Cosmic Companions

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Oct 30, 2000


Disclaimer: Kat and I do not know NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't have babies even though us females wish they could. This is something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It was fun writing it. btw thanks to Flutter Girl for the title. You rule sis!

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

====================== Cosmic Companions Chapter 1 Written By: Shell and Kat ======================


Have you heard of Alternate Universes. A universe different than your own

Well in this universe it is stranger than life itself. You see on the planet earth it is inhabited by male creatures great and small. From a spider to man itself is all-male. Females do not exist in this world. For no one knew what a female is.

Reproduction in human males are different from the beasts and insects. It requires two create a child. One Dominant the one who produces the semen and the submissive males the one who bares the child. When it is time to mate the submissive releases an odor only detected by their true mates.

One they mate they become soul-mates for life. No other male can separate the two. if One dominate male tries to seduce the submissive male while still mated the Submissive male's mate will become very angry, very violent.

There's a two part process in reproduction. The mating between dominant and submissive male's mates become mates for life. Then when the submissive male is ready to bare children it releases a hormone in the air telling his mate he is ready.

Now let's begin our journey into this strange New World. ============================================================================

Chapter One

Joey and Lance were playing video games when the door was slammed opened. Both were shocked.

"Uh..what's wrong?" Joey asked.

Three members of NSYNC were staring at Joey and Lance. Both got nervous.

"You guys look horny" Lance replied.

"We are" Chris said as he eyed Lance.

"Oh shit! Joey RUN it's mating time!" Lance replied.

"Oh Fuck, I'm not ready" Joey whined as he and Lance backed away. "Put those things back in your pants young men."

"We want you" Justin replied eyeing Joey carefully. "We need our mates."

"we'll we ain't ready to be submissive to you yet. We just want to tour and party" Joey pouted.

"We're not ready to be barefoot and pregnant" Lance replied.

"Well we need to relieve our hardons. It wouldn't be so bad if you would stop releasing that damn scent telling us it's that time of month" JC replied.

"Well it'll go away in five days" Joey chuckled.

"Yeah you try being stuck with a hard on for five days" Chris replied.

"We do" Lance replied. "Duh Chris. Just cause we have babies doesn't mean we don't get hardons. hell ours get steel hard."

"Well become our mates and then it wouldn't be so bad" Justin said.

"We don't wanna" Joey replied. "We want to still sing and dance."

"We know you're horny just as we are. Come on..let's help each other out" JC replied as he rubbed his crotch.

"Crude Josh" Lance replied.

"It'll be fun. Besides no other man would go near you" Chris smiled.

"You're not at the receiving end here. I have two horny men after me." Joey pouted.

"I don't envy you at all Joey" Lance chuckled. "You know you're going to bare twins."

"Oh fuck" Joey cursed.

"Come on...We really need it" Justin whined.

"You know why are they so whiny when it comes to sex" Lance asked.

"I dunno. You guys fucked before. Go fuck each other" Joey replied.

"It's different" JC replied.

"How so?" Lance asked. "I love it when we have the power."

"I know" Joey winked at his friend.

Chris turned to look at Justin and JC. "Somehow I didn't like the sound of that." "Me neither," Justin said, "but you know, it just means that we have to work harder..."

"And it's supposed to be easy," JC commented, "they're not supposed to resist!" "Tell them that," Justin answered pointing to the duo on the floor who was now rolling on the floor laughing. "Sorry!" Joey managed to squeak out in the end. "But you ought to hear yourselves!"

"Don't laugh," JC said, looking at the dark-haired man. "This is all your fault. You're supposed to be with Justin and me, and Lance is supposed to be with Chris."

Stretching out on the floor, Lance looked up at Chris. "Well, at least I got the good-looking one." Chris smiled back at him. "Hey!" Joey pouted. "I like my two...I'm just not going to let them have any right now."

That caused Lance to crack up again, and Justin produced a very convincing pout. Sighing, he turned to JC. "I guess that it's just you and me again, then?" JC caught the wink, and sighed himself. "Yeah, I guess."

