
By marcia st.denis

Published on Dec 24, 2002


We wrote this story with you, as a connoisseur of erotic transvestite fiction, and your insatiable desire for the bliss of release uppermost in our minds. We hope our tale will bring you much pleasure over many sessions. Write to us if we have been successful. We would love to know that you enjoyed our perverted little world of depraved people and sordid affairs. Happy reading.

Corruption -- Chapter 2

By Marcia St. Denis ( and Erica Wright ( Copyright 2001. All rights reserved.

Chapter Two

Little Markie felt lost and he felt scared. Most nights now his father didn't return from work until Mark was fast asleep. He had to take care of himself but he also felt that he had to help take care of his Dad. He did the shopping and the cooking and cleaning. He'd eat a little something and retreat back into the soft comfort and quiet bliss of his mother's rooms. He'd do his homework and then, because there wasn't a television in her room, he would read whatever was handy. At first, he'd felt bored reading her old Vogues and Elles, Cosmopolitans and her romance novels. It seemed like his mother had a real thing for feminine, helpless heroines, for women who craved pleasing their men and for articles on new ways to make up your eyes, give your man better orgasms or how to enhance your breasts. Markie had noticed where she'd turned down page corners or highlighted articles. He didn't even realize it was happening, but Mark began to find her world fascinating. After re-reading what she'd left behind, Markie started buying new copies to read.

He learned to recognize designers' styles and makes of shoes and purses. He knew more about what was "in" and "hot" in accessories and jewelry and cosmetics than any of the girls at school. On other nights he would go through all of her things to see what she liked and what she had. Even two years after her death he marveled at her sense of style and her taste. He discovered that she had an unerring eye for timeless sexiness and many of her dresses and outfits were still in fashion. But it was her full bureau of lingerie that captivated him and occupied his entire interest. He especially loved her soft, flowing, gossamer thin nightgowns and shortie babydolls and peignoirs. He remembered the first night he tried one on crystal clearly. He had soaked for an hour in a bubble bath and had dusted himself with her Opium scented talc. He slipped into her short pink, see-through, chiffon babydoll with matching lace-edged thong and thigh length peignoir and he felt as if he were closer to her than he had ever been before in his life. Maybe even closer than when she had been alive. He had never felt so alive and vibrant. His skin felt like he could distinguish every fold and every ruffle of the lingerie set. His nose was filled with her scent. His hands couldn't stop running all over his silky chiffon covered body. He found them lingering on the buds of his nipples that had become erect and super-sensitive and he couldn't take his hands off of his little cock that threatened to burst through the veil of his thong. He stood transfixed in front of the floor length mirror, slowly rubbing his cock and feeling like he had never felt before. Soon he had worked his cock up to a feeling so intense that he just knew that if he stopped he would die. So he didn't, when he came for the very first time in his life, a big gob of white creamy goo soaked through the front of his panties. As he felt the hot semen soak his thong, he experienced a moment that transformed him completely. He knew he would have to repeat this again and again and again. Now he understood why all the boys at school had made fun of him when he had told them he had never masturbated. He felt warm and fuzzy and sleepy and comfortable and he tingled all over. If earlier he had thought he was closer to his mother than he'd ever been before, now he knew that he was. He had cum while wearing her lingerie! He just knew she had to have had an orgasm at least once while wearing the same set. Looking at himself in the mirror, watching the thong soak through, he realized that he needed to make the image in the mirror complete. He rushed to the closet and fetched her pink ostrich down covered 3" boudoir mules and slipped them onto his feet. The image in the mirror was soooo close! He searched through her drawers and found a handful of tan stockings. He balled them up and stuffed them in the front of the babydoll.

As he soaked in the image of the creature in the mirror he thought, "Oh my God! I feel like I have BECOME her. I feel complete. I feel happy. For the first time in almost two years, she is back. She is here. She is with me. I am no longer alone. Oh Mother! I have missed you so much." His cock was waking up, beginning to harden once more.

Markie stared and stared and then practiced walking. He found that he felt best when he walked with a little mince to his step and if he swung his hips he found that his gait was much more natural than if he tried to walk like a boy. He hated having to take the mules off when he was sleepy and went to bed. But he knew he would sleep more soundly and with a greater sense of contentment than he'd felt in all the long months since his Goddess, his Mother, had died. For the first time, he felt as if he could go to sleep and know that she would still be with him in the morning. He drifted off to sleep thinking about how good the lingerie felt against his skin and how natural it felt to feel the sticky wetness in his panties turn cold and crusty.

