Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Nov 20, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 11 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

The night was about to come to an end. Chris and Lance laid in their room, in a huge bed, cuddled up tightly to each other. After a night of great passion, they were both exhausted and happy just to hold one another. The curtains was left open and allowed the moonlight o enter their room.

As lance had his head on Chris' shoulder he could feel Chris' every breath and wrapped his arms tighter around his husband. Lifting his hand a little the moonlight caught the gold band around his fingers and danced off in glimmering reflections.

The thought if that Chris had a matching ring on his finger, still made Lance all giddy. HE was married now, and about to become a daddy. It was almost like a dream, he just couldn't make himself believe that it was reality, that he was that lucky.

"Baby, are you asleep?" he asked quietly, putting his hand to Chris' chest. "Not yet," Chris answered, sleepiness already creeping in to his voice. "I just wanted to tell you that this has been the most perfect day of my life," Lance sighed.

"What about the night?" Chris teased rubbing lance's back. "The most prefect night was the first night we were together...they night we mated. Because then I knew this is forever.

"I like that," Chris replied. "And I have to say that I have never ever been so happy as I was the morning I woke up with you in my arms and knew that was the way it was going to be for the rest of time. And it just keeps getting better." "I know," Lance said, "I still can't believe how truly lucky I am." "I am the lucky one," Chris said, turning his head so he could kiss Lance's forehead. "I love you, sweetheart."

And our baby," he added, "And our baby," Chris replied, Lance could actually hear that he was smiling. I love you both to pieces."

As if the baby could hear them, Lance felt a movement in his belly. Not like one of the forceful kicks he usually received, but a gentle touch, almost like a tingle. Placing his hand against his stomach, he sighs: "I think he liked to hear that...he didn't kick me as usual. Chris placed his hand on top of Lance's.

"He better behave," he joked. "Not going around kicking his daddy." Moving a little so he could place a light kiss on Lance's stomach, he said softly: "did you hear that, little fellow? Be nice to your daddy."

That made Lance pout. "He only listens to you." "Poor sweetie," Chris said, moving back up and pulling his husband close in hug. "I do hope he looks like you, even if he get the other from me."

"Based on the fact the he already adores you," Lance told him, "I'd say he get that from me."

"Just about five more months and we'll see," Chris said. "It's kinda awesome to think about you know, in less that half a year, we're going to be parents."

"A little scary too," Lance admitted. "Not only the giving birth-part, but that we have made this little human being that is going to be totally dependent on us. And we're going to play a huge part in determining what kinda person he'll become."

"I think we're going to do just fine," Chris reassured him. "We love each other so much, and we're going to love our child so much too, and with that as a basis, I don't think we can go wrong."

"Thanks," Lance whispered. "For what?" Chris said a little curious. "Just for being you," lance answered, "and that you always made me feel ok about everything, and take all my doubts away."

"You're very welcome," Chris replied. "And you're going to be the best daddy in the world, Lance, I know that just by looking at you. And I love you even more for it."

"I love it when you say things like that," Lance smiled. "Say some more."

"If you get me started, I'm going to go on all night," Chris warned him. "You won't get any sleep at all!"

"I can live with that," Lance said, snuggling close to Chris again. "And if I were to start on all the things that I love about you, we wouldn't sleep for a week.2

Chris laughed. "We're sickeningly cute, you know that? The guys would never let us hear the end of it if they heard this." "Yes, I can imagine," lance giggled. "But I have a little feeling that the three of them are...ah...kinda busy now..."

"I'm sure there are," Chris agreed. "If Joey ever got away from the granduncle of Justin's."

"He did look kinda frustrated in the end," lance said. "But he is after all Joey, so I'm pretty sure he found a way. And I really don't think they stayed any longer than we did." "It was nice of Joey's parents to prepare our room like this," Chris said.

"After Mr. Fatone came around, things definitely looked up. For a moment down there at the beach, I thought all hell was going to break loose. Hopefully he regained his senses. Any fool can see that Joey belongs with JC and Justin."

