Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Nov 20, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding vows.

I found the vows at this website. The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the story is. We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Shells: Kat: Jackie B:

======================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 10 Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie ========================

Chris rubbed Lance's belly. "Man in five months I'm gonna be a daddy."

"I can't wait" Lance smiled as he watched his new husband fuss over his oversized belly. "I'm not even nine months pregnant yet."

"You're still beautiful" Chris smiled. "I love you so much Lance."

"And I love you to Chris" Lance smiled. "Lets go take a walk on the beach."

Chris held Lance's hand as they left resort and found themselves on the beach.

"It's a full moon tonight" Lance smiled. "So bright and shiny."

"Chris?" Lance asked.

"Yes baby"

"Do you think people will accept JC, Justin, and Joey's marriage?" Lance asked.

Chris turned to Lance. "Three way marriages aren't that universal. It's not illegal and some people do have problems with it. But as long as we stand by them then the people who give them a hard time can just go fuck themselves."

"Let's not talk about it tonight. I'm sure Justin's great uncle can extrapolate on his past" Chris chuckled.

"Poor Joey, he seemed bored out of his mind" Lance giggled.

"Well he did get stuck with him. Poor Joe, having to listen to Justin's great uncle talk about his past and what a great catch Justin was" Chris laughed.


"Yes my love" Chris smiled as he wrapped his arms around Lance's waist.

"Make love to me here" Lance said softly. "I want to make love under a full moon. It's warm and everyone's in the house."

Chris shut his eyes and hugged Lance tighter. "You sure babe. What if we get caught?"

"It's our wedding night" Lance said. "Besides I could always talk to one of Joey's relatives about putting some bisulfide in someone's drink."

"James you're bad" Chris chuckled.

"Well Joey's family is Italian," Lance said as he started to suck on Chris's neck.

"Mmm.." Chris answered as he ran his hands down Lance's back. "Not going there."

Lance pulled away. His hormones were acting up again. He needed Chris in him and he needed Chris now. "Chris.."

"that fast?" Chris asked.

"Hey I'm pregnant and my hormones are kicking in." Lance said.

"I think I like you pregnant" Chris chuckled.

Lance growled and attached himself to Chris. He started to rip Chris's clothes off his body.

"Whoa down boy..." Chris laughed as he tried to pull Lance off.

"Please" Lance asked.

"You know I want to make love to you" Chris said as he took of his clothes.

"I love you Christopher" Lance said as he helped Chris undress.

"And I love you my sweet James" Chris sighed happily as he watched his lover try to undress. Lance got his shirt off but he had trouble bending.

"Help?" Lance blushed.

Chris smiled and help Lance sit on the sandy beach. He gently lay Lance on his back and took off his pants.

"I've fallen and I can't get up" Lance giggled.

"Okay what hormones are you shooting now?" Chris quietly laughed.

"I can't see anything past this belly and I'm only four months pregnant" Lance giggled.

Chris smiled as he lay on top of Lance and kissed him. "We'll worry about that later hon. Let's just concentrate on now."

"Bella Nocha" Lance sang softly as Chris kissed and licked his way down. "Oh god Chris yes..."

Chris moaned loving the way Lance's skin felt on his mouth. He couldn't wait to be inside him. To thrust so slowly, so softly making lance squirm even further. He made his way to Lance's straining erection.

He held it in his hands softly stroking it.

"Oh Chris, please" Lance begged. "It feels too good."

"You're really bad off aren't you" Chris asked softly as he continued to stroke Lance.

"Ever since the ceremony" Lance breathed.

Chris let the straining member go and scooted down. He took the shaft and went down on it sucking every inch of flesh Lance had to offer.

"Oh god, oh yes, oh Chris, oh shit yes" Lance mumbled his body filled with electricity.

Chris felt his own erection harden at every little moan, grunt, swear that came out of Lance's mouth. He continued to suck as his hands messaged the soft, silky sacs producing even more squirming from his lover.

Lance was in heaven. Chris was making him feel good. His body felt good. His baby was asleep for once. Maybe they should make love more often. As much as he wanted Chris to suck him off he wanted more. "Chris.."

Chris pulled away for a second as he looked up at his lover. "Yes."

