Conversion of the Kappa Omegas

By moc.loa@0891yobypperP

Published on Dec 13, 2005


A pair of car doors were slammed shut.

Standing at the edge of the curb, Connor Ward looked across the street at the large fraternity house looming before him. There were a few large trees which had formed into emerald canopies on either side of the structure, and he could make out the Greek letters of the Kappa Omega fraternity over the front door. Everything looked perfect. The white columns and the marble and polished wood.

The seventeen year-old stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets. It'd been sunny that morning, but a blanket of threatening gray had started to creep across the sky. A chill had filled the air, but luckily he'd dressed warmly enough. Since he was visiting the school's campus for the first time and wanted to make a good first impression on the Omegas, Connor had dressed in attire which was mandatory for game days at his high school. His red and white varsity jacket was snapped up close to his neck. But the barely open jacket collar was parted slightly -- just barely enough to reveal the white collar of a polo oxford button down shirt, as well as the knot of a gold and blue striped tie. His khakis were spotless, and the loafers were the color of mahogany.

"You ready to meet the guys?"

Connor looked over at his older brother, Derek Ward, a handsome sophomore at State University and a star on the school's baseball team. You had to be a star of some sort in order to get into Kappa Omega. Derek was just over six feet tall, with striking blue eyes and chestnut hair that hung down over his forehead in a preppy wave. His skin was clear, his face chiseled but still youthful, and his stride radiated unflappable confidence from head to toe. He was the archetype of the cool, affable collegiate. All of the athletics had also given his brother a smashing body -- a strong neck leading down to broad shoulders and an expansive chest brimming with muscle.

"Sure," Connor replied in a quiet, affable voice.

"All right then," Derek said, activating the alarm on the car. "Come on."

Together they started walking towards the fraternity house. But as they headed across the street, Connor noticed a couple of sorority girls -- outfitted in sweaters with the Greek letters on the front -- throwing appreciative glances at his older brother. No surprise there. Derek had always been a magnet for the opposite sex. He was eye catching whether dressed up in a suit or down to a tee shirt and shorts, although today he was somewhere in between. His faded, ripped jeans and beaten up sneakers looked ready for a Goodwill donation, but above the ribbon belt he wore, there was a crisp L.L. Bean, button down collar oxford -- scotch plaid in a blue and green pattern -- worn over a white undershirt that barely peeked out near the nape of his throat. The leather wristbands and braided rubber choker perfectly complimented his carefree attitude and charming self-assurance. Derek flashed a smile back at the girls, waving to them in a friendly manner that had just a tinge of flirtation to it. For a brief moment, Connor could feel himself getting slightly jealous at the female adulation his brother was receiving.

Not that Connor should've felt inferior. Quite the contrary.

He'd become the star quarterback of his high school's football team at fifteen, and Connor had proceeded to break records at an astonishing rate. His good looks were undeniably All-American, his hair was dirty blond and cut into the same preppy style that you'd see on the front of Seventeen Magazine. His young body was trained into the best physical shape that a teenager could hope to achieve. Connor also had a smashing girlfriend who was a gorgeous cheerleader and made him the envy of every guy on the team. But all of that would mean nothing if he couldn't get into his brother's fraternity. That would mean a hell of a lot more than scoring touchdowns or having sex with a beautiful girl.

Kappa Omega was his future. Power. Prestige. You name it.

Fortunately, he'd managed to get Friday off from school. His parents covered for him and promised to write a sick note for the attendance office -- just to assure that Connor could meet his future brothers and become a Kappa Omega. Even his coach knew that he'd be going to the campus that day and approved. That's how important it was.

"How you feelin'?" Derek asked, adjusting his navy blue fraternity cap.


"Well, don't be. Not matter what happens, just play it cool. Everybody knows about you already, so you're almost as good as in."

Connor nodded. "Okay."

As they jogged up the front steps, Connor could hear the sound of the television set blaring a baseball game in the living room. He took a deep, calming breath and smoothed out the front of his varsity jacket. Then he gave a quick adjustment to his tie, just to make sure that the knot was perfectly positioned in the center.

