Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Jan 3, 2001


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

WOW Cosmic Companions has been nominated for an award. Thanks to all who's been reading and making this story so popular. We're having so much fun writing it as well as reading it. You can see the nomination for our story and others at: FF Awards 2000.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again. One More thanks goes to Colleen who edited the last chapters. Thanks for the help girl. You Rock!

On a sad Note: Yes my friends Cosmic Companions is coming to a close. It was So Much Fun writing it as you enjoyed reading it. Thanks to Everyone Kind words that kept us going. Thanks to the mprov crew whom they got to preview when I wrote some of it in there. But don't fret Cosmic Companions isn't finished completely. It's only the beginnning for the guys. Stay tunned for the sqeual called Cosmic Journeys.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 19 Written By: Shell , Kat, Jackie and Colleen ========================

Two weeks have passed

It was the night before Christams Eve. Lance was nervous. Joey was nervous, Chris, Justin and JC were nervous. The doctor told them that the babies were going to be born any minute now.

"Where are they? I'm scared" Lance said.

"They said they had a couple of presents to pick up. Then they'll be home" Joey said.

"Ok-Ooo" Lance said as he clutched his stomach.

"Ok-Ooo is not a good sound" Joey said frantically. "Lance you okay."

"yeah..I'll be..OWWWW!" Lance cried out and he breathed.

"Oh no..Lance?" Joey asked.

"Contraction" Lance winced.

"Oh shit.." Joey said as he picked up his phone. He dialed a number.

"AHHHHH" Lance cried.

"How long has the pains been happening?" Joey asked.

"Early last night" Lance gritted out as he leaned against the couch, breathing. "It hurts..oh hurts.."

"Early last night? You've been in labor since then?" Joey asked. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Cause they would only send me home for false labor" Lance said. He was greeted with another contraction. "FUCK!"

"Oh fuck" Joey panicked. "Come on Chris..answer the fucking phone.."

"Joey....I'm in labor" Lance gritted his teeth.

"I see that" Joey said.waited for a ring when the phone went dead.

"What the hell?" Joey asked as he pulled the phone away.

"What..going...on" Lance gritted.

"Phone's dead." Joey whispered.

"That's not good"

" isn't" a deep evil laughter filled the room.

Joey looked up. "Oh fuck.."

"Hello boys" the cheerful yet sickening voice greeted them. "So Lance, going to have your baby are we?"

"Johnny" Lance replied then screamed out as he grabbed his stomach.

"Come on..Lance needs to..." Joey started but stopped. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

"Needs to what" Johnny smiled.

Joey held onto the chair as he began to breath. He was going into labor. "Please leave us alone."

"I don't think so Joey. You should have stayed with me" another cold voice replied.

"No" Joey said. "leave us" Joey screamed as the pain got worse.

"We got you where we want you.." Johnny smiled.

Joey pressed a button on his pager. Hopefully his husbands will get the emergency call.

"Ricky if you please cause Joey to deliever those brats now" Johnny grinned.

"NO! Leave him..Alone" Lance replied.

Looking at the pile of bags, Justin sighed: "I am never ever going shopping with the two of you again! A few things, you said. You bought the whole freaking mall!"

"Oh shush," JC told him. "Half of the bags are yours anyway."

"They are so not!" Justin protested. "Ok, so a couple of them are mine..."

"Nevermind who they belong to," JC replied. "How the hell are we going to get all this stuff into the car? I think we're going to have to get all the bags in, and then let the car go home by itself."

Putting his hand in the pocket of JC's coat Justin fished out the car keys. Whle opening the trunk, he asked: "Where did Chris run off to?"

"He was going to call the house," JC explained, starting to put their shopping bags in the trunk. "He forgot his cellphone at home, so he had to use on of the payphones."

"You can't put them like that," Justin said, moving the plastic bags around a little, "you'll never get them all to fit that way... Why don't you go get Chris, we'll be home in ten minutes now anyway."

"Will do," JC answered, leaving Justin to deal with the shopping bags. After looking around a little he found Chris by a payphone, looking worried.

"What's up?" JC asked, at the sight of him. "Everything ok back at the house?"

"I don't know!" Chris had to say. "I can't get through, all i get is a message saying that the phoneline is out of order..."

"That's weird," JC said, "I used the phone this morning, it was working just fine by then."

"I know," Chris told him, running a hand through his hair. "It's just that... I am worried about Lance. He wasn't feeling well last night, I think maybe... Damn, I should never have left!"

"You mean he could be going into labour? Holy cow, then let's get the hell back!" Chris was already at the car.

