Coreys Wish

By moc.loa@00ioBJNC

Published on Apr 4, 2006


Corey's Wish-Copyright 2005-Tenor LK


You are reading a story that is about two men in a consenting sexual relationship. If this disturbs you, you had better hit the x or click the back button on your browser now, or else face the consequences. Also, if you are under the age of 18, or 21 in some areas, you also need to do the same, for the rest of you...Sit back, relax, and enjoy...if you are looking for a quickie release story, this is certainly not the story for you!


I know it has been a while since Chapter 4...But I just finished a major project at work, and now I have a few weeks of free I plan to get chapters 6 and 7 out as soon as possible. Thanks to all of you have been reading and are still with me! Now, without further due...

Corey's Wish Written by Tenor LK Chapter 5

The month following that night back in the dorm between Evan, Aaron and I had to have been the most stressful month of my life. The Windy city started to really live up to its name with the November weather, singing with Aarons Choir provided me with a small outlet, but it made Evan a tinge jealous that Aaron and I were spending every Wednesday evening together.

Aaron, even if we were spending those evenings together alone, wouldn't have done anything...his attitude has been one of serious depression for the last four weeks...and what makes it worse is that he will not tell me what's up. I do know that it's got everything to do with Evan and me getting together...but we never spend any time in the room making him feel uncomfortable...why is this so hard for Aaron to accept?

So, its currently just a little bit after the end of rehearsal, and I'm waiting for Aaron to complete working with this one woman in the soprano section who just cant hack it...he told me that he wants her to try alto, and it looks like he is having a hard time convincing her.

"Aaron", I start to interrupt, "We have to get going...remember that we have to meet the rest of the crew at Starbucks?"

"Ah, Yeah...I'm sorry Ms. Brown, lets continue talking about this later...give it a little thought"

I literally drug him out of the office and down the street heading towards home.

"Thanks...I thought she would never stop talking..."

"So I noticed. How do you put up with people who just do not want to take your advice...I mean, you are the teacher in the classroom"

"I know, but most women think that they can just walk on in a choir room and start spitting out high C's...its just simply isn't so."

The rest of our walk was quiet. When we got back to the dorm, Evan was sitting at the door waiting for us to get in. "Hi!" I said...reaching out to hug him as he started to stand.

"How's my baby? Good?" he said, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm great."

"Aaron, you doing well?" Evan asked.

" dude."

We all walked into the room, and Aaron hit the bathroom while Evan collapsed onto the couch.

"How was rehearsal?"

"Same as every night...pretty should consider joining...I think you would like it."

Over the last month, I learned a lot about Evan. He loves classical music, he also loves to watch baseball and hockey...and on top of all that, he makes an awesome pan of favorite!

"Nah, I'll leave that to you and Aaron."

"Corey, would you mind grabbing a few bottles of water from the vending machine...I'm parched!"

"No problem babe!" and without a second thought, I ran down the hall for him.

Evan's Perspective With Corey down the hall, I decided to make my first move on Aaron.

"So I guess this whole Music Education thing is going well for you?"

"Yeah", Aaron Replied. I'm having a blast working with kids."

"That's good. Tell me, how do you really feel about Corey and me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Aaron, lets not kid around here, I know you like my boyfriend...I can read it in your eyes..."

"Corey chose you. I respect his decision, and there is nothing I can do about it right now but support him in all of his decisions."

"Aw, such heartfelt lines...but you know that the one I should really be with is you."

"For crying out loud, don't go there right now. You made life for me a living hell in high school."

"Not really, I seem to remember us having some really good times"

"That may be, but you need to remember that while you are dating Corey, you will never have a chance with me."

"Really, Then maybe I'll need to fix that."

"Well, remember there are no guarantees in life, you better make sure you are making the right decision...The worst thing to do is fuck up a really good thing...which is dating Corey."

"Corey's a big boy...he knows how things work, but I don't think you remember how persuasive I can be", once I said this, I knew he was interested, I could see it in his pants...he was at full attention, ready for me. I think that most men just like to be teased somewhat.

"Evan, You really need to strmm.." his sound was muffled as I grabbed him and kissed him full on, hard...and wouldn't you know it...The door opened, and Corey was walking in with bottles of water, soda, and various other things...almost as if he had hit up the closest convenience store.

Corey's Perspective

You know...sometimes it's good to know where your real loyalties are. Evan and Aaron were at the top of their lungs with each other when I came down the hall; I just stood and listened at the door to the things Evan was saying to Aaron. I know now that I made a bad decision...but how do I fix it?

I did the thing that made the best sense...I opened the door, and decided to give Evan the fright of his life. It also helped that I walked in as he decided to start kissing my roommate...The Jackass had it coming.

"So, if Aaron is the one you are supposed to be with, why aren't you with him?"

"Corey, what are you..."

"Evan don't give me that shit", I interrupted. "I heard your conversation with Aaron."

He looked at me as if he wanted to say I decided to not give him the pleasure.

"Don't talk, just listen. You are such an ass. How long have you known that Aaron should be with you? And why did you even ask me in the first fucking place? I can't believe you. You knew that I had feelings for Aaron, and that I was hoping that he would finally come around to asking me...why deny me of such happiness? I JUST CAN'T EVEN STAND TO BE AROUND YOU ANYMORE...JUST GET THE FUCK OUT!"

As I said this, the RA on the floor came is as well as a few people from in the hall...I guess I was going completely mental...because as he was going out of the door I just started to shout obscenities that I would normally never say or use.

Once I "ushered" Evan out the door, down the hallway, though the stairwell and out the door, I returned to my room, where a very delighted Aaron was waiting for me.

"It took you long enough." Aaron said, grinning as I walked into the room.

"For what? To realize that I should have waited for you? To realize that I was a jackass? To realize that you are the most amazing person I know? Or is it that I realized today how much you care for me, and how much you love me?"

"All of that...and see how brave and strong of a person you are, and how much more you deserve...because he was completely below your level."

"Aaron...I'm so sorry for putting you on hold. It was completely thoughtless of me. All I wished for my whole life was to meet someone and love them for life, no matter what...will you allow me that pleasure with you? Do I still have a chance with you to show you how much I love you, care for you and respect you as an adult, as a man, as my boyfriend?"

"Corey, your wish is granted!"

As we kissed, I swore I could hear the bells of Notre Dame Ring so loud that I heard them here in Metropolitan Chicago!

The next morning found me waking in Aarons, I'm not that easy...but we did spend a lovely night together, kissing and talking...figuring out exactly what we really knew months and months before, that we were a match for each other...I was just too busy in the way of fate happening. Its funny how life actually works itself out...huh?

Aaron started to stir I could tell he was just starting to wake up as he accidentally hit me in the head with his hand!

" careful baby"

"Huh? Oh, are you doing in my bed?"

"Actually we are in my bed...yours is across the room."

"Oh yeah...I last night wasn't a dream...we actually were together last night...talking about nothing in particular...and actually kissing?"

I smiled as I answered him, "'s all true"


What do you think? Corey and Aaron have finally gotten together!

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