Cool Karl Vs the Jocks

By Nick Cramer

Published on Apr 29, 2008


In this part, oral sex is described. Do not read further if this would upset you.

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Karl takes over the narration. _______

Yes! Nicky is playing along beautifully, as I guessed he would. He's a smart cookie, you don't have to explain things to him. And he's having fun, too, stroking and prodding and kneading Robby's abs and his upper thighs. Robby is still wearing his skimpy red briefs. He doesn't have a hard-on yet, but it's only a matter of time, plus a little help from me ...

I'm standing, leaning back against the wall. Robby is leaning back against me, his back against my chest, his thighs against mine. His arms hang loose. My hands are resting lightly on the outside of Robby's thighs, just below the twin hollows of his buttocks. Oh my, the feel of that smooth skin, knowing what powerful muscles are underneath ... I remember watching Robby become the all-state school high jump competition. Why was I bothering to watch a sissy athletics competition? I didn't ask myself at the time, or I didn't want to ask myself. But now I know. Now, just under my fingers, are the muscles that propelled Robby's hunky body upwards over the bar, time and again, in that high graceful arc ...! Believe me, I'm salivating for more of Robby. My cock is already pretty hard under my briefs ... But I know I've got to stay casual and keep my hands from roaming too far too fast, or I'll ruin everything. I'll let Nicky make the running at first.

Nicky does something to makes Robby wince again. I hear a sharp intake of breath from Robby. His head jerks back suddenly, banging my nose. Ouch! But hey, I don't mind, Robby, be my guest! Because, y'know what, Robby? The smell of your hair, your thick black hair, is so ... oh, if only I had the words to describe it ... it's acrid, 'cos its sweaty, but it's oily and rich and sweet at the same time ... oh yeah ... I nuzzle in closer and inhale deeply ... Then over Robby's shoulder I look down to see what Nicky is up to.

Nicky is looking up at Robby, a sweet innocent look of concern on his bespectacled face. 'Oh sorry! I didn't mean to hurt, but ... Look, it'll be easier if we just ...' And he gently pulls down Robby's red briefs so they are stretched across his thick thighs. 'Aaah ...' Nicky sighs in satisfaction. And I can see why! There right in front of Nicky's face is Robby's cock, flopping sideways, not stiff but not totally limp either, and his big nutsack. Nicky allows his lips to brush against the base of Robby's cock, the lightest of kisses. Then with one hand he quickly pulls Robby's briefs down to his ankles while with the other he pushes Robby's cock into an upright position against his belly and presses against it. A couple more rhythmic pushes and gentle but insistent squeezes -- and Nicky's hand is now holding something thicker. Longer too. The clearly defined pink tip of Robby's cock is erupting from under Nicky's fingers. At once Nicky puts his tongue to work: a long lick, ever so respectful, slow and appreciative, up the side of Robby's swelling organ. Then a second lick, lingering this time around Robby's piss-slit, sort of teasing it with little flickering caresses. Meanwhile with his hands Nicky gently massages Robby's scrotum, the base of his cock and the inside of his thighs.

'Ohh! Hey, man ... Aaah!' Robby lays one hand with splayed fingers on his belly while resting the other on Nicky's shoulder. Is Robby trying to get Nicky to stop? Or is he encouraging him to go on? I'm not sure. I think Robby's not sure either. I hear Robby swallow and kind of clear his throat. But if he was planning to give Nicky an order to desist, the plan quickly dissolves. All Robby utters is a kind of gurgling sigh. Nicky is being ever so respectful and gentle towards Robby, but one thing's certain: it's Nicky who's in absolute control. Wow! My smart little friend is teaching Robby what it's like to be a sexual pawn -- and to enjoy it!

Well, I'm enjoying it too. Having Robby's now naked butt pressed against my crotch, as well as his shoulder blades against my chest and his hair in my face -- whoooah! I gotta cool down a bit. Gotta not cum too soon. And delay Robby's climax, too, if possible, for Nicky's sake. How? Talk to him, distract him ...

'Hey Robby, kind of a shame we didn't get to wrestle in the end ...'

'Whaa...? Why's that?' Robby half-turns his head. That's good, he's distracted from what Nicky's doing, maybe he won't cum so soon ...

