Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Nov 29, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

WOW Cosmic Companions has been nominated for an award. Thanks to all who's been reading and making this story so popular. We're having so much fun writing it as well as reading it. You can see the nomination for our story and others at: FF Awards 2000.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 14 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

Josh picked up the phone and dialed the number. He waited three times before someone picked up.

"Hello" the voice replied sleepily.

"Mr. Fatone"

"JC, please call me Joe."

"Hi Joe"

"What's wrong JC? You sound down. Is something wrong with my son?" Joe asked.

"He had a bad nightmare. Something about the twins. He never said. Justin and I are concerned. We need this thing with Johnny stopped. We need your help" JC asked.

"It must be bad. You have my help Josh" Joe said. "Take care of my son."

"I will. Thank you" Josh smiled.

"Don't worry. I won't tell Joey any of this" Joe replied.

"No, we have to tell him. If he finds out the other way he's gonna kick our asses" Josh chuckled slightly. "I got to get going. Phil is on such a trip" Joe chuckled.

"Thanks Joe"

"No problem. Anything to help my family out. Talk to you later" Joe said.


Both men hanged up. Josh sighed and went back to bed.

Two Days Later

Lance and Joey were sitting on the couch watching videos.

"is that what it's going to be like" Lance frowned.

"That has to hurt. I'm going to give birth to two" Joey whimpered


"OOHHHHHHHHHH" Both replied as they watched a submissive pushing.

"I don't wanna" both replied wincing.

"Hey baby. How's the video" Justin asked Kissing Joey.

"Don't touch me!" Joey growled.

"What did I do?" Justin asked.

"You got us pregnant" Lance responded.

Looking at Lance, Justin couldn't help but smile. "I think you two are pushing this sympathy moods a bit to far. Chris got you pregnant, Lance, I had nothing to do with that." "That's true," Lance agreed. "But Chris isn't here right now. And I want to be mad."

"Was it really that bad?" Justin asked. "Bad!" Joey said. "These babies stay in, I am not going through that. Not unless they give me a full anesthetics and then some."

"That bad," Justin said, sitting down on the armrest of the couch. "Yes," Joey complained, resting his head in Justin's lap. "And its JC and yours fault. You should have the babies... You put them there..."

"Darling, it doesn't work that way," Justin said, stroking Joey's hair. "And I'm sure it's going to be ok. We'll be there with you the whole time." Joey didn't answer and Justin wondered if he was thinking about the nightmares.

After the first one, Joey had started to have frequent nightmares, up to several a night. But since he refused to tell his husbands, Justin didn't know what was bothering him.

"You feeling ok, angel?" he asked, while playing with Joey's hair. "Yah," Joey answered, far too meek for him. "Where's JC?"

"Chris and him are coming inside in a minute," Justin explained. "we went to pick up the last of our furniture today. Tonight we should have the house all finished."

"That's nice," Joey replied. At that moment, before Justin could answer, JC and Chris entered the room.

Chris immediately went over to lance and kissed him. "Hey sweetheart," he said. "How was your day?" Leaning down he placed a kiss on Lance's stomach too. "The peanut been nice to you?"

"He has been behaving perfectly," Lance smiled.

JC was standing next to Justin. "Everything ok?" he said quietly to Justin. "I hope so," Justin answered. Taking a closer look, JC smiled. "I don't think you'll be moving anytime soon, Just."

"Why so?" Justin asked, still entwining his fingers in Joey's hair. "Because he's asleep," JC whispered. "He is?" Justin said surprised. "Then you're right, I'll just stay here, poor thing needs the sleep he can get."

Helping Lance up from the couch, Chris said: "We'll let you have some peace. Come on, blondie, you can boss Josh and me around with the last of the furniture."

"My pleasure," Lance smiled. JC looked at Justin. "Help?" Trying to keep his laughter in, Justin replied: "I'm occupied with our sleeping husband. You go decorate with Lance."

Mumbling to himself JC left with Chris and Lance. "Be nice to him, Lance!" Justin called softly after than. "Don't work him too hard!"

"I won't!" Lance promised. "You'll get him back when I'm done."

Watching the trio disappear up the stairs, Justin looked down at Joey. " wish you could tell us," he thought. "I hate knowing that you're so scared and there's nothing I can do to help."

"Hopefully this thing with Johnny is going to be solved soon. He has already ruined so much for us, and for our friends. I just want it all to be over."

Joey moved a little, seemingly a little uncomfortable. Justin sat down in the couch, and made Joey lay down in his lap again. Sighing a little, Joey snuggled close to his husband and slept on.

Determined to make Joey sleep for as long as possible, Justin leaned back. Placing his hand on Joey's stomach he felt the twins move slightly. "Be nice you two," he whispered, gently rubbing Joey's stomach. "Daddy needs to sleep now."

Hoping that this time Joey would sleep without Nightmares, Justin thought about how their lives would change after the babies were born.

The tour was definitely off, but they would still finish the upcoming album. Justin knew that JC had written tons of new songs. "I wonder how many sappy love songs we can use though," he thought with a smile.

In his lap, Joey moved a little, letting out a small whimper. "It's ok, angel," Justin soothed him. "I'm here, just you sleep."

Worried over the look of distress that crossed Joey's face, Justin hoped that they would hear from Joey's father soon. Something had to be done, or they would never be able to have a normal, happy life like they wanted.

Joey woke up and looked into the eyes of his husband. "Hey, how long was I out."

"For a good three hours. My butt is asleep but you slept which is good" Justin smiled.

"Mmm that's good" Joey smiled. "Where's Josh?"

"As far as I know with Heir Lance" Justin chuckled.

Joey chuckled. "That's lance for you."

"I am not a dictator" Lance pouted as Chris placed him next to Joey.

"You are to" JC pouted. "God he's gonna kill us."

"Oh ha ha"

"Have a nice nap hon" JC smiled as he kissed Joey's forehead.

"Yes I did" Joey smiled.

"Phone" Chris said as the phone started ringing.

"You got two feet. You get it" Josh said.

"But I'm with my husband"

"And we're not"

"I'll get it shesh" Joey replied trying to get up.

"Don't think about it mister" Justin said. "You're suppose to stay still."

Josh picked up the phone. "Got it. Hello."

"Hey Nick. what, when. where. My god is he okay" Josh said.

The four looked up at Josh's panicked voice.