"What's with the rush?" Justin asked as he was all but dragged into the car, JC snatching the keys out of his hands.

"Gotta get home now!" JC explained. "Phone's dead. Lance is having a baby."

"I know that," Justin said, sitting up, "but why... Oh. Oh! You mean he is having it now?"

"He could be," Chris was biting nervously on a fingernail. "Josh, would you please go faster, we're hardly moving."

"I'm going as fast as I can," JC muttered. "I want to get us home and then to the hospital if needed... I don't need us to be taken to the hospital before them."

Then JC's pager started to beep. "Where the fuck is the damn thing?" JC cursed as he searched through his pockets. Finding it at last, he held it up. "Something is definetely going, Joey is paging me."

"Then why isn't he calling?" Justin wodered. "We both have our cellphones, I think... They're somewhere around here..."

"Just get us back home," Chris said, "Something is wrong."

"How can you tell?" JC asked. "If Lance is going into labour, Joey is there with him. He'll get the doctor."

"I just have a bad feeling," Chris said, "something is going on back there. We need to get home now."

"Almost there," JC said, hitting the curve on two wheels. Pulling up in the driveway of their house, Chris immedeately spotted the open door. He was out of the car before it even stopped. JC and Justin followed closely behind.

"You were right," Justin said slowly as they neared the open door, who had very evident signs of have being forced open. "Something's wrong."

"Gee, you think!?!" Chris asked. "Come on, get inside. I'll get the gun."

Joey was breathing heavily. He tried to move away from Ricky's flying fists but he wasn't fast enough. "Leave me alone..."

"You're mine.."

"OH GOD MY WATER JUST BROKE!" Lance cried out.

Just as Ricky raised his fist to hit Joey a loud shot was heard. The man fell to the floor. Johnny turned around to see three VERY pissed men standing in the living room.


"Shut the fuck up" Justin growled.

"Oh God..hurts..oh..get THEM OUT!" Joey shouted.

JC was already on the phone to the police.

"You killed him?" Johnny was shocked.

"Not killed him. Wounded him. Now step away from our husbands" Chris growled. Jihnny did as he was told.

Justin got up and checked on Lance. "Chris, we have to get them to the hosptial now. Lance is having his baby!"

"Fuck" Chris said. He aimed the gun. "I should shoot your fucking balls of for messing with Lance and Joe. But I won't since my husband is having my baby."

Chris lowered the gun but smiled as he aimed and shot Johnny straight in the balls.

"AHHHH" Johnny cried out as he feel to his knees.

"Changed my mind" Chris said.

"Damn that's good" JC chuckled.

"JOSH!" Joey cried out in pain. "Hurts..pain...get it out."

JC ran and scooped Joey in his arms. "Breath baby breath."

"FUCK THE BREATHING JUST GET THEM OUT!" Joey cried as another wave of pain hit him.

"Get them tot he hosptial" another voice said. "I'll deal with them."

The three looked up and saw Joe Sr. standing there looking none to happy.

Justin, Chris, and JC smiled and helped their mates into the car and then sped off.

"You think you could mess with my son and his friends. Bad mistake Mr. Wright. Very bad mistake" Joe said as he grabbed Johnny by his nuts.

Chris was with Lance. "I'm here honey. Breath.."

Lance moaned and punched Chris in the nuts. "FUCK NO..I want this kid OUT RIGHT NOW!"

"Oh, shit" Chris said as he doubled over.

"Relax Mr. Kirkpatrick. The baby is arriving right on schedule. Just relax and breathe" Phil Edwards said.

"RELAX! I got something as large as a basket that's coming out of something as small as a lemon. And you tell me to RELAX!" Lance screamed.

Chris grasped the bar. "Hon...please do..before you kill me, too."

"Can I push yet" Lance gritted as he tried to relax.

"Soon. You have to reach ten diameters before you can push" Phil said, monitoring Lance.

"Then give me fucking drugs!" Lance screamed.

"He's usually not this pissy" Chris said.

Lance turned to him. "Want me to rip your dick off?"

"No" Chris said stepping back.

"Then shut up"

"It's okay Chris. First time fathers are usually this bad" Phil smiled. "He'll be saying things much worse."

"Thanks for the warning" Chris said as he gently stroke Lance's hair. "Can't you give him something for the pain."

"He's too far along. I can't. The same with Joey." Phil said.

"Well it was nice knowing JC and Justin for a while" Chris said.

Lance smiled.

"You mean no drugs" Lance pouted.

"I'm afriad so" Phil said.

"Oh fuck..this is gonna hurt so bad" Lance whined.

