Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

WOW Cosmic Companions has been nominated for an award. Thanks to all who's been reading and making this story so popular. We're having so much fun writing it as well as reading it. You can see the nomination for our story and others at: FF Awards 2000.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 15 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

Joey woke up first. He felt better knowing that his husbands were with him. It felt strange to be apart from them for three whole weeks. Those were the three longest weeks ever.

But they had issues to deal with. He thought that most of them would be over with. He accepted that they would always be over protective even if he hates it. It's their way of saying I love you.

Joey grabbed a pillow and whacked Justin in the head.

"HEY what was that for!" Justin protested as he sat up.

Joey whacked JC in the head.

"Hey!" JC whined.

"That's for being over protected of me and you're never gonna change." Joey said.

"We'll try" Justin said softly.

"I accepted it, Just" Joey smiled lovingly. "It's your way. And you love me. The only thing I don't like is when you hide things for me like going to my father without consulting me. Don't treat me like a child" Joey said. "I'm your husband and friend please try to remember that."

"We should be more considerate to your feelings" JC said. "You're right. We've been too protective with you. It's just that with you having these nightmares and the less sleep you got. We didn't want to stress you anymore."

"I understand" Joey said as he took his husbands hands and held them in his own. "I have been inconsiderate to how you feel to. I was being a spoiled brat. I should have told you my dreams and how it scared me so. If I did than maybe we wouldn't have had this argument."

"About that phone call" Joey started.

"It won't happen again" Both said vastly.

"Wait. There will be times when you need to relieve yourselves in that fashion. I might not be in the mood to put out but if you need to go to each other. I understand. I shouldn't feel so jealous," Joey said looking at the blankets.

"You feel jealous of us?" Justin asked softly.

"I feel like you don't want me anymore?" Joey blushed with embarrassment.

"Oh honey if it makes you feel like that then we won't go to each other," JC said. "We love you."

"But you also love each other I hope" Joey asked.

"Of course" Justin replied.

"Then go to each other when you need to help each other out." Joey smiled. "I insist."

"What about you?" JC asked.

"I have two husbands don't I?" Joey purred.

"Yes you do" Justin growled back.

"Then Let's get freaky" Joey smiled as he ripped his shirt off.

"Oh yeah I love it when his hormones hit this level" JC grinned as he pushed Joey on his back.

"I hope Lance and Chris won't here us." Justin said.

"Babe, it's been three fucking weeks what do you think?" Joey asked as he attacked Justin's lips.

Joey was happily drinking his orange juice when Lance sat next to him.

"Hey" Joey smiled.

"Welcome home Joe" Lance said as he tried hard not to cry. "We missed you around here. Those two bumbling idiots of yours missed you to."

"I missed them to" Joey said as his lips began to tremble. "I missed having my mood swing the same time as you."

"Are we going to cry?" Lance asked in a teary voice.

"I think so" Joey pouted. "ON the count of three."

"Yeah" Lance said softly. "One."


"Three" Both said and began to wail.

Justin wandered out in the kitchen, and found Lance and Joey, crying and hugging each other. "Is everything OK?" he asked, "or am I being clue less again?" "We're just happy!" Joey got out. "Yes!" Lance said through tears. "Happy!"

"I will never ever get the way that you two work," Justin admitted. "You're happy and still you're both crying your eyes out... But if it works..." He shrugged.

"Just happy," Joey said. "Lot of emotions," he explained. "Crying good." lance nodded. Justin nodded too. "OK."

Lance wiped the tears away. "I'm just glad to have you back, Joey. It's no fun being pregnant all alone." "Try staying at my parents," Joey replied. "They wouldn't let me do anything!"

"And they were probably right too," JC said, coming into the kitchen. "You know, love, if you told me that you wanted to take up skydiving, right here and now, I wouldn't be need someone responsible and sensible to look after you." "Hmmm," Joey said. "You know where I can find such a person?"

Justin smiled. "He got you there, Josh." "Hey! I'm responsible," JC said, trying to look mad. "I just hide it really well..."

Sitting down next to Joey, he kissed his husband on the cheek. "Good morning, sunshine." Joey was in the middle of trying to decide whether or not to pout over the fact that Lance and him would be left to themselves all day again.