"We'll be there. I'll call dad. He'll stay with Lance and Joey. yeah. see you there. Bye" Josh said as he hung up.

"What's going on?" Joey asked.

"Kevin's in the hospital" Josh said softly.

"What happened?" Chris asked.

"Johnny" Josh said.

"We better go" Justin said.

"We want to go to" Lance insisted.

"You need to rest both of you" JC said as he dialed a number.

"Dad, its JC. Can you come over here. We need to go to the hospital. Thanks love you to. Bye" JC said as he hung up.

"JOSH" Joey whined.

"No, you two are staying here and rest" Josh said.


"no buts" Chris said.

Just then Roy came over and the three told him everything and went on their way to the hospital.

Lance was sulking. It wasn't some thing he did very often, but this was as good as time as any. "I hate it when they do that!" he exclaimed. "I hate when Chris gets overprotective, and I hate when JC and Justin agree with him."

"I know," Joey agreed. "They didn't even tell us what happened, just that's Kev's in hospital and that Johnny's got something to do with it."

"And we're stuck here," Lance said, crossing his arms over his chest and pouted. "I hope Kev's ok," he then said. "Nick must going through hell now." "Is this ever going to end?" Joey asked softly. "I mean, every time it seems like things are starting to get better, something like this happens."

"I don't know, Joe," Lance answered, "I really wish I did."

"I feel like I have been stuck in this couch all day," Joey complained. "I need to move some or I think I'll be permanently attached to this thing..." Pushing himself up, he got to his feet. Wincing over a sting of pain in his back, he breathed deeply. "Much better!"

"What are you doing on your feet, Joey?" a voice suddenly said. "The doctor specifically said that you needed to not move around. Sit back down at one, or you'll be confined to bed." Lance had to hide his laughter over the look on Joey's face. "At least we know where JC gets it from," he chuckled.

Mumbling to himself Joey sat back down. "I hate this," he complained. "And I have to stay like this for four months longer? I'll go insane." "Too late for that," lance said innocently.

"Watch it, blondie," Joey countered. "Hey! Only Chris gets away with calling me that!" Lance said.

"You're blond, aren't you?" Joey just said. "I am," Lance replied. "But that doesn't mean that...what the hell am I discussing here?" "I hoped you would know," Joey said, "because I don't know at all."

Giving Joey a dark look, Lance decided to go back to sulking. Joey decided that he would do the same.

Roy Chasez came back in. "How are you two holding up...? Oh my..." Looking at the two of them, he had to smile. "Not in the best of moods, I see?"

"It's not the end of the world, guys. Kevin and Nick are going to be just fine, and you two are going to be fine too. The pregnancy doesn't last forever, and the second one is usually much easier."

"I am so not doing this again," Joey declared. "If they want more children they are going to have to adopt." Lance looked indecisive. "I don't know..." he started. "Trust me," Roy said, "when you have that baby, or in your case, Joey; babies, everything is forgotten."

"But you never delivered one, did you?" Joey asked. "That's true," Roy admitted, "but JC's daddy didn't have the easiest pregnancy carrying him either, but he told me what I told you. All the pain and the discomfort vanishes they second the place the baby in your arms."

Now lance's bad mood seemed to have totally cleared. "I can't wait," he sighed. "Then we'll really be a family." "I want to have the babies," Joey said, "but I would just like to speed things up a little. Nine months is way too long. Why couldn't it be a week or two or something like that?"

"Because the babies need time to grow and be healthy," Roy explained. "And we also need some time to et everything ready for them." "Like the guys and the nursery," Lance giggled. "Yes, we actually need those nine moths, I think."

"That is true," Joey admitted.

"I just wish that they wouldn't treat us like they are afraid we're going to break if somebody raises their voice. It's nice that they worry, but they over-do it." "It's their first time too," Roy said, "you're all just getting used to this. They'll come around, in the mean time enjoy the pampering."

"And," he added, "tell your husbands how you feel about this. Then you can work something out that you're all happy with. If you two are going to be grumpy for four months to come, I swear the babies are going to be born moody. And that's not good."

Leaving them to think, he went back into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

Joey looked at Lance. "now I feel bad. They do everything for us."

"Yeah" Lance said.

"Hormones boys. Don't worry the worse part is after the babies are born" Roy Chuckled.

"Thanks dad" Joey said.

"You welcome" Roy laughed as he went back to his work.

"I would like to have another one" Joey smiled. "I kind of like being pregnant."

"Me to" Lance chuckled. "Except the puking part."

"And the baby lying on your bladder either" Joey added.

"Or the bed rest"

"That sucks" Joey said.

"Speaking of bladders" Joey sighed. "ROY I'm going to the bathroom."

"Be careful" Roy said.

"I will" Joey mumbled as it took it four tries to get off the couch.

"You know good thing I could hold it in" Joey chuckled.

"That would be bad if you didn't" Lance laughed.

"Be back" JOey said as he waddled to the rest room.

Joey smiled as he brought the dye out. He was bored and decided that the group needed another blonde. He started to wash his hair.

"What happened?" Josh asked Howie.

"Kevin was on his way home. He was stopped at a stoplight. Johnny walked out of the limo with two really big men. They pulled Kevin out of the car and into a limo and drove away" Howie whispered.

"Oh no" Chris whispered.

"They took him to an isolated area and beat the hell out of him" Brian whispered. "Then took him back. Johnny said it was a lesson to be learned for leaving him."

"OH fuck" Justin cursed. "did they catch Johnny?"

"That's a strange thing. The goons who told us everything said another limo appeared. This guy walked out and grabbed Johnny and forced him in the car. We haven't seen Johnny ever since." Brian said.

Justin smiled. "Maybe that's a good sign."

"I hope so" Brian said. "Nick isn't doing to hot. He's only a month pregnant. If he doesn't calm down." "OH man" Chris said. "Let's go talk to him."

They all nodded and left to find Nick.

Joey came out and sat back down. His head was covered in a towel.

"I was about to say you were gone for a long time" Lance giggled.

"I did have to go. But I wanted to do something" Joey smiled.

"Uh oh. Joe, we can't murder our husbands. It's against the law" Lance laughed.

"True But I have the next best thing" Joey smiled as he pulled the towel of his head.

Staring at Joey's hair, Lance couldn't get out a word. Smiling over his friend's wide eyes, Joey asked: "Well, do you like it?" "It's blond!" Lance said, pointing.