Lance arched his back as another wave of pain hit him. He wanted this over with.

"Breathe Lance..breathe" Chris encourgaed.

"There..We're right at ten centimeters" Phil smiled. "Let's go have this baby."

All of a sudden Lance looked up at Chris. "Chris, what time is it? Is it Christmas Eve yet?"

"Not yet," Chris told him. "In a few hours."

"The baby probably isn't going to be out before after midnight," the doctor told them. "This is going to take a while yet."

"Ok, that's it," Lance stated, trying to sit up. "This kid is not going to have Christmas Eve as a birthday, that is one lousy day to have a birthday on... It stays in there. I'll come back after Christmas some time."

"Honey, I don't think it works that way," Chris answered, laying Lance down again.

"It works if i want it do," Lance said, pushing Chris' hand away. "And I am going...ow!" As another contraction made his face pale from pain, he laid down again. "Changed my mind. This thing is getting out now!"

Chris took his hand again, "The worst is going to be over soon, love, try to relax."

Lance looked up at him. "You wanna trade places? How am I supposed to relax? This fucking hurts! And it's your fault."

"We are not going there again," Chris warned him. Then he kissed his husband softly. "I love you sweetie, now let's have our baby, shall we?"

"Ok," Lance agreed. "I wonder what's happening to the others? You think Joey has strangled them yet?"

"If they got within reach of him, yes, i would think so," Chris replied.

"Now I need you to push," the doctor's voice broke through. "We have a little boy here who wants out really fast..."

JC and Justin were driving Joey crazy. He was actually thinking of asking the doctor to do sonething, have them sedated, gag them...anything. Both were trying to calm him down, and be supportive, and ended up most of the time running around like headless chickens, getting in the doc's or each other's way.

"Would you two calm down?" he asked in the end. "Or else I am going to kick you out of here!" They both stopped and looked at him.

"Angel?" Justin dared to go a little closer. "How are you feeling?"

"I am doing fine," Joey said, leaning back. "It hurts everytime a contraction hits, other than that I am doing fine."

JC came over. "Who are you and what have you done to our husband? You are supposed to be wanting our heads by now."

Smiling sweetly at him, Joey took the glass of ice water a nurse offered him. "I'll get to that. Feel better now?"

Sitting the glass down, Joey leaned forward as he felt the onset of another contraction. They were coming closer and closer, becoming more painful. Still he wasn't near the actual giving birth-stage yet.

Breathing deeply and waiting for the pain to pass, he felt JC and Justin sitting down on each side of him, rubbing his back.

"How long is this phase going to last?" he asked the doctor as the contraction had faded.

"That depends," the doctor replied. "It could be over in the next hour, it could still be going on tomorow morning..."

"Tomorrow morning? Nope, that is so not going to happen." Joey sent the doctor a narrowedeyed-look. "I am not waiting until the morning."

He felt a hand pat his hair lovingly. "Now I recognize you, angel," Justin smiled.

"I'll see what I can do," his doctor promised. "I really don't believe that you'll be in labour for that ong, but I can't be sure. i am going to examine you now, to see how far along things are."

"You do that," Joey said. Then he leaned back again. "I have to say, these babies have lousy timing...who wants to be born on Christmas?"

A couple hours have passed. Lance was clutching the sheets while screaming at Chris. "IF YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN I WILL KILLYOU!"

"Breathe honey, breathe" Chris encouraged.

The doctor was looking underneath the sheets and placed his hands in lance's ass to feel the slit. "He's good and ready..The slit is opened. Lance count to ten and push."

Lance clentched his teeth and counted to ten. He then gave a big push. "OH SHIT THIS HURTS! GET HIM OUT!"

Chris wiped Lance's forehead and kissed him. "You're doing a great job."

"That's all you can say. I'm in pain, no drugs and this kid is STUCK!"

"I'm sorry" Chris said.

"Okay Lance.. Breathe and when you feel another conctraction hit then push" The doctor replied.

"Can't you just go in and grab him?" Lance whined.

"IT doesn't work that way." The doctor chuckled. "Chris do you have a cup?"

"No why?" Chris asked.

"Well he's gonna get violent.." The doctor said.

"I'll be okay" Chris smiled as he held Lance's hand. "You're doing good hon."

"Tha..OH FUCK" Lance screamed as a contraction hit him hard. He squeezed Chris's hand hard as he pushed.

"OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!" Chris screamed. "PAIN!"

"That's it Lance..Time your pushes with the contraction" The doctor said. "Five, four, three, two one..Realx and breath Lance." Lance fell back and beathed. He released Chris's hand.