Derek gave him a friendly thump on the shoulder with his fist. "Relax, man" he said in a soothing, assertive tone. "You look great."


And then, Derek opened the front door. They walked inside the house, and Connor was aware of an overpowering smell in the air. His nostrils filled with the scent of sweat and physical exertion that only young athletic guys could have. It was a lot like the odor of a locker room after a big game, which actually made him loosen up and feel more at home. He was going to like this place. He just knew it. Derek slammed the front door closed as he breezed into the foyer, his younger brother shadowing him with his hands stuck in his jacket pockets, when they heard the sound of Brody moaning in the living room. Derek grinned, thinking it was another hangover in progress.

"Hey Brody!" he called out, sauntering past the stairs. "Did the party last night catch up with ya?"

He rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Derek was paralyzed as he stared at the sight of Brody Chastain, the muscle-stacked football player who used to brag about how many girls he'd slept with in a weekend, positioned right behind one of their pledges, Todd Davis, as he fucked him with his throbbing meat. Both of the frat boys were naked and slicked with perspiration, groaning with pleasure. Todd grasped the side arm of the couch, his eyes closed and biting down hard on his lower lip. At the same time, Brody's hands were gripping the toned ass, sometimes journeying away from the hard cheeks to slip up across the expanse of Todd's muscular young back.

"Unngggh!" Todd sputtered. "Aw, man ... unnnngh ... yeah, you stud! ... "

Derek's jaw was practically on the floor. He shot a quick look over at Connor as a wave of embarrassment consumed him. His younger brother's face had turned bleached white and his strong body was totally rigid. The innocent high school student's eyes had also doubled their size, fixated upon the sight of Brody's enormous cock thrusting and pulling back, only to drive forward again. Connor seemed traumatized. His blood boiling, Derek whipped back around to look fiercely at the pair of Omegas.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Derek screamed.

Brody opened his eyes and looked over at Derek, but he didn't choose to stop the act of fucking the hot, naked pledge in front of him. "What does it look like?" Brody shot back with an arrogant grin. "Awwww yeah ... wait a minute, bro. I think I'm gonna shoot my fuckin' load ..."

"You're gonna WHAT?!"

Suddenly, Brody tightened every muscle in his chest and moaned heavily, pulling his massive cock out of the glory hole as it shot massive amounts of frat boy cream across Todd's ass. But he didn't stop there. The beefy, well-endowed tight end kept flogging and stroking his dick with untamed abandon, gnashing his teeth with a heavy moan, drawing as much cum as he possibly could from the eleven inches of cock as the slit kept dripping like molasses on the floor. The shaft bucked like an angry horse and slowly pulsated with continuous ejaculations, until the orgasms finally began to subside. Brody stepped back in absolute exhaustion and formed a complacent grin. His chest was drenched with sweat which gave the strapping pecs a translucent sheen -- almost like a glaze of melted sugar on a tapestry of brawny, caramel muscle.

"Fuck," he said between breaths. "That was awesome, man."

"Awesome?!" Derek snapped. "You just screwed one of our pledges in the living room! Have you gone out of your fucking mind?!"

"You wanna join in?" Todd asked.

Derek turned his attention to the freshman pledge, his fists clenched and looking as though he were ready for war. But what he saw caused Derek to stop breathing, his eyes locked upon the sight of Todd's lean, powerful body. All of the exertion and sweat made the muscles stand out in his chest, revealing every cut and shade of definition which only a young swimming god could possess.

"What did you say?" Derek said, trying his best to muster whatever outrage he could. But he could already feel his willpower draining away.

"Here," Todd laughed. "I'll give you a visual. Maybe that'll help clear things up for you."

He turned and showed his tight backside, along with the rippling impressions of every muscle in his shoulder blades down to his waist. He raised his arms and flexed so that the biceps raised up into twin hills of pure jock power. Todd looked back over his shoulder at Derek and gave him a bright smile, extremely proud of what he was showing off.