Then he had to hide a smile over the quick glance Joey sent the both of them. He definitely looked like he didn't like what he was hearing.

Joey turned his attention to the TV screen again, having lost all interest in the game. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Lance had moved a little closer to Chris and that Chris had left the group JC, Justin and him had made up. "Traitor!" Joey whispered. "We weren't supposed to give in, I thought you said."

"I'm not giving in," lance whispered back. "I'm just... I'm just going to talk to Chris, ok?"

Leaning his back against the couch, Joey nodded seriously. "Yeah, right. You go talk to Chris, Lance." As he expected, Lance blushed.

Trying his best to make it look like he wasn't really looking at them, Joey shifted his eyes upward to the two men at the door. They were still talking among themselves.

It wasn't like he was trying to get rid of them or didn't want them or anything like that. It was just so fun teasing them at times. But Joey absolutely and thoroughly hated it when they got it into their cute, usually hormone-drivened minds that they were going to do the same to him. That wasn't fair.

Lance had now moved even closer to Chris and Joey decided that he was going to sulk at least just a little. Why did the Dominant ones always think that they were the only ones affected by the damn mating time?

Having one thought in your head all day, not to mention all night, wasn't the easiest thing in the world. Especially when you were supposed to stay away from two gorgeous men that made it very clear that they shared the same thought you had and they wished to act out the same thought, repeatedly. Joey was the one who sighed this time. No, this wasn't fair at all.

Joey watched Chris's rub Lance's thigh. He frowned. They weren't suppose to give in like the submissive males that they were suppose to be. He watched Lance breathed in as Chris was winning Lance over. He then turned to JC and Justin who were plotting against him. Damn them anyway.


"NO" Joey pouted as JC and Justin sat next to him. He started to purr. DAMNIT NO I will not give any more signals off! "Um..can you two sit like on the other side of the bus."

"Come on Joe, you want it as bad as we do" JC said seductively as he placed his hand on Joey's thigh.

Joey felt his member jump at the touch. God if it wasn't as hard as steel it'll cut through anything. He hated the monthly ritual. He wasn't ready to settle down yet. That's how he felt. He wished JC and Justin would respect that. Then again they aren't thinking on their own.

"Why are you being so difficult? Lance succumbed to Chris's charm" Justin said as he started to Kiss Joey's neck.

Joey turned to Lance as he let a moan escape his lips. Justin's mouth was making him weak in the knees. Not to mention JC's hands getting closer to his crotch. There was Lance and Chris kissing on the couch. Their plan was failing big time.

JC smiled as Joey and Lance were slowly giving in. He couldn't wait till Joey became his and Justin's mate. He would feel better and no male would dare come near his man.

"Joey?" JC asked.


"HEY JOEY!" a voice replied loudly.

Joey shook his head and was so grateful. He would have given if they weren't interrupted. "AJ, my man."

Joey managed to break from his would be maters and high five AJ. He then whispered in AJ's ear. "Man, you saved my ass."

"It's that time of month again huh" AJ winked at Joey before giving him a kiss on his cheek.

JC and Justin's eyes went livid. No one was s supposed to touch him, no one but them. How dare AJ do this? It's like a violation of nature. It was wrong.

AJ looked up to see two pair of icy blue eyes staring back at him. "I think your two friends over there are plotting to kill me now," he told Joey. "Hmmm," Joey just said. Then he got an idea. "You want to take a walk?" he asked AJ.

"Sure," AJ asked. "Where do you want to to go?" "Not important," Joey said, dragging the other man with him outside. "We'll just walk."

They left, and Joey couldn't help but sneak a look back at JC and Justin. "That'll get them back good," he thought. "They can try all they want, but I'm not letting them get me yet!"

Inside there was a deadly quiet. Chris and Lance was still on the couch, making out. Justin and JC were standing on the floor, looking at the door where Joey had just left. "I can't believe he did that!" Justin said in the end. "I'm gonna kill AJ if he tries to make a move on him," JC added.

