Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Oct 31, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :) Shells: Kat:

====================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 3 Written By: Shell and Kat ======================

Chris looked at Lance and blushed. "You wanna make love"

"Yes" Lance purred as he stroked his lover's soft member. "I want to show you how Much I love you."

Chris moaned slight as Lance continued to stroke him gently. It felt so good and he wanted more. He started to thrust in Lance's delicate fingers. "OH god Lance by all means. Fuck the hell out of me if you want to but please just don't stop."

Lance groaned and rolled over so that he was on top of Chris's beautiful form. He smiled as he started to lick Chris's neck. "Then baby brace yourself because hell is sure hot."

Chris squirmed as Lance's hands kept stroking him. If Lance didn't stop making him feel so damn good than he was gonna explode without his baby in his ass. "Oh Lance..oh baby...stop..I want to cum when you do.."

Lance smiled and let his tongue drag all over Chris's chest as he spread Chris's legs apart. He took a nipple between his teeth and began to lightly nibble on the tender flesh.

Chris thrust into Lance's hips demanding him that he fuck him. "LANCE!" Chris whined.

"Boy you sure whine when you want something" Lance said as he pulled away.


"Damn you're all hot and bothered already?" Lance chuckled.

"Well duh we do have a bond now" Chris said as he kissed Lance's nose. "What do I have to do in order for you to FUCK ME!?"

"That" Lance chuckled as he placed Chris's well-toned legs over his shoulder. He grabbed the lube and squeezed some in his hands. He then lubed himself up before working Chris' hole.

"Yes" Chris breathed as he ran his hands all over Lance's chest, squeezing his nipples. So this is what it's like for Lance when He made love to him the feeling, the anticipation, the love that was emanating from him. He loved Lance so much. He was glad he mated with him.

"I love you Chris"

"I love you to Lance. Please.."

"Horny aren't you"


Lance chuckled as he closed his eyes as he pushed his dick into Chris's entrance. He almost fainted as Chris's warmth gripped him with such ferocity that it made him weak in the knees. So this is what Chris goes through when they made love. Tight and hot he like that feeling as much as being filled by his lover. "Oh fuck Chris you're tight.."

Chris was already thrashing below him. "OH FUCK LANCE damn it feels good. Oh FUCK, FUCK FUCK!"

Lance had to laugh. "Are you trying to be a cheerleader?"

"Damnit just move..anything... I need it" Chris begged.

Lance saw how purple Chris's dick became and started to move in him. It felt so good and each thrust Chris would grip him making it impossible to keep a slow tempo.

No words were said as Lance was pounding hard in Chris's ass. Only sounds were grunts, moans and an occasionally harder and Fuck. Both were too far-gone to form any complete sentences. They were so caught up in the intense love making on both ends.

It wasn't long before Lance felt the all too familiar of an orgasm approaching. He sped up his thrusts and kissed Chris passionately on the mouth as he came. "OH BABY I LOVE YOU!"

Chris was going wild beneath Lance. He stroked his dick as Lance pounded in him. He started to shoot between him and his lover. "OH YES LANCE OH GOD!"

Both shot their loads at the same time. Lance was pounding hard causing Chris to spill faster. Soon as they came it was over just as fast. Lance finished shooting his load and pulled out of Chris's ass. he collapsed next to His mate and breathed heavily

Chris was staring at the ceiling, happily. He felt so good and his body was still humming after that explosive orgasm. He turned to Lance and kissed him. "Thank you."

"No thank you for becoming my mate. I love you too much Christopher" Lance said as he snuggled next to his husband.

"I love you too James" Chris said and both fell asleep side by side.

The night had fallen several hours ago. A full moon graced the tops of the trees, and a cool breeze swept in through the open doors to the balcony in Joey's Justin and JC's room.

On the bed Justin and Joey laid sleeping, tightly embraced. JC was sitting, leaning back into a pillow. His eyes were threatening to close of their own will, but he just couldn't go to sleep just yet.

The experience they had shared the three of them had been too intense, his body was still almost shivering with the aftershock of the incredible pleasure and rightness of what they had done.