Derek just stood there for a moment, feeling a strange, pleasurable tingle on his skin like a brief static charge that passed over his body. The hair on the back of his neck started to stand up and he could feel his cock thickening in his jeans. Without even realizing it, his own hand slipped down and squeezed the ever-growing basket while his breath became heavy and languid within his throat. He wasn't conscious of how it was happening, but he was descending into desire as though it was quicksand.

"You want some of this?" Todd asked again.

Derek quickly looked at his brother, as though he were caught in some kind of quandary. But then, he came to a decision and looked back at Todd again.

"Fuck yeah," Derek said.

Connor gasped in disbelief as he watched Derek step forward, spinning his fraternity cap backwards and sinking down on his knees. Without saying a word, Todd turned around and faced the good-looking second baseman, allowing the twenty-year old jock to start rimming the tip of Todd's nine-inch cock with a ravenous tongue. The pledge grinned and squeezed Derek's shoulders through his prepster shirt, letting out a whisper of a moan and tensing the muscles in his strong thighs.

"That's right," Todd said. "Awwwww, yeah ... suck my cock, Derek ... you're such a hot, baseball stud. Fuck, you're amazing ... "

Between silken teenaged lips, Derek's tongue swirled around the swollen head and probed the cum slit as his head gently bobbed like a top. Stopping for a brief moment, he ripped off his fraternity cap and slung it into the corner. Then, he grabbed the shaft in both hands and pulled it up, licking his tongue along the length of the aching rod as though it were a painter's brush moving across a canvas. Todd closed his eyes tight and let out a quiet groan, putting his hand on the back of baseball player's head to help guide him. After several lingering strokes, Derek abandoned the flagpole and slowly rose to his feet. He kissed and sucked on the swimmer's well-muscled torso as though it were candy. By the time he was standing again, Derek had wrapped Todd into a strong embrace and passionately kissed the stunningly handsome pledge. He caressed every inch of the powerfully muscled body with exploring hands, feeling the slabs of pecs, cut chest, and the erect nipples which grazed lightly against the cotton of the L.L. Bean oxford. When Todd spoke in between kisses, his voice was husky and deeply commanding.

"Get out of your clothes."

Derek smirked with all the cockiness of a brash fraternity boy, giving his partner a gentle shove that sent Todd back on his heels. The pledge just smiled, watching as Derek's fingers started fumbling with the collar buttons of his shirt. One second to free them, another to yank both shirts over his head, and the bundle of clothing was slung to the floor to reveal a staggering breadth of churning muscles. Derek's chest was sprinkled with light brown hair across his pecs, rippling like a flag as he grappled with his ribbon belt, breaking the buckle and pulling open the button fly of his 501's. A flash of adrenaline, and the Tommy Hilfiger boxer briefs were tossed away. Derek stood ready to continue the session, his eyes burning, his eight inches of uncut cock begging for attention.

Todd moved forward and began introducing his lips to the second baseman's pecs, groping the muscles and dusting of chest hair with his tongue. Derek thrust his torso forward and expelled a gratified breath, enjoying the sensation of the young buck biting on his ripped abs before drawing his cock into his dewy pink lips.

"Oh yeah," Derek moaned. "You are so beautiful."

Across the room, Connor took a feeble step backwards and felt a wave of heat start to envelop his entire body. He felt light-headed and weak, trying to maintain his balance while a few beads of perspiration began to appear on his forehead. The sight of his older brother engaged in a whirlpool of passion had awakened something inside of him, and his breathing started to quicken its pace.

What was going on?

Slowly, Connor reached up and curled finger over his tie knot and gently drew it down slightly so that the top button of his shirt was exposed. He almost lost his footing, but somehow managed to regain it.

"What's the matter, kid?" Brody chuckled. "Feeling a little hot under the collar?"

Connor turned as the college superstar walked towards him, stroking the eleven inches of manhood that was secreting a fresh batch of precum.

