Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

WOW Cosmic Companions has been nominated for an award. Thanks to all who's been reading and making this story so popular. We're having so much fun writing it as well as reading it. You can see the nomination for our story and others at: FF Awards 2000.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pss: Welcome Colleen to the story. She helped write. Thanks girl.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B: Colleen: ======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 16 Written By: Shell , Kat, Jackie and Colleen ========================

It was getting dark, and it had been a long day. Lance sighed. "I guess we should get to bed, but I'm stuck again. I will just stay right here until I have this baby, I think. Much easier."

Joey chuckled. "You keep saying that! I would think Chris would like to have say in that though..."

"Chris can stay right here on the couch with me," Lance said. "You guys wouldn't mind, would you?" He turned a set of large innocent eyes at Joey. "That should make an interesting sight first thing in the morning," Joey commented, shaking his head.

"Being greeted by the sight of Chris and you going at it every morning, isn't exactly my idea of the ideal sight to wake up to..." "Like we're doing anything these days," Lance pouted.

Looking at his stomach, he sighed. "I love being pregnant, and I love the fact that Chris and I are going to be parents...but damn, I miss sex!"

"I know," Joey answered. "But I guess we'll just have to make up for it when the babies are born...poor guys, they're going to be exhausted..." "And really, really, really happy," Lance said, with a smirk.

"After these babies are born," Joey said, "I am going to spend a week in bed, I think I'll chain JC and Justin to the bedposts, just to know where I have save time, you know." "Sounds like a good idea," lance said seriously.

After looking thoughtful for a minute, he turned to Joey. "Can I ask you something, Joe? Like now, when you are kinda out of commission, do Justin and JC ever... well, you know. On their own? Feel free to tell me to mind my own business."

He did not miss the frown that crossed Joey's face. "We're actually having some issues about that," Joey admitted, leaning back in the couch. "There's three of us...and sometimes that doesn't always add up. I don't know...I think we all feel sort of like cheating when it's not all of us there..."

"I understand," lance said, although he didn't look like he did. "So they're basically sexually frustrated at this point and just as bad as we are?" That made Joey laugh. "God, I hope so!"

"Three more months of this and we're going to jump each other in the delivery room," Lance said. "How's our doctor going to like that?"

"Our doctor hasn't liked anything either of us did since the first trimester," Joey replied. "I swear that man is evil..."

"He is evil," Lance agreed. "he said that I had to stay in bed. Then he said that I had to stay in bed alone, and that I can have sex. He is evil, I say, Evil."

"Three more months," Joey sighed. "Just three more months..."

"Kevy please talk to us. nick can't handle Dustin and with the another baby on the way" Howie begged.

"He loves you man" AJ said. "Please let us help you."

"Kev, I know it hurts but you have to come back"

"Nick needs you man" Chris said. "Please Kevin."

"Help me" Kevin whispered.

"Kev" AJ sniffed as he hugged Kevin

"Make it go away" Kevin whispered.

"We're here. Just talk to us?" Howie said.

"I want to let go.." Kevin said. "But the nightmares won't go away."

"A therapist" Chris said. "They can help."

"Trust us on that" Justin said. "okay."

Kevin nodded. "I need nick"

"He's over at our house giving Joey and Lance a baby shower" Chris said.

Kevin smiled. "So how are your husbands of yours."

"Don't ask" All three of them replied.

"Seven months right?"

"Just entered Seven months" Justin said. "Three more months of Joey and lance bed rest."

"They're plotting against us" JC said. "I can feel it in my bones."

"Nick was horrible when he was seven months. He comp..Justin what happened to your hair?" Kevin asked.

"Don't ask"

"Joey..snickers cut it" Chris laughed.

"So that's why you have no more curls" Howie asked giggling.

"Joey was bored. He only snipped curl until Justin moved" Chris snorted.

"I knew something was up when he asked me to lean against him" Justin pouted.

"Joey's evil" Kevin grinned.

"Very" Both JC and Justin said.

"He's pregnant" Howie replied. "Brian was just as bad."

"We have to be patient with them" Kevin said. "No matter when we feel like killing ourselves to make them happy."

"We better get. I hear Nick and Brian coming and we should get home. Knowing Joey he'll be on his feet" Josh said.

"Thanks guys" Kevin smiled.

"No problem. Get better okay" Chris smiled.

"Okay" Kevin agreed.

JC, Justin, and Chris left to go home.

They arrived home to a dark house.

"It's dark"

"Not unlike them. I hope everything's okay" Chris said as they went in.



"Dad" Justin said.

"On the couch fast asleep" Phil smiled. "The party wore them out."

