Coreys Wish

By moc.loa@00ioBJNC

Published on Feb 12, 2006


Corey's Wish-Copyright 2005-Tenor LK


You are reading a story that is about two men in a consenting sexual relationship. If this disturbs you, you had better hit the x or click the back button on your browser now, or else face the consequences. Also, if you are under the age of 18, or 21 in some areas, you also need to do the same, for the rest of you...Sit back, relax, and enjoy...if you are looking for a quickie release story, this is certainly not the story for you!


I am so excited that there are so many people out there who are enjoying Corey and the rest of the gang. Thank you so much for your wonderful words and thoughtful suggestions. I hope to be able as I continue to move forward with the story. Thanks to the lovely snow outside, it allows me another chance to sit down and punch out another quick chapter for you. Hope you enjoy!

Corey's Wish Written by Tenor LK Chapter 3

Well, after my little faint, life calmed down. Evan and I talked more and more, while Aaron and I got closer to each other. Jeanie had become a permanent fixture around our room and she was a sweet girl. It was easy to open up to her and tell her things that I was feeling. More importantly, I was able to find out just how much Aaron and I had in common, and how much more he was falling for me...only if he would make the step towards acknowledging his homosexuality.

A few weeks later in the semester, about the beginning of October, Aaron invited me to watch a rehearsal that he was doing with a church choir that he started to direct. Its funny you know...If I didn't know any better, or wasn't in a choir while I was in high school, I would have thought that Aaron was standing in front of this choir of 50 people having a serious attack of convulsions.

He's a physical know the kind I mean, the ones who use very huge gestures with their arms, they tend to stomp to get you to sing the way they need you to...I constant seem to think that these are the best kind...they will use any variety of motions and noises to get you to do what they need!

This rehearsal, Aaron was working on this difficult anthem "Battle Hymn of The Republic"...maybe you have heard of it? Well, he seemed to need to get the sopranos to sing in tune on the higher notes...he must have spent a good ten minutes on this before telling everyone to take a break.

"Are you enjoying the rehearsal?" Aaron said, walking towards me. I was sitting in one of the pews of the University Chapel.

"Yeah...are you sure you aren't going through turrets syndrome up there moving around like that?" I said jokingly.

"Hey, conducting is hard work...So when are you meeting up with Evan tonight?"

"Oh, we're meeting up to study for Arts Management class at 7:30, I guess I really need to head off then, but are you going to be back at the dorm when I get in...I need to speak to you."

"Ah, sure...whatever you need."


"OK, see you later?"

"You bet." I said, with my killer smile.

At that point I turned on my heel and headed out the door. Aaron went back to rehearsing with the choir...hearing the sopranos desperately hit those high notes as I walked to meet Evan.

I made it to Cindy's, my favorite coffee shop just off of campus. Evan was kind enough to meet me and help me with a little bit of this art management stuff...but then again... I had a feeling that we wouldn't just talk about arts management.

"Evan, What's up?" an instant smile popped up on my face as soon as I saw him.

"Not much, you?"

"Ready to get to work; so, here's my thought on this project..."

And we started into the business of getting my project together. All while we were working, he seemed so sweet and patient to me, explaining to me the rules of working in a art gallery, and what I would be up against trying to create a presentation on being a major position holder in a art gallery.

"Maybe we should have some practical experience, I have a friend you should meet...Daniel Stevenson"

"And who is he?"

"no one important, just the Executive Director of the Chicago Institute of Art"

"Are you serious? You would do that for me?"

"Hey, anything for a friend" with this he reached for my hand and kissed it, just like before in the park.

"You are honestly too sweet to me, Thank you Evan, thank you so much."

"Its no problem at all...would you mind answering a question for me though?"

I knew it would come up....damn it!

"What is that?"

"well, its about your roommate, ah, Aaron? Did you happen to talk to him about the events of last night?"

"No, I have not...I was planning on talking to him this evening...why?"

"Well, Corey," Evan began, he paused for a sip of his drink before continuing, "you are such a beautiful person, inside and out. You deserve a guy who is ready to love you. I'm not stating that I am that guy...but if you consider taking his hand, I would recommend you against it..."

STOP...The Corey Express just derailed.

"Would you like to explain yourself, why do you feel this way?"

"Corey, he was shacked up with a girl last night...and it seems that he's just getting ready to experiment with his sexuality. I would hate to see you get hurt by him in his process to find himself."

"OK...interesting..." I quipped back...not really sure of what to say to Evan just yet.

"Corey...what are you thinking?"

"Evan...Why are you concerned with anything to deal with Aaron and I...I'm not even sure I want to be with him...let alone do I know how he feels...something doesn't add up...what are you holding from me?"

"I'm not holding anything from you"


"I promise Corey...I'm not"

Evans Perspective

As soon as Corey asked me that question I knew I had no choice but to either let him know the truth, or to lie to him...and to be honest, the lie would be much easier to accept then to tell the truth...that I know Aaron...been with Aaron, and plan on being with Aaron again.

Aaron and I experimented long ago...I've known Aaron since he was in High School, just before I met John. Aaron was always a cute kid. Well, we got to know, small stuff behind the bleachers during lunch, when it was so easy to cut classes. He was only a Frosh then. I didn't even know that he had decided to come to school here until I saw his name on the orientation sheets that I typed up while at work for the Dean of Students office at American.

Then I meet Corey, and I just don't know what I want...but I know I can not allow him to have Aaron. He's mine, and no one else's. In the same circumstance, I don't anyone to have Corey until I have my bed that is...

Getting back into our conversation...

"Why don't you send me an e-mail with your schedule and I'll set up dinner or something with Daniel, this way we can sit and chat about this opportunity."

"That sounds great, I'm so thankful to you Evan."

"I thank you for being such a great guy."

I reached across the table to kiss him. Corey opened his mouth to me as we shared a beautiful kiss. And then I started to feel guilty. What the hell was I doing to this guy?

Corey Perspective

Wow...Evan can really kiss...

I left him to head back to my dorm...praying that Aaron was there, without Jeanie.

When I entered the room there was a note left by Aaron.

C~ in the right back!


So while he was showering, I decided to get confortable. I booted up the computer to check my e-mail and my schedule to set the date up with Evan. As I finished these activities, Aaron showed up.

"Hey buddy!"

" was the rest of your rehearsal?"

"Ok, but I wish you would have stayed...I could have used another male voice...think you might wanna join my choir? Please?" he started using that cute sad puppy dog look...I just couldn't resist.

"Fine...I'll help you out"

"Thanks buddy!" he bounced his way over to me at the computer and hugged all of his naked, wet glory.

"'re still wet! Geroff me!"

"Make me!"

I reached to the side of his body to tickle him and it did the trick I wanted it to do, as well as one I really didn't expect...he moved away...but he also caught a serious hard on. The man had to be at least 7 inches, of serious rock hard Joey would say, `Whoa!'

"Corey, um...I can explain.." he started.

"Its ok, you don't have to...we're human...but it brings me to a topic I wanted to discuss with you."

"Aaron, do you like me?"

"Yes, I do are one of my best friends here, you know that!"

"Yeah, I do...but is there more to that like...I mean, do you like me physically, as well?"

Before Aaron had the chance to answer that question there was a knock at the door, and without any more serious warning, the door opened, to Evan, apparently very out of breath.

Don't be angry just happened....I hope you liked what you have read...give me a comment or two at

Next: Chapter 4

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