Joey made a small sound in his sleep, moving closer into Justin and burrowing his face into Justin's chest. Slightly amused JC wondered how he could sleep, much less breath, like that. But Joey seemed to be perfectly comfortable, Justin too

A couple of seconds later, JC moved down so he was lying right behind Joey. Snuggling closer to him, he put his arm around both his lovers. Yawning a little he closed his eyes and went to sleep in an instant..

The sum was shining relentlessly in the windows. Lance tried to turn his face away from the bright sunrise, but that didn't help much. So he gave up and opened his green eyes. During the night he had managed to wrap him around Chris, now lying nearly on top of him. Chris didn't seem to mind as he slept happily on.

Reminding still for a minute Lance just studied his husband. He had known forever that it was going to be the two of them, he didn't need any scent or whatever to be sure of that. The first time he laid eyes on the older, darker man, he just knew.

"Chris!" he said, quietly at first. As he didn't get any response, lance tried a little louder. After repeating that a couple of times with no result, Lance furrowed his brow as he decided he needed a new approach.

"Chris!" he tried again, this time softly letting his fingers brushes over Chris' neck. This time Chris moved, but didn't open his eyes.

Replacing his fingers with his lips, Lance bit. "Ow," Chris mumbled into his pillow. "A simple "wake up", would have done fine, babe."

Supporting his weight on one elbow, lance looked down at him. "but it wouldn't have been half as fun. I like biting you." Chris turned over so he was lying on his back. "I think I better get you break fast, lance, or else you'll be going after me." "You wish," Lance came back. But he was smiling. "And I already know what I want for breakfast." Playing innocent, Chris looked up at lance. "What?"

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chris would have never imagined that his sweet Lance could produce such a naughty smile. Walking his fingers over Chris' naked chest, lance answered simply: "You."

***** Joey watched as they all gathered for breakfast. He couldn't walk his ass was too sore. He's gonna have to get back at JC and Justin for that. they're grinning at him like a Cheshire Cat. Chris too was grinning at Lance.

"Think we got suckered" Joey chuckled to his friend.

"Big time. But it was worth it" Lance sighed happily.

"Yeah it was. But damnit they're teasing us" Joey mock pouted.

"And you loved it" Justin grinned as he ruffled Joey's hair.

"Stop that" Joey said as he patted Justin's hand away. "Go and tell Chris your exploits and I'll tell Lance mine."

Justin grinned and kissed Joey before he joined the others.

"I am so sore" Joey complained. "I had trouble getting out of bed this morning."

"Same here" Lance replied. "And I only had one man in my bed."

"I have to say this but two men is twice the fun" Joey winked.

"Well you get to have twice the baby" Lance snickered.

Joey's face fell. "Oh god..that's gonna hurt so much..How bout we adopt."

"It won't be that bad. Peter just had twins not two long ago. He says it won't be that bad" Lance assured him. "By the way have you heard from Kevin and Nick."

"Oh Yeah...Nick had a baby boy not to long ago. Remember that's why the boys haven't been performing as much. Nick had Dustin Carter" Joey smiled.

"Dustin Carter Richardson" Lance smiled. "I like that name. Who does he look like?"

"A little of both. He has Nick's hair and Kevin's eyes and Nick's mouth from what Kevin told me" Joey smiled.

"So how does this work since we're mated. Are we married?" Lance asked.

"I think so. Mates usually mean married. But I want a marriage ceremony not just the sex part of it" Joey pouted. "Even thought I like the sex part."

"Me too. So how would you work out your last name?" lance asked. "I know I'm James Lansten Bass KirkPatrick

"Let's see Joseph Anthony Fatone Timberlake Chasez. Damn" Joey laughed.

"You bad" Lance chuckled.

"Well one of the kids gets their father's last name" Joey smiled. "But I'm not getting pregnant yet."

"Second that. I can see it now. Two members of the pop group NSYNC Joey Fatone and Lance Bass pregnant. More at 10" Lance replied.

Joey smiled. "The hardest part now. Is telling management."

"Oh fuck..that isn't gonna be pretty" Lance replied.

"Hey that's why we have husbands. They can do it." Joey smiled.

"OH yeah the others can handle that part" Lance chuckled.