Over the weeks that followed his fascination with his mother's clothes and makeup only grew. He knew that it wasn't normal to do what he was doing but he also knew that he couldn't stop. He knew that if he had to stop he would go crazy. He knew that becoming his mother every evening was the only thing that made him feel good about himself. It calmed his worries and brought him a sense of peace, fulfillment and contentment.

Within several weeks of that first discovery, the school year ended and Mark was home alone all day. Previous years, his dad had sent him to a parade of sleep-away camps. This year, the entire summer stretched in front of him uninterrupted. The fact that he had his driver's license only made him feel more grown up and independent and with the money his Dad gave him to buy the household food and supplies Mark felt like he was free.

The first morning he began to experiment with her old makeup, wondering if he could do his face the way she used to do to hers. He had read so much about how the experts did makeup (what a blessing that he hadn't started to shave yet) that it was a snap to transform himself into the spitting image of his mother when she was a young girl. One of his favorite pictures of her was taken after she had just come out of a pool. Her light colored hair was slicked back and her waterproof makeup was still perfect. It was easy for him to gel his hair back and slip on a similar necklace that she had been wearing in the picture. Then he copied the arch of her eyebrows and the color and contour of her eye makeup. In fact, Markie was amused that after he applied some violet mascara his eyelashes were longer and fuller than hers!

He was absolutely thrilled and completely taken aback. He truly WAS his mother, or at least her younger sister! He looked exactly like her. He had never thought about it before but he really did look like her. He had the same rich, thick hair and the same olive-hued, skin. The only difference he could tell was that his eyes were deep green and his mother's were golden-green. Otherwise he could pass for her twin sister. The same forehead. The same nose. The same chin and lips and teeth and cheekbones. Even the same tiny little ears. The only difference was that he didn't have pierced ears and couldn't wear her pearl studs! He knew there were guys in school that had both ears pierced. He'd have to look into that.

He was beside himself with joy and happiness. He got up from the vanity and walked over to her bureau and found a similar cut-away one-piece white cirre bathing suit with a white rose made from the material sewn to the front of the cleavage to draw a man's attention to the breast area. Ugh! He sure didn't look like her up top where there was no swell of breast mounding up out of the top of the suit. Nor did he look like her down below. He reached into the suit and pushed his cock down and back between his legs. The bathing suit was tight and fit him like a glove. The tight spandex held his equipment out of sight. He was smooth now and had only the slightest little bulge... kind of cute he thought. Just like a teenager's pudgy little mound. (Not that he'd ever seen a teenager's little mound in any way other than in pictures. His dawning interest in girls had died the same night as his mother.) He went to the top of her bureau and took out her diamond tennis bracelet, a gold link bracelet and four of her rings.

He was in heaven. He not only felt like his mother and knew she was with him, he now looked like her. He was about 3 inches shorter than she had been and his chest was flat but with the semi rigid cups sewn into her suit, he looked like a teenage version of his mom. He slipped on her matching pool jacket and a pair of white 30's style open toed Charles Jourdan ankle-strap heels and spent the rest of the day lounging by the pool sunning himself, painting his very long and shaped nails and feeling happier than he had ever felt before.

As he soaked in the sun he thought to himself, "It sure is a good thing Daddy is never home these days. Wouldn't he die if he came home to find me looking like Mom? I wonder what he'd say?"

He giggled to himself and felt a strange sense of arousal at the thought of his step-dad finding him looking the way he did.

He wasn't afraid of what he had become nor was he particularly afraid of letting his father see him this way. Somehow, it felt completely natural. This was the way he was supposed to dress and look. In fact, he was so comfortable wearing his Mother's clothes and making himself up to look like her that he began to think of himself being uncomfortable when he had to be Mark and look like a boy on the two days a week that the housekeeper was around.

He must have dozed off because he was startled to hear the doorbell ring. He scrambled to his feet and slipped into his sandals leaving the pool coat open. He walked to the door and peeped out of the keyhole to see the UPS delivery man with a package.

With his hand on the doorknob he hesitated, the delivery man would be the first person to see him dressed. He thought, "If not a complete stranger, then who?" When Markie opened the door he was shocked to see the look on the man's face. The man's eyes sparkled and his view darted down. Markie felt a stir of something strange as he felt the man's eyes undress him. It took some time before the delivery guy looked up and smiled. The lust was palpable. The need was heavy. The air was electric with desire.

"Howdy m'am. I need you to sign for this COD package."