Chris felt his hand throb and saw marks left on it. He whimpered and shook his hand. "That hurt, that hurt, that hurt."

"You call that..pain" Lance brathed. "You try giving birth here."

"Um..I think I'll leave up to you" Chris said. "I don't like pain at all."

"Here comes the big one. Okay Lance, I need you to gather your strength. This is the last push and I need you to push hard" The doctor replied.

"I'll try" Lance said. "I'm so tired."

"I know but soon your baby will be here." The doctor smiled. Lance felt the pain hit him hard. He screamed as he pushed.

"Come on baby, you can do it" Chris encouraged his husband. He watched Lance's face fill with trememdous amounts of pain. He then turned to the doctor who kept encouraging him to push. He kissed Lance's head telling him he loved him and soon they were going to be fathers.

"One more push Lance. I see the head. Give it all you got" The doctor said. Lance gathered his strength, closed his eyes as he gave a final push.

"GOT HIM!" The doctor said as he grabbed the baby gently and pulled him out. He cleaned the baby off and gave him a good smack. Lance fell back and felt tears of joy when he heard a loud cry fill the room.

"Oh my God" Chris said softy as he wiped his face. There the doctor had his son. He was finally a father.

"Congratulations it's a boy" the nurse said. "Would you like to cut the cord?"

"" Chris said.

Lance was crying as he held his baby. "Oh're here. You're finally here."

The nurse smiled and cut the cord. "He's a beautiful baby."

"Thank you" Chris smiled as he looked at his family.

"We have a Christmas Baby" Chris smiled.

"Want to hold your son" Lance said tiredly.

Chris held his arms out as Lance placed their son in his arms. He hugged him gently. "My god you're so tiny. So beautiful. Hi Trent. I'm your dad."

Lance breathed a sigh of relief. After nine, long torturous months his son was finally here.

Some hours had passed, and outside the night had fallen. "I am so not not doing this untill morning," Joey stated again, this time sounding much less sure. "I want these little monsters out of me!"

"Hey're on their way," Justin tried to comfort him. "They're probably taking after JC ...never on time."

Joey glared at JC. "Your fault. It's your fault that I am in pain."

"I'm sure the are coming when they are ready," JC said, while sending Justin a look. "How far along are the contractions now?"

"Not far along at all," Joey answered slowly as he felt another one coming on. "Not more...than a...minute, I think..." At that the doctor came back in.

"How are you holding up?" he asked Joey. "Let's see if the babies wants to be born on Christmas Eve or not."

"I don't care what you do," Joey answered, "just get the freakish little things out of me! This hurts!"

"Try to relax a little, angel," Justin told him.

"Can't," Joey answered in a small voice. "Hurts too much, I don't wanna do this anymore."

JC noticed that the doctor had gone a bit quiet while examining his husbands. "Anything wrong?" he asked nervously, while holding Joey's hand.

"well," the doctor straigthened up. "We might have to help nature along a bit, if something doesn't happen soon. The babies' heartbeat is a little stressed and there is some bleeding I don't like. I'll give it some more time, or else we're going to have to consider a c-section."

"A what?" Joey asked. "Like hell!"

Justin had moved down a bit to the doctor. "Oh my," he stated. "Blood. I don't like blood." With that he passed out beside the physician.

"Justin?" Joey asked, seeing justin disaapear from view. "Josh, what happened to Justin?"

"You knocked him out, I think," JC said, "in some weird backwards way... Justin, are you ok?"

Then Joey squeazed his fingers around JC's hand as another contraction hit and JC was biting his lip to not scream himself. "Owowowowowow!!!" Joey stated, "I swear, if you too even so much as look at me again, I'll have you both castrated!" JC was thinking it was just as well that Justin was out cold.

The doctor looked at Justin. "We can't have him laying about here, he'll miss the birth!"

"You mean they're finally going to get out of there?" Joey's voice was hopeful. "While I still am able to breathe?"

"Yes, you're now officially in labour," the doc informed him.

"Thank god," Joey answered. "All I need to do now is push them out and then I can sleep?"

"You look exhausted, love," JC said wooriedly.

"That's because I am," Joey answered. "You try doing this for a while."

"I rather not," JC admitted. As a nurse stabledized Justin back on his feet, JC ran his fingers through Joey's hair. "Just imagine sweetheart, in a couple of hours, we'll be parents..."

"I know," Joey answered, "I can't believe that it's finally happening..." As he was beeing wheeled into the delievery rom, Joey tried to see where Justin was.

"Where's Justin? He needs to be here too!"