"I know it's blond, silly," Joey said, swatting lance's finger away. "I was in the mood for trying something new."

"It's definitely new," lance said, still staring at Joey's damp hair. "Justin's gonna throw a fit, you know how he is with your hair."

Running his hand through his wet hair, Joey smiled. "He's going to have to live with it. I haven't done anything to my hair since I cut it. I wanted to give this a try."

"You better put a caps on or something and break the news to them gently," Lance said. "But it actually looks good, it makes a nice contrast with your eyes."

"Thanks," Joey replied. "And now you can't tease me with being blonde either," Lance smirked.

"I didn't think about that," Joey said, "well, I have to find something else to tease you with then."

"I'll tell Chris on you," Lance said. "Now I'm afraid," Joey said, rolling his eyes. Sending a sideways glance at Lance. "You wouldn't do that, would you?" True enough, Chris might be small, but he had a quick temper and nobody hurt his husband, then he was after blood.

"Relax," Lance chuckled. "No, I won't stick Chris on you."

"Guys?" Roy entered the room again. "Dinner is ready... Good lord, Joey, what did you do to your hair?"

"He bleached it!" Lance helped. "I can see that, Lance", Roy answered. "And you certainly are blond..."

Shaking his head, he sighed. "Well, it's better than the fire engine red, I suppose. And it does suit you."

Using the towel to dry his hair so he wouldn't be dripping water everywhere Joey smiled. "I like the red, maybe I'll do that again sometime too."

"You and your hair," Roy sighed. "And that goes for you too, Lance. Whatever happened to just sticking with your normal color and let it be with that?"

"But that's boring!" Lance said, "And it grows back. If you don't like it, you can always change it later."

"I guess you're right," Roy agreed. "Now come eat your dinner before it gets cold."

Joey looked out of the window. He was worried. He wondered how bad Kevin was.

"Hopefully it won't be that bad" Lance said as he ate his dinner.

"I know but they've been gone for so long. I'm worried. What if? What if Johnny comes here?" Joey whispered.

Lance shivered. "I hope not. I really hope not. The last thing we need is to move again."

"You would enjoy that. Bossing our husbands around." Joey chuckled.

"Please try not to kill my boy" Roy laughed.

"I'm not that bad" lance grinned.

"Yes you are" Joey chuckled. "But I'm getting there. I spent two hours rearranging our dressers."

"So that's why Justin was wearing JC's boxers. He has a nice ass" Lance chuckled.

Joey laughed. "Yeah and that's why JC was walking around like something was up his butt."

"My poor son" Roy chuckled.

"They haven't forgiven me for that. But with a few pouts I think I can charm them" Joey winked.

"The pregnancy guilt works" Roy chuckled. "My husband use that a lot. And I fell for it."

"I love being evil" Joey laughed.

"What else did you do?" Lance asked.

"Nothing much. I accidentally mixed Josh's music together" Joey said.

"Uh oh."

"Yeah so when we're sing an upbeat song to a slow tempo it's not my fault" Joey whistled innocently.

"I'm not touching that one. But Joe if you need a place to stay" Roy started.

"I'll call" Joey grinned.

"Nick" Josh asked.

"Hey" Nick said softly.

"How you holding up?" Chris asked.

"I could have been better" Nick said.

"How is he?" Justin asked looking at Kevin's pale features.

"He'll live. The doctor told me either to calm down or I won't be able to visit anymore. I'll be in the maternity ward" Nick grinned.

"You better calm down man. You don't want to end up in bed rest for eight months. Joey and Lance have complete bed rest for four more months. It's driving us crazy" Josh replied.

"Joey rearranged our dresser today. Lance saw my ass. My boxers didn't fit. they were too big" Justin grinned.

"I felt like I was being castrated. The boxers I had on were too tight" Josh said.

"Ouch" Nick and Chris replied.

"it'll get better" Chris said. "I hope."

"How bad is Kevin?" Josh asked.

"Broken ribs, slight concussion, bruises all over his body. That asshole did a number on him." Nick said.

"Fuck" Josh said.

"From what the creeps said Johnny was going after Joey and Lance next" Nick said.

"Fuck" Justin said. "But Brian said another limo pulled up and some big guy grabbed Johnny."

"IT could be a ploy. I'm hoping it's Mr. Fatone personally but don't take it lightly. It could be a ploy" Nick whispered.

"We better go in case" Chris said.


"go and give me a call okay" Nick smiled.

"Right. Thanks Nick. Hope Kevin gets better" Josh said.

"Thank you" Nick smiled as he watched all three of them run out. "Come back Kev.."

Joey and Lance were back on the couch watching Ace Ventura and laughing their butts off when the door opened followed by three frantic voices.


"Our husbands are home" Joey snickered.

"IN HERE" Lance called out.

They heard footsteps making their way to the living room and Joey started to smile.

"Joe..thank god you're...." a voice started but stopped.

Justin stared at Joey. "Angel, what did you do to your hair?" Now dry, Joey's blond hair was ruffled in messy spikes. "I dyed it," Joey answered truthfully. "I see that," Justin asked.

JC smiled. "I like it. It looks good on you. And seeing as you haven't pulled s stunt like this in a long time, I guess I should have seen this coming."

Chris came in. For a moment he swore he was developing double vision as there were one blond more on the couch than he expected. After realizing that one of them was Joey, he took a closer look at him.

"Ok, I can live with that." "You better," Joey smiled back. "I like it this way."

"And can we all get over my hair now? How is Kev and Nick doing?" "They're fine, at least s much as can be expected," Justin said. siting down with Joey and Lance on the couch.

Telling them about what had happened on the hospital, Justin ended it: "And apparently things have taken a another turn Johnny-wise. He was last seen being pulled into a limo which took off to God knows where."

"But that's a good thing, right?" Lance looked up. "I hope so," Chris replied.

At that moment the phone went off. "I'll get it," Joey said, reaching out for the phone. "It's ok, I got it," JC said quickly, taking the phone before Joey could.

Going out into the hall before answering, JC knew his behavior had to see strange, but he didn't want anybody but Justin to know about the conversation he had had with Joey's dad earlier.

Answering the phone he heard Mr. Fatone's voice. "There is a problem, Josh. Apparently we are not the only ones interested in Mr. Wright these days. Somebody beat us to it..."

