Correction Centre

By steve wood

Published on Jan 20, 2023



New Government correction centres.

A new government is elected on a tough law and order policy which I have also voted in favour of after years of weak policies. To enable policing and the court system to work much more effectively petty crime and small offenders will be dealt with by local correction centre and the police will have the power to offer offenders a visit to the local correction centre or take a chance in court where very tough sentences would be applied. So now police departments would make the effort to deal with petty criminal, driving and social offences now that a quick alternative solution was available and this would reduce the amount of time in magistrates courts. An offender would admit to the offence and take up the offer of a visit to the correction centre and by doing so on completion would have the records struck off. The new government found this new short sharp shock system worked really well, offenders preferred it, police officers preferred it and the court system preferred it as it reduced cases to the more serious offenders. Lots of local correction centres had opened in old theatres and cinemas many of which were no longer used and perfect for development to correction centres.

I never thought that I mark Bradley would ever have to accept the choice of a risky court visit or agree to an appointment at my local correction centre for a short sharp shock.

I'm 32 good looking and enjoying life to the full, I loved driving and had a sporty car that I loved to push to its its limits. I was a successful salesman so my license was really important to me. Prior to this nee government I had been caught a number of times for speeding and without realising had exceeded the limit again and been caught on camera doing more that 100mph. Some days later I received a call from our local police officer asking me to visit the station. I was shown my history of speeding offences and during this discussion my car was checked over and a tyre was found to be bald and my insurance had expired. So Mr Bradley you seem to be a nuisance to society with your driving behaviour, along with the offences for the tyre and insurance I think a ban and heavy fine would be awarded in court. I understand you need your license for your work as well. So I'm at liberty to offer you an appointment at the correction centre or will recommend a court appearance for your crimes.

I thought about the risk in court and if I lost my licence I would also lose my job. On the other hand a visit to a correction centre sounded pretty scary as I really did not know what to expect and always thought it would be for somebody else not me. Your choice Mr Bradley, a court appearance or you agree and request a short sharp shock at the correction centre. I had no choice and accepted that I would have to take this option. After a successful and completed visit these offences will be removed from your records. I signed the form requesting a visit to the centre. An appointment day and time will be sent to you be text shortly. I need to scan your eyes as this will give you access to the centre, ensure its you being corrected and the system will set the punishment for the officer.

I went home wondering what exactly I had agreed to and could I go through with it. Later that day I received s text confirming my appointment for Monday 10am, message back to confirm and accept the appointment. I texted back acceptance and would throw a sucky at work to cover this time on Monday morning.

To be honest I've been a nervous wreck since accepting the appointment as I have never been in trouble in my life. I decided to spent the weekend at home trying to comes to terms with Mondays appointment.

The centre was a short drive away in an old theatre building so I parked my car and headed for the entrance. My eyes scanned the door opened and I entered shacking like a leaf. A young lady sat at a desk, good morning I take it you must be Mark Bradley here for your 10am appointment and correction. I felt really stupid saying yes it's me to a young girl probably no more than 20. She looked at me and smiled, you need to read the rules and regulations and if you accept them sign the form. It had my name on the form, that I accept that I wish to accept correction rather than visit court and that once I enter the centre under no circumstances am I to speak unless directly to ask a question. Reluctantly I sign and date. Before you enter the centre please pick a number and this will select your correction officer so it's all fair and random, I select number 3.The receptionist pressed a button and a door opens and I'm instructed to enter. 2 others are already in the room a teenager and an older man. There are 3 doors in front of us and a light goes on above the door and the number we selected lights up as well. We each enter through our doors and I'm in a small room, a wall notice says to remove all clothing, place your items in the basket then put in the locker. All watched and jewellery should also be removed and placed in the basket. Your selected correction officer will come for you shortly. I stand naked wondering what on earth is happening to me, to be honest I'm really scared. It's very warm in the room and for some stupid reason my dick is starting to stir, that's all I need now but despite all my efforts I'm semi hard when the door opens. I'm in total shock when I see its Paul Wilson my neighbours 19 year old son. Hi Paul I say but he immediately tells me to be silent. You know the rules and you must remain silent unless I ask you a question. Your penalty is one extra stroke. Follow me, we enter an area where he sits at his desk. My name is Paul Wilson I'm a newly trained correction office, should you speak to me you will address me as Sir or Officer Wilson. Your offended are listed and the state court system has set your punishments which I will be applying to the best of my ability and utilising my expert training. You will obey my instructions immediately or face additional punishments. The system has applied the following punishments as your short sharp shock. Lets hope you learn from this lesson and we don't see you here again.