"Enter me. Please" Lance said softly.

Chris didn't have to be told twice as he wiped the sand from his body and spread Lance's legs. Using his own precum that was leaking from the tip he spread it all over his shaft. "Prepare for lift off."

Lance smiled. "Five, four, three, one. Lift off!"

"Hey what happened to two?" Chris asked as he gently slid in.

"oh fuck" Lance moaned. "skipped it."

"I see" Chris moaned as he started to move in his lover. "Oh yes Lance. You're so tight.."

Nothing more was said that night as the two lovers moved together in unison and in love. Chris grunted as he began to move faster letting Lance know he was going to come soon.

Lance clenched his hands as he fell into the pool of bliss as body exploded in an earth shattering orgasm. He screamed out screaming Chris name over and over as he shot between their bodies.

Chris felt Lance squeezes his warmth around his cock, which caused him to scream out in bliss as he orgasms. Chris just kept thrusting shooting his seed into his lover's body. Soon he was spent and pulled out collapsing next to Lance.

"Oh man" Chris breathed. "That was too powerful."

"I loved it" Lance breathed. "You're getting sand all over you're sweaty body."

We have a shower for that" Chris chuckled.

"As much as I would love to. I don't think my back could handle it" Lance chuckled as he snuggled to Chris. "That was amazing baby. I love you."

"And I love you to Lance Kirkpatrick" Chris sighed happily loving the way he said Lance's married name.

"We better get back. It's getting cold and I want a bed" Lance said. "Carry me?"

"All the way up there?" Chris asked.

"If you do I'll jump in the shower with you" Lance smiled.

Chris got up and put his clothes on. "Well, what are you waiting for. The night is still young."

***** After locating his two husbands, Joey made sure that they both knew that he was bored and that he wanted to leave the party.

But your dads are giving the party!" JC protested. "Won't they be mad at you for leaving?" Joey waved his hand impatiently in the air. "No, they won't. They know that I only stay at these things for s long as I have to. Now I have been polite and talked to people and been all nice and smiley... So now I want to go and have sex."

Justin nearly choked on his drink. "There's an offer I'm can't refuse!" he stated. That made Joey smile. "I had a feeling you were going to say that."

Turning a set of large brown puppy dog eyes to JC Joey asked: can we leeeeaaaaave now? I'm bored! Daddy told me that he prepared my old room for us."

"Well, if you put it like that...I might be able to be convinced to leave..." JC teased. Staring at him Joey's eyes got a well-known mischievous look. Pulling JC close to him and kissing him breathless, he whispered into his husband's ear. "Can we leave now, then?" "Ok," JC answered.

Not even bothering to hide his smirk, Joey turned to Justin, having a firm grip on JC's hand. "Lead the way, lover, I'm not wasting any more time."

"All right," Justin giggled. "Let's get out of here and go have wild monkey sex." "At last," Joey sighed. "And Justin? Your family is weird." "That was my granduncle for ya," Justin said cryptically. He talks. A lot." "I noticed," Joey said very dryly.

"He told my just about everything from your potty training to how you got that cute little scar on your butt..."

"Like, I said," Justin said, "he talks too much" "You never said he talks too much," Joey pointed out. "You just said that he talk a lot! There's a difference there..."

"Would you two hurry up!?" JC said, already at the top of the stairway. "Person in need up here." "Gee, impatient much, Josh?" Joey teased. "I thought you wanted to stay downstairs at the party."

"Just hurry up!!" the exaggerated answer came. Justin chuckled and took Joey's hand, leading him to the top of the stairs. "Over there," Joey said and pointed to a door in the end of the hallway. That's my room."

Since he was already up front JC opened the door. Inside he found a large bed, complete with silk linens in a soft blue color. On every table in the room there was more red roses. On the dresser was a bottle of champagne in a cooler of silver. Joey nearly had to laugh as he found a box of his favorite ice cream next to the cooler.

Well, if he was lucky, that wasn't the only craving he'd get fulfilled that night. The twin doors leading out to the balcony was open, letting the nightly breeze dance in and bring with it a salty scent of the ocean.