"I wonder what possessed AJ into lying like that," Lance said thoughtfully. "HE better not get near JC or Justin when we get back. And I don't think the other 'Boys are too fond of him now either."

"I have no idea," Chris said. "But I don't like it. Johnny always has something up his sleeve, and he's got dirt on nearly everybody...I just hope AJ was being forced into this...because this is going to bad, either way it goes down."

"Wouldn't it be nice if we could stay here at this island forever?" Lance asked. "Just you and me, and our children. We'd be moderns days Robinsons." "Tell you what," Chris said. "We'll buy our own island like this, it can be our secret resort. Somewhere we can hide away and be alone. How does that sound?"

"Perfect," Lance sighed. "Absolutely perfect."

Joey sighed happily. He was a married man now. He twists the band around his finger. It was the most gorgeous ring ever. One solid band with one yellow and white gold bands wrapped around it. He watched his sleeping husbands as he ate the ice cream that was till left there.

He shifted as one of the twin's move. "'s late. Please can't you sleep."

"Hmm what's he matter" JC yawned.

"Go back to sleep" Joey said as he kissed JC's forehead. "You're exhausted."

"You should be to. We went at it all night" JC smiled.

"I loved every minute of it" Joey smiled lovingly at his husband.

"And my ass is never gonna be the same again" Joey pouted.

"Josh, don't get Joey pouting" another exhausted voice replied.

"Hey..oohh" Joey shifted again.

"What!" Justin exclaimed as he shot up.

"Well damn that got you up fast" Joey chuckled.

"You okay?" Justin asked frantically.

"Yeah, you all right" JC said sitting next to his husband.

"You two are gonna be so bad when I go into labor. Maybe I'll have my dads as back ups in case you two faint" Joey chuckle.

"We'll be fine" Justin said as he rubbed Joey's belly. "Hey little guy. Before I get in trouble. go to sleep. Daddy won't give any if you don't sleep."

"Justin watch what you say. He can hear us" Joey said.

"They can?" JC asked.

"I think so" Joey smiled. "So watch the language."

"You to" Justin smiled as he kept rubbing.

"Ooh that feels good" Joey sighed happily.

JC Kissed Joey's stomach. "At least my baby is sleeping."

"Is not. It's probably yours kicking Joey." Justin said.

"Is not"

"Is To'

"Is not"

"Is to"

"Hey I don't want to argue whose baby is kicking me. You're gonna wake them up" Joey said. "And then I'll never get to sleep."

"Then you'll never get any from me ever again" Joey said with a nod.

"Go to sleep" Justin started to sing.

Joey laid back eating the gallon ice cream while his husbands continue to pamper him. It's gonna be a good life.

Two weeks later...

After having spent two weeks after the wedding on the island in the Caribbean Sea, they all flew back to the states.

Chris had mysteriously taken off on his own one day and had returned with a big smile and ownership papers, claming that Mr. and Mr. Chris and Lance Kirkpatrick were the owner of a small, private island, not far from the Fatone one.

Of course Lance had been thrilled, resulting that neither saw anything more of them that whole day, until they both showed up for breakfast the next day looking rather sheepishly.

"You know, Joseph," his dad told him before they had left the island. "This is an excellent place for children. Come visit us some more now that you're not on the road all the time. Phil and I spend most of our free time here."

"We will, dad, I promise," Joey said, but I don't think I'll be doing any more flying before these two little rascals get born. They really didn't like the plane ride over here, and was very clear about that too. I swear I got bruises on the inside."

"You take care of yourself, son," his father said. "And if those two husbands of yours don't treat you tight, just tell me, and I'll have some of my men come over to straighten them out." "Dad!" Joey protested.

Sighing he hugged his dad. "They do treat me right, I'll never admit to having said that, but they actually treat me too nice... But I never said that!"

"That's my boy," Phil Fatone chuckled. "I swear, you may look like your dad, but..." "Otherwise he's all you," Joe sr. finished. "Now run along, kiddo, go find those husband of yours."

So, after an event-less flight, except for lance getting airsick and Joey's twin complaining over turbulence, the five of them were back.

