Cool Karl Vs the Jocks

By Nick Cramer

Published on Nov 22, 2007


Any comments on this story? Let me know at I have some ideas about how the story line develops (a later episode will fill in some of the background to this one), but suggestions are welcome.

'So if you're such a hard mean dude, Karl, maybe you'd like to try some wrestling with us! And little Nicholas would like it too. He'd enjoy seeing the guy who's been bullying him get his just punishment. That'd be nice revenge, wouldn't it, Nicky? For you to watch while oh-so-cool Karl here, the tough guy of the mean streets, is ... taken to pieces? To feast your eyes on thugboy Karl being slooowly dismantled, bit by bit?'

Robby's friends snickered and kinda leaned in closer towards Nicky and me, smiling nasty smiles. Brainless Brad casually folded his arms so as to display his tanned biceps. They sure were big, those muscles of his, under his tightly stretched skin ...

I gotta admit, I felt cold, hearing Robby's words. I mean, since I was fourteen years old, there's not been many guys my age in my neighborhood that I can't beat hollow. And even older guys. Any punk who takes me on, usually within five minutes he's hurt real bad and treating me with great respect ('Yes, Karl, sir, I'm real sorry sir, I won't do that again'). When I'm feeling generous, I don't require the guy to kneel at my feet and whimper for mercy. But that's only when I'm feeling generous. However ... aah ... however ... these high school jocks, they were a different proposition. With their expensive gym equipment, at home and at school, they had all the muscles money could buy. And there was four of them, against two of us.

Hey, what was I thinking? 'Two of us'? Suddenly I was thinking of geeky Nicholas as an ally! A useless ally, no doubt, but an ally all the same! As if the little jerk were my friend, not my slave!

Then I heard the little jerk's voice. At first it was the sound of it that caught my attention: all breathless and squeaky and excited. But then it was what he was saying that really grabbed me and shook me -- almost as if the little guy had got his hands round my throat.

'No!' Nicky was saying. 'None of you could defeat Karl! Karl could beat any one of you, any time! Even two of you at once! You rich guys with your gym gear and your weight-lifting -- you aren't really tough, like Karl is! He's grown up strong the hard way, on the streets -- in the parts of town you never go to! In the parts of town you never DARE to go to! So you've made a real mistake, challenging him!'

My! You shoulda seen the look on those guys' faces! Their jaws dropped! And as for me -- I felt a sort of lurch inside. It was as if the little guy had read my mind, and was wanting to encourage me! It was as if he ... I could hardly say it to myself, even in my head, without a weird feeling, sort of scary but warm at the same time ... it was as if Nicky REALLY LIKED me! Here I was, up against our school's four closest approximations to Charles Atlas, and Nicky was not gloating -- he was worried on my behalf!

I glanced quickly at his face. He was pale. His eyes were fixed on me. His narrow chest under his neat striped shirt was heaving as if he was out of breath ... But I knew I had to stay cool, to go on being the hard arrogant Karl -- so I quickly looked away again. If I had gone on looking at Nicky, I knew that something in me was in danger of going soft. And I was more afraid of that -- more afraid of HIM, at that moment -- than of the four muscular jocks.

With all this turmoil in my head, I wasn't thinking clearly. What I heard myself saying was: 'The kid's right! You think I can't handle rich softies like you? Fellas, you're gonna find you've made a big mistake!'

Oh fuck! I knew at once that any chance of a face-saving way out, without having to fight these guys, was gone. It was Nicky that had landed me in the shit. I should have glared at my slave -- let him know that I would punish him later. And I did look at Nicky again. But was it a glare? I don't think so. What sort of a look was it? I really don't know. And what Nicky made of it I don't know either. He just went on staring up at me, anxious, frowning, transfixed. ('Transfixed'? That's a word I would never have used before I started hanging out with my nerdy little cock-licking slave ...)

Then Robby spoke again, all smooth and silky, sort of hissing like a snake: 'Soon, Karl, you're going to soooo regret saying that! Still, I'll be enjoying myself, and so will Nicky, whatever he says ...'

'No! Let us go, you bullies, you big cowards ...' That was Nicky, piping up again, trying to be brave and making things worse.

SMACK! Robby slapped Nicky's cheek hard.

Seeing that, what went through my head was: 'Hey! Nicky may be an insignificant nerd, but he's my property -- my slave. I can't stand by and let him get damaged. Besides ... if Nicky is MY slave, he sure as hell isn't so insignificant, not any more!' So up went my fists, instinctively. That arrogant cunt Robby, he was gonna get his pretty face smashed in. That's if it hadn't been for Brainless Brad and Steve. They got in my way and pushed me back, none too gently either.

'You wait, Karl!' This was Robby again. 'Your little faggot slave Nicky won't just be enjoying the punishment -- he'll be joining in! We'll be giving him the chance to get even with you, after what you've been making him do. And, believe me, he'll take the chance! You'll see!'

There was no choice. I let myself be led out through the school yard into Robby's van. Nicky was herded along too. One or two people looked at us curiously -- after all, I didn't usually hang around with those jocks -- but I figured that trying to make a break for it and not succeeding wouldn't do much for my reputation in the school. Also, there was Nicky to consider. (Hell! Why was I thinking about Nicky again, as if it was my responsibility to look after him somehow?)

As the door slammed and Robby started the engine, I slumped and lounged in the seat, all cool, like accompanying these four musclemen to Robby's private soundproof gym for the weekend was what I'd been planning to do all day. Hell, who was I fooling?

As for Nicky, I found I didn't want to look at him -- I didn't want to see what his face might reveal. "He'll be joining in ... after what you've been making him do!" Was my slave going to team up with my enemies, after all? Well, maybe you couldn't blame him! I felt a shiver inside me. The beating I was likely to suffer would be bad enough. But there was something else ...

Next: Chapter 2

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