Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

Published on Nov 21, 2022


Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys Chapter 8

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys – Part 8

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

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With both Randall's older