"You look like a scared little boy," he added. "You're all uncomfortable and want to run home to Mommy. Ain't that right?"

For a moment, Connor just stood there with his mouth hanging wide open and a few tiny beads of sweat running down his cheeks. He was taking deep breaths, trying to force his body to move and launch himself out the front door. But he couldn't remove his gaze from Brody's strapping body, or the massive cock which was literally hypnotizing him. When he did finally speak, it wasn't his voice. There was something deeper and more powerful in the tone, almost as though he'd discovered himself for the first time, and his brow furrowed into an expression of rebelliousness.

"Wrong," he said.

His feet propelled him right into Brody's arms, taking the older boy into a tight embrace and kissing him with an enthusiasm he'd never felt before. Tongues started battling as the teen quarterback felt something happening underneath his clothes, a prickling charge that danced like insects over his entire frame and settled within his seven inch dick. Soon, the young jock could feel the expanding cock as it fought to break out from its confines. He could sense that it was quickly growing and pushing outward against his briefs, until the substantial outline of a huge shaft was unmistakable within his khakis.

And then, the passionate kiss was broken. Both young men were panting for air, trying to regain their strength for another go round.

"I'm too fuckin' overdressed for this!" Connor said.

Connor reached up with both hands, yanking at his tie while hastily unfastening the top button of his oxford shirt. Another split second later, his throat and the metal bead choker he wore were both exposed. But his varsity jacket was still snapped up close to the neck. He firmly grasped either side of the jacket collar and started pulling it apart.

The snaps of the varsity jacket began popping open. But instead of conservative game day attire, they revealed a shirtless chest with ropes of tanned skin meshed into that of a breathtaking teenage musculature!

A matching set of powerful shoulder blades, along with a ripped young torso straight out of Greek mythology, came into view. With a final tug at his varsity jacket, the last snaps covering his rippled abs came undone. Connor frantically whipped the jacket down his bare arms, exposing his cut biceps which surged and contracted with every movement, while Brody leaned over and began feasting on the teen wonder's athletic pecs. A final shrugging motion, and the jacket dropped heavily to the floor. Connor leaned backwards, giving his trunk the semblance of a tanned, mountainous slope constructed out of pure teen conditioning. Brody's lips wandered down the bumps and crevices, planting a gentle kiss on each nipple, cascading like a waterfall over sinews made of healthy muscle. He soon reached the abdominals and started yanking at the belt.

Within seconds, the khakis were pulled down and the tight briefs had been shredded by Brody's powerful hands into ribbons. Connor's shaft was engulfed by a hungry mouth. Impossible as it might have seemed only minutes before, both of the Ward brothers were simultaneously getting the best blow jobs of their lives.

Connor flexed every muscle in his body, the metal bead choker glinting in the warm light as Brody fondled the teenager's dick with his tongue.

As the veritable orgy was only beginning downstairs, Keith Robertson was sitting at his computer and was answering some of his email. His roommate had left for a class, and he was glad to have the bedroom to himself for a while. He'd just received a missive from his girlfriend back home in Washington State, and she wondered what he'd be doing for spring break that year. The handsome, nineteen year-old Biology major tilted back into his desk chair, placing both hands behind his head. Keith had been dating Michelle since his junior year of high school, but he'd considered breaking it off. He literally had to fight off a couple of girls at a party last week, and a few months before had given into a rush of temptation with a sister from the Delta Gamma sorority.

As expected, most girls on campus were attracted to him. He was an Omega, after all.

But he also possessed the same gifts that was so universal at the chapter. He was cocky and never doubted himself. Physically, he also had a distinct edge. Keith was a sturdy six feet tall and possessed the type of smile that could last for days -- and he sported the type of boyish dimples which could drive the opposite sex into a sexual frenzy. His freckled face was crowned with a shock of red hair, shorn into a thick crew cut, and accompanied by a pair of pale blue eyes that glinted in the sun. He didn't possess the same bronzed skin as most of his chapter brothers due to his naturally fair complexion. But Keith had spent most of his young life on the wrestling team, skiing in the winter, and working out in the gym which gave him the limber body of a young athlete.