"What?" was the most intelligent thing JC could think of. "Who?" "I don't know," Joe Sr. admitted. I have been talking to some people and all everybody knows is that he was dragged into a car and haven't been heard from since."

"There must be quite a lot of people that wants to do something like that to him," JC replied. "Heck, for all we know he might have staged it himself. I wouldn't put anything past that bastard."

"I've got some of my men working on it," Joe answered. "Hopefully they'll dig up anything. If somebody wants to do the dirty work for me, I have no problem with that. I just want to be able to see that they do it properly."

JC didn't even want to begin to think what that meant, he just hoped that the problem would soon be out of their lives, one way or another.

They finished the call and JC went back into the living room. He noticed Joey giving him a little look, but then he looked away again. After all this time JC knew Joey so well that he knew that his husband was up to something. Only question was what.

"Was that Mr. Fatone?" Justin asked silently as JC sat down next to him. "It was," JC whispered back. "And get wasn't his men that ran off with Johnny... He doesn't know who it was, nobody does."

"Really?" Justin said, surprised. "Well, hopefully whoever it was, keeps him. We sure as hell have no use for him."

I hope so too," JC said with a smile. "hopefully the biggest problem in our near future now is figuring out what our husband dearest is up too. I can tell he is having evil thought in that pretty little blonde head of his again..."

Joey was bored. He hated sitting down it was making him restless. Lance was bored to. He kept sighing dramatically as their husbands were watching TV.

He sighed for the millionth time already. He watched as Justin laughed. Watched as his curls jumped. He remembers in Romona and The Pest where Romona sees this girl at kindergarten. She had curly hair like Justin.

He chuckled as he remembered Romona 'boinging her'. One day she pulled this girls curls and was grounded from recess. It was funny.

Hmmmm...Joey smiled as he saw a pair of scissors. He'll just cut one curl off. Justin won't mind.

Lance chuckled as he watched Joey eye the scissors and then turn his attention to Justin who was watching television. Lance laughed. Joey was SO evil.

Just" Joey asked in a so innocent voice.

"Hmmm" Justin said.

"I want to hold you" Joey said. "Can I hold you?"

"Sure" Justin smiled as he leaned into Joey's embrace.

Lance giggled hard.

"Lance are you okay love" Chris asked.

"I'm fine. Just having an emotional rush." Lance said.

"Better" Justin smiled as he leaned Gently on the twins.

"Yes" Joey, said as he ran his hands through Justin's curls.

Lance bit his lip. This was going to be too good.

He watched as Joey brought the scissors and started to snip at the golden locks. He giggled.

Justin sharply turned as something funny was said and Joey accidentally cut too much off in a straight line. He froze as he had a handful of Justin's locks in his hands.

Lance's eyes popped out of his head. Justin had a line going from the left side to the right. It was visible to.

Joey looked to lance and hummed to himself.

Joey hid the hair and the scissors in the couch and both started to crack up laughing.

"What is up with you two today...oh I see..." Chris' voice trailed off as he caught Joey quickly hiding the scissors and what looked suspiciously like some of Justin's curls. Then he spotted Justin's hair. The next moment there were three of them nearly rolling on the floor laughing. "What?" Justin said confused. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Joey said as innocently as he managed. "It's just...just that..." Turning to look at Joey, Justin's eyes narrowed. "What did you do? I know that looks...oh my GOD!!!" Running a hand through his hair as he often did while confused, Justin could feel it. "You cut my hair!" he squeaked. "Joey! How could you do that?" "I was bored," Joey answered.

"And therefor you went for my hair with a pair of scissors?" Turning to Lance, Justin rambled on: "And you knew about this, and didn't warn me? You're as bad as he is!"

"I am," Lance answered proudly.

"Come on, Justin," Chris tried to comfort him. "It's about time you got rid off the 'fro. You'll still be pretty fly for a white guy even without it. Why not..." Chris started to laugh again. "Why not let Joey continue what he started?"

"I'm not letting Joey near my hair ever again!" Justin stated. "Lord knows what he'll do then?" "Awe," Joey said, looking very unhappy. "Not ever again?" Justin couldn't stand for the sad look. "Well, maybe... But you have to promise me that there'll be no scissors involved." Joey thought about that and decided he could live with that. "Promise," he said.

Siting back down and leaning against Joey, Justin sighed. "Guess I'll be going to the hairdressers tomorrow then..." Looking critically at Justin's curls, Joey said: "I could just cut some off of the other side too, it would look cool..." "Joey!" Justin said. "You won't be going near any scissors for the next couple of months, so don't even think about it."

"you're no fun," Joey pouted. "Not when it comes to my hair, no," Justin replied. "And don't pout."

"I am not pouting," Joey tried. "Yes, you are," Justin said. "I can hear it."

At that time JC came into the room. "Hey," he said, then did a double take and stared at Justin. "Justin? Ahm...what's up with your hair?" "Ask blondie here," Justin replied, "he was bored."

"Bored," JC said, a smile forming on his face. "I see."

Going over to them, he had to bit his lip to keep from laughing. Lance and Chris was curled up in the opposite corner of the couch from Justin and Joey.

"I think he looks good with it," Lance commented. "Maybe you'll start a new fashion, Justin." "Honey, I don't think you're helping," Chris said, kissing his cheek. "But for what it's worth, I agree."

Thinking to himself, he plotted a way he could make them tell him, and then he was going to make them miserable just for a little while, for not telling him.

Joey watched his husbands as they settled down. How could he make them tell him? How could he torture them into telling? Sex. Oh that was a wonderful tool but the doctor said no sex until after the baby is born.

Damn doctor.

No that would be too cruel to pretend he was in labor. Not with the nightmares and not with the situation he was in. Damn it wasn't fair.

Guilt. That's it. he'll guilty them until they told him.

"OW" Joey replied.

"Joey?" Justin asked. "What's wrong?"

Joey tried hard not to snicker. But Justin looked funny. "My back."

"Hurting love?" JC asked rubbing Joey's back.

"Yeah" Joey pouted.

"Come here" JC said as he rubbed Joey's back. "Feel good."

"Oh yeah" Joey said. "Who was that on the phone?"

"No one" JC answered quickly.

"Why must you hide it from me?" Joey asked as tears formed in his eyes.

Lance lips trembled.

"Oh no" Chris replied as he covered Lance's eyes. Maybe if Lance didn't see he wouldn't cry to."

"Oh honey" Justin said.