"Not if I get there first," Justin grumbled. "We're going to have to do something about this," JC sighed. "I don't think I can handle anymore of this times, I'm going to go crazy."

"We'll just have to increase our efforts," Justin said, "and try not to loose our minds in between."

"Looking at them sure ain't helping," JC said, waving his hand in Chris and lance's direction. "Not fair why should he have all the luck? After all, it's two of us and only one of him." "That's 'cause Lance is easy," Justin said with a smile. "I heard that!" the immediate reply came.

"You're not easy," Chris said, making himself busy with nibbling on Lance's neck, just below his ear. "I might be, Lance said, giggling, "but believe me, it's all worth it. That feels amazing, Chris!"

It was a sunny day, and Joey and AJ desided to go walking in a little park nearby. "So what's the deal with JC and Justin?" AJ asked. "Why were they giving me the death-stare in there?"

"Don't worry about that, Joey answered. "They're like that to any guy who comes near me, it's just them..."

"So they're your mates," AJ wanted to know. Joey stopped. "Someday, I guess, yeah. But I don't want to do the whole commitment thing just yet."

"I see," AJ said, "So you're not with anybody." "I'm sure it's going to be me and JC and Justin in the end," Joey said a little thoughtful. "But I'm not ready for all the stuff that goes with being couplish and all."

They were walking in under a group of trees, casting shadows over them and the growl road they were walking on. "What about you?" Joey asked suddenly. "I haven't heard about you being with anyone?"

"That's because I'm not," AJ answered, smiling widely. "Some of the guys have started settling down, but I am waiting a little...don't want to miss out on any options you now... If I am to stay with someone for the rest of my life, it has to be the perfect one."

"Sounds reasonable enough, Joey agreed. "And," AJ continued. "Since that person will be the one bearing my children, I have to absolute sure, ya know?"

With a feeling that he might have made one of his many not-so-wise decisions when it came to running off with AJ, Joey stopped and looked at him. "So you're a Dominant, huh?"

"I am," AJ nodded, his smile getting wider. "And I don't think I need to ask what you are." "Damn!" Joey thought.

"Why me?" Joey complained.

"Why you what?" AJ asked.

"Why do I have to be the submissive?" Joey pouted. "I mean Jeff and Steve are Dominants and they're little baby brother is a Submissive."

"Well it happens" AJ replied. "You're the youngest and your parents would like to have grandchildren you know."

"Yeah..oh well" Joey sighed. "It's just when you have two Dominant males after you to reproduce it can be very stressful at times."

"And Very moody. Especially pissed off" AJ chuckled.

"That to" Joey replied.

"You should see Nick. He gets so pissed At Kevin. It's funny" AJ replied.

"Did Nick know when to mate with Kevin?" Joey asked.

"I think he always wanted Kevin but you have to ask Nick. If you're wondering Nick played hard to get to. That was hilarious between he serious person Kevin and the fun immature adult a.k.a. Nick" AJ chuckled.

"I can imagine. Look at Josh and Justin. Both are incredibly sexy though" Joey sighed softly.

"Joe, you got to resist them. Don't give in to them" AJ said with a slight grin.

"I do love them AJ. I really do. It's just I don't want them to come to me every time I release my scent" Joey sighed.

"Then change it" AJ smiled as he trapped Joey between the tree and himself.

"J..what are you doing.." Joey asked. Then he realized it was the scent he was releasing that The Dominant males act crazy. -Shit-

"Joey, come on need to mate. I'm looking for a mate. I want to fuck you.." AJ purred as he kissed Joey's neck.

"NO.." Joey said softly. "J, you're my friend and I know that it's mating time for me and it's making you not think straight."

"Well when you reject your true mates then a secondary mate can come into play" AJ smirked.

"AJ don't" Joey replied getting very unsecured. "I'm not some piece of cheap ass."

"We'll be mates" AJ purred as he rubbed his crotch into Joey's. "You are not a piece of cheap ass."

"Get your fucking hands off him..." a voice growled. "Now.."

