy that you're ok, love, you scared me real good when you passed out like that. And we're going to have"

"I know," Joey answered softly. "I still can't believe it... And Lance too... I always thought he would have kids first, now we're both having them."

"I'm going to be a father!" Justin exclaimed from the other side of the room. Joey looked at JC. "He's kinda slow, isn't he?" "A bit," JC nodded. "Hope the babies get my brains instead of his." "That wouldn't be good, Joey said very seriously. "What you're thinking with these days sure isn't what's on top of your shoulders... They'd be better off more like me..."

JC kissed him again. "You know that's an excellent way to shut you up? I'll have to remember that." Looking down on Joey's pout, he smiled. "What do you say that we get Justin back from whatever planet he went off to, and then the three of us can go have a nice, romantic dinner to celebrate this?"

"That sounds very, very nice," Joey agreed. He frowned. "Ahm...where...where did Johnny go off to after he..." "It's ok, sweetie," JC pulled Joey close to him in a warm hug. "I'm not really sure, but I think he wormed his way out after you passed out. I swear Justin was going to kill him, but you're more important to him, so..."

Then they were both crush-hugged from behind by an ecstatic Justin. "Twins!" he happily stated. "I love you guys!"

"I hope it's a romantic dinner in bed," Phil said as he printed out a copy of the ultrasound to give to the fathers to be.

"He needs rest."

"Oh yeah" JC blushed. "Well it's a romantic dinner in bed."

"Plus no sexual activity for awhile." Phil said.

"What" both Justin and JC said.

Joey snickered at their expressions. They're mouths were wide open from shock. He loved it. "He says we can't have sex."

"We heard that." Justin replied.

"Don't worry Chris said the exact same thing when I told him he couldn't make love to Lance" Phil chuckled.

"That's not fair" Justin pouted.

"Justin, Joey is in an extremely critical stage of pregnancy. It's surprised that there's a heartbeat. When did you mate again?"

"Not to long ago. A week ago" JC said.

"But last night we made love like mad. It was time to reproduce" Justin said.

"Well that's about right. Just after you mated both Lance and Joey conceived on the very night you first became mates. The scent telling the dominant males that it's time to bare children. That happens after you mate." Phil smiled.

"Damn" Joey said surprised. "They have strong swimmers."

"JC, Josh, this first trimester is very important. Make sure he doesn't become overly excited. And with what Johnny did to both of them one major move can lead to miscarriage." Phil said softly. "The next three weeks they need to stay off their feet."

"Three weeks?" Joey whined. "I don't wanna be off my feet for three weeks."

"This is not good," Justin said.

"Oh the bitching we're gonna hear" JC said. "Well make sure they stay off their feet."

"Yes Joseph three weeks" Phil said as he written something in his book. "After the three weeks I want you to come in and see me."

"Yes sir" Joey sulked.

Phil brought JC and Justin to the side. "Cheer him up. I told Chris this but those two are gonna be a pain to deal with. Three weeks bed rest would put any male in a bad mood."

"Noted doc" Justin said.

"Okay first time daddies. Good luck and be patient" Phil smiled as he showed the couple out.

============= End of Chapter 5 =============

Next: Chapter 6

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