"No I mean it" Joey said as he cried. "I'm sorry my hormones are acting up. But I feel like you can't trust me. Like you don't love me."

JC and Justin felt guilty.

"Baby we really do love you" Justin said.

"Yes we do."

"We only wanted to protect you" JC said.

"I know and I love you for it. But I feel so trapped when you and Justin get over protective of me. It's like I'm not even Joey anymore. We use to have fun before the mating and the marriage. Now we're not like a group anymore. Not like that. I miss that" Joey said as he wiped his tears. "You're treating me more like submissive wimp than your husband, mate, and friend."

"Is that how you feel hon?" JC asked quietly.

"Yes so does Lance" Joey cried.

"Babe?" Chris asked letting his hands fall.

"Yes I do. I love you Chris and I know Joey loves JC and Justin but what happened to us. Yes we're married and going to have a family. But what happened tot he fun we had as friends." Lance asked.

"I didn't know that's how you felt" Josh said.

"I want to know what's going on" Joey said. "Please."

"We're worried about you. You don't tell us how you feel. It hurts us Joe. The nightmares. We know but you don't say anything." Justin said frustrated.

Joey looked down. "I'm sorry."

"And we're sorry to. But we need to communicate with each other" JC said.

"Tell me" Joey pressed again.

"That night you had that nightmare" JC said. "Justin and I talked. We had to do something so I called your father."


"We called your father and asked him to help. That was he. He didn't get to Johnny. Someone else Did" JC explained.

"You did what?" Joey asked. "You asked my father to take care of Johnny? After what you did when I called after the Ricky-thing?" "Angel, we had to do something!" Justin attempted to explain. "Things couldn't go on like they did!"

"But when I did it, it was wrong?" Joey asked, "and when you two did it, it was ok? How do you explain that?" "It's wrong either way," JC said, "but we're running out of options. I really couldn't see any other way of solving this." "Why couldn't you tell me about it? You went over my head to my father." Joey wasn't going to let this go easily.

"We didn't want to worry you," JC continued calmly. "You gad enough going on already, and with the nightmares...which you still refuse to talk about... We didn't see the need to worry you even more."

"And dad agreed to this?" Joey asked, pulling away from Justin's hand. "Don't touch me, right now I don't want anything to do with you or JC." He could see that he hurt them, but there and then he didn't care. At this moment he was too angry.

"Calm down, Joey," JC said. The worried look on his face and the calm voice irritated Joey more than ever. "No, I'm not going to calm down. Not unless you two stop treating me like a child. For Christ's sake, Justin's younger than I am! And where the hell do you two go off controlling my life like that?" "I think we are going to leave you three to talk," Chris decided and helped lance up. "I think you need some privacy."

Joey waited to after his friends had left, crossing his arms over his chest, refusing to look at either of his husbands. He hated this. He hated the two of them worrying over him, and acting like he couldn't take care of himself, like he needed them to run his life for him. It was true, he did need them, but he also needed some space. And right now they were suffocating him with all their well-meant worrying, and Joey decided that this time he wasn't going to let it go.

"I'm leaving," he said, suddenly he was all clear on what he wanted to do. "You're what!?!" JC said, at least now he had lost that over bearing tone in his voice. Now he sounded like he thought Joey was out of his mind. "You heard me," Joey answered. "You're not going to leave," Justin interfered. Now turning his head to him, Joey glared at him. "Oh really. And you're going to stop me?" One silent battle of wills later, and Justin drew back.

"No" he said, looking like he was about to cry. "If you want to leave, I'm not going to stop you." Looking at JC now, Joey said: "I need some time away from you. I hate it when you do this to me, you both know that!" getting up off the couch, he added: "That's why I am leaving. I'm going to my parents'. Don't call me, don't come over. I guess we have to talk sometime, but right now I don't think I'm gonna feel the need to see either of you anytime soon.

Getting the phone, he quickly dialed his dad and told him to come get him. He didn't explain why, he was going to discuss that with his dad, after he came to pick him up. What annoyed him most, was the way JC had reacted to the fact that Joe Sr. and the family business was going to be am important part of the twins' lives. The whole "holier that thou" attitude of him had surely gotten a quick demise.

And Justin was doing what every well-behaved beta male should do, he stood by the alpha male's decisions even when this one was definitely out of his league. A sharp pain in the side reminded Joey of that the twins didn't like him getting upset.

"Not now!" he whispered grimly, rubbing the sore spot. He didn't want to worry about them too now. Right now he needed to be angry, to get away and have some privacy. And then he would call them, and explain why he had had to do this.

"Joey, are you ok?" JC asked, reaching out to support him. "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have upset you... You should rest..." "I'm fine!" Joey snapped back. "And get your hand away from me, I don't want your help, can't you see? I want to both of you to stay the hell away from me!"

The room fell silent. JC looked like Joey had hit him. His face was white. "Ok," he then said. "If that is what you want." Justin had sat down on a chair by the wall, which Joey appreciated. At this pointy he didn't feel like arguing any more, he just needed to get away. A car pulled up outside and Joey hoped it was his dad.

Moments later the doorbell rang. JC had still not moved. Joey couldn't look at him. Not saying a word more, he just left.

Joey sat in the limo not saying a word. He just stared outside. How could they be so inconsiderate of his feelings? If they only told him sooner. If they only would talk they wouldn't have had this fight.

"Joey" Phil said.

"I'm fine" Joey said not trying to cry.

"Honey you have to relax." Phil said.

"I'm so sick of this" Joey said.

"Of what?"

"Nothing" Joey said and went back to sulking.

"I was so like that with you" Phil said.

"I don't want to talk about being pregnant. I wish I never WAS!" Joey cried.

"Oh baby" Phil said as he brought his distraught son to him and let him cry. Want to tell me about it?"


"Okay I understand. Tell me when your ready" Phil said as the driver took them home.

Justin and JC just stared at the floor.

"Josh, are we over?" Justin said softly.

"Oh god I hope not" JC said sitting next to Justin. "I've fucked this up."

"No we both did. We were only doing what we thought was best" Justin said.

"I know but we should have considered Joey's feelings. We just wanted to make him happy" JC sniffed.

"Hey you two" Chris said.

"Hey Chris" Justin said looking at the floor.

"It'll be okay. Lance is mad at me" Chris said.

"What for?" JC asked.

"I don't know for being a male I suppose." Chris sighed. "This isn't what I expected it to be."