Justin walked in the room. "Damn these kids are gonna be spoiled."

"Yep your fathers, BSB, and my husband went hog wild" Phil said. "Better get those two in bed."

"We will dad" JC said as he went to his husband. He touched Joey's stomach. "My god..soon I'll be holding you.."

"This a real Kodak moment," Chris said. "Cute, pregnant, sleeping men...who goes to get the camera?" "And they are going to kill us when they see the camera," Justin replied, not quite convinced. "They both run...well, sorta run, when they see a camera these days..." "I never said anything about telling them that we took the picture," Chris explained with a smile. "I just think that this is a cute moment." "It is," JC agreed. "I'll get camera, you guys cover me."

JC rushed up the stairs, found the camera and ran downstairs again. Carefully taking a few pictures he was startled by a sleepy voice. "If that is a camera, I will kill you." Smiling, JC bent down to kiss his husband. "I love you too, sweetie, did you have fun tonight?"

"Lot of fun," Joey yawned. "How is Kevin doing?" "Better," JC answered, "but things were tough for a while." "I know," Joey said, " I could tell that much by Nick."

"Time to get the two of you to bed," Justin said. "Is Lance awake?" "No," Lance answered. "If you not awake, how can you answer, honey?" Chris wondered. "I'm not answering," Lance mumbled. "It was Joey." "Hey!" Joey protested.

"Strange," Chris said, pretending to think about it. "It didn't sound like Joey. It sounded more like a grumpy, but gorgeous know who I am talking about?" "Not a clue," Lance answered.

"Hmmm," Chris said. "I seem to have forgotten, Joey here is blonde too now..." "I'm not blonde," Joey said. "Yes, honey, you are blond," Justin told him. "I am?" Joey asked, raising his hand to his hair. "I am."

Patting Lance's blonde locks, Chris continued: "This blond here is mine." Lance opened his eyes and smiled. "I think I want to dye my hair too. Blue maybe, or red like Joey used to have it." "No offense, love," Chris told him. "But red hair, on you? I could go for pink though."

"Pink?!?!" Lance whined. "You don't love me." "I love you," Chris said patiently. "Can we go to bed now?" "I'll think about it," lance told him. Ten seconds passed. "I've thought about," Lance declared. "let's go to bed."

Reaching out his hand to Chris, Lance asked: "Help me, will you. I'm stuck. And by the way, Joey is sleeping again." "Baby showers are hard work, I see," Justin commented. "Maybe we should have them more often as the two of you actually want to got to bed now."

A pillow hit him in the face. "I HEARD that," Joey mumbled. "And I am...well, ask me again when I'm not so tired." "Come on, angel," Justin said, "you'll be more comfortable in bed. And you can throw all the pillows that you want at me."

"You promise?" Joey still wasn't convinced. Chris had helped Lance to his feet. "'Night, guys," Chris said, "we're going to bed...sleep well, wherever you end up."

JC took Joey's hand. "You're going to bed. Sleeping on this couch is not good for you." "Going to bed involves moving," Joey pointed out. "I don't like moving."

Glancing at Justin, who smiled, JC sighed dramatically. "You expect all three of us to stay here at the couch tonight? There's not enough room. We'll fall out. And Justin will hurt himself." "I will?" Justin asked. "Oh, sure. I'll hurt myself." Joey thought about that. "I don't want Justin to hurt himself. I guess I'll go to bed then." JC turned his eyes upwards, to the sky. "Thank you!"

Joey woke up as the light hit him in the eyes. Not to mention JC's baby squishing the hell out of his bladder.

He tried to get up but couldn't make it. He tried again but was stuck to the bed. "Joshy?"

"Tired, sleep" came the sleepy reply.

"I need help"

"Yes you do" Josh agreed as he snuggled in the blankets.

"I have to go"

"Then go"

"I would if I could actually get UP"


"Does the Phrase Help I'm pregnant and I can't get up" Joey said.

"mean anything. besides if you don't help me up. I'm just gonna pee in this bed."

"I'm up" Josh said getting out of bed.

"I knew that would work. Hurry I can't hold it much longer" Joey said trying to sit up but failing miserably.

"Here baby" Josh said as he helped Joey to the rest room.

"Would you like to go for me?" Joey mused.

"No" JC said as he kissed his forehead. "After that straight back to bed."

"Yes Sir Heir Joshua" Joey saluted.

"Funny" JC said as he climbed back into bed.

Joey went and grabbed a can of shaving cream. Suddenly an evil idea came into his fragile little mind.

He grabbed a razor and chuckled. JC's legs were getting too hairy anyway.