"Now the fun really starts!" Lance said. "WE get to go house-shopping, decorating, make a nursery..." "Somebody please stop him?" Joey groaned from a chair. "I am not going to move from this chair until I go into labor. My feet are killing me!"

"Here, babe, let me rub your feet," Justin said, sitting down next to Joey. lance was still going on about Chris and him getting a house.

"WE oughta get our own place too," JC said, looking thoughtful. "Gee, Josh, could you be any less enthusiastic?" Justin asked.

Tugging at some curly locks, JC smiled. "I am being enthusiastic, this is enthusiastic me..." "Not as I have seen it..." Joey started. JC placed his hand over Joey's mouth. "that's a whole different kind of enthusiastic, honey..."

Looking down at JC and Justin, he smiled again. "So let's accompany our two friends over here and go house shopping. Hopefully we won't be ending up bidding each other out."

"then we all just take it," lance said, waving his hand in the air. "its not we're not used to be living together."

"OK," Chris said. "We're gonna meet this man from the real estate agency and he's going to be showing us some places...why don't the three of you come along?"

"You two go," Joey said, still sitting in his chair. "I'm too tired." "You ok, honey?" Justin asked concerned. "I'm fine, love," Joey assured him. "Just feeling for a nap. You two can go out and find us a nice place and tell me all about when you come home."

"Are you sure, Joe?" JC asked. "Don't you want at least one of us to stay with you?" "Honey," Joey started. "I've got so many beepers, and pagers and cellphones around here, that I feel like the flaming NASA headquarters. You and just go, and I'll catch up on some sleep until you get back."

"If you're sure," JC started. Joey glared at him. "Didn't I just say that, JC? Now go with Chris and lance. I'm tired. I want to sleep." Chuckling over his lover's bad mood, JC bent down and kissed him.

"Go to bed, grumpy, when we get home I'll find some way to cheer you up." That earned him a smile. "I love you, even when you're cranky, Justin said and kissed Joey. "have a nice nap."

After seeing them all out the door, Joey went upstairs to the bedroom and laid down. He was asleep in an instant.

Half an hour later, downstairs, the door creaked open as a hand wearing black gloves pushed at it. "Stupid boys," a voice muttered. "They didn't even lock the door." The figure walked in and smiled. "you boys should have listened to Johnny."

He walked up the stairs and checked each room. He smiled at the thought of claiming one of the submissive as his own. Married or not. They were his to do with as he pleased.

He opened the last bedroom door and saw the pregnant form sleeping. He made his way in and shut the door. This was going to be fun.


"Yeah love"

"Call the police. Someone broke into JC, Justin, and Joey's place." Joey Lawrence said as he held his sleeping son.

"You sure?"


"Okay you page JC, I'm on the phone" Joey Mac replied as he dialed 911.

Joey L put his baby down and picked up his cell phone. "Come on Josh..Pick up."

"What do you think?" Lance asked. "It's a big house. Very big, security gate, big backyard, lots and lots of room. It'll be perfect. It's a brand new house to?"

"I like it" JC said. "We could build a tree house for our kids, gate the pool so the little ones can't fall in. We could christen every room."

"With Lance and Chris?" Justin asked.

"NO Silly" JC said. "They start at one end and we start at the other."

"I like that idea" Chris grinned.

"Well you all aren't getting any from us soon" Lance giggled. "I Like this place. I say we take it."

"I love it to." Justin said.

"Then we take it" Chris said as he looked to JC. "It'll keep us together. And with so many rooms it'll be hard to fill em."

"I like it. All right. Let's do it" JC said. "Well buy the place."

JC's cell rang and he picked it up. "Hello."

"Hey Joe. How's David? What..oh god..oh shit..yes we're on our way..oh fuck...Yes..Damnit..good thing. Thank you..We'll be there soon. Bye" JC hanged up. " What's going on?" Justin asked as Chris dealt with the Realtor.

"Someone broke in the house. Joey's upstairs" JC said in a panicked voice.

"Let's go" Chris said. "We'll buy the house. Here's my number. Call me later!"