"Same here. This is our second fight as a married couple" Justin said.

"Lance and I haven't had our first. I hope tonight isn't going to turn into that" Chris said.

"I envy you" JC said. "You both love each other so much. Look at us. We fight. I don't know if.."

"Give him some time to cool off." Chris said. "He does have a lot of valid points as well as you do."

Justin sobbed. "I love him."

"So do I just" JC said.

Two weeks have passed.

Joey lay in his bed holding his teddy bear. He didn't talk to anyone. Hardly anyone anyway.

When he saw his father he let him have it. He screamed, punched, scratched at Joe Sr. and told him that he was ashamed to being named after him.

Now he just sits there and stares out the window.

He rubbed his stomach. They've been protesting this ever since he came home. He was tired and cranky. His body hurt and he didn't know what to do.

He looked at the phone and sighed. Should he or shouldn't he call them.

He couldn't call them. He just couldn't. He still hurt but he missed them awful.

Justin and JC weren't much better off. Neither of them dared going against their husband's wishes and didn't try to get in touch. It was hard to over hold at times, but they both were afraid of ending up pushing him further away. So they just waited.

Chris and lance seemed to have some issues to deal with amongst themselves, but for them it only seemed to strengthen the bond between them. So JC and Justin were left to be miserable together, something they both truly hated. Three weeks had passed and they were going slowly mad.

One late night they were sitting in the living room, trying to get their minds over on something else by watching an old movie on the TV.

Leaning back in his chair, Justin sighed. "I can't take anymore of this, Josh. I'm going to call him. I don't care if he's mad, or if his parents won't let me talk to him. I just can't stand this anymore."

"Joey's gonna stick his dad on you," JC said seriously. "Or some uncle who's a hit man or something."

"At least I'll get to talk to him" Justin said, smiling. "And if he bothers to send a hitman after me, I know he still cares. Remember this is the guy who cut my hair because he was bored. There is no telling what he can do..."

"I know," JC chuckled. "God, I miss him." "I do too," Justin said, going to sit beside JC on the couch. "And we're going to get him back, we just have to find the way to do it." Pulling Justin close to him in a warm hug, JC agreed. "Got any ideas?"

Resting his head on JC's shoulder, Justin thought for a little while. "Not really..." Tightening his hold on JC, he whispered. "Right now I am actually thinking about something completely different..." "I..." JC started. "I don't know, Just..."

Justin kissed him.

His fathers had given him all the time he needed on his own, and Joey appreciated that. But it was time to do something, something that would clear up the mess between the tree of them once and for all. Quickly picking up the phone before he lost his courage he dialed the number back to the house.

JC had had some doubts about this, somehow he felt like he was cheating on Joey without him there too. But when Justin kissed him, somehow he just let it happen. They were married too, so he didn't think it would be cheating... It just felt like it.

But even feeling that, he didn't stop Justin, and instead helped him when Justin started undressing him. Justin's own clothes soon followed. It surprised him when Justin suddenly stops and looked at him "Are you sure we should be doing this? That we're not doing it just because we're both feeling angry right now?"

"Maybe," JC said, letting his hand slip inside the younger man's boxers. "Is it important now?" Releasing a small moan as JC's hands started caressing him, Justin closed his eyes. "No, I guess not."

The sound of the phone two minutes later startled them both.

Reaching up at the table, JC who was closest answered it. He knew he was sounding breathless and flustered, and hoped whoever as calling didn't pick up on it.

"Hello? he asked, and heard his voice be everything he had tried it not to be. A second or two passed. "JC?" a familiar voice then asked. "Joey!" JC nearly yelled. On the floor Justin looked like he was stuck between smiling and tearing his hair out. "Well," he thought, "I should have expected him to call now. And it is for the best."

"Baby!" JC breathed. "Oh my God, I can't believe you called at last! Justin and me is missing you like crazy!" "Are you?" Joey asked, his voice not sounding like him at all. "What were you doing right now?"

"We were..." JC had no idea how to answer that question, and by Joey's voice and the edge it held, he already knew. "We were..." JC tried again, wondering how he was supposed to fix this.

"Don't bother," Joey said, his voice cold. "It's not that difficult to figure out." Then the phone went dead in JC's hand.

Resisting the urge to slam the phone into the nearest wall, JC threw it to the table and grabbed his clothes. Justin had dressed already. "He knew?" Justin asked. "Oh yes," JC said, "why couldn't he have called ten minutes earlier? Now he is mad and hurt, and now he's never going to forgive us."

"Damn," Justin said. "look, JC, I'm sorry, I started this." "Even if you did," JC answered, "it takes two to tango. I could have stopped you. But I didn't."

"We screwed up again," Justin sighed, rejoining JC in the couch. "Man, you oughta think we'd learn." "No, JC replied, equally feeling down. "We don't learn, because we are stupid. Stupid, stupid people."

"I know," Justin replied, nodding, "I know."

Carefully Joey set the phone down on the small table it had been sitting on. Then he kicked the table across the room. "I will not cry," he told himself, as tears made his eyes sting. "They are not worth it."

Wiping angrily at his eyes he bit his lip and forced his breathing back to normal. "I'll get dad to handle them, if I tell him that they hurt me, he is not going to stop before he's got their heads on a plate for me." A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "I don't want him to kill them...well, maybe just a, I would miss them too much...

Sitting back down on his bed, he thoughtfully studied the nightly sky outside the window. "But I'm not going back." Placing an arm protectively around his stomach, he continued to stare at the sky while planning what he was to do.

An hour later, he was downstairs, looking for his fathers. They wouldn't like what he was going to do, but he wasn't going to let them stop him. "Dad?" he asked, looking into the study to find his father sitting at the computer. "I need to talk to you and daddy for a minute."

"Everything all right, Joseph?" Joe Sr. asked, removing his glasses. "You look kinda pale, the babies ok?" "They're fine," Joey assured him. "I just need you to help me with something."

Phil came in after hearing Joey's words. "What is going on, Joey? Does this have something to do with JC and Justin?" His will faltering a little at the sound of his husbands' name, Joey quickly resumed his strength. "Kind of."

Taking a deep breath, he looked at his parents. "I think I am leaving them."

"Joey..." Phil said. "this isn't like you... I know how you feel about them, you don't want to leave them!" To Joey's amazement, Joe Sr. backed Phil up on his statement. "You should be angry at me, son," he said, "if any... They came to me because they didn't see any other way out."