He grabbed a towel and went back into their bedroom. There he found JC on his back asleep. He grinned as he pulled off JC's boxer shorts.

He looked to see that Justin was still asleep and grinned. This was going to be fun.

He shook up the can and sprayed some on his hands and then rubbed it down JC's legs. Once lathered up he began to shave them.

He hummed to himself as he finished shaving his husbands now hairless legs. He looked at his husbands groin and began to shake the can.

Joey wiped the razor and now admired his husbands now hairless crotch. He touched it gently and heard JC moan. He covered JC's balls with the shaving cream and then placed the can and razor in Justin's hand. He climbed into bed and fell asleep giggling madly.

It was early morning, and JC really didn't want to wake up yet... But an unfamiliar sensation around the nether regions of him, make him turn a little, uncomfortably. Something felt very weird. He opened his eyes and peeked under the blankets. He was covered in shaving foam, and things were a lot smoother than they had been there the night before.

"what the hell...?" he mumbled. Not still quite awake he looked over to his sleeping husbands. Joey was on his side, arms and legs tangled in the bedcovers. Justin was also sleeping, with some rather suspicious items in his hands. "Aha!" JC thought. "I see Joey has been rubbing off on him...well, two can play that game..."

Carefully taking the can of shaving cream and the razor away from Justin, he giggled. Still plenty left... Slowly he removed the blankets and shook the can. Still giggling he coated Justin's legs in the sticky cream. Trying hard not to laugh he did his work and sat back to admire the results.

Still not satisfied he placed his finger under the waistband of Justin's boxers. "Might as well do it properly," he mused. Justin was a heavy sleeper and didn't notice JC undressing him. Neither did he notice JC have fun with the shaving cream and razor. When he was done, JC smiled evilly. "That's gonna teach you to not try and mess with me, curly...Now what shall I do with this, then?" Slowly he turned his head to Joey and smiled.

"I shouldn't," he thought. "It wouldn't be right, not to mention that he is going to kill me...or worse..." Studying his peacefully sleeping very pregnant husband, he looked back at the razor. "Maybe just a little...?"

Joey turned a little in his sleep, managing to get himself even more tangled in the blankets. "I'll have to unwrap him first," JC thought, arching an eyebrow. "Still not sure if I dare...maybe I should just shave Justin some his eyebrows or something like that..."

Somewhere near waking up Justin felt he was cold. Fumbling for the blankets again, he couldn't reach them. "Oops," JC thought. Quickly hiding the can and razor JC smiled down at one very sleepy Justin. "Good morning!" he said. Justin stared at him. "What you up too?"

"Me!?!" JC asked, putting one hand to his chest. "I just woke up." "You are never ever that chirpy in the morning, unless you just got laid," Justin commented. "What did you do...oh my God! JC, what the fuck did you do to me???" At that moment JC felt it was best to create some distance between Justin and him.

Jumping out of bed, he said: "I only did what you did to me, curly!" "Did to you?" Justin answered, "I didn't do anything to you...Christ, this just looks plain weird." "Hold on," JC said, narrowing his eyes. "You mean, you didn't shave my legs and...uhm...other places last night?"

"No!" Justin exclaimed. "But I found...oh I see..." JC turned to Joey. "It seems that our husband dearest played a trick on the both of us..." Justin caught on quickly for once. "I wouldn't be surprised...this is right up his alley, isn't it?" "Very," JC replied.

JC got back in bed. "So what should we to do him?" "Shave his head," Justin pouted. "Nah, scratch that, I'd miss his hair too much..." Looking indecisive JC said: "but he looks so angelic when he sleeps, so innocent! I can't do evil things to him then! And I'm afraid to when he's awake..."

"You're such a wuss!" Justin told him. "Give me the razor." JC did what he wanted. Justin looked at Joey. The minutes passed. "He does look like an angel," he sighed. "You're right, I can't do this..." "Told you so," JC said. Getting a mischievous glint in his eyes, he let his hand slide down Justin's stomach and further down.

"It feels kinda good though, all smooth and nice..." "Ahm," Justin said, feeling desire spark at JC's simple touch. "I guess it does..."

JC pulled his hand back. "but that has to wait for later. Joey needs his rest and we gotta be good boys." "Tease," Justin snorted. "Yes," JC admitted.

Joey yawned and woke up. "Mornin babes."

"Yeah, yeah" JC grumbled.

Joey grinned. "How do you feel?"

"Don't even start Mr. Prankster" JC said.

"I was in the mood" Joey grinned. "Help me up."

"No" Justin said. "Cause JC did it to me to"

Joey laughed as Justin showed him his hairless legs and crotch. "Oh man that's a riot."