He'd gone out jogging and had returned earlier, still wearing a pair of tight black spandex running shorts, Nike sneakers, and a gray hooded sweatshirt with the State University name in bold red lettering. A tiny, golden hoop dangled from one of his earlobes, and a pale white shell necklace encircled his throat.

Deciding that breaking up was the best thing to do, Keith was about to give his girlfriend the bad news when someone walked into the room.

He turned his head, and nearly fell out of the chair.

Josh Hunter closed the door, standing in the buff -- and how buff the young stud looked indeed, with fresh droplets of sweat winding down his chest and both hands tightened into fists. His dark mop of hair was disheveled, and the huge cock was fully erect, still engorged from a passionate morning of sex.

"Dude, you gotta help me out," he said.


"Just listen," Josh continued. "Mike and I ... uh, we kinda need to borrow something. Do you have any lube?" Keith just sat in his chair, his mouth agape. For a long moment, he didn't know how to respond or what to do.



Kevin felt a charge in the air. A gentle prickling on his skin.

His cock began swelling in his spandex running shorts, and a wet spot appeared at the tip of the substantial pole that had formed underneath. Any thoughts of his girlfriend back home faded out of his mind, and Kevin became enraptured by the sight of the handsome jock standing in front of him: the strapping muscles, the tousled dark hair, the stunning eyes which seemed to cut right into his soul and reduce his stomach to jelly.

"Sure," he said.

"Can I use some?"

Walking over to his dresser and opening a drawer, Kevin fished out a bottle of lubricant from underneath a pile of boxers. 'No guy should masturbate without it' had always been his motto. But now he saw an opening for a different sort of use. Kevin walked back over towards Josh and shoved the bedroom door closed.

Now his face was only a half foot away from the ripped Lacrosse player as he opened the bottle and emptied some of it into his palm.

"As long as you let me put it on," Kevin smiled.

Before Josh could utter a word, Kevin reached out and seized the magnificent fuck stick with both hands. Josh's eyes widened with surprise, but there was a nice smile to go along with it that prompted the wrestling stud to go further. With a recurring motion, Kevin began smearing lube over the thick cock as though he were pulling himself up a rope: one hand would grasp the shaft and slide up the entire length from base to tip, toying with the sensitive area around the slit, before his other hand would take hold and repeat.

Josh heaved out a sigh of intense bliss and shut his eyes. The smile widened until he was biting down on his lower lip, toes curling into the carpet with each stroke, his stomach muscles tightening into a robust set of grooves. Kevin massaged his fingers under the frat boy's hairy balls, then used his thumb to roll over the cock's tip.

"You like that, buddy?"

"Awwwww fuck," Josh whispered back. "Awwww yeah ... That's awesome, Kevin ... you wrestling stud ... keep going, dude ..."

"Your wish is my fuckin' command."

The cycle was left unbroken as Kevin kept pouring more lubricant into his hand, coating every inch of the scarlet cock until it shimmered with oil. Josh was groaning as he took a few halting breaths, hands clenched into fists and muscles standing out, until he opened his eyes and leaned forward. Their lips joined together and Josh thrust his tongue into Kevin's mouth, kissing him deeply, feeling the wrestler's strong hands leaving his tender manhood and slide around his neck. They began grinding their bodies together as Kevin's seven inch cock and the tickling spandex rubbed against Josh's shaft, driving both of the boys into a state of uncontrollable desire.

The hooded sweatshirt was doffed, Nike sneakers kicked from anxious feet, and socks were peeled off at record speed.

A few seconds later, Kevin dropped back on his bed, shirtless and only wearing spandex running shorts. The head of his dick was poking out from under the seam and leaked a growing pool of precum on to his stomach. Josh fell right on top of him as the young athletes began kissing again, their tongues waltzing in an endless dance, before the dark-haired boy began chewing on the wrestler's neck. His flicked the tip of his tongue on the hoop earring, then tugged at the shell necklace with his teeth.