I cant believe I'm hearing this from my neighbours son, I want to protest and discuss and argue but I fear additional punishment and stay quiet.

Mr Bradley you entered with an erection, should you not control that I will apply an additional punishment prior to concluding your correction today. Now let me explain, the new programme of a short, sharp shock has been working extremely successfully and I'm fully trained in the system. I have your file and I can see numerous offences that Will be dealt with today. The punishments are stated as follows. First sessions a 5 minute spanking on the automated spanking bench. Continuous spanking is really difficult as it hurts the officers hand, we have recreated a spanking machine and hand that never gets hurt or needs to stop. I will set you up on the bench and then the equipment will spank you hard continuously for 5 minutes smacking you hard at different points on your bare bottom. You will then rest for 15 minutes before part 2. You will be mounted on the bench, bottom perfectly in position to receive 12 hard strokes of the heavy leather strap. I'm an expert Mr Bradley and will deliver a perfect result a well strapped and painful bottom. A further test period will be permitted before your second visit to the automated spanking machine a further 5 minute application to your bare bottom. A further rest period and time to contemplate before the final correction. You will mount the caning bench and hands will be tied. I was going to apply 6 strokes with my medium school fatten cane but that's now 7 due to your outburst. So I recommend keeping quiet Mr Bradley until we conclude your correction today. You are permitted to scream and shout when the pain becomes difficult for you to handle, that's quite normal. But no swearing or beginning me to stop. I'm very skilled, enjoy my work and I will deliver your shock sharp shock effectively. One last point before we get started, humiliation is very much part of this experience, you will be punished alongside 2 other offenders at the same time and to add to your total humiliation the centre has a number of public seats so that the public can see fair correction is applied and that the correction officers follow the training protocol exactly. That means each punishment set applied in full to the best of our ability. Finally should any erections be noted, a final punishment will be applied on the pegging bench so be warned. So let me check that the others are ready and we can get started, we have a lot to get through.

I'm totally stunned that this kid who I watched grow up is now in total charge of me and about to apply a range of punishments as my correction officer. Not sure I will ever look him in the face again after this ordeal. Paul returns and says we are all ready and some people are already in the gallery stalls waiting to see the session. The 3 of us are taken into what was the old stage, 3 similar pieces of equipment are lined up. Gentlemen you have not been applied the same punishments but will will apply the common ones together. You are all due the initial 5 minute spanking from the machine. I look around and 2 the 2 other guys also looked scared but the teenage boy is definitely semi erect as I am sadly. Please now mount the machine, kneed placed here and move your arms and hands forward. The machine locks my hands in place and pulls me forwards, my knees are opened wide and tucked in. My body is bent forward and my bottom rises.I'm in the end machine and look across and can see the 2 others in the same position. The arm of the machine brings a dummy like hand to my bottom and I feel it resting and searching around my waiting bottom. It calibrates itself and then young Paul is standing next to me. Right we are all ready, machines are set for 5 minutes so Gentlemen we will leave you to enjoy the excellent spanking the machines can deliver. The 3 officers leave us and we all wait bent over waiting for our spanking to start. In front of me is a screen, one half is showing my bottom and the other half all 3 of our bottoms. The machines clicks and the arm moved the spanking hand away from my bottom then it swings back and we all experience the first smack of the simulated hand that is delivering out painful spanking. Surprisingly it does hurt but bore I really take it in another spank arrived to s different part of my bottom, then another smack and another. I can see in the screen my bottom getting spanked along with the other 2. Three bottoms on display all getting red and sore. We are all wriggling now as the spanking starts to really smart. The people in the audience are all smiling and enjoying watching 3 bottoms get firmly spanked.spank after spank hits my bottom and my eyes start to water and I start to moan. I hear similar from the teenage boy next to me who is starting to get quite loud as the spanks reign into our bottoms. It seems like it goes on forever and we are all screaming and crying when the machine stops. Our officers return and rub our bottoms. Excellent the machine delivers a really great spanking. 15 minute rest period now before we continue. The public are offered the chance to inspect our spankings, total humiliation as they walk around us. You are all having the strap so will remain on the bench. 15 minutes passed very quickly when you fear the next correction. Paul presses a button and the bench flattens out a little making a pert target for the young correction office to use all his training skills to apply as much pain as possible with his thick leather strap. Gentlemen all 3 of you will receive 12 strokes and we will apply together. I again see my bottom and the others in the same position as me. The leather is gently caressing my bottom, then it disappears from view only to return with a fierce smack to my bottom. This is the kid that used to play in my garden and now he stands next to me wielding a strap and applying it to my bottom with force. Not just me but the others scream out in pain as the leather bites into our bottoms No time to think before another splat to our sore red bums. We are all shouting and crying as the strokes are applied and then it finally stops. My sad is throbbing and tears run down my face. I hope gentlemen we are helping you to learn your lessons. The teenage boy is released but to my surprise and his horror he has a massive erection. You were warned boy, the pegging board for you at the end. I had no idea what that really meant. So gentlemen that are left, a short break before our nice spanking machine will get to work on you again. I hate this experience and I wish I had never agreed to come. Not much fun gentlemen is it, but you signed up for this so enjoy!