"I can't believe that Justin, Chris and you are going to leave lance and me again," he pouted. "You're never home anymore..." "Don't even try that, love," JC said. "You know that he have to do this. And it's just to clear things away now, so we won't have to do it when the babies arrive."

"I know," Joey said, "but I miss you! And Lance gets cranky when Chris is away too. It's no fun." "Tell you what," JC said. "Tonight we're all yours, OK? Then we'll do something together, all of us."

They were supposed to be taking a nap, but neither Joey nor lance felt tired so instead they were talking quietly. Claiming that they would be bored without each other, they stayed in the same room, now resting in the same bed.

Lance had moved past his chocolate covered everything-craving, which Joey was eternally grateful for.

Except for the ice cream phase, he hadn't experienced much of the cravings, but then lance had had enough for two anyway.

And he had made more than up for that when it came to mood swings, Lance had nothing on him there. Half of the time Joey himself didn't know what mood he was in.

Trying to find a comfortable position in the bed, he sighed. It was no fun being pregnant sometimes, he felt huge as a whale and about as out of place as a whale on dry land.

Next to him, Lance was laying on his back. "I wish I hadn't done that," he said, placing a hand on his stomach. "Every time I lay on my back, I can't get back up again on my I'm basically stuck."

"I don't want to move," Joey said, "the twins are sleeping, if I move now they'll kick me. So I am staying. We're both stuck. We'll never leave this room again."

"Never?" Lance asked a little nervously. "Never," Joey said. "I don't like that," Lance said, frowning. "Me neither," Joey decided. "I declare us un-stuck."

"I still can't move," lance complained. "I still don't wanna move," Joey sighed. "We're still stuck," Lance pointed out. "Seems so," Joey sighed again.

"So what do we do now?" Lance asked.

"Be bored I guess" Joey said.

"That sucks" Lance pouted.

"Totally...or" Joey grinned.

"Or there's an or. Okay if there's an or how do we get out of this damn bed" Lance pouted.

"Who says we have to" Joey said. "Grab your credit card. We're going shopping."

"Chris will kill me," Lance said grinning.

"I got mine" Joey said as he waved it in front of Lance. "I also have JC and Justin's."

"You're positively evil" Lance chuckled. "Help me up will you."

Joey shifted and felt a kick. "Damn."

"Moved to suddenly, huh" Lance grinned.

"Unfortunately" Joey said as he patted his huge stomach. "I'm sorry. Daddy didn't mean to get up but he did. So please calm down."

Joey helped Lance sit up when he felt the other twin kick him. "Well damnit. The other one kicked me."

"Too much alike" Lance grinned.

"Tell me about" Joey pouted.

Joey turned on the tv. "So which shopping channel should we hit first."

"Turn it to the shopping network. Then Let's visit some infomercials" Lance smiled.

"Let's shop" Joey said as he grabbed his phone.

"Any answer?" Chris asked.

"No that's the tenth time we tried to call them and the lines been busy" Justin sighed as he hung up the phone.

"I can call my dad" Justin suggested.

"Just, we don't want to over protect Joey. Remember what happened the last time" Josh warned.

"I know"

"Besides they might be sleeping" Chris said. "Let's give them their sleep. Only three more hours then we get to go home."

"By the way we all have Lamaze class on Thursday. I talked to Phil, Joey and Lance's midwife and he says it's time for them to begin Lamaze." JC smiled.

"Do we have to watch those videos?" Justin asked.

"Yes why?" Chris asked.

"Okay but when Lance and Joey start freaking out on you don't blame me," Justin said.

"Let's get back to work. The sooner we do the sooner we can be back home" Chris said.

"Right" Both agreed as all three of them went back to the studio.

One week has passed.

Phil Fatone treated Lance and Joey to a weekend at a spa. Both were spoiled and pampered as they relaxed in mud bathes and a spa. They really both enjoyed the people who gave them one hell of a message.

Both walked in the door when they saw their husbands in chairs facing the door. They were not happy.

"What's wrong?" Joey said cheerfully. "I know you missed us."

"That's part of it" JC said.

"Care to explain this stuff" Justin said as he pointed to the living room filled with packages.

Joey looked at all the boxes, he seriously couldn't remember that they had ordered so much! Well, at least they had birthday and Christmas presents for the next ten years or so... Lance was looking equally wide-eyed at the boxes and Joey could see that he was trying very hard not to laugh.