Chris picked up Lance and all headed to the car and drove off.

The figure smiled and turned Joey onto his back. He then slapped him in the face.

Joey woke up and screamed.

"Hello Joe. You remember me."

"No..oh god no..Ricky.." Joey panicked.

"Don't tell me your forgot your ex boyfriend" Ricky chuckled.

Joey whimpered. He thought he got away from him. It was so long ago. Luckily nothing happened sexually even though at times he thought Ricky was going to rape him.

Ricky raised his fist and slammed it in Joey's face. "I told you never to leave me. That's suppose to be my fucking baby you're carrying. It's suppose to be ME fucking you!"

Joey cried as he tried to get away. "Ricky please. it was over a long time ago."

"It's not over till I say it's over JOSEPH!" Ricky growled as he continued his assault. "I should get rid of those babies for you."

Joey curled up placing his arms around his stomach. He couldn't let his ex abusive boyfriend harm his babies. He whimpered as the blows got more painful each time that he was hit.

"Awe..want to protect your babies. YOU'RE MINE!"

"Please help me" Joey begged. "JC, Justin, help.."

"Can't you drive any faster? Justin was practically begging Chris. "this is as fast as the car goes," Chris muttered. "We'll be there in a minutes, Just, calm down."

JC wasn't saying much. "We should never have left him alone," he thought. "How could I be so damn stupid?" What bothered JC the most was that he knew that the whole Johnny-case was still wide open. After he was fired, he had disappeared.

"God, please don't let it be Johnny," he prayed. "And don't let anyone hurt Joey..." Looking out onto the road again, he saw their current neighborhood coming up.

"The police should be here any second," Lance said. "like hell I'm waiting for them," Justin said, tearing the car door open. JC was right on his heels. Chris turned to Lance. "Babe, I want you to go over to the McIntyre's. You stay with them till this guy is caught, ok?"

Knowing he wasn't going to be any use to them at his present state, Lance nodded. "You be careful, Chris, you hear me?" "I will," Chris promised. "love you, sweetstuff." "Love you too..." Lance answered. Then Chris was gone.

Making his way over to their neighbors, lance couldn't help looking up at the house. It looked calm enough.

"Please, please, please be all right, Joey," he thought and knew that guy have gotten away by now...

Then a shot rang though the air, piercing the silence of the afternoon.

"you can't go in," Joey L's voice reached him. "Let the police take care of it. You're in no condition to get involved there...think about your baby...2

"I am!" Lance snapped back. "And my baby's father is in that house, and somebody just fired a goddamn shot! Let me go, I have to see if Chris is ok!"

"He'll be fine," the other tried to calm him down. "Come back with me, you know Chris don't want you standing out here, you're the prefect target." When hearing that, Lance gave up the struggle and let him be led to the McIntyre-house. All the time looking back at their own place. It was silent now, no more shots were fired.

The sirens and lights from police cars startled him. They came speeding around the corner and skidded to a stop in front of the house. As several police officers surrounded the house, one came over to lance.

"Mr. Kirkpatrick?" he asked. "Yes," Lance answered, he was a little surprised that the officer went directly to him, instead of to the person that had placed the 911 call.

"There is a phone call for you." Lance was too shocked to move. "There is a WHAT!?!?"

The policeman gave him a cordless phone, and left him. Staring after him in disbelief, Lance slowly lifted the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

The booming voice of Joseph Fatone Sr. make his eardrums ache, Joey's dad was clearly not happy. "What the hell am I hearing?" he demanded to know. "My son is left alone in the house and some nut case breaks in? When I see those two sorry excuses for husbands of his, I'm gonna hang them from their..." "Shut UP!" Lance screamed. "My Chris is in there too! And Joey practically pushed both JC and Justin out the door himself!

He is so stubborn and hell-bent on getting his way sometimes that there is nothing either of us can do! I guess you might know whom he gets it from!? And how the hell did you know about this, anyway??"

