Coreys Wish

By moc.loa@00ioBJNC

Published on Jan 24, 2006


Corey's Wish-Copyright 2005-Tenor LK


You are reading a story that is about two men in a consenting sexual relationship. If this disturbs you, you had better hit the x or click the back button on your browser now, or else face the consequences. Also, if you are under the age of 18, or 21 in some areas, you also need to do the same, for the rest of you...Sit back, relax, and enjoy...if you are looking for a quickie release story, this is certainly not the story for you!

Corey's Wish Written by Tenor LK Chapter 1

It's funny...I never thought I would actually make it here, to Chicago. It's such a beautiful city. All I have been able to think about since I was 16 was getting to this city...and here I am, of course, now I'm 20, and I've finally made my way here...and why? School of course. Chicago's American College is one of the best schools for my field, Communication Arts.

So, now that I have moved myself in my room, and have been looking out the window at the skyline for about 20 minutes now, I should tell you just a bit more about me. I'm Corey Chatham here, you already know that I'm 20, but to tell more, I'm your average kid, slim at 165lbs, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Most people tell me that I'm a knockout, but I'm not quite sure what they were looking at...I moved to this school after a few years at a community college out of Central Minnesota...Minnesota is a great place, but I just had to get out of there, there was no way for me to figure out who I was...not with all of the sterileness of Midwestern values.

I have been waiting on my roommate all day...he's a transfer student, just like me, which will make me feel a little bit better...apparently Aaron was this music guy, probably just a band geek who will spend most of his time with his flute then out discovering this new place. I was SO wrong. Aaron McKiernan was quite possibly the hottest guy on the planet! He stood about 5'11" and probably my weight as well, but he held it differently, he had abs of steel, his arms were completely sculpted, the most beautiful brown eyes, almost buzzed black hair, he was more, no less.

When he introduced himself, it was hard to concentrate on his speech; due to looking at his melon red lips...I just wanted to kiss them...maybe I would get the chance...on second thought...maybe not.

We spent most of the afternoon getting acquainted, and I found out quite a lot. He's one of those northeast guys, you know, the ones who are given the reputation of tearing your heart apart on a whim, but I just didn't see this from him...He's going to become a music teacher...he wouldn't ever do that to the girl...or boy...of his dreams. And he wasn't a band geek at all; he's actually a vocalist/conductor. It was reaching dinner time when I mentioned about going out...

"Aaron, I'm going to go grab dinner...would you like to come with me?"

"Sure Corey, I'll just clean up, and be right out."

"Where would you like to eat?"

"I'm not that picky, so if you know of somewhere, let's do that"

"Not really, but we can walk around and find a place."

"Sure, let's do that."

He came out of the the nude...and I couldn't believe my eyes, he just looked completely beautiful...I just couldn't advert my eyes, so I turned my entire body away from him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Corey; I'm so used to having my own room that being with a roommate is going to take a little getting used to."

"Its did you get to be such a buff guy...I mean, you must have been doing music all though high school, right?"

"Not actually, I played soccer and did track before spending time on the marching band field and singing in choir. As I went through high school, I chose music over sports...and eventually, I just stopped playing my instruments and kept up with singing."

"Oh" I replied...thinking not on his great physique, but of what else was large and in charge on his body.

Dinner was an awesome time for us, we got to chat about several different things, mainly our high school years and what we were attempting to make out of our lives.

"Public Relations sounds like a great field for you, you just seem so social, everyone must love you. You're a regular riot!" Aaron spewed out, with full mouth chewing away...I hope he's not like this at every meal.

"Yeah, talking and art is pretty much my strong suit"

"Well, you con only do something that calls out to you, you know?"

We got silent as we were finishing our meals and heading out the door, and then Aaron looked like he sparked a thought.

"Hey, why don't we check out the party scene here, I'm sure there has to me some swinging parties around this place"

Great, just what I needed...a party roommate.

"Aaron, I'm not big into the party scene. I love going out and having a good time, it's just that...well...I'm just not into all of that you know...drinking, drugs, and whatnot."

"Corey, you don't have to be" he started, "all you have to do is have a great time, and everything will be ok, trust me...I won't let you get hurt at all...I promise"

"I still don't know, we have course selection tomorrow...don't you think we should get some rest before then?"

"Well, I understand what you mean, you can go back to the room, but I'm going to find a place to party...I'll try not to wake you when I get back...Later!" he quipped as we went bouncing down the street with more energy then I have ever seen a person have.

"Later" I called out, and headed back to the dormitory.

So here I was, at One of the best schools here in Chicago, with a awesome roommate, not to mention hott, and I am stuck home walk back to the dorm was fast, considering how breezy it was getting for early September, and decided that lots of rest for tomorrow would be just the thing I need.

After what must have been two hours of reading, I decided to turn on the tube and watch some Television...and Aaron came in...with company...

"Corey, your up, Jeanie"

"Hi, Corey, Aaron said that you were pretty sweet looking, and he wasn't lying either!"

What did my roommate get me into?

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Next: Chapter 2

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