"This is nice," Justin said, looking very appreciative. "Why do I have the feeling they were waiting for us to sneak away like that?" "Because that's what dad and daddy did at they're wedding?" Joey said innocently. "Dad says I remind him of daddy a lot." Giving Joey a hug, JC said: "your daddy is a great guy, and I'm going to thank him tomorrow for doing this for us. But now and all through the night, I plan to keep both you and curly busy doing something completely different.

"Whatever could that be?" Joey asked. Justin was pouring champagne into glasses. He didn't even look to see that it was a non-alcoholic brand.

He knew that Joey's parents would have made sure of that before placing the bottle in their room. Giving each of his husbands a glass, Justin raised his.

"To us!" he said. "For a loooong and very happy marriage and for a night of hot, sweaty sex..."

"I second that," Joey said, raising his glass to Justin's. "Me too!" JC giggled. "To us and to sex...may we never be far apart."

Joey smiled at his two husbands and took off his bridal white jacket. He sighed happily. "That thing was beginning to suffocate me. It was not meant for pregnant men four months pregnant."

"Awe, you looked cute in it" Justin smiled as he put his glass down.

"Let's get to sex now" JC said as he started to take off his tuxedo.

"Yes plenty of hot, sweaty sex" Justin agreed.

"I don't know whose worse. Hormone JC or Sex deprived Justin" Joey said as he stripped to his boxers and sat on the bed.

"but you love it" JC whispered seductively as he traced the outline of Joey's ear with his tongue.

"I know" Joey replied as he pushed JC away.

"I thought you wanted to have sex?" JC asked.

"I do. Trust me I do. But I'm hungry" Joey grinned.


"Yes again! I'm eating for three now" Joey pouted as he grabbed the Ice cream and flipped on the TV.

"I thought you were in the mood to get nasty" Justin pouted.

"I was and now I'm hungry" Joey shrugged. "Oh look, in two weeks there's a star trek convention coming to Florida. Let's go."

"We're as hard as a rock and yet Joey is sitting there eating Ice Cream" JC said slightly amused.

"JO-EY" Justin whined. "This is our wedding night.

"I know but I really am hungry. I won't do you much good if my stomach continues to growl during sex. You know how put off that is." Joey chuckled. "Besides, these two will start kicking me again and that's the last thing we need during our love making."

"Mood swing" JC said.

"Major mood swing" Justin pouted.

"Hey, as soon as the twins are fed and quieted down I promise you I'll be horny as hell" Joey said as he kissed his husbands. "That's when you'll want me all hot and bothered."

"Now you're teasing us" Justin whimpered as he rubbed his aching hard on. "How do you know we won't be in the mood."

"let's see this coming from 'I want to have sex all the time'. I find that hard to believe. Josh, I could always arouse him. I'll just take the tweezers and.."

"you do NOT need to go there" JC blushed.

"Take the tweezers and what?" Justin asked.

"It's one of JC's fetish I discovered when we were still dating" Joey chuckled.

"What?" Justin asked.

"NO" Jc demanded. "Don't tell him Joe. Or I'll tell him about your scotophobia."

"His what?" Justin asked.

"JC!" Joey said as he scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and shoved it in his mouth.

"What's Scotophobia?" Justin asked.

"Fear of Darkness" JC chuckled.

"Joey's afraid of the dark still" Justin giggled.

"Ooh that's it Chasez. you're not getting any" Joey pouted as he refilled his empty bow with more ice cream.

"You say that now" JC chuckled. "I've been reading my book on pregnancy. you're body will demand sex."

Joey just pouted. "Well since you told my secret. Love, JC loves it when I use the tweezers and using the pointed it slowly trace his shaft up and down before pinching the skin"

"ACH!" JC screamed in embarrassment.

"And you say I'm Kinky Josh" Justin chuckled.

"Well I'm glad we're getting secrets out" Justin smiled. "Now I have something to blackmail you both about."

"You're so bad" Joey said as he put his bowl down. He slipped off his boxers. "Hey looks like I'm in the mood after all!"

"TEASE!" JC said.

"Damn straight." Joey chuckled.

"Lean Me" Justin mumbled.

"Huh?" Joey asked as he rubbed his hands down Justin's thighs.