There was a pause. "My pause, I own half the freaking state," the answer came calmly. "The police commissioner doesn't fine a jaywalker without my knowledge. When somebody is threatening my son, I know before dispatch knows."

"O," Lance said, now shouting into the phone. "You own the state of Florida....fine... But unless you intend to drag your ass over here and actually help, I'm hanging up on you!"

"I'm right here," a familiar voice said, coming from right behind him. Lance cringed. Then he turned. "Ooops?"

The older man looked at him. "Where did you come from?" lance asked. "Helicopter," the other answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I flew here by myself." "You can fly a helicopter?" lance asked, his mind going reeling at the whole situation. But it was good to have something other to concentrate on, then his worry for Chris.

"Of course I can fly helicopters," Mr. Fatone said. "So can Joey. He has known that since he was a kid." "He has?" lance asked. "Yikes."

"All my children knows that," Fatone said impatiently. "Because of the business." Lance decided to not ask more. Instead, they waited, in silence.

"Did you get him Chris?" Justin asked angrily. He couldn't help but become totally outraged with what he saw.

"Fuck no. I missed him. Damnit" Chris cursed. "Let's go check on Joey."

Justin nodded. He and Chris walked upstairs and saw JC and a couple of paramedics tending to Joey. "How is he?"

"Joey's going to be okay" JC whispered. "He used himself as a shield to protect the twins."

"Oh Damnit. Who was that fucking asshole" Justin cursed.

"I don't know. Joey won't say" JC said stroking his hair. "We should get him to a hospital."

"No" a voice whispered. "Please no."

"Honey, the doctor wants to check on the twins to make sure their okay."


"Joey love, please" Justin explained.

"Please don't' make me" Joey began to cry. "He..he'll come back and hurt me. Don't, I said I'll be okay."

"Joey" JC whispered as He brought Joey to him and rocked him gently.

Justin got on his knees and gently kissed the growing belly. He noticed Joey was getting bigger. He rubbed the stomach in circular motions. "We're just worried bout you hon."

"Baby, please tell us who he is?" Josh explained.

"No" Joey cried. "I want out of here."

"We really need to get him to a hospital" one of the paramedics explained.

"He's pregnant and having a mood swing. Leave him be" Justin said.

"That makes me feel so much better" Joey cried out into JC's shoulder.

"Let me" a voice said.

Both Justin and JC shuddered. "Mr. Fatone."

"Daddy.." Joey sniffled. "He's back daddy."

"Fuck" Joe cursed. "We'll take it from here. I have a doctor on staff."

"Right" The paramedics replied as they left.

"Jo-Jo let's take you and the others to safety okay. Then we'll talk. Lance is going crazy." Joe Sr. replied.

"Be right back" Chris said as he left the room and saw Lance on the bottom. He went and hugged him.

"Okay" Joey sniffed.

"What's going on?" Justin asked.

"Ricky" Joe spat.

"Ricky?" both asked.

"Joey's ex boyfriend. He was really abusive towards my son." Joe said with a cold look.

"Ricky who?"

"Ricky martin" Joe Sr. Replied.

As JC took in the scene in front of him, he knew that there was a lot of things he didn't know about Joey. Or Joey's family. Sure he knew his husband, he just didn't know much about Joey's past and childhood. And from the way his dad all of a sudden had showed up, JC was thinking somebody had to have told him. And how the hell did he make it here so quickly?

Justin was standing next to JC, by the look in his eyes JC knew that his other husband itched after tracking this Ricky person down and rip him to pieces. For being a beta male, Justin sure had his temper.

"Do you want me to take care of Ricky for you, Joseph?" his father gently asked. "No," Joey murmured. "I want to do that myself." "Ok," his father agreed. "But I'm still posting some of my men here, to make sure that all of you are safe."

Joey didn't answer that. Right now the last on his mind was that a lot of things he didn't usually talk about would have to be dealt with. Right now it was comforting to know that his father had a number of employees that would be most happy to find and then shoot a person that harmed the Fatone family.

Chris didn't even have a chance to say anything before Lance grabbed hold of him and hugged him till he thought he was going to pass out from lack of air. "Sweetie," he squeaked, "I'm fine, really, but you're suffocating me!"