"OH shut up"

"Help me up" Joey pouted.

"Nope, you're gonna stay there until it's time to give birth" JC said as he and Justin walked out of the room.

"HEY!" Joey protested.

Joey glared at the door. "Oh you both are in big trouble now."

A couple hours later JC and Justin were enjoying a nice movie with Chris and Lance.

"You're in trouble" Lance said.

"He already shaved my legs what more can he do?" JC asked.

"You don't know Joey very well do you" Chris chuckled.

"Yes we do. Hey it's awfully quiet up there" Justin said.

"Joey could be just resting" Josh answered.

"I'll check the credit cards" Justin said.

"I'll go see if the line is busy" JC said as both got up to check up on Joe.

"Credit Cards are still intact" Justin said.

"The phone isn't busy" JC said.

"He's probably looking at the porn sites" Lance suggested.



You're not helping" Chris said.

Joey was mad. He lay in bed trying to think of an evil way to get back at his husbands. What should he do? He was running out of ideas. Although he had that really neon green dye that was sitting in the box.

Joey pushed himself off the bed and found his old dye. this would teach them not to push him around. He walked in the bathroom and opened Justin's and JC's shampoo bottles. He placed the dye in both and shook it up real good. He always got the last laugh.

He climbed back in bed hoping that his ungrateful husbands at least bring him something to eat.

The movie had ended. "I think I'm going to go take a shower," JC said, getting up. "I'm feeling daring, so I think I'll go upstairs to see how Joey's mood is. He wasn't really talking to me last I was in."

"Just make sure he hasn't got any razors, scissors or anything that can cut hair around," Justin said. "If so, I'm not going in there."

"I'll protect you," JC promised. "I'll find a way to brighten our cranky Joey's mood, I'll give him ice-cream, that usually works."

Joey was laying in the bed, eating his ice-cream and watching TV. When JC and Justin had come back up he had made them apologize for a rather lengthy amount of time and then he had smiled and forgiven them. They were so easy to fool.

So he had sent them of to shower together, and was now waiting anxiously to see the result. One scream, from the bathroom later, told him that they were out of the shower.

"Joseph Anthony Fatone Timberlake-Chasez!!!" Justin yelled coming out of the bathroom, his hair a tangle of green curls. "I'm so gonna get you for this!"

Joey was rolling on the bed laughing. JC joined Justin. "I know it was a mistake to leave you here by yourself," JC sighed. "And now I have green hair to prove it."

"My hair!" Justin whined. "Good grief, Joe, why do you always have to mess with my hair?!"

"Because I like your hair," Joey answered, going back to eating his ice-cream. "And I like green. What I don't like, is when you two gang up on me and leave me up here, alone and bored."

JC and Justin looked at each other. "We better not do that again," Justin said. "Who knows what you'll do then."

Joey pouted. "I want you to spend time with me, dimwits. That's why id o it, god, you two are like so thick sometimes! And I'm big as a while and confined to this damn bed and did I mention that I'm bored?"

"Poor baby," JC said, sitting down on the bed. "I promise, we won't leave you like this again." "My hair!" Justin pointed out again, "is green, and you think I'll let him out of my sight ever again?"

"Green is a good color on you," Joey tried. "Joey," JC said. "Eat your ice-cream." Justin sat down on the bed too. A smile started to form on his face. "Green actually is a good color on me, isn't it?"

Joey placed a small lump of ice-cream on his neck. "So's pink." Justin shuddered. "Cold!" Joey sat up and licked the ice-cream off Justin's neck. "Better now?"

Now Justin's face was equally as pink as the strawberry-flavored ice-cream. "I can't tell you what I am now," he answered.

"Go have another shower with JC," Joey suggested. "Eat your ice-cream, love," JC told him. Then he patted his hair. "You are a weird little thing, maybe that's why I am so crazy about you." "We're crazy about him" Justin added, "he is just crazy." "Sure, go Pretty in Pink on me," Joey whined.

"But Justin is pretty in pink," JC laughed. Smiling innocently Joey held out the ice-cream to JC. "You wanna do the honors, or would I?"

"We'll do it together," JC replied. Before Justin knew what was going on, he was covered by pink ice-cream. JC looked at Joey. "Don't you think this is a much better way to serve ice-cream?" "Ice-cream with a side order of Justin?" Joey asked. "I like that."

Lance insisted he goes and sees what happened in Joey's room. Chris protested telling him he had to stay in bed. But Lance had no part of it. His friend could be hurt so he just pushed Chris out of the way with his large stomach.

Chris took off after his husband and nearly knocked him over when he ran into Joey's room.