"We were bored," Lance said, adopting a slight pout, "and you left us all to ourselves." "Yes," Joey followed up. "At least you didn't get out the scissors this time," Justin mumbled and ran his had through his short-cropped curls. "Next time, do give JC a haircut, will ya?"

Joey looked thoughtful. "I'm over the scissors-thing. But an electric shaver..." "Don't even think it...," JC warned him. "You're not going near anything that even looks like it. And don't pout." "You're mean," Joey sighed.

"What are we supposed to do with all this?" Justin asked. "What were you two thinking?" "Can't remember," Lance answered. Chris couldn't hold back his smile anymore. "Oh never mind, we'll find a use for it, whatever it is that you bought. Now if you don't mind, I haven't seen my husband for two days... We are going to spend some quality time together."

"Yes, we are," Lance agreed. Justin moved up behind Joey and hugged him close. "Did you have a nice weekend, angel?" Leaning back into Justin's strong body, Joey smiled. "It was nice, but I missed you guys." "We missed you too," JC admitted.

They were all enjoying a quiet night at home, staying in the TV room, watching movies. Work were finally slowing down as they now wanted to spend their time on their families.

None of them dared to watch anything remotely sad as Lance was back in over-emotional land for the time being, so the choice of movies ranged from comedies to action movies. Justin and Joey convinced the three others to watch a horror movie and both fell asleep twenty minutes into the movie.

Ten minutes later, Chris fell asleep too, and Lance and JC was left to their own company.

The first thing JC did, was to turn off the horror movie. "Thanks," Lance said. "Blood and screaming is something I'm sure I'll get plenty of later."

"Why didn't you say something?" JC asked, "it wasn't like Justin and Joey really wanted to watch, then they wouldn't fall sleep like this." "I was too tired to even pay attention to the movie," Lance said, yawning a little. "We left the spa early this morning and now it's past midnight. I'm exhausted."

"You should get to bed," JC said. "Really?" Lance acted surprised, then he smiled. "I would, but I'm stuck. I should stay in one place for the rest of my pregnancy, it would make things a lot easier."

"I wish Joey was more like you," JC sighed. "I can't get him to stay in one place, even if he should. And if he is quiet and all, I get nervous, because then I know he is up to something."

Lance was still smiling, but suddenly leaned forward and rubbed his stomach. "Ow. I was just told that I need to get some rest... Would you mind waking up Chris for me? I can't reach him."

JC did as asked, and Chris was soon on his feet and helped Lance up too. When they were both up, Chris just held Lance close to him for a minute. The obvious display of affection made JC smile and he turned to his two husbands that was sleeping in a tangle of arms and legs next to him, on the couch. "Maybe I should just leave them here" he pondered. "But one of them will eventually fall to the floor, so I better get them to bed."

Five minutes later, all five of them were awake again, in various states of moods, and off to get ready for bed.

Joey was looking at his husbands. "JC I love you I really do. But your son is on my bladder. And I'm gonna need to lay at one of the ends now. Being in the middle don't count right now. Not unless you want a leaky bed."

Justin chuckled as JC glared at him. "Hey."

"Come now love. You're side is closer to the door" Justin laughed.

"Well Mr. I think it's funny you can sleep in the middle" JC sneered as he went to Justin's side.

"NO FAIR" Justin pouted.

"Oh yeah you're both going to be fathers yet act this way. Sure you'll make great role model for our boys" Joey said as he gently lay down.

"Don't ask me to lay on my back. I'll be stuck and can't role over" Joey said. "I'm getting way too big."

"Phil said you're catching up being with twins" Justin said.

"I hate it. I don't wanna be fat" Joey pouted.

"Hon, the boys need room in there" JC said softly.

"Still" Joey whined. "It's gonna be hell. I'm gonna be a barge you know that."

"You're very beautiful love" JC said. "Let's get some sleep."

"Sure take the easy way out" Joey mocked pouted as he shut off the lights.

During the nights Joey managed to roll over and bumped into Justin who in turned bumped into JC who fell out of the bed.

A loud thump was heard.

"What the hell.." a voice murmured from the floor.

Justin turned on the light and snickered. "Sorry hon."

"Who pushed me?" JC asked.

Joey was snickering. "Me"

"How the hell did you do that?" JC asked.