Kevin massaged Josh's scalp, then allowed his hands to drift along the brilliant line of his back as muscles heaved under his fingers.

"This feels so good," Kevin said. "I fuckin' love that ass, dude."

"We're just getting started," Josh replied as he kept moving downward. He delivered a lingering kiss to one of the pink nipples on Kevin's able-bodied torso, teasing it a few times with his tongue until it was rock hard.

Then he nibbled on it and Kevin let out a heavy moan.

"Unnnngh," Kevin hissed. "Oh fuck, yeaaaah ..."

Rising up and taking the bottle of lube into his hand, Josh decided that it was time for things to go further. He started pouring its contents upon the hunks of muscle which formed the wrestler's pale chest, blessed with a field of adorable freckles and a vigorous symphony of athletic cuts. He began generously spreading the oil over the youthful pecs, defined arms, and down to the awaiting six pack -- allowing his fingers to explore every bulge and sweeping bicep in the process.

But there was still a part of his body that was being neglected, and Josh poured another few drops of lube into his palm as he focused on the running shorts. He lightly touched the tip of the cock head which had further emerged from under the seam, smearing the translucent oil across the tiny cleft beneath the slit. Kevin arched his back slightly, clenching his teeth and digging his fingers into the blankets. He was groaning repeatedly and took a series of halting breaths. Spurred onward, Josh gently squeezed the outline of Kevin's crimson rod and massaged the shaft through the spandex.

"Rip 'em off," Kevin moaned.

Releasing his tender grip, Josh took the front of the running shorts into both of his hands, the muscles bracing in his arms. Then he ripped the spandex along the seams into two pieces and tore them away from Kevin's legs.

Kevin almost blew his load, going wild at the sensation of having the shorts shredded right off his body, but fought to regain control as the spandex was tossed into a nearby wastebasket. Raising both of Kevin's legs, Josh took his own soft, lubricated dick and began sliding its length into the puckering pink hole.

"Uhhhh!" Kevin groaned. "Awwww shit, that feels awesome ... fuck me, bro ... "

Having been given a green light to proceed, Josh continued thrusting his manhood back and forth into the sophomore's willing ass. At one point, the tip of Josh's huge cock grazed something at the end of the passage, and the delighted moan that escaped from Kevin's lips let him know that he'd hit paydirt.

Meanwhile, Kevin had begun tugging at his own flagpole, jacking furiously as he felt the mushroom head of Josh's cock thrusting into his prostrate. With his other hand, Kevin was running his finger across his own chest and flexing mightily for his fraternity partner's viewing pleasure. Josh responded by driving his rod at an even greater pace, contracting the muscles in his ass as he sought to gain momentum for the orgasm which was rapidly approaching.

A rush swept through their bodies at the same time. Kevin shut his eyes tight as a massive eruption of boy juice spewed over his chest and stomach. At that moment, Josh groaned and shot his load into the wrestler's ass.

Sweat dribbled over triceps and abdominals as they fought for breath, giving one another a satisfied smile, when a voice was heard from the doorway.

"So that's where you were."

Josh looked over at the doorway. Mike was standing there with his arms folded, having come into the room with a mischievous grin on his face. He was already pulling upon his own dick as he watched.

"Hey, man!" Josh said with a bright smile. "I found some lube!"

None of the other students on the State University campus were aware of the conversions happening within the fraternity house. Most of them walked from one class to the next, or headed over to the commons building, or joined some of their friends down at the dining center for lunch. Among the blissfully ignorant was Pete Young, the star hockey player on the college team and a junior in the Kappa Omega fraternity. He jogged up the stairs of Amberson Hall, trading a few "hellos" with some of his friends and smiling at the girls who turned an admiring glance his way.

He could hardly have guessed that within ten minutes, he'd be fucking another one of his hot chapter brothers as though his life depended on it.

Next: Chapter 3

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