"Hey" Chris said.

"OH my" Lance giggled.

"not a word Chris. NOT ONE WORD" Justin said.

"Well I Can't call you carrot top now can I" Chris giggled.

"I said not a word" Justin said.

"It's green" Lance giggled.

"Thanks to our bored husband" JC replied.

"Ch-ch-ch-Chia" Chris laughed.

Joey spat out his ice-cream and laughed hard.

Lance was now seated next to Joey laughing as well. JC and Justin just looked funny.

"Shut up Kirkpatrick" JC growled.

"Hey we could strip Justin naked and paint him brown. Then he could be a tree" Lance giggled.

Joey wiped his eyes. "That's true."

"Will you three stop picking on us" Justin pouted.


"Urg" JC exclaimed. "Excuse us while we go and have ourselves publicly humiliated while we dye our hair back. Chris keep Joey out of trouble will you."

"Yes Jolly Green Giant"

"ho ho ho" Joey added.

Justin and JC just glared as they left the room.

"Oh that was great" Lance said as he tried to breathe.

"yes I do good work" Joey admitted.

"You are so bad Joey" Chris said as he helped Lance into bed.


"I told you to stay in bed" Chris said. "And now you're' gonna stay with Joey. So lay."

Lance just stuck his tongue out.

"Oh real Mature hon. I'll be back with some treats for you both" Chris smiled as he left the room.

"I hate when he does that" Lance pouted.

Joey leaned back and rubbed his stomach. "I know. I do have an extra bottle of dye."

"I Could never do that to Chris" Lance said.

Joey raised an eyebrow.

"Although he deserves it at this moment. What color?" Lance smiled.

"Well I think it was white" Joey said. "I was gonna dye my hair white but changed my mind."

"Perfect" Lance grinned evilly as he got up. "Where is it?"

"Third self from the bottom" Joey giggled. "I can't wait to see this."

Lance found the bottle. "'Scuse me. I have to tamper with my husbands looks. Be right back."

Joey chuckled as he turned on the TV and waited for Lance to return.

He sniffed as he was watching a soap opera.

"Hey why the tears" lance asked as he got back into bed.

"You see Charles is dying and Rick is very upset" Joey pouted.

"Oh man" Lance sniffed.

Joey changed the channel before he started the water works. "All done."

"Yep" Lance said.

"Here you two go. Two banana and pickle splits" Chris said as he set the tray next to them.

"Ooh Thank you" Joey replied. "Looks yummy."

"very" Lance said and started to eat.

"going to take a shower you two be good" Chris said as he left the room.

Joey and Lance giggled and continued to eat.

Joey finally found a TV show that didn't have any content that would set lance off crying again. Apparently he was back in the really, really emotional stage. So they ended up at a talk show about garden furniture and Joey was pretty sure that was a safe place to stay. Unfortunately it wasn't the most exciting place either, and after twenty minutes they both fell asleep.

They slept soundly on until the could hear a scream from down the hall, followed by hysterical laughter. Lance sat up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Guess Chris is out of the shower..."

Joey turned to his side and slept on. "Never mind," Lance smiled and waited for his husband to show up. It didn't take long. Lance's green eyes got wider and wider. Carefully he nudged Joey. "Joe! I thought you said that it was white dye! Why do I have a husband with pink hair now???"

"That is what I would like to know too!" Chris stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't think the two of you should be let near each other for the rest of your pregnancy." Lance's eyes became shiny and his lower lip quivered. "You mean that?"

"No, no no, baby, I didn't mean that," Chris hurried to say as Lance started crying yet again. "Of course I didn't mean it. It's just because... I have pink hair now, that's why... And if I'm not mistaken, hair-boy over there had something to do with that too."

"I'm not telling," Lance declared. "And I'm sorta glad it turned out pink. I like pink. Pink is pretty. Pink is better than green. And I think it looks good on you."

"Just remember to breath, love," Chris told him as Lance said everything in one breath. Lance drew a deep breath. "Ok, good idea."

Justin and JC looked at each other. "We're going to be clashing something awful with these colors. Maybe we oughta dye Lance and Joey's hair too, and make them stand between us." "Yay!" Lance said, perking up again. "I want blue hair!"

"We'll see," Chris said. Lance's eyes started to become shiny again. "Ok," Chris said, "You can have blue hair." Lance proceeded to throw himself at Chris in a hug. "Thanks, baby, I love you!"

"Could you imagine if Joey ever hit that emotional phase Lance is in?" Justin asked JC. JC looked scared. "Oh my god. I don't even wanna think about that."