"He is coming," JC assured him. "He's just feeling a little dizzy still... The nurse is directing him in over way right now." A couple of seconds later Justin wandered over to them, still looking a bit spaced out.

"Ok," the doctor said, "now that we're all here... We have a set of twins to deliver. Off we go!"

Two hours passed*

"Push them out, push them out. Push they Way out!" both Justin and JC cheered.

Joey quite cursing and looked at his husbands. "This is not a Bill Cosby momment."


"No more..." Joey started as another wave of pain hit him.

"Okay Joey, now I want you to push as they hit and don't foget to breathe" The doctor said.

Joey gritted his teeth and pushed. "I'M...GOING...TO...DIE!"

JC grabbed Joey's hand. "Hon, it's not that bad.."

Joey lay back after the contraction ceased. "Say that after you have a turkey come out of something as small as a bottlecap and then tell me it's not that bad!"

"Okey" JC said.

"It's the pain" The doctor smiled.

"GET THEM OUT!" Joey screamed.

"Hon don't throw a temper tantrum" Justin said as he made the mistake of kissing Joey's forhead.

Joey grabbed Justin by the shirt and brought him to his face. "You want know what pain is like. Just think as a elephant stepping on your crotch!"

"Ow" Justin whimpered as Joey let go.

"Fuck..This hurts! Touch me again and die!" Joey screamed as another wave of contractions hit.


Joey pushed as he grabbed JC and Justin by their thighs and squeezed.

"OH MY GOD!" Both screamed out.

"GET IT OUT!" Joey said as he closed his eyes while pushing.

"Almost there Joey. I see the head. Keep pushing you're doing great" The doctor encouraged.

"STOP, HE'S HURTING US!" JC cried out as tears of pain fell from his eyes.

"Joey..hurrry please" Justin cried out. "This hurts..I'm sorry I've doubted you!"

"Almost..There..I got him..Joey you can stop now" The doctor said as he gently pulled while Joey pushed the baby out.

Joey let go falling to his back, sweating and relived. "Oh thank's over.."

JC and Justin cried with relief as well. "Oh God..pain..that hurt."

The doctor cleaned off the baby and smacked his little bottom. "Gentlemen, say hello to your healthy baby boy."

Joey cried as the doctor handed him his baby. "Oh,'re finally here..You're the one who's been kicking me for all nine months.. You're so beautiful."

Jc and justin got their breath back and looked at the new baby staring at them. "My son." JC cried out as he touched his little head. "Joey, it's our baby."

"Wanna hold him" Joey smiled as he handed Josh their son.

"Hi little one. I'm your daddy." Josh said as he cried.

"One down and one to go" Justin said.

"Can..Oh God" Joey said as a contraction hit. "I thought it took ten minutes before the next one.."

"Not always Joe" The doctor encouraged. "Let's get the show on the road. We have one more who wants to make an appearance."

**** Five minutes later****

Joey finished cursing at Justin when he gave a final push as the doctor grabbed the baby gently.

"I got him!" the doctor called out. Joey fell back against the pillows relieved that finally after nine long months the wait was over. His boys were born.

The doctor handed Joey the baby. "Both are healthy boys." For a moment neither of them could speak. Joey felt tears falling, but couldn't get out a word. It was so amazing, he couldn't believe that he was finally holding his two beautiful newborn sons, after all they had been through. At his sides Justin and JC was both crying and smiling at once, tenderly letting a finger touch soft little cheeks and tiny fingers.

"Wow," Justin said, pretty much covering what everybody was feeling. "Can you all imagine that we made these little thingies? They're perfect!"

"I know," JC said, his voice shaky. "Our sons... Man, it's great, isn't it?"

Joey was still looking at his babies. "I'm so glad we made it," he thought. "I was so worried that something should go wrong, but we pulled through. And you're both OK."

Proudly the doc watched them cuddle up and admiring their newborn twins. Letting them have a moment to themselves, he cleared his throat. "Ok, we're going to get your boys cleaned up and examined, and Joey needs his rest."

They were having a very difficult time of leaving. After sevearl kisses and "I love you's" the doctor shooed them out the door. "You'll see them in a little while. Now go tell your families the good news."

A nurse gently lifted the twins our of Joey's arms. "Don't worry," he said to Joey who was looking a bit unhappy. "I'll take good care of them. You get some sleep, and I'll bring them both to your room later, ok?"

"Ok," Joey nodded, laying back. Sleep sounded heavenly just about then, he would never had imagined that it was possible to feel so totally exhausted. A minute later he was asleep.

================== End of Chapter 19 One more Chapter to go ===================

Next: Chapter 20

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