The older guy and I are again spanked by the machine, what I hate is the way it moves to different cheeks and different parts of your bottom. It's a total and complete spanking leaving me drained , sore and tears flowing. Can I really take anymore. But now some rest time before the final punishment. The public viewers are again inspecting our bottoms to add to the humiliation.

I'm the only one of the 3 to get a final caning. Paul comes for me and is smiling, now for my favourite part the opportunity to can your bottom. Who would of thought that at 19 I would get to cane my naughty neighbours bottom and to think you asked for this. I'm really skilled at caning I'm an expert after my training and I get better and better at it as you will soon find out.? Time for you to mount the caning horse and allow me to strip your bottom for you. 6 plus your penalty makes 7 nice stripes!

I look at Paul and it seems like yesterday he was a small boy playing in the garden, now he is my correction officer who is about to wield 7 times that nasty looking cane. I see pleasure on his face and clearly a growing bulge in his trousers. I guess I'm scared and excited at the same time and I can't stop my dick growing harder. Paul holding his cane sees my situation and smiles as he informs me that I will mount the pegging bench with the other young man to complete todays punishment.

So it's time, mount the bench, spread your legs then bend over until you can grab the lower bar. He closes the wrist and ankle ties. I'm helpless and in the perfect position to receive his 7 hard strokes of the cane. The bench is the slid forward so the public gallery can get a really good's so humiliating being trussed up, bent over with my legs spread and waiting to feel every stinging stroke of his cane. I try to move but the restraints hold me in position.

Now we're ready to begin, feel free to try and move around as much as you can and if you need to scream out the pain that will be great and encourage me and confirm I'm doing my job well.

The cane is now resting on my bottom, I've never been spanked before let alone caned. To think this will be done by my 19 year old neighbour how ridiculous and how stupid must I look mounted on this bent, then suddenly whoosh and whack and the cane strikes across my bottom. I feel nothing for a second but then my ass lights up like a line of fire has burnt my bottom and my mouth opens but nothing comes out and before I have learnt to deal with the pain a second stroke strikes my bottom with a whack and a second line of fire burns my bottom.I look at the screen and see 2 dark lines across my bottom followed by a flash and swish as the cane strikes for the 3rd time, I've never felt anything so painful and Paul seems to know exactly how to cane my bottom hard. I'm crying and screaming as the next stroke is driven into the lower part of my bottom and top of my leagues. I scream in pain and I'm sure it brings a smile to Paul's face knowing he is delivering the pain a good caning should deliver. He strikes again and again and I scream at the top of my voice and I can't stop as he delivers number 7 across my bottom like a gate. Stay in position and savour the pain of my caning. You see I'm an expert at caning and love my job. I'm sure you agree.Relax now for 15 minutes then we will complete your punishment. I sob away with a burning bottom then for some reason I feel my dick garden again. Why now and dread the moment I'm released and everyone sees my hard dick which is getting harder.