O yeah, that's what we have them for!" Lance faked enlightenment. "True," Joey nodded. "And for the sex part." "Yes," lance nodded this time. "I need that part too."

They were sitting in the large leather sofa, Joey in one corner, lance sitting Indian style next to him.

"How do you think it will be?" lance asked. "You know, getting pregnant and all?" Joey was silent for a bit, thinking. Then he leaned towards Lance. "can I tell you a secret?" he whispered. "Sure," Lance whispered back. "I kinda look forward to it," Joey said with a shy smile. "But don't tell Justin and JC, I like to keep them a bit on their toes."

That made Lance giggle. "You're bad, Joey! I mean it! They do everything for you, and you still give them a hard time and mess with their heads."

"Like you don't do that with Chris," Joey said with a snort. "I guess I do," Lance admitted. "But not like you with them, half the time they look happy, but just really confused, the rest of the time they just look confused."

"Hmmm," Joey answered. "You really think I should stop teasing them?" He ran a hand through his brown hair, making some dark locks fall over his forehead. "I don't want to hurt them, you know." Lance leaned back next to him. "I know you don't, and I don't think you do either. JC and Justin are normally confused, it shouldn't be anything new to them."

At first Joey just looked at him, completely taken by surprise, then he nearly fell out of the couch laughing. From where the other three was sitting, Justin sent a slightly worried look over at them.

"Maybe we shouldn't let them be alone like this," he said slowly. " I can handle Joey alone. But the two of them together...that's a bit much." "They're bonding," Chris said, stretching a little. "I guess I'm really starting to see the differences between being a submissive and a dominant now. It's like suddenly Joey and lance has this bond, that we can't share."

"I know how you feel," JC said, from where he was sitting on the floor. "I feel like a grew up in like 24 hours. First I'm just fooling around, trying to get Joey to bed. then all of a sudden I'm a taken man, possibly even a father soon." "And you're so whipped too," Chris pointed out. "Both you and Justin." For that Justin hit him over the head with a pillow.

"We're not whipped!" Giggling, and dodging Justin's attacks with the pillow, Chris answered: "Yes, you are! Joey's got you right where he wants you!" Now Justin was giggling too. "But it's really not a bad place to be!"

Now lance and Joey were the ones to send a couple of looks over to their mates. "Sheesh, you think they're gonna be like this from no one?" Lance chuckled. "Well, your guy started it," Joey stated. "My guys behaved!" Lance's answer was sticking his tongue out at Joey. And Joey grabbed a pillow too and swung it at Lance.

Chris proceeded to take the pillow from Justin and throwing it at JC. "hey, what was that for?" JC said, looking up at Chris. "Joey hit my man, therefor I hit you." "Chris-logic, you can't argue with that," JC laughed, sitting up some. Then he threw the pillow back at Chris. "Pillow-fight!" Justin yelled. The next minute they were all at it, throwing pillows at each other.

There was a sound at the door. Joey looked up before being hit in the head by Chris.

"HEY Watch who's man you're hitting' JC said as he whipped Chris on the head.

"Leave him alone. I need him you know" Lance replied.

"Yeah for his seed" Justin replied. "And you want to have a baby with him? You want short kids?"

"HEY" Chris replied as he hit Justin in the head.

"It's the truth" Justin laughed.

"Leave my wittle elf alone' Lance replied.


Joey laughed as he got the door. He opened and his smile went away. "Johnny?

The laughter stopped as they turned to face their manager.

"Okay boys we need to talk" Johnny replied.

"What about" Lance asked.

Johnny stormed in and glared at all five of them. "WHO the hell said you can mate with each other?"

"How do you know we mated with each other?" JC asked angrily. Johnny had no right to chose whose mates they were suppose to be.

"For one what about the fans. IF you all are mates then what chance do they have with you" Johnny spat.

"Hey we love each other" Joey replied getting in Johnny's face. "We were suppose to be husbands. YOU Can't fucking tell us who we can choose!"

"What about your careers? This can seriously put you out you know" Johnny sneered.

"Look at Kevin and Nick. They'

re mated and have a family" Chris stated.