Markie thought about the strange thoughts that had been seeping into his head recently. Every time he read one of the articles on sex and pleasing your man, he would get hard as a rock and imagine doing the things written about in the magazine. A few days prior he had finally given in and begun to masturbate while imaging licking or sucking a guy's hard tool. Markie looked at the guy's name tag: Bob.

"Ooooo, how much fun! Bob thinks I'm a hot, sexy chick... and look at the tent pole starting to grow in those cute tight shorts of his... I wonder how far I can take this?" Markie's clit was straining as he decided to go for it.

"Come in and I'll get my purse" Markie whispered in his sexiest voice. He turned and walked with an exaggerated swing to his hips as he made his way back to the kitchen.

"Well, let's see... where did I leave my purse? Hmmmmm... Oh! I know, I think it's in the bedroom."

He turned and walked down the hall feeling the man's eyes on his ass. A minute later, he called out, "So, how much do I owe you?"

"Twenty-three dollars m'am."

"What? I can't hear you. Can you come in here a minute?"

Markie was sitting on his mother's pink satin covered vanity stool in her skin tight white swimsuit cut up to his waist on the hips, with his legs crossed, swinging one sandal covered foot and gazing at the delivery man with a perfectly made up face, wearing his mother's bracelets and rings, looking like something out of a Vogue Paris-edition Helmut Newton photo shoot, waiting to fill in a check for the amount owed. The UPS man stood transfixed in the doorway.

"So, how much again?"

"Twenty-three even."

Markie held out the check to the man without getting up.

"Well... Do you want it? Come here and get it. I won't bite and besides I hurt my ankle a little earlier and I really shouldn't be on it."

"Um... Ok..."

Markie could see the fear in the man's face. After the briefest hesitation the man came over to get the check. At the last second he fumbled it and had to stoop down to pick it up. Markie did the same thing and their faces were inches apart before the man realized it. Markie could feel his heavy breathing and looked into his eyes. Slowly, without even thinking about it, he leaned over and gently kissed the man's lips. When they parted Markie slipped his soft tongue in and began gently kissing him. He pushed against him and they both fell down onto the floor. Markie reached down to the man's shorts and slipped his hand up the open leg hole. Without hesitating he grabbed Bob's hot, throbbing member. Markie was mesmerized by the feel of the man's cock. So hard! So hot to the touch, it felt like it was burning his palm. As he got to the tip he felt the ooze of precum, he squeezed hard and more came out. As they kissed Markie stroked the guys hard bone, it seemed to get harder and thicker with every stroke. Bob slid his hand down and Markie stopped him cold. Whispering in his ear, he said the first thing that came to him, "It's my time... but I'll take care of you...I promise." The guy groaned and Markie slid down his body. The delivery guy was incredibly turned on by this husky voiced little thing. Something wasn't quite right, but as she opened his zipper he really didn't care.

Markie hauled out the heavy cock and without a thought slid his soft lips around the head. The hard thing in his mouth was intoxicating! He remembered reading that many women didn't like sucking cock. How couldn't they!? It was like sucking Bob's soul. Every little movement seemed to set off a series of groans, moans and tremors! Markie licked around the pulsating crown, the sweet-salty taste of the leaking pre-cum causing him to salivate. Within minutes Bob's cock and balls were drenched in saliva. Markie stroked up and down sensuously, sucking the purple cock head all the while.

"Suck my balls... lick my balls!" Bob groaned out. Markie had read that they loved that. Continuing to stroke he slid down, running the pointy tip of his tongue over his fat balls.

"Fuck yesssss. Don't just lick `em, suck my balls!" He was rubbing his mouth all over them and then he latched onto one and sucked. Despite the musky, manly taste Mark didn't like sucking his hairy balls as much as sucking his hot smooth cock, but he loved the way the guy groaned when he did it. So being a good little "girl" he continued. After a few minutes of licking, sucking and nuzzling his balls Bob started sighing.

"You gonna swallow baby-doll? You gonna suck on my prick when I shoot?"

Markie had read that most women didn't like swallowing either, but he was finding that he loved sucking cock and most women didn't like that either. He opened his mouth and closed his lips tightly around Bob's veined shaft. He rolled his balls around in his left hand while gently stroking his own throbbing, dripping clit with his right. His crotch was soaked with pre-cum. He could feel his own orgasm building and began moaning encouragement deep in his throat. Slowly running his teeth over the hot slippery tip of Bob's cock he pleaded, "Shoot your cum in my mouth... please?"