The restraints are released and the teenager is brought back for this final punishment. For some reason Paul ties my hands behind my back and the officer ties the teenager.

We stand together looking at each other, he sees my 8inch hard cock throbbing and he smiles and I see his cock twitch. His officer flicks his cock and his dick swells and soon he has a 9inch huge throbbing cock with precum dripping from the end. Lucky for him having such a cock.

2 benches appear and are brought to the front of the stage to maximise the view for the visitors.

The teenager and I are made to stand at the end, the cover was removed and I see 6 rubber dicks fixed to the bench getting bigger and bigger from front to back.

The pegs are all lubed up and we are both told to mount the first peg looking forward to the crowd now cheering us on. Me and this teenager both rock hard and now about to mount rubber cocks. Just so you know whoever gets to the last peg first gets a reward, now let's proceed.

We move to the first peg and on top toes we climb onto the first peg. The bench then rises and we cannot stop the peg going deep into our asses. With hands tied we are unable to stop the peg fucking us. Our officers encourage us both and the crowd cheer. The bench goes down and we are moved forward and lifted. I feel another bigger dick penetrate me. I have had anything in my ass and it hurts and I moan. The teenager seems to cope better. Both our cocks are rock hard and dripping precum. As the bench lifts up my feet leave the ground and the rubber cock goes deep in my ass as it does for the teenager.he takes it well but I'm really struggling, to ease the pain I move my bottom around and suddenly feel something nice in my ass that makes me move more and feel this pleasure dick drips more cum, I find something really exciting from this pegging I'm wanting more.We move to the next peg, he slips on it easily but I really struggle as it fills me fully. My sore caned bottom and the peg in my house is driving me crazy. Is this why guys like getting fucked, it's s wonderful feeling.. I reach peg 4 but can't go further, the kid next to me gets to the end easily. I'm stuck on 4 but it feels good.The teenager wins and the crowd cheer. The boy is told to stay on the end peg. Paul gets me off the bench and he drags me to the teen stuck on peg 6. I get pushed to my knees and for the first time ever im expected to suck a huge dick. I feel his cock rubbing across my lips, then paul pushed my head down and his Vivek enters. I gag as I feel his cock fill my mouth. It actually tasted good and I suck with more desire. My hands are tied so can only use my mouth. I suck and lick and Bob up and down giving this teenager pleasure. After a period of sucking and the kid getting closer to cuming, Paul grabs my ears and drags me back to the caning bench pushing me over he untied my hands the ties them back to the bench. The teenager is brought over to me and I see a smile in his face, his officer says here is your reward now get your pleasure for winning. The crowd encourage him.

I've never been fucked but I feel his wet dick head on my ass, then in his eagerness for that great feeling of warmth and softness of your dick deep in a tight ass he drives his cock hard into me. I scream in shock as he drives his big dick deep into my ass in one big push. Clearly he is ready to just fuck ass and he immediately starts to hammer his cock deep into me thrusting with force and enjoying my squirms and screams. Just when I think I can't take anymore he hits that sweet spot and I yell out yes, he laughs as he continues to fuck me. A teenager fucking me at 32! How can this kid make my ass feel so good. He fucks faster and harder and I'm melting with this pleasure. I've never been fucked or wanted to get fucked or want cock, now I'm wanting this kids cock harder and longer. My dick is dripping precum and I think I'm going to cum even without touching my dick. I feel his dick getting bigger and he is fucking quicker and harder as he hits that spot again I start to cum and scream with the pleasure. I hear him say take my load as he fires squirt and squirt into my ass. The crowd clap, total humiliation and embarrassment. The kid pulls out and and slaps my ass, get my number if you want more, then leaves.

My correction officer Paul takes me to locker and changing room exhausted in pain and cum dripping down my legs from my ass.

I dress and ready to go, Paul my officer reminds me that all records will now be wiped clear. Try not to break the law again next time it will be harder. Seems your one hell of a horny bottom, happy to come back beat your ass and fuck you when you want. I look at him and smile, think I'm going to need that more than ever. You free next weekend? Yep and I'll bring my strap and cane as it turns me on so much, then my good neighbour I'm going fuck your brains out. I guess I'll never be the same again and can't wait for the weekend. I'll never come back to the correction centre again if I can help it.

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