"I'm not mad at you anymore," Joey told his father. "And I'm not really mad at them, I'm more... I don't know... I just don't think it's a good idea anymore, the three of us, I mean. Maybe it never was."

"Joseph," his dad started, and Joey knew he was in for a lecture. "After all you went through to get your way, and get married to them, you're giving up this easily?"

Guiding Joey to a chair, Phil made him sit down. "Your doctor would strangle both your father and me for letting you walk around like this. "You're supposed to stay off your feet."

"I know," Joey said, "but I'm feeling better, I swear. The twins are easing up on me, I think." "I think it's more because they have less place too move now," Phil smiled. The smile disappeared as he added: "which reminds me, you're still on the skinny side for this far in your pregnancy."

"This isn't enough?" Joey asked, pointing to his stomach. "What are you trying to do? Kill me?" "I mean it, Joey," Phil said. "When is your next doctor's appointment?"

"Soon," Joey said, "but what I wanted to talk to you about is that I want to go back to the island. Where I got married. I've checked that there'll be someone there with me...some of the house staff lives there permanently..."

"I don't like where this is going, Joseph," his dad warned him. "Dad, just trust me, ok? I have to do this." Joey had no intentions of telling his parents the real reason that he was going away.

It still hurt to think of what he had obviously interrupted when he had called the house, and he pushed it out of his thoughts again.

"There's a doctor on standby 25 hours a day, and I promise, I won't even leave bed...just please let me do this??"

"You're running away and won't even tell us the real reason why," Joe Sr. said, getting up. "You don't want your husbands to know where you are. What is going on, Joseph?"

"Don't ask me that, dad," Joey replied. "If you won't let me go, I'll go another place. And you won't know where I am either." Sending his husband a look, Joe Sr. nodded. "Joey, will you leave us for a little while? Your daddy and I need to discuss this. I'll come upstairs to let you know what we have decided later."

Leaving them to talk, Joey went back to his room. At the moment he just wanted to crawl up somewhere dark and comfortable and just forget everything that had taken place the last weeks. Hopefully his parents would see how important this was for him, or else he would be forced to find another place to hide.

Justin had decided that he needed some fresh air to clear his head and went for a walk. He still couldn't believe how much they managed to screw things up. Now he actually feared that they couldn't make things ok again between them. That was the first time he had felt that, not even when things were at it's worst with Joey's father, did he feel it.

he had always relied on that the love they had for each other, would get them through everything, no matter how bad it was.

Now he was beginning to doubt that, and he didn't like that feeling at all.

A car was coming around the corner. Only halfway interested Justin watched it. It was a black sedan of some kind. Expecting it to speed up again as it had come free of the corner it slowed down instead.

"Apparently some sucker who got himself lost," Justin thought as the car stopped in front of him. A window was rolled down and a face covered in shadows called him over. "What?" Justin asked, looking into the car.

A huge, mean looking gun was staring right back at him, aimed at his head. "Get into the car," a voice growled.

Joey was wondering how long his parents planned on taking discussing. They were probably not going to let him go. Hopefully they didn't call JC or Justin, in that case, he would have to give them the whole story. Which was something he really didn't want to do.

It was late at night now, and Joey knew he probably should be sleeping. At least they twins seemed to be sleeping. Curling up in his bed, he closed his eyes. He wouldn't get anything done before the morning anyway.

He had had to be more tired then he thought, because it didn't take long before he felt sleep gently overtake him, and he started to slip away.

Shrill ringing noises caught him on the border between sleep and waken state. At first he couldn't determine what it was, then the buzzing tone, coming off in intervals, told him the phone was ringing.

"Where is the damn thing?" he muttered, looking around the half dark room. "Oh, of course..." Remembering his little temper tantrum earlier, he got out of bed and over to the wall where his phone was laying.

While pondering on several evil thoughts about what he wanted to do to the caller, he answered. "Joey?" a voice very clearly afraid said. "Please don't hang up on me, some thing has happened."

"What do you want, JC?" Joey interrupted him. "I'm really not in the mood to talk to you." "Justin is missing," JC said.

"What" Joey said softly.

"he's missing. We've looked everywhere but we can't find him" JC said in a panic voice. "Joey, please."

"Oh god" Joey cried. "I'm on my way."

"I can come and get you. I rather you..." Josh trailed off.

"you can say it" Joey whispered. He missed their overprotectiveness even if it annoyed him.

"I'm sorry" Josh said. "I miss you so much. It's not the same here anymore."

"I'm sorry to" Joey whispered. "I'll be waiting downstairs."

"I'm on my way. Joey?" Josh said softly.

"Yes Josh."

"I love you"

"Oh god I love you to" Joey began to cry.

"We'll find him Joe. We'll find Justin" JC said.

"I hope so. I really do" Joey said as he grabbed his coat.

"See you in a few" JC said as he hung up.

Joey walked out of the room. His husband was missing. Somehow it was all his fault. He gently made it downstairs and saw Steve talking to someone.

He didn't go any father when he heard something startling. Something disturbing.

"So how did it go?" Steve asked.

"You got the blonde. You didn't get both of them did you. FUCK! Well Get Josh tomorrow. They have to pay for hurting Joey."

"No" Joey whispered. His brother had his husband. He couldn't believe it.

"The warehouse. I'll be there soon. Justin and Josh have to learn never to hurt a Fatone. They hurt my baby brother and now they must pay" Steve growled.

"Fuck" Joey cursed. When he get his hands on his brother he's going to ring his neck.

But in order for he and Josh to get Justin back he had to know what warehouse it was. There was so many at the wharf. "Come on Stevie give me an addie" Joey whispered.

"What's the addie again" Steve asked. 23459 Davenport. Thanks, I'm on my way."

Joey walked out the other way. He waddled as fast as he could by the gates. he was so much in trouble with the doctor.

He saw JC pull up and got in. "23459 Davenport. Josh, Steve has Justin."

"Fuck" JC cursed. "Buckle up. We're going for a wild ride."

Joey held on as JC pushed on the gas pedal. This was one ride he wasn't going to forget. "I'm sorry Josh. Being in the family."

"Joey I love you. I love that you're Italian. Right now I don't care if you're in the Mafia. I love you Joe. I love your Family but I LOVE you" josh said.