Justin agreed. "I think that would be very, very bad..." Smiling he looked down at his husband that was still sleeping no matter what was going on around him. "Like this phase," Justin commented. "This sleeping thing, he falls asleep everywhere." "But that's kinda cute," JC said. "And with the twins growing and everything, it's natural that he sleeps more. Lance would do the same if he wasn't so goddamn perky all the time."

"I HEARD that," Lance replied. "And do you mind? I'm having a moment with my husband over here... If I can't have..." Chris quickly put his hand over Lance's mouth. "Sorry. Hormones' talking. Just never mind us." Joey chose that moment to wake up. Sleepily looking around his eyes fell on Chris.

"Nice," he just said, then laid back down and went to sleep again. "Yeah," Chris nodded. "Very nice." "Awfully nice," Justin said. "Extremely nice," JC added. "I love it!" Lance chimed. "You look like a teletubby!"

"That's it," Chris answered, running a hand through his hair. "The pink goes." Lance pouted. "Don't pout," Chris told him. Lance's eyes started to become wet. "It's not going to work," Chris told him. Lance's lower lip started to quiver again. "Don't do this to me," Chris sighed. A tear slipped down Lance's face. "Ok!" Chris gave in. "The pink stays!"

"Nice!" lance said, now smiling. Seeing Chris raised eyebrow, he quickly adopted a sad face again. "Ahm...yay?"

Joey and Lance were sitting on the couch downstairs. They were eating popcorn while watching a movie. Chris, Justin and JC decided to visit Mark to see if he could fix their hair.

Just then an energizer commercial appeared interrupting their movie. They blinked for a couple minutes before the pink bunny came on.

"Chris" Both giggled loudly.

"He keeps going and going and going" Lance purred.

"EWE Don't need to know that" Joey said as he tossed a piece of popcorn towards Lance.

"Oh Hush Like I want to hear a threesome going on" Lance replied.

"News bulletin"

"What's going on?" Joey asked.

"Two members of NSYNC are pregnant"

"WHAT" Both said.

"Oh fuck"

"This is Nigil Jackson with Channel five news. I'm standing in front of the house that all five members of NSYNC bought and now currently residing in. I have gotten word that Lance Bass and Joseph Anthony Fatone Junior have been forced to have sex with Christopher Kirkpatrick, Joshua Chasez, and Justin Timberlake."

"Stay put Joe" Lance said as he got up after five tries. He walked up and pushes the curtain back. There stood hundreds of fans and reporters. He quickly closed the curtains.

"They're out there" Lance said softly.

"Shit." Joey cursed.

"Their ex manager Johnny Wright has informed us that the two were forced to endure hours of freaky sex with the three accused. He tried to stop them but was beaten up by JC and Justin. He also said that the duo was forced to marry Chris, Justin, and JC because they've gotten pregnant. More as the story develops. This is Nigil Jackson, Channel five News. Back to you Kate"

Joey turned off the TV. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck."

"Joe, we're alone what are we going to do?" Lance asked.

"We're not going to do anything," Joey replied, looking more serious than Lance had ever seen him. "They can stay out there for as long as they want, then I 'm gonna sue all their asses for that shit they just pulled... And then I'm gonna call dad and have him come shoot them all." "I liked the two first ones," Lance hurried to say, knowing that Joey was perfectly capable of sending his rather ill-tempered father at people he didn't like. "The last one I think we can save for another time."

Joey looked like he wasn't totally satisfied with that, but calmed down. "As much as I would like for dad to get rid of them, I guess killing them is going a bit too far..." "Maybe just a little," Lance said. "But the ones I am going to call are our husbands, if they come home and walk right into this... All hell is going to break loose."

"You do that," Joey told him. "I'm going to stay here, trying not to give in to the urge to go drop water balloons on them or something." "Joey, you wouldn't!" Lance replied. "Knowing you, you probably would..." He picked up the phone.

Lance got Chris on the line. "hey, love, everything all right over there?" Chris asked when he heard Lance's voice. "Not entirely," Lance said slowly. "Remember that story that Johnny told Joey's dad about JC and Justin? I think it just went up for a re-run..."

Looking over at Joey, Lance added : "but this time it isn't just them... We have a whole news team outside the house, claiming that Joey and me was forced into this by you guys, I don't know how the hell they came up with that.2

"I have an idea," Joey muttered from his corner of the couch. "Seems that Johnny's on the loose again." A couple of minutes later, Lance hung up the phone. "They're coming back right now, we are to stay right here till they are back." "And just where would we go?" Joey said.

Lance sighed. Right now getting one cranky mob-boss to show up and shoot somebody, wasn't so bad.