"You deserve it," lance replied, but eased up a little. "Do you have any idea how scared I was, especially after hearing that shot?" "It didn't hit anyone," Chris soothed him.

"Still..." Lance pouted. "Is Joey ok?" he then asked, when he was sure that his husband was all right.

He sensed Chris tense up a little. "Baby, is Joey ok? What happened in there?" Chris told him the whole story. "And suddenly Joey's dad shows up out of nowhere," Chris finished. "He flew here in his helicopter," lance said absentmindedly, worrying for Joey.

"IN his what? Honey, what are you talking about?" Lance explained what had happened before Joey's dad had entered the house. They both fell silent, just hugging each other. Apparently there was a number of things still in the dark about the Fatone's.

"The police are looking for the guy who attacked Joey," Chris said, "and Mr. Fatone's men went with them. They'll find him." He hoped his voice was displaying more confidence that what he really felt. The guy could be long gone by now.

"I don't want to stay in this house tonight," Lance said, "And Joey's not going to want it either." "I'm gonna call the hotel," Chris assured him. "And then we can get all our stuff moved over to the new house."

Softly stroking Lance's hair, he added: "Then we'll move they're all of us, and we can put all this behind us."

"I just can't understand," Lance said, "Johnny's out to hurt us, this guy shows up out of nowhere...Joey's dad went mental over the wedding, Joey's difficulties with the twins...I just wish there wasn't more bad things then good things happening."

"I know, sweetheart," Chris said, "but it's going to be better now. We'll start all over again." "Not ALL over again," lance said, smiling and pointed to his belly. "It's a little late for that."

Chris chuckled. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the peanut. What about we just take the good stuff and move on with that, leaving all the other behind?" "That's a deal," Lance said, hugging his husband again.

The police officer in charge of the search of the perpetrator wasn't happy to say the least. Out of the blue a man who was more wanted than Al Capone, and who still no one dared to touch, showed up. And suddenly he was in charge. The police chief just stepped back and let him run the show.

Halfheartedly the police officer searched through some bushes. He had wandered off for his own a bit. Poking through a tall bush, he felt hand encircle his wrists.

Wide-eyed in shock he saw a man grinning back at me. A hand was clamped over his mouth before he could say anything and a gun pressed into his side.

"I can't have you going back to tell," a harsh voice said. "You see, the guy you're searching for? He is working for me. And I have noticed your little "unhappiness" with your boss... I'll give you a choice. Either you start working for me, as my informant, or I'll blow your head off. Your choice."

The officer nodded as the man let go. "Good, my boss pays very well."

"Who are you?" the officer said.

The man smiled. "let's just say my ex lover shouldn't have left me."

"I was responsible for hurting Joey. Let's go. Mr. Wright wants to talk to you." The man smiled as they left the scene.

Joey was moved to the hotel. Justin and JC were tending to his bruises.


"Joey hold still" JC whispered as he rubbed some rubbing alcohol on his wounds.

"Sorry" Joey pouted.

"We're sorry we weren't here to protect you" Justin said softly. He placed his hands on Joey's stomach. "No one is going to hurt your daddy or you or your brother ever again. I promise you. All three of you. I'll be a better father and husband."

"Baby" Joey said as he brought Justin's face to him. "I love you with all my heart and soul. I should have told you both this. But I want Lance and Chris to hear to. As soon as we're moved into our new house please let's place some security. I don't' want to lose you both."

"Never Joey. We're soul mates forever more. I'll die without you" JC whispered in Joe's ear.

"You should rest" Justin said.

"I need to tell you all. Please, then I'll eat and then rest" Joey smiled. "Okay."

"Okay" Justin smiled.

JC helped Joey to his feet.

"I'm a penguin" Joey giggled as he waddled to the living room.

"But you're cute" JC smiled.

That I am" Joey beamed.

Lance was lying in Chris's arms as Joey was laying in JC's. They were sitting there reflecting on the day's events.

"Joey?" Lance asked. "You okay."