"I want us to work" Joey said.

"I do to" Josh said as he continued to drive.

Joey placed his hand on JC's thigh and smiled. "We'll get through this."

"Yes we will." JC smiled back. "We should've called the cops. I can't risk you going in."

"I'm going in. Justin's my husband to" Joey said softly.

"Promise me you be careful" JC asked.

"I will" Joey smiled.

Joey explained to him about Steve and how his brother wanted to make them pay for hurting him. JC told him not to worry about it. That as a family they will discuss what to do.

Joey smiled. He was going home with them after this. He wants to be with his husbands. They would have to put their pride aside and love each other

"There he is" Josh explained.

Joey gasped. Justin was tied to a chair. He looked up and saw Josh and Joey. Tears fell from his eyes.

"Come on" Josh said as he ran over to Justin.

"Well I can't run" Joey pouted. "I'll waddle."

As Joey waddled to his husbands JC reached Justin and untied him.

"You okay?" Josh asked.

"I'm fine. Shaken up but fine. Joey?" Justin asked.

"He wants to come home" JC said softly.

"Let's go to him. He should be off his feet" Justin said.

"You're right" JC smiled as they ran over to Joey.

"You know I don't even know why I even bothered" Joey said.

Justin chuckled and Hugged Joey. "I'm sorry baby."

"I'm sorry to. I'm glad you're all right" Joey said as he kissed Justin. "Can we go home? I'm tired, My back is killing me and I'm going to cry."

Justin sniffed. "I'm going to cry but lets go home."

"Let's get out of here before Steve finds out" JC said leading his husbands to the car and then head for home.

JC was driving home. He wasn't sure at all how to handle what they had just been through, all he knew was that they would have to sit down and talk a lot of things over, all three of them. Knowing how close he, they both had, had come to loosing Joey was still scaring the heck out of him.

"You two ok back there?" he asked Justin and Joey who was in the back seat. "I'm ok," Justin said, he was holding Joey who just looked happy to be back in Justin's arms. "I'm fine," Joey said. "At least I hope I'll be later," he thought, closing his eyes. "I'll give them a chance to explain and then I'll decide what to do."

Twenty minutes later they were back home. "Chris and Lance had already gone to bed when I realized you were missing," JC said. "I never told them, I just called Joey and ran out the door. I was so out of it I didn't even think to tell them. I hope they weren't worried."

"The lights are out in their room," Justin observed, "hopefully they didn't even notice. I don't want them, especially lance, to be worried. It's bad enough for Joey." Taking another look in the mirror to the back seat, JC turned around, "where is Joe, by the way?" "He is sleeping," Justin said softly, looking lovingly at Joey who was fast asleep in his lap.

"You know we have a lot of explaining to do, right?" JC said. "And I'm not sure that we're completely forgiven, I see another temper tantrum in near future. But I guess he is entitled to a few after what we did." "I'm just glad to have him back," Justin said. "He can yell at me all he wants, I'm just glad that he is home again."

"I second that," JC smiled back. "Now let's get sleeping beauty into bed... And you look like you could need some rest too, curly."

"I can," Justin sighed. "Man, this has been one long, weird day." Gently waking Joey, he helped him out of the car. Joey was still kinda quiet and didn't say anything to his husbands never-ending fussing over him. He just got into bed, snuggled up tightly against Justin who was sent to bed by JC, and closed his eyes.

JC looked at his husbands, both asleep in minutes. He himself had too much to think about to sleep yet, so he turned off the lights and tiptoed out of the room.

The phone rang and JC hurried to answer it before it would wake everybody else. To his surprise it was Joey's father.

"What the hell happened?" Joe Sr. demanded to know. "Is my son all right? And what did you and Justin do to him?" JC sat down, this was obviously going to be a long conversation.

Two hors later the very angry Fatone parent was now a still angry, but it was at least directed in another direction. "I'll have a talk with Steve," he promised. "The boy means well, but sometimes he takes it too far. But he adores Joey, so I should have seen something like this coming."

"It's ok, really," JC said, "he didn't hurt Justin, he is fine. Joey and him are asleep at the moment." Hoping that he had convinced papa Fatone they said goodbye and JC went back into the bedroom.

The clock on the nightstand said three am, and JC knew he would have to get some sleep soon, other wise he would be a zombie the next morning. while getting ready for bed he tried to put aside all the thoughts that was swirling in his head. Tonight he was going to lay in the same bed as his two husbands and just be damn happy that he had the opportunity to do it.

Back in the bedroom he climbed into the bed, laying behind Joey who was on his side, facing Justin. Justin had his arms around Joey and his face buried in Joey's hair. JC wondered how he managed to breathe like that.

Feeling JC in the bed behind him, Joey woke up. "Hey," he said sleepily. "Hey, babe." JC answered, putting one arm around him. They laid like that for a little while, then Joey asked: "Why did you and Justin marry me, JC?"

Sitting up a little, resting on one elbow so he could see Joey's face, JC answered: "Because we love you, of course. What kind of question is that, Joey? You know that we love you."

"Do I?" Joey asked. "Would you still love me if I couldn't have kids? If I was of no use to you?" Then it dawned on JC. "This has something to do with that little phone conversation of ours earlier, hasn't it?" Joey shrugged. "It might."

Laying back down and hugging Joey tightly to him, JC answered: It's not like you think at all, sweetheart. What happened earlier was a mistake, and both Justin and I know that. It will never happen again, not unless we all agree on it. I don't know why it happened, but we were all so tired and frustrated and we sure as hell wasn't thinking clearly."

Feeling Joey relax some, he added: "And I do love you, please believe that. And I would still love you if you couldn't have kids. That's not the reason I am with you. You are the reason I am with you. I love you."

"I love you too," Joey said, "and I'm sorry." "Don't be," JC said, kissing his neck gently. "Justin and I have talked and you were right. We're so busy trying to protect you that we don't stop to consider you feelings. From now on that'll change. We're going to talk everything through like a family should."

"I like that," Joey said, sounding sleepier by the second. "We'll talk tomorrow," JC promised. "Just don't ever run away like you did again, ok? I don't think I can take it." "I won't," Joey whispered. "That's good," JC replied. He waited a few seconds then he got up a little again and looked down on Joey's face again. He was asleep. Laying back down, JC put his arm around Joey and Justin and fell asleep too.

================== End Chapter 14 ==================

Next: Chapter 15

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