"What are they doing out there?" Joey asked Lance who was standing by the window. "Not much," Lance said, "it looks like they're waiting. I guess they must have seen Chris, JC and Justin leave earlier."

"At least they have the decency to not try and get in here," Joey said, "and I'm very happy that out phone number's not listed." "So am I," Lance answered.

Looking out at the small crowd of people currently residing on their front lawn he was beginning to get pissed off. Then all of a sudden he smiled.

"Joey, is the sprinklers out in the lawn still working?" Catching on quickly, Joey smiled back. "They should be...why don't we go find out? It hasn't been raining much lately, so I guess the lawn could use some water."

"The control panel is in the kitchen," Lance said. "Pretty sure that I can work it." "Only one way to find out," Joey said, getting up from the couch. "Let's go,"

Giggling they went out into the kitchen. "There it is," Lance said and opened the small red box on the wall next to the cabinets. "Let's see...there's button that says 'on' here, think we should try that?" "I think so," Joey agreed. "Here we go," Lance said pressing the button.

A second later they could hear hissing of water and squealing from the front of their house. Joey and Lance looked at each other and nearly fell down laughing.

Chris pulled up on the back of their house and turned the car's engine off. "Be careful," he warned, "if the journalists sees us, we're in trouble."

Justin who had taken a little look around the corner, shook his head. "There's a lot of wet people running down the road from the house. And they look mightily annoyed too."

"Hmm," JC said, looking up at the windows to the second floor. "I wondered who made that happen..."

Justin watched the soaked group of people run towards them and felt a flash of insight. Turning to his husband, he snickered.

"Joey and Lance did that," he said. "The sprinklers!"

"Duh!" Chris exclaimed, smacking his forehead. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Dye got to your brain?" JC suggested, dancing out of the way as Chris went to hit him.

"Kids. I don't think Lance would be very happy if you beat up his husband, Josh. And I know Joey and I won't be happy if Chris beats you up. So quit it."

"Yes, Daddy!" the pair chorused, earning a glare from Justin.

"Just... let's go." The running journalists didn't even notice the three men as they made their way through the maze of water to the front door, which swung open almost immediately. Lance waddled out, grinning. Chris gave him a kiss, then looked worried.

"Should you be up and around so far along?" Chris asked his husband. Lance groaned.

"I'm seven months pregnant, Chris, not seven hours due! And Joey and I couldn't take that invasion of our privacy lying down." Justin laughed. "What?" Lance demanded.

"I would have liked to see you two roll off the couch!" Justin said, laughing even harder. JC gave him an odd look.

"I think the dye has gotten to YOUR brain," JC sighed.

"The dye got to his brain a long time ago," was Joey's input as he wrapped himself around JC. Justin looked on jealously for a total of about ten seconds before he wrapped himself around them both.

"Now, this is touching and all, but can we go inside and talk about what happened?" JC asked after a long moment of cuddling. Four sighs were heard. "I know you don't want to, but what happens the next time?"

"After the trick with the sprinklers, hopefully there won't be a next time," Joey said. JC frowned.

"But what if..."

"Josh, leave it be. We can't change anything, so let it go."

"I'm a worrier," JC said, pulling Joey and Justin into the house after him. Chris and Lance followed slowly, talking quietly.

"I know you're a worrier, hon, but you can't change what Johnny said to the media, so we have to live with it."

"I don't like it," JC insisted. "Anything bad said about my babies makes me mad."

"How did Johnny get to the media, anyway? I thought he was like, dead," Chris broke in.

"We saw him get pulled into a car, but they never found a body. I guess this is why," Joey said almost bitterly. "Hasn't he done enough to us?" Justin quickly put his arms around Joey and rested his chin on Joey's shoulder.

"We can't change that, Joe," Justin said quietly. "All we can do is live with it."

"When did you get so smart?" Joey sighed, leaning back a little. "My feet are KILLING me."

"You shouldn't even be up," JC suddenly said, pushing Joey onto the nearest piece of furniture. "The doctor said you were supposed to rest for the last months." Chris did the same for Lance, who had been surprisingly silent.

"Lance, you with us?" Justin asked, looking over at his blond friend. Lance nodded.

"Just a little queasy," he said. "And the baby is kicking."

"I think mine are doing Riverdance in here," Joey laughed, rubbing his swollen belly. "Either that, or they're going to be excellent soccer players."

"Riverdance?" JC started.

"Soccer?" Justin continued.

"No way, Jose!"

"Why not?" Joey demanded.

"Could hurt themselves," his husbands said in one voice.

"So you're going to be those overprotective, plastic-bubble parents," Chris noted. "Lance, remind me to enroll my kid in every sport and dance group I can find." Lance snickered and Justin threw a pillow.