Over and over again he begged, taking deep breaths before sucking Bobby hard once again. Finally he pushed his mouth back onto his cock and groaned loudly " Oh fuck yeah! Oh God! Suck it baby. Oh fuck! Make me cum and swallow it... Oh... Oh... Oh fuck... Here it cums. Suck it. Suck it. Faster. Oh... yeah... Fuck... I'm shooting." And he did.

Markie was amazed at the force of the first blast. He felt the pulse travel up his length and then felt the heat in the back of his mouth. The first load he swallowed without thinking. He pulled back a little and kept sucking as another and another and another pumped into his mouth. Bob's cum was hot and salty and bitter and slippery. As he savored the results of his first blow-job he swallowed, stroking his own cock faster and faster. He heard Bob sigh and felt one last little thick glob spurt onto his tongue, it was thicker and even more bitter than the first loads. As he gulped it down the thought, "Its another guys sperm" crossed his mind. It was as if he had been shocked, his entire body stiffened. He felt an amazing prickly heat rush over his entire body and then he was cumming too! He closed his eyes and sucked Bob's softening cock harshly as his own spurted the spandex bathing suit full with sticky cum. Markie felt the slippery cum shooting backwards between his ass cheeks and another fantasy was born.

He slumped between Bob's legs and cupped his throbbing cock through the soft material. He purred like a satisfied kitten as his orgasm washed over him. After a few minutes he regained enough composure to sit up. Resting on one elbow he licked his lips. He felt the dribbles of cum around the corners of his mouth and decided to leave them.

Bob looked up at him, "Fuck!!! That was incredible, but I'm gonna get screwed, what the hell time is it?"

Markie sat back, feeling his cum drip from the crotch of his bathing suit. Bob stood up and pulled his shorts and underwear up and stood there looking at Markie. He didn't know what to say. He knew he could be fired if his supervisor ever found out that he'd had sex with a customer. And yet, he was mesmerized by this sexy young girl.

"Would you see me again...?" He wondered aloud.

Choked up by that desire on his part, Markie said, "I hope I haven't led you on. My dad will kill me if he ever finds out. I won't tell anyone if you won't, but I'm too young... Underage in fact... I'm sorry but it would be best if I don't ever see you again."

He looked down embarrassed and truly sad while Bob hurried down the hallway, "What the hell had he been thinking!?" He had to have known she was under age, but he'd let her suck his cock anyway. "Fuck... fuck... FUCK!" He muttered as he started his truck up.

Markie heard the truck pull away and stood up, he felt the hot slippery cum between his legs and at the same time felt his cock starting to get hard again from the wet friction. As he walked to the Sanctuary's master bathroom he wondered, "Is this what it would've felt like it if I'd just been fucked?"

By the time he had taken the 6 steps to the bathroom his mind was racing as his cock throbbed to full erection in the cum-soaked bathing suit. He looked around the bathroom with a dark hunger... what was he looking for he wondered? He would know it when he found it. His eyes fell upon the smooth perfume bottle just as his fingers wrapped around it.

As he fell to his knees he knew the designers of the bottle had been toying with a woman's psychological need. Without thinking he pulled the bathing suit to the side and squatted down on top of the smooth bottle. His own cum lubricated his deflowering. Little whimpers and gasps rattled against the tiled walls as Markie became a woman... became a moaning hot slut... became his mother completely.

Over and over again Markie impaled "herself, deeper each time until "she" felt the smooth base brush between "her" cheeks. Her breathing grew faster and faster as she rolled onto her back, she fucked herself deeply and harshly until she felt another orgasm building. She reached down and rubbed what she would forever more call her clit. The orgasm hit her like a bus. Groaning, gasping, crying out over and over as the waves crushed her. Her clit kept throbbing and more and more cum splattered all over her stomach as she worked the crystal phallus in and out of her cunt. Finally spent, her legs, which had been raised in the air and spread lewdly, fell to the ground. She left the smooth prick up her twat as she spread the splatters of cum around inside the bathing suit. She would need to think of a way to hide her clit. Fucking herself had been incredible, but if she had any hope of ever getting a real man's cock up her suddenly hungry pussy she would need something to hide her true nature. Somewhat embarrassed by what she had suddenly become, she had no idea that there were men who would pay small fortunes for access to a special girl like her, especially a young beautiful one. In a fog of confused satisfaction she looked at the clock on top of the toilet. Two years of questions had been answered in a little more than one hour!

Next: Chapter 3

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