"Let me see. Well since I'm huge and I had to turn over I rolled into Justin who couldn't help but push you off the bed" Joey giggled.

"I think it's best you stay on the floor" Justin laughed. "I'm glad you took my spot."

"Oh shut up" JC said.

Joey felt it. A sharp pain across his stomach. He clutched it and moaned.

"Joey" JC asked getting to his feet.

Joey couldn't hear it. The pain increased and he cried out.

"Fuck" JC Cursed. "Justin call 911."

Justin nearly fell out of bed going for the phone, next to him Joey was curled into a ball, pale from the pain. "it's going to be OK," JC tried to assure him, trying not to let it show how worried he really was.

From the other side of the bed, he could hear Justin talking frantically with someone on the phone. Casting a look at Justin, he could see that Justin was just as scared as himself. Putting the phone down, Justin turning to JC. "The ambulance is on it's way."

"Good," JC said, his heart was pounding. This wasn't happening again, not when nothing seemed to have been sorted out, not when everything was supposed to be fine!

"He's what!?!" Justin yelled, running to JC's side. Before JC could answer, an ambulance with flaring sirens pulled up outside the house. "Go tell Chris and Lance what has happened," JC instructed Justin. "I'll go downstairs to open the door for the doctor."

They had been in the waiting room for hours. Justin was standing by the windows, while JC was pacing, Chris and Lance shared a couch. They had tried to make Lance stay at the house, since he really was supposed to stay off his feet. But then lance threatened to walk to the hospital himself and Chris decided it was the safest thing to take him along.

So now they were all waiting, and trying not to go mad from worry. None of them talked much, Chris and Lance was holding on to each other, silently supporting each other. JC was pacing, trying to rid himself of the nervous energy and Justin was trying really hard not to cry.

Outside the morning light crept into the sky and Justin had given up to fight the tears. Now JC was at his side, and they clung to each other, trying to figure out a way to get through this. They didn't talk, because somehow talking made it real.

But in the end, JC couldn't help it anymore. "Why aren't they telling us anything? That can't be a good sign? He has been in there forever!"

Hugging JC tightly, Justin answered: "he's going to be all right, and everything is going to be fine... I won't allow it to be anything else..."

A door went open and a doctor walked towards them. "Timberlake-Chasez?" he asked. "That's us," JC asked. "Our husband, is he...?"

The doctor paused, and JC felt Justin's grip on his hand tighten. The doctor looked grimly back at them. "Please no," JC thought, feeling panic burn through him. "Please, please, please don't say it...just tell my Joey is OK..."

Justin was seconds away from grabbing the doctor and demanding that he told them how Joey was doing. The doctor probably noticed that, and continued. "He got here just in time...he was in a critical condition. At one moment, we feared both for his and the babies' lives. But we managed to stabilize him."

"Are they OK?" Justin asked, needing a clear answer. "Will my husband be all right again?" "He should be fine," the doctor assured him. "But this time it was a close call. I understand that this has been a difficult pregnancy already. So now it's of the utmost importance that you all followed these orders."

"We will," JC said, "oh believe me, we will."

"I mean it," the doctor said. "One more episode like this, and he will loose the twins. Or we will have to do a c-section to keep from loosing the all."

"But there still more than three month left!" Justin said, looking teary-eyed at the doctor. "I know the doctor replied. "But it may be our only choice to save all three of them. But let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Can we see him?" JC asked, needing to see for himself that what the doctor told him was real. "or a minute," the doctor said. "He is sleeping right now. And afterwards I need to talk to you two."

Both nodded. "Come with me," the doctor said, leading the way into the ward. "You can only stay for a minute."

Silently the followed him, both thinking about the night's events.

"Doc?" Justin asked.

"He needs to stay off his feet. I told you all that. The only thing he can get off is to go to the bathroom but as for up and down the stairs. Out of the question. He needs to rest" Phil said.

"We'll carry him down the stairs" JC said.

"Braking our backs doing it" Justin grinned.



"I'll give you a wheelchair if you want to go out. But he needs to stay off his feet" Phil said.

"Trust us he will" JC said.

"Oh Joey is gonna fight us on that one" Justin said.

"Don't worry boys. Joey will not get off his feet for any reason" a voice said.

JC and Justin looked up to see Phil Fatone standing there not looking too happy.