"THAT'S ONE! BUT ALL FIVE OF YOU! Maybe if JC and Justin married it wouldn't be so bad" Johnny replied.

"but JC and Justin are dominants" Joey replied. "They need a submissive."

"Well we could find one. WHY YOU JOE! For crying out loud you're not important to this group!" Johnny screamed.

Joey stepped back shocked and hurt at Johnny's callous words. He couldn't believe that Johnny said that about him. He was important wasn't he.

"I am too important" Joey whispered.

"OH please. The only reason why you're here now is because Chris asked you to join. If I had MY way you wouldn't be here at all. You'll be back at Orlando still a low life two bit actor working at Universal" Johnny replied.

Joey pushed Johnny and left the room in tears. Every single word that Johnny spat at him hurt his entire being. Who was he kidding? The others have it all. Own Successful business, a successful clothing line, one could be a producer or manager one of these days and a successful foundation. What does he have? Most of the movie and TV deals were slim. He wasn't the pretty boy that they wanted. It all hurts. This was the only thing Joey got. He wanted more so he could support his family as well.

He ran out of the hotel. He was going to Kev's and Nick's. He needed a friend at the moment.

There was a dead silence in the room. Lance had moved over to Chris, Justin and JC was standing side by side on the center of the floor.

"That," JC started,, his voice cold and sharp as chipped ice, "was the most unfortunate thing you could sat, you know." His face was calm, but his blue eyes burned with a rage that was the perfect counterpart to the ice in his voice. "You know I'm going to have to hurt you know."

Each dominant, when mated, would defend his mate to the death, if needed. Not only from physical harm, but from the slightest insult, or advance made by other dominants. Some felt that urge stronger them others, JC had no intentions of restraining his actions.

Justin had assumed his place next to JC, forget honor, forget all about a fair fight, and forget about them being two against one. All he could think if was that the person in front of them had hurt Joey, had hurt their mate. Therefor he had to pay.

Johnny felt the hostility from the two as solid as a storm wind. "Guys," he tried, backing away. "let's talk about this, I was angry... I didn't mean what I said." Still very silently JC and Justin moved after. Motions in sync with each others, still the stoic faces with the death stare directed at their prey.

"Do you think we ought stop them? Lance asked, putting his hand in Chris. "No," Chris answered, his face wearing a slight scowl. "We are going to let JC and Justin handle that. Johnny was to learn that he can't control us like that."

"Guys?" Johnny tried again. He didn't like the look he was getting from the two men in front of him. JC was leading, Justin at his side. "You're going to stay away from us," JC finally spoke. "I don't want to hear you utter another word again, about the relationships within this group. And if you ever attack Joe like that again, you don't get any warning."

"Look. I'm your manager, that means I'm your boss!" Johnny raised his voice. "You do as I say!" He seriously hadn't expected Justin to be the one that hit first, but he was.

Justin's fist connected with Johnny's jaw, sending the older man backwards until he hit the wall. Before he could regain the control over his body he was struck again, sending him to the floor.

JC kept to the back a little, a slow smile spreading on his face. As Justin moved back, he stepped forward. Patiently he waited for Johnny to get back to his feet. As the other man was standing, JC raised his hand in one graceful movement and this time made blood trickle from Johnny's nose. The punch hit with enough impact to send Johnny back onto the floor.

Content with drawing blood, JC kneeled by Johnny. "Don't ever think you decide over us," he said softly. "You have your job as long as we can see the use for you. that can change very quickly... And I don't want to see you near Joey, or Lance for that matters, without permission from Justin, Chris or me. Then you're out. You got that?"

"Yeah,2 Johnny said so fast that the word almost got caught on it's way out. "I got it, I'll stay away." JC still smiled, "good," he said. "Now get the hell out of here." He stood back and Johnny scrambled to his feet and all but ran out of the room.

"Now," JC said, walking over to Justin, "we go and find Joey."

"Where do search?" Lance asked as Chris had his arm around Chris protectively.

"Probably to Nick and Kevs" Justin suggested. "He always goes and talks to them when he gets seriously stressed."

"Let's go" JC said softly> "I just hope Joe is gonna be okay."