Joey couldn't quite decide what he should be feeling. Of course, he was relieved that Justin had to come to get him out of trouble. But he was also pissed because they didn't trust him. And they were watching over him, and... Joey was sure he was mad about something else, but he couldn't think of anything else right then.

AJ took a step back, and Joey moved away from him. "I'm going to go back," he said meekly and took off before Justin could answer.

After seeing Joey hurry back, Justin turned to AJ. "If I see you touch Joey like that once again, I will kill you."

Taking a step back, AJ said: "You guys really are protective of him, aren't you? No wonder he feels smothered by you." Justin was thrown off a bit by his comment. "Joey told you that?" "he did," AJ answered. "If not in words, you guys are crowding him."

Justin fell silent after hearing that. Surely they weren't crowding him? He had seen the looks Joey threw JC and him whenever they got together just the two of them. He was surely not happy about that.

"I gotta go," AJ said. "The guys are probably waiting for me." "Bye," Justin said, still deep in thoughts. He had forgotten everything about being mad.

"See ya," AJ answered and left. Justin stated to walk back himself, he had to talk with JC, and they should probably talk to Joey too. He wondered how things were going with Chris and lance.

Standing outside the large bus, Joey wasn't sure that he wanted to go back in. Taking a deep breath to prepare himself, he entered. As he had suspected Chris and Lance was no longer to be seen, and a not-too-happy JC was waiting for him.

"What do you think you're doing? JC said angrily at the sight of him. "What the hell did you run off with AJ after?" Running a hand through his hair, Joey looked disbelieving at him. "Jesus, JC" Lay off, will you? We're not a couple yet, and if you keep this up, I'm not too sure we'll ever be one. I might just take Justin alone."

JC's eyes went wide. "You can't do that" he protested. "I can't?" Joey answered, pretending to be more angry than he was. "Watch me."

He had to turn away to keep from laughing when he saw the panicked look in JC's eyes. Oh, yes, he still had it. And those two were just too damn easy... Leaving JC to worry a little, Joey went to his bunk. He truly loved the two airheads, but sometimes they had to be reminded that they were his airheads, not the other way around.

Justin walked back to the bus. He felt so guilty. He didn't know how this was affecting Joey. God he just wanted to love Joey and be with him. He wanted Joey to bare his children. He just didn't want to lose him.

He walked on the bus and saw a very upset JC. "Josh?"

"God I'm such a fuck up" JC said softly. "He doesn't want me Just."

"Whoa..calm down. What happened?" Justin asked.

JC explained to Justin what had transpired between him and Joey. As soon as he finished he started to sob again.

"JC, god we have been such dorks" Justin said softly.

"I know.." JC sniffed.

"I mean. We've been crowding Joey ever since he let us know he was ready for a mate" Justin said. "I've been going crazy ever since."

"I know same here. That was like what. A year ago" JC asked.

"One fucking year. Damn every time he went into his monthly thing I had to lock myself in a room." Justin replied.

"He feels smothered. We're pushing him."

"Oh god Just. I don't want to do that. I don't mean to do that" JC said in shocked. "I thought he was ready."

"Apparently he isn't" Justin sighed. "I'm just worried that he'll chose someone else."

"I don't want anyone hurting him. JC I love Joey too damn much. It's not just the sex and the mating thing. I want him to be our mate. But I love him because of him." Justin sighed.

"I know...he's one of the most sensitive, sweetest, gorgeous men I know. He makes my heart go JO-EY JO-EY" JC giggled.

"I know what you mean. We should give him space. Let him decide" Justin said softly.

"Then share my bed with me" a small voice replied.

"Wha.." both turned and saw Joey standing there smiling.

"Joe?" both asked

"I love you two. I wanted you both to realize what you were doing to me. I needed to know it just wasn't for the sex" Joey said softly. "I know you both wanted me because you truly do love me."

"We love you Joey. From the Bottom of Our hearts" JC said softly.

"And I love you both. Come to bed with me" Joey smiled and dragged them to his bunk.

"Good thing they made our bunks big huh" Justin smiled.

Joey smiled. "Not tonight. Tomorrow when we get tot he hotel. I want us to mate."

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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