"Dad?" JC said.

"I'm moving in. Luckily, Joe is out of town for a while. I have my ways of keeping Joey off his feet" Phil smiled.

JC and Justin looked at each other and then smiled. "Really?"

"Trust me. I raised that boy for twenty-three years. I know how to handle him" Phil said.

"OOh I can't wait to see this" Justin chuckled.

"But DAD" Joey whined.

"No Buts. You get your butt in bed right now" Phil said sternly.


"I said NO Buts. Now Mister!"

"Awe man. Why couldn't you both object to him moving in" Joey pouted as he got in bed.

"Well you wouldn't listen to us" Justin said smiling.

"That's not fair" Joey pouted.

"Don't pout. you're going to lie there and rest understand" Phil said.

"I'm married"

"I'm your father"

"But I'm grown up now"

"I spent 72 hours trying to push you out. Yet you didn't want to come"


"He's got your there love"

"Oh shut up"

"You be nice to your husbands now rest"

"Great my own father is against me"

"Yes I am" Phil said. "And if you leave this bed you're gonna be in deep trouble young man."

"I hear ya" Joey pouted as his father left.

Joey gave up. He did as he was told and stayed in bed. Something which made Justin and JC very suspicious.

"Could it be that he is actually listening to us?" Justin asked. "I don't know," JC admitted. "I think he is just playing with our heads again." "And he does it so well," Justin added.

They were now standing in front of the bed, in their living room, watching Joey sleep. "You know we're weird." Justin told JC. "Why are we here, watching Joey sleep?" "Hmm," JC said. "I like to watch him sleep. In addition, this way he cannot get into trouble. I am going to watch him until the babies are born. Well, actually I am going to watch him for the rest of my life."

"You're going to drive him crazy," Justin simply said. "And Joey will find new ways of getting in trouble anyway."

"I know," JC said softly. "But what happened really scared me. I did not know how serious things really were. I mean it is just not the twins that are in danger now. The Doc said that if it happened again, Joey might not pull through either. And that terrifies me."

"I feel the same way," Justin replied. "And I'm feeling so bad for not being more observant, for letting him make us give into the everything...from now on we both have to be more stern. He stays in bed, even if I have to stay right next to him for the next four months."

"That's bad thing?" JC asked, letting a smile shine. "Not really," Justin chuckled. They both climbed into bed, snuggling up to Joey. Feeling the new pretenses next to him, he sleepily opened his eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked, as Justin and JC both put their arms around him. "We have decided that we're going to stay in bed with you for the next four months," Justin explained.

"That's right," JC agreed. "We're not letting you out of our sight at all now." "You guys are weird," Joey said. "We know," Justin replied.

"Weird is nice," Joey sighed, going back to sleep. He still felt exhausted even if he had not done more than sleep since his release from the hospital.

A little, while later all three of them were falling asleep.

Down in the TV room, Chris and Lance was watching television. Lance was lying on his back, while Chris was massaging his feet. Not so much massaging as tickling though, and Lance was caught between giggling and trying to make him stop.

"Chris, if you don't quit," he had to warn him in the end, "I'm going to have the baby right here, on the couch." Chris smiled. "I better quit then."

"You better," Lance smiled back. "I'd like to be heavily sedated when this thing wants out, so it would have to wait." Placing his hand on lance's stomach, so he could feel the baby move, Chris was still smiling. "Can you imagine how I'm going to be during the birth? They're going to be sedating me instead of you."

"They probably will," lance giggled. "And if our son is anything like you, we're going to be busy. Remind mw to ask your dad what you're like as a child." "I was hyper," Chris answered truthfully." "Great," Lance moaned. "Let's hope he takes after me then."

"I hope so too," Chris answered. "I hope he looks like you," Lance went on.

"Your eyes, your hair, your..." Chris kissed him.

Three weeks later

Joey was laying on the couch with Lance laying on the other one. Both were strictly told not to leave the couch or they would not have their favorite desserts.

"Since when did they become dictators" Lance pouted.

"Ever since the incident" Joey said rubbing is stomach.

"How are the twins?" "Lance asked.

"Growing" Joey, said. "I can't even see my feet anymore. I cant' even get up on my own."

"Feet? What is that? I've lost sight of them not to long ago" Lance chuckled. "As for getting up. Don't go there."

