Coreys Wish

By moc.loa@00ioBJNC

Published on Mar 6, 2006


Corey's Wish-Copyright 2005-Tenor LK


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Corey's Wish Written by Tenor LK Chapter 4

`What a day this has been' were the first opening lines of my journal, as I recalled the incidents that unfolded tonight in my life. I have never been so happy, as well as remorseful for friends, and my boyfriend, I guess to understand, I'll need to go back a few when Evan ran up to my room after meeting me downtown...

Evan looked like he ran about 30 country miles when he opened that door. I was quite shocked to see him here, seeing as we had just finished having coffee with each other.

"Evan, are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you again um...about our conversation earlier...It's really important."

"Ok, the way, Aaron, meet Evan, Evan, this is Aaron, my roommate"

Aaron spoke up "We actually know each other Corey, we lived in the same town...I didn't know that Evan was here at this school..."

"Evan, why didn't you tell me that you knew Aaron?"

"Well, I didn't really get to see him the last time I was here with you, I couldn't see who was asleep on the bed...but I should have linked the two together."

Things didn't seem right to me, and there was some serious tension in the room as the conversation went along.

"Well, what do you need?" I asked Evan. I could tell he wasn't himself at all.

"Um...can we take a walk?"

"Sure, let me grab my coat."

I walked over to the closet to grab my coat, and just as I did this, Aaron followed me.

"Corey, please be careful, Evan isn't the most trustworthy guy."

"What do you mean? He has been nothing but nice to me, he and I had a great connection that night you and Jeanie were here...getting it on...or so you planned. Don't forget...when I get back here I want to know what happened!"

"Sure...I'll be here...but Corey, please be careful? Ok?"

"I will...see you soon"

As Evan and I left the dorm, Evan put his arm around my was weird at first, `cause I had never been touched by a guy before...and it made me feel special as he did it, so I let him pull my body closer to him, I know Aaron saw all of this...but if he was going to keep it a secret that he liked me...then he could burn up in jealousy for all I cared...a little selfish of me, yes...but I deserve to have a guy show me affection...right?

"Corey, I just wanted to talk to you again...I think I said some things I shouldn't have..."

"Its ok are trying to protect's completely cool. Thanks for looking out for me"

"But it's not just that," Evan paused for a minute, "I want you to know that I support whatever decision you make? I like you."

"I like you as well, you are a great person!"

"I don't want to ruin anything between you, myself, or whatever may happen between you and Aaron, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. But I have to tell you that, I'm falling for you."

"Evan, are you serious?" I couldn't believe it...He was falling for me? "I thought you weren't ready for a relationship yet?"

"I took some time to think this evening between when we parted, the little time we have spent talking has been more meaningful to me then any of the time I spent talking, or making love to John...I feel so much more for you...I'm starting to love you."

I kind of felt like The Manager in the movie "Carmen Jones" and his funniest line, `well shut my mouth and call me dumb!'

"Evan...I hope you aren't joking with me...because if you feel you can commit yourself to me...I would love to be with you. You too have affected me in a way I couldn't believe...helping me get this arts management project together, along with being a friend to listen...has meant so much to me over these last few months."

"I do, I feel nothing but love for you" and he kissed me.

Evan's Perspective

It was pure cruelty that led me to this...But I knew it would work, I would be able to keep Corey away from Aaron, yet get my chance to have Aaron to myself...It would cause Corey significant hurt, but he will heal in time and find someone...right?

It wasn't until we ended up back in his room that I realized how my plan could backfire.

Corey opened the door to the dorm room, where Aaron and Jeanine were talking.

"Hi folks, what's going on?" Jeanine said, someone has to stop her caffeine intake, she's entirely too perky for late evening hours.

"Not much, just getting in from a walk" I stated, trying to sound nonchalant.

"That's good, Corey, can we speak now?" Aaron said, seeming very concerned.

"Sure, I have things I want to tell you as well" Corey said, and smiled at me as they went walking out into the hallway.

"So, where have you and Corey been? We were hoping that all of us could catch Dave's show tonight at Capri's Bar"

"Oh, well, Corey and I had some things to discuss"


"Oh, nothing important"

At that point, there was a loud scream heard from the hallway, we both ran to the door to find Aaron crying, with Corey trying to console him.

"Evan, you had better take good care of him" Aaron said, quickly storming off.

"Corey, what the Hell just happened out here?" Jeanie asked.

"Well, I told him..."

Corey's Perspective

We had just walked into the hallway when Aaron looked like he could throw up all of his dinner, as well as mine. I figured he has something important to say, and in the back of my mind, I wanted to hear that he liked me, no...that he loved me...but then again, I'm now with Evan...he waited too long, right?

"Corey, I think that it's time I told you something about me."

"What's that?"

"Well, I've been trying to figure out how to tell you this...I mean; you're my roommate, right? I should be able to tell you anything."

"Right, I'm always here for you Aaron, A-Dog!" I tried kidding with him, but he didn't smile...this was really hard for him apparently, whatever he had to say to me.

"I'm Gay, Corey...and I love you."

It was hearing him say it that broke my heart. Knowing that he has been wrestling with this for weeks, knowing he was building up courage, and here I go....having to break it all down.

"Well, I love you too, Aaron...but as a friend buddy, see, what I wanted to tell you tonight was that I have a boyfriend...its Evan."

"WHAT!" Aaron was outraged. "How could you? You don't even know him...he's a fucking slime ball...he'd do anything to make you fall in love with him. He's after me, I know it...he's just using you to get to me...please, please don't tell me what you just said is true"

"What do you mean?"

"Evan and I went to the same high school...we sorta had sex together a few times...I was so confused that I broke it off...and now that he's here I can see the hunger in his eyes...He wants to come between us...Please don't do this...I Love you so much...I can't think of what will happen to you while you are with him..."

"Aaron, I have no clue what the fuck just got into you, but you had better get rid of it. Evan and I are dating now, and there is nothing you can do about it...I love him...and you need to deal with it."


At this point, Jeanie and Evan came out of the room, obviously wondering what was going on.

"Evan, you had better take good care of him" Aaron said, and went down the hall and through the door.

`This brings me to the point I'm at now, trying to figure out how to keep my friend, my roommate at my side.'

I closed the journal and got into bed with Evan...his arms felt so good around me....finally feeling the love that I have always wanted to feel.

"I love you Evan. Thanks for staying with me."

"No problem babe...I love you"

Later in the evening, Aaron returned to the room...and tapped me on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry about earlier...I was extremely upset"

"I know...lets talk in the morning about it...get some sleep."

"Good night, Corey"

"Good night, Aaron"

Aaron's Perspective

Its funny, Evan and I had a great time in high school...but I distinctly remember him saying that he does not do boyfriends...too clingy...which brings me to ask...does he really love Corey? Well, I really don't care about that...Corey shouldn't be with a guy who's going to hurt him...I'll keep an eye on him...he will be watched.

What are you thinking? Someone will get hurt in the next chapter, stay tuned to find out! Comments as always to

Next: Chapter 5

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