"Nothing.." Justin moaned. "that feels good babe."

"No Justin said something about want to learn about me" JC asked.

Joey smiled and started to kiss Justin's shoulder. "What's that?"

"It can wait.." Justin moaned. "Josh, you coming."

JC climbed upon the baby blue satin sheets. He made his way over to his husbands who had their hands all over each other. He gently spread Joey's legs and rubbed his husbands growing belly. "I love you Joey."

"I love you to baby" Joey said as Justin got up. "So how do we do this?"

Justin found a bottle of lube by the bed. "You're dads are very through aren't they?"

"They want us only to have the best wedding night" Joey breathed as JC rubbed his growing erection.

Justin pulled the lid off and squeezed some lube onto his hands. He then made way to JC who was busy stroking his husband.

Taking his hand Justin spread the jelly all over JC's hard shaft. He yelped as he felt a mouth take in his hard on. "Oh shit..."

JC moaned as Curly stroke his erection in time as Joey sucked Justin. He moaned. "Oh god, Justin stopI want to make love...ooh.."

Justin pulled away and took Joey's shaft in his hands. He felt it twitch as his fingers slowly worked their way up and down the satin rod. He shivered as Joey worked his member pretty damn good. "Oh Yes Joey...oh damn that feels good."

JC licked his lips as he watched Justin go down on Joey's rod grinned as Joey moaned onto Justin's shaft. He spread his lover's legs apart and slowly entered the father of his child. He moaned as Joey's ass gripped his erection nice and tightly.

Joey pulled away and moaned rather loudly. "Oh god Josh..oh yes please baby..fuck me."

JC obeyed and started to move in and out of the tight ass loving the way it gripped his cock trying to suck the semen out of him. "Oh Joey..OH yes baby.."

Justin continued to suck on his lover. He would just suck on his way down and then as he came up grated his teeth on the hot skin as his hands would message the aching balls. He felt Joey whimpers and thrust in his mouth and he loved it.

Joey was going crazy. First his hormones weren't' helping any sending his body into pure bliss, secondly Josh fuck his brains out. and finally to have Justin sucking him at the same time was driving him from the realm of reality. He couldn't control his moans of pleasure as he bites into Justin's head.

Justin cried out at the initial bite but it only turned him on more. He got more aggressive in his tortuous sucking of his husband. He nipped Joey's rod here and there before nipping the head and sticking his tongue into the little slit.

JC couldn't control his body anymore. He was thrusting harder, faster trying to get his lovers to come at the same time.

Nothing more was said between the three lovers as each grunted, cussed, and moaned at each other's actions. All to soon the familiar rush of an orgasm hit them hard and fast.

Joey was the first to come. He gripped the headboard accidentally hitting the wall and cutting his knuckles. He didn't feel it as he screamed in pure bliss as JC's fucking and Justin's sucking sent him off.

JC was next as Joey's ass squeezed his length so tight that he came without warning. He kept pumping his lover's ass until he shot his entire load and pulled out when he was done. He crawled up to Joey and kissed him.

Justin was the last to come as Joey bit down on his shaft, which sent him off. He kept thrusting into Joey's mouth until he too was finished shooting his load. He pulled out and licked his way back up to his lovers.

"oh fuck.." Joey whispered. "That was too damn hot."

"I agree" Justin breathed. "You were so good."

"Honey, you have bloody fists" JC said softly as he grabbed a towel and wiped the blood off.

Joey smiled. "Must of cut them as I hit the wall. Me bad."

Justin kissed Joey passionately on the mouth. "As long as you're okay."

"I'll be fine. I'm so lucky to have two husbands who love me so much" Joey said as he ran his hands through Justin's curls. "Well, I'm ready for more. Care to switch."

JC and Justin chuckled. "Give us a second first hon. We need to gain our strength."

"But I'm horny" Joey pouted.

"In a minute baby" JC said. "Then you'll have us for the rest of the evening."

"I like the sound of that" Joey smiled.

"Okay it's my turn to be on top" Justin grinned.

"A minute?" Joey chuckled.

"Well in Justin's case a second" JC laughed as he and Justin switched places.

============= End Chapter 10 =============

Next: Chapter 11

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