'Well, man, you're strong. Your arms ... your guns ... they're impressive.' (By this time my hands have travelled up Robby's arms and are squeezing his biceps appreciatively.) 'You'd've been hard to beat. But all the same I'd have beaten you in the end! Like I beat Steve! You saw me dominate Steve, didn'tcha? Well ... like now ... I bet you you'll cum before I do! You won't be able to hold out! I mean ... man ... you're awesome ... your pecs, man ...' (now my hands are cupping the bulges of muscle below his nipples) 'they're real impressive ... but even so ... when I shoot my load ... it'll be when I'm good and ready ... not before! It'll be you who cums first!'

I stop talking and let that sink in. Sure enough, I feel Robby clench his buttocks. He knows what to do to try and delay his orgasm. But it'll be difficult for him. By this time Nicky is sucking the top half of Robby's cock while rhythmically squeezing the bottom half. Robby is breathing heavily with the effort of not cumming -- while at the same time holding Nicky's head and guiding Nicky. Yes, even while struggling not to cum, Robby is guiding Nicky towards doing whatever it takes to excite him all the more. Yeah, it's like I guessed -- you just gotta flatter Robby and challenge him, and he'll rise to the bait beautifully, in more senses than one!

Now Robby is not just trying to delay his own ejaculation, he's trying to speed up mine. 'I turn you on, Karl -- yeah, not surprising -- my awesome body -- it's the most fantastic feeling you've ever experienced, you gotta admit -- all I gotta do is reach behind and put my hands on your butt -- and as soon as I squeeze -- as soon as I pull you in against me, real hard -- it's all over! You know that! You'll blow your load -- you won't be able to resist -- you're too weak -- you haven't got the stamina, Karl! Not against me! Not against the fearsome ... stupendous ... musclepower ... of the mighty ... ROBBY FARRELL!'

All the while, Robby is pressing back against me, his hands on my butt, grinding his own butt rhythmically over my groin. And I've got to admit, it works. How dare he? You arrogant bastard, Robby, looking back at me over your shoulder with that cute patronizing grin, it's like you're reading my mind! With that final roar of 'ROBBY FARRELL', it's like WHAM! -- I, Karl, already reeling, suffer the final knockout blow -- the dam bursts -- I shoot my load. AAAAH ...! Those old blue briefs that I'm wearing are saturated.

My mouth has been open, sucking on the skin of Robby's magnificent shoulder just beside his neck. It's like a long big wet kiss. But at the moment of my defeat, sucking turns to biting. I don't draw blood, but the skin over his trapezius muscle shows the mark later. 'Oww!' Robby yells. And it's enough to distract him, enrage him, send him over the edge -- however you want to put it. For Robby's resistance comes to an end too, now. Looking down over his shoulder, I see huge gouts of cum spurt from the head of his long thick shaft. The milky fluid splatters Robby's own chest and belly. Some of it goes into Nicky's mouth. Some lands on his cheek. I even feel a gob of it land on my forehead. As the last spasms of the eruption subside, Robby grabs Nicky's head and squashes Nicky's cheek and nose against his abs. Nicky won't object to that, I'm sure. I too wrap my arms around Robby's arms and chest and squeeze with all my might, a reverse bearhug, as I press my cheek against Robby's sweaty neck. Is it a squeeze of punishment or gratitude? Not clear. But feeling for the first time my arms tight around that gorgeous torso -- the solid ribcage and the carefully sculpted muscles under the smooth tanned skin -- wow, it almost stirs my emptied cock into life again straight away. Love him or hate him, Robby Farrell is an impressive guy.

After the eruption, Nicky sits back on his heels. He seems in no hurry to wipe Robby's semen off his face. He is grinning delightedly. I sag back against the wall and Robby sags against me. Robby tolerates my hugging him, at least for a while. In fact, he puts his hands up and squeezes my forearms. It's Robby who breaks the silence.

'Wow! That was awesome! But you know something, Karl?'


'It seems a little unfair. All of us this in this room have just had orgasms. In my case a fucking amazing orgasm. That's all of us except Nicky. What are you going to do about that, Karl?'

I have let Robby go now and he has turned to face me. He's smiling broadly. It's the old cocky self- satisfied Robby back again. Well, I never thought the humble apologetic Robby would last. And -- you know what? -- I'm kinda glad it hasn't. Robby's arrogance is part of what makes him so sexy.

'What am I going to do about it?'

'Yes, you. Don't you think so, guys? After everything Nicky's been through and done today -- well, it's been an eye-opener, we've seen he's a pretty amazing guy. So he deserves a bit more of a reward. And I think it's up to you to supply it, Karl. Huh?'

I look at Nicky. He seems to like Robby's suggestion. He's gawping at me with a bright grin, all puppy-dog-like. So what now?

[to be continued]

Next: Chapter 18

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