"Very funny, Chris," Justin deadpanned. "Watch me laugh."

"I thought it was funny," Joey piped up. Chris gave a whoop.

"Joey thinks I'm funny! Be still my beating heart!"

"I'll still your beating heart," Justin muttered. "Cept then Lance would be mad at me and that would make Josh and Joey mad at me, which would then make Papa Fatone mad at me... damn! I can't do anything!" Chris smirked.


"But I will anyway!" Justin launched himself across the room, knocking Chris into the couch that Lance sat on.

"Hey," Lance protested, but went unheard as Justin and Chris wrestled. JC sat down next to Joey and simply watched the show.

Joey heard the phone ring. He knew who it was and was afraid to pick up the phone. His father was gonna be so pissed.

"Want me to get it?" JC asked.

"No because he's gonna have your head for not protecting be in the first place. Justin, phone."

"What am I your slave?" Justin asked.

"You knocked me up so yes you are" Joey replied.

"don't even bother replying hon unless you don't' want to live anymore" JC said.

"All right" Justin mumbled as he handed Joey the phone.

"Dad" Joey said.


"Wasn't us. We're not that dumb" Joey said. "I know dad. Dad calm down. Dad don't do anything you're gonna regret."

"Dad" Joey said as he pulled the phone away from him. "Josh, hand me your cell and dial my father's number."

"Sure" JC replied.

JC dialed and handed the phone to Joey.

"Daddy. Dad is having a Major tantrum" Joey said. "Did you see? Yes he's yelling on the other line. Calm him down"

"He's gonna do something. Daddy our reputations are a mess right now. Now we haven't heard from management yet. Lance and I are gonna take a nap when that happens" Joey grinned.

"Yes nap good" Lance agreed.

"Hey if we have to listen to them.."

"We're pregnant"

"That's no excuse"

"yes it is. We can't have any stress" Lance smiled.

"Stop whining it doesn't become you" Lance said.

"Thanks daddy. Love you to. Yes I'm off my feet. I'll see you when you get home. Bye" Joey said as he hung up. He then put the phone back on. "Dad. Daddy is gonna talk to you. Please calm down. It'll work out for the best. I got to go. Love you to. Bye."

Joey hung up the phone. "I wouldn't want to be the press right now."

"Neither do I. What did your dad say?" JC asked.

"He cussed a lot in Italian. then he said something about the press swimming with the fishes" Joey grinned.

"That's not good"

"Well dad will talk to him" Joey said. "Speaking of which. Management should be calling right about now. Come Lance. Nap waits us."

"Yes" Lance said as he and Joey managed to get up. "Say hi for us."

Both giggled as they went upstairs to lay down.

"Why do all the bad things have to happen to us?" Justin said as the phone rang.

three hours later

JC and Justin quietly crept into their bedroom. Joey was lying on his side, with his pillows at his back and at his stomach.

It was the only way that he could be comfortable anymore.

JC knelt next to his husband and brushed the hair off his forehead.

"Joey, sweetie. Its time to wake up."

Joey's eyes opened and he attempted to raise himself off of the bed.

Justin took one side while JC took the other. They carefully hoisted their pregnant mate off the bed.

Joey sighed.

" I'll be so glad when these two bowling balls are out of Me." he told them.

" Did Dad call back?"

" No, but Phil did. He said to call him when you woke up."

" Is the press gone?"

JC smothered a yawn.

" For now. Call your daddy and then come downstairs. We have a surprise for you."

Joey's brown eyes sparkled.

" A surprise? Tell me."

" Call you Daddy and then come downstairs."

Joey pouted as he rested his hands in the small of his back. Time to pull out the pregnancy sympathy card, he thought smiling inwardly. Justin read his thoughts.

" You aren't going to get it out of us, either Joe." He said as he and JC left the room together.

Joey rolled his eyes as he dialed his fathers home.

" Daddy, its me."

" Joe have you thought about names for the babies yet?" Phil asked.

Joey gnawed on a fingernail as he paced the room. He and JC and Justin had talked about baby names a lot. He had a growing list of names he liked, names JC liked, named Justin liked, names he and Justin liked, names he and JC liked but no decisions had been made yet.

" Yes, Daddy. Why?"

" Well you know how much importance Italians put on naming their children," Phil's voice took on a dreamy tone, "In fact, we had to leave Steven at the hospital for a week before we both agreed on Steven. I just don't want to see that happen to you, sweetheart."

" So what names are you thinking about, sweetie?"

============== End Chapter 16 ==============

Next: Chapter 17

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