"Yeah Ricky was brutal." Joey sighed.

"Ricky?" all four asked.

"It started two years ago" Joey said softly. "All of us weren't really serious about mating yet. You knew I was seeing somebody."

"Ricky" Justin said.

"Yeah. Ricky. I thought he loved me. God I loved him so much. He was so fun to hang with. He was gorgeous. His brunette hair, soft musical voice, lose hips, and a body anyone would die for' Joey smiled.

"Hey, hey watch on who you describe young man" JC said sternly.

Joey giggled. "Yeah, yeah."

"Anyway you all know him"

"Ricky martin?" Lance asked. "You dated Ricky Martin?"

"Yeah" Joey smiled. "He could ale, ale, ale all right."

"You bad!" Justin giggled.

"We never had sex love" Joey replied. "But damn he could give a blow job any time you wanted it."

"What you didn't know was that he wasn't as nice as everyone made him out to be" Joey whispered.

"Wha..oh fuck Joe" Chris cursed.

"Yeah, we weren't together long when he became violent. Every smile I gave he got angry, every time I flirt, he got angry, every time I looked at another guy, he got pissed." Joey shivered. "I always ended up getting really bad beatings."

"OH baby" Justin said softly.

"Remember the time when we beat him for best new video" Joey whispered.

"Oh no" Lance exclaimed.

"He wasn't happy. He beat me and almost raped me that night. That was when I got out. Left him. Now he's back and he wants me back" Joey said looking at the carpet.

Justin cuddled up right next to Joey and JC, somehow managing to wrap his arms around the both of them. "Not if I get to him first, then his pretty little Latino ass is no more." "Well, you might hurry, because when dad gets through with him there won't be much left for anyone to recognize him from, except maybe his dentist."

Joey knew he had to give some explanation to why his dad showed up earlier. He had left for Brooklyn again, after making sure his soon and the other four were safe.

"Dad has people out looking for him." "Honey," JC said. "I know that your family have a somewhat...colorful history, but you never speak about them. Not much anyway."

"It's juste easier not to," Joey sighed. "Then I don't have to explain so much and I don't say anything that I shouldn't."

"What do you mean?" Justin asked, toying with Joey's hair. Lance had fallen asleep in Chris' arms, thus efficiently slipping out of the whole conversation.

"My family runs this business kinda..." Joey tried. "A special kind of business...2

"Honey, what are you trying to say?" Justin asked. "An Italian kind of business," Joey answered.

"The Italian kind of...oh, I get it..." Justin's voice trailed off. He hadn't expected to hear that.

Neither had JC. "So your dad is kinda like a godfather?" "Not just kind of," Joey answered. "That's what he is. Back home, in Italy, we are the ruling family."

The other three were silent.

"Does this change anything?" Joey then asked timidly. "Of course not!" JC said after regaining his composure. "It doesn't change a thing! Justin and I love you way too much for that."

"good," Joey said, but there was still one more thing he had to say. "You know, my children, the twins, are going to be my parents' firstborn grandchildren."

"Yes, we know," Justin said. "What are you getting at, angel?" "Who over of the two comes first, will the eldest of dad's grandchildren and will be his heir. Jeff is going to succeed dad now...and after will be one of my children. The oldest one in each generation must become head of the business."

"But that's far ahead in time, Joey," Justin said, gently kissing his forehead. "It is," Joey replied. "But it means that my dads are going to be a big part of these kids life. Both of the twins. They'll have the same upbringing I had." " Which means..." JC asked. "They are part of the Fatone-family," Joey said. "And there comes certain responsibility with that."

"We'll talk about this in the morning," JC decided. Joey heard a slight edge in his voice that hadn't been there before. "Tonight we're all too upset and tired. Let's get some sleep." "Sounds fine to me," Chris said, carefully waking lance so they could get to their room.

Joey got to his feet, with Justin's help and followed his two husbands into the bedroom. Feeling lost he wondered why things had to be the way they were. He wished he had never said anything.

================== End Chapter 11 ==================

Next: Chapter 12

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