"Joe would you go through it again?" Lance asked.

"Well without the pain I will" Joey said. "I love being pregnant. To know that JC, Justin and I are going to bring two new lives in the world. I can't wait."

"I know" Lance said. "So what do you think of Lamaze."

"Totally sucks. Did you see that video?" Joey whimpered.

"Here you go boys. Don't be talking about the video now. You'll be going through that. It's to help you breath when you deliver" Phil said kissing Joey's blonde hair.

"It's gonna hurt" Lance whined.

"They'll give you some drugs to null the pain" Phil smiled.

"Still" Joey said.

"Where are our husbands?" Lance asked.

"Out" Phil said.

"As usual" Joey grinned.

There was a knock on the door and both looked up.

"Wonder who that can be?" Joey asked trying to get up.

"Don't even think about it mister" Phil said as he got the door. "Nick, Howie, Brian, Kevin AJ Hi"

"Hi Mr. Fatone. Can we come in?" Nick asked.

"Sure Nick, Brian" Phil said showing the two young men in.

"Hey guys" Nick asked.

"Hey man you're getting huge," Joey said.

"Hey I'm two months pregnant now" Nick pouted. "I swear that Kevin."

Joey laughed. "By the way how is he?"

Nick sighed. "Still not talking."

"We think Johnny did more than beat up Kevin" Brian said softly as he placed Jeremy down.

"Oh no" Lance said.

"I'm sorry," Joey said looking down.

"NO we need to talk about it. Kevin anyway we have a surprise for you" Nick smiled as he put Dustin in the playpen that Phil set up.

"What's that?" Joey and Lance asked.

"SURPRISE BABY SHOWER!" The three replied as Phil brought in the balloons as Brian went to another room to grab the presents.

"How is he?" Justin asked.

"I wish he would tell us but ever since that incident. He hasn't spoken a work. It scares me" Howie replied.

"What happened?" JC asked.

AJ sighed. "We haven't told Nick or Brian but the doctor pulled us aside and."

"He was violated" Howie said as he gritted his teeth.

It was late and Joey and Lance was relaxing together in the living room. "That was fun," Joey smiled. "That was real nice of them to do that for us." "It was," lance smiled back, trying to find a comfortable position. "I swear this kid is going to be just like Chris, he is hyper active already."

"The twins are being nice today," Joey said, patting his stomach. "Daddy says that's because they have less room to move in, can you believe that they all think I ought be even bigger? I wouldn't fit through the door!"

Lance chuckled. "They wouldn't mind that either, you're supposed to stay in bed!" "So are you," Joey reminded him. "I forgot about that," Lance said. "But hey, we're both lying down, and not moving. Much, I guess we are being good boys."

"Good boys?" Joey looked shocked. "How did that happen? I don't like that, that is scary!"

"Too late, Joey!" lance laughed. "I caught you being a good boy! How does that make for extortion material?"

Seeing the evil look on Joey's face, he added: "Uhm, I didn't mean that..."

"Hmmm," Joey answered. "Why would you be blackmailing me? When we can have much more fun doing that to our husbands? But wait, we don't have to blackmail them, they all do, as we want anyway... So who can we blackmail?"

"Why are you obsessed with blackmailing anyone now?" lance had to ask. "You're just trying to get rid of your new good-boy image..." "I," Joey stated, "am not a good boy. Ask anyone, they'll tell you that I am not."

"OK, I am not having this discussion with you," Lance said, holding his hands up. "I'll leave you to think of something naughty to torment JC and Justin with. I'm beat, I want my bed." Doing one of his usual quick changes of subject, Joey said: "I wonder what's taking them so long, you think the rest of the 'boys, kev especially, is OK?"

"I hope so," lance sighed. "I could tell that Nick was worried, even if he tried to hide it. It can't be easy for him now, with Dustin and another one on the way. But he has the other three to help him."

"I'm glad that they are such good friends," Joey said, " because they are going to need it... Hell, I hope whoever has Johnny, makes him pay for what he has done... How can someone be as evil as that?"

Lance didn't really have an answer for that. He was just hoping that things were calming down now, that at least they could get some normality back. But he wasn't too sure that about that, and it wasn't as if they had the most normal lives to begin with either.

=============== End Chapter 15 ===============

Next: Chapter 16

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