"You okay" Chris asked as he rubbed Lance's arms.

"That was uncalled for. Joey is very talented" Lance said softly.

"We know but Johnny is a dick anyway. No wonder NKOTB wanted to ditch him."

Justin nodded. "Lets go find our mate before something happens, namely AJ."

"Let's" JC said as they grabbed their coats and left the hotel.

Joey made it to Nick and Kevin's. He hated to bother them especially with a new baby in the house. But he needed to talk to someone. He was hurting. He pushed the buzzer on the gate and waited for an answer.

"Yo! You reached Kevin and Nick's. You know the drill. Give us your name and we might consider letting you in. NICK! hehe sorry."

Joey laughed. Those two were such a pair.

"Nick, Kev, its Jo-Jo, I need to talk to you" Joey whispered.

"Hey Jo Jo what's up.."

"Nick for crying out loud. Sorry Joe he's been a bit bitchy"


"NICK You're gonna wake Dustin"

"Am not"


"You let Joey in I'll take care of Dustin"

"that's an advantage Joe. Lay the guilt thick"

Joey chuckled as Nick pushed the buzzer and let Joey drive up.

Joey parked and walked in. He saw Nick standing there. He looked good. "Hey Nick, how you feeling."

"My body hurts. I don't want Kevin to ever fuck me again. basically like hell" Nick smiled.

Joey smiled. He could always count on Nick to cheer him up. "How's the baby?"

Kevin walked in holding the small baby. "Well depends. He's a mini version of Nick."

"Hey! I do not Whine like that" nick replied.

"Oh yes you do just admit it" Joey replied.

"Okay this is not fair" Nick pouted.

"Don't fall for it Joe" Kevin whispered. "Hey why the tears."

"Can we talk?" Joey asked.

"Hey let's go into the living room" Nick replied.

**** Joey finished telling his tale about what happened between all five NSYNCER's Including AJ.

"Don't worry about AJ" Kevin said as he watched Joey hold Dustin. "I'll talk to him about that."

"And as for Johnny he isn't anything without you. But he is an ass that's why we dumped him" Nick replied.

"He tried that with Nick and Brian didn't work" Kevin said.

"He did?" Joey asked.

"Yeah he wanted to get us away from Howie and Kevin so he could fuck us himself" Nick said softly.

"Oh sh..hell" Joey said softly.

"You and Lance be careful" Kevin said and answered the intercom. "Joe, the guys are here."

"let em in" Joey smiled.

"Hey no baby making in our house" Nick said.

"Oh hush you" Kevin said. "And exactly where were we when you conceived hmm.."


"That was nine months ago and you were..oh my god. Does JC know?" Joey smiled.

Kevin and Nick blushed. "Not exactly. We wanted to get away from the party and ended up in his room."

Joey chuckled and tickled Dustin's chin. "That's your fathers for you."

"So when are ya gonna have a baby of your own" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Whenever we're ready I guess" Joey explained.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" Nick said as he got up.

Nick was quick to step out of the way to not get run down by four worried NSync'ers. "Hi, Nick," Lance and Chris said, while Justin and JC headed straight for Joey.

"Joey! Are you ok, baby?" JC asked, wrapping his arms around Joey and hugging him tightly. As Justin embraced him from the other side, Joey had to stop them. "Careful,2 he said, lifting the baby better up, "I'm holding Dustin." JC and Justin immediately let go off him. "Sorry," Justin said, sitting down next to Joey now. Looking down on the little boy in Joey's arm, he smiled. "He's so cute," he cooed and let the baby take hold of his finger.

"He is, isn't he?" Joey answered. As he looked down at the baby, now holding onto to Justin's finger with a concentrated look, a strange feeling came over Joey. This could be him in not so long. His own baby. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he held the bay a little closer. JC caught the look and felt his heart jump a beat in the usual Joey-induced way.

They were a family now, Joey, Justin and he. And hopefully they'd even get some more family members in let say...nine months ahead in time. He knew Justin shared his thoughts about starting a family, but Joey had said that he wanted to wait.

So they would wait. But if JC were to judge from the way Joey was fussing over Nick and Kevin's son, he wasn't all against the idea.

Lance had moved over to Joey and was now cooing to the baby together with Joey. Joey asked if lance wanted to hold the baby, and lance soon had his arms around a now nearly sleeping little boy.

JC had to smile again as he looked at lance's face, and when he looked over at Chris, he could imagine that those two would definitely beat them to when it came to who had children first.

Kevin and Nick were sitting together in another couch, Nick leaning against Kevin's chest with Kevin's arm around him. JC sat down next to them. "How's things with the two of you then?"

"Very, very good," Nick sighed. "The little one is an angel, and Kevin has even started behaving decently... Instead of answering him, Kevin tickled Nick, making his squirm and laugh. "I said he has started to behave decently," Nick smiled," he's just not all there yet."

Kevin tickled him again, and Nick pretended to pout, which of course led to Kevin tickling him even more. "So," Kevin asked, as Nick was curled up laughing across his lap, "what's the story with you guys and Johnny?"

An angry look passed over JC's face, it was soon replaced by a loving smile as he saw Justin sitting behind Joey, his chin on Joey's shoulder and his arms around him, as they watched Lance and the baby. Chris was now at Lance's side too. "I hit him, and told him to stay the hell away from us," JC then answered. "that might have been a very good idea," Kevin answered him.

"We had some problems with that guy for some time back, you better watch out." He told JC what they had told Joey earlier.

At first JC just looked at Kevin. Then he leaned back into the couch and simply stated: "Fuck."

"Damnit, I knew something was up with him" JC cursed as he ran his hands through his hair.

"What are you guys going to do?" Kevin asked. "If you fire him the public is going to wonder. At least they knew we had problems with Johnny."

"Damn again. Well we're gonna keep an eye on Johnny. If he remotely tries anything with Lance or Joe we'll have his ass canned so fast it won't be funny" JC said.

"Kev, how did you know it was time to start a family?" JC asked.

"Ah, it comes up" Kevin smiled. "Just mated right?"

JC blushed. "Yeah."

"It won't be long trust me. It could be a couple days from now or next week but you'll know when your mate starts to act strangely. Little things like mood swings and gets really horny really fast. Damn I couldn't keep Nick off of me during rehearsals. But the horniess will tell you not only that but you'll feel it as well. They release a scent into the air and it will hit you like a ton of bricks that it's time to have children" Kevin answered.

JC blushed. "Oh man I just hope it's not during a concert. That'll be embarrassing dancing with a raging hardon."

Kevin laughed. "Isn't your pay per view coming up."

"Oh shit..don't remind me. Hopefully they won't release their scent until afterwards."

"well If I see you dancing with an incredible bulge I'm gonna tease you for the rest of your life' Kevin chuckled.

"you would" JC sighed.

Kevin grinned.

Joey sighed as he felt Justin's head on his shoulder. He turned and kissed Justin. "Love you."

"Love you to. You okay babe" Justin said as he rubbed Joey's back.

"I'll be fine. It's just.." Joey sighed again.


"Nothing. It's not important right now" Joey said. "Dustin is cute isn't he."

"He's adorable" Justin smiled. "He won't be as cute as our kids."

"I heard that" Nick replied. "He'll be more cuter than yours." "Will not"

"Will to"

"Will not"


"Will you two stop" Kevin replied. "Nick you're a father now. You have to set an good example for Dustin" Kevin replied.

"Ha Ha"

"Justin lay off" JC replied.

"He he"


"AJ" Nick replied. He turned and saw Joey frowned. "Don't worry J. he'll leave you alone."

"Did you know Brian's pregnant" Kevin asked.

"Since when" Lance asked handing Nick back Dustin.

"Since Howard fucked him" Nick giggled.

"It's called making love Nickolas" Howie said as he helped a six month Brian along.

"Hey Cuz" Kevin said as he helped Brian to a seat.

All five NSync'ers started to giggle.

"Don't start on me" Brian replied. "I'm fat."

"You are not" Howie smiled as he rubbed Brian's shoulders.

"I am to. I'm larger than Nick when he was pregnant" Brian pouted.

Joey looked smilingly at Brian. The thought of him going through that himself, wasn't so scary anymore. Not when he had Justin and JC. If he wasn't mistaken it wouldn't be long before Lance got himself pregnant, and Joey wanted the two of them to have kids at the same time.

Howie was sitting next to Brian, his hand absentmindedly stroking Brian's stomach as they were talking with JC, Kevin and Nick.

Justin was hugging Joey from behind. "What are you thinking about, sweetie?" he asked as Joey went quiet. "About kids," Joey dared to say. "I still don't want to get pregnant right away, but maybe it won't be that long either..."

"That's nice," Justin smiled, kissing his lover's cheek. !I want us to be a family," Joey continued. "We already are a family,2 Justin protested. "Even if we don't have kids, we're still a family, you, JC and me."

Chris and Lance was talking among themselves, off in their own world. Joey wondered where AJ was. He didn't want to ask either. JC would throw a fit if he did and Justin would do the same.

The jealousy thing was nice sometimes, but Joey didn't want them to go off at his slightest mention of anybody else. JC was worst, he was so over-protective at times.

The minutes ticked away. Now lance was chatting away with Brian, while Chris was talking to Kevin, Nick was tending to his son, and Howie was standing next to him. JC had joined Joey, who was now wondering if Justin had fallen asleep laying against his back. "I think Justin is permanently attached to you now, honey," JC said as he saw Justin's death grip around Joey.

"That wouldn't be very convenient, would it?" Joey joked. "It would be nice, but not very practical." "And he is taking up my place," JC added, letting his fingers run through Joey's dark hair.

"You guys have your places now...that's weird, Josh. but I kinda like weird, so that's ok."

"I'm not sleeping," Justin suddenly said. "Of course you're not," Joey said, "you're...what are you doing back there anyway?" "I like it back here,2 Justin answered, placing his cheek to Joey's back. "I like the way I can hear your heartbeat when I'm this close."

JC moved to behind Justin and wrapped his arm around the both of them. "Feeling a little squashed here," Justin piped up. That made JC loosen his grip a little. "That better?" "Much," Justin answered, snuggling up to Joey again.

"So have you both thought on a name yet?" Chris asked.

"Not yet. We're still browsing through names" Brian smiled.

"Justin's a good name" Justin smiled.

"Ewe who in the right state of mind name a kid Justin" Chris grinned.

"It's better than Christopher" Justin replied.

"It is not"


"We're not gonna start again" Joey moaned. "besides it's Brian's and Howie's child. Let them name the baby"

"Thanks Joey" Howie smiled.

"Should we tell them we do have a name sticking out" Brian smiled.

"Lets" Howie chuckled.

"What is it?" Kevin asked.

"Joseph Christopher" Howie beamed.

"YES!" Chris and Joey stated.

"Hey that's no fair!" Justin pouted.

"Well we know the first name is gonna be Joseph" Brian smiled.

"It's a cool name" Joey grinned.

"Oy" We're gonna deal with an ego manic" Justin sighed.

"Talking about yourself again love" Joey said as he patted Justin's fro.

"Hey, leave my hair alone" Justin pouted.

Joey chuckled when something hit him. He started to squirm in his chair. Something hit him and it hit him hard.

JC looked up and felt life stirring in his pants. he looked at Kevin who gave a small smile.

"Oh it'll hit when least expected" Kevin replied.

"But we just mated" JC whispered.

"Like I said you never can tell when it hits" Kevin replied.

Justin bit his lip. Joey was releasing a scent that was driving him mad. He felt his erection hitting Joey's butt.

Joey tried hard not to moan but for the life of god he couldn't sit still.

"Hey I'm beat can we go back to the hotel now" Joey whined.

"Sure" JC said as he watched Kevin smirked. "We better be heading back."

"I'm tired" Lance replied feeling horny as hell. He noticed that Joey released his scent at the same time as he did. He couldn't keep his hands off of Chris. HE needed Chris and he needed him now.

Chris was all over the place. He fidgeted too much. He was hard as a rock and he needed to release the raging hardon that was plaguing him. Damnit why couldn't Lance hold it or something. Well at least till they got back to the hotel.

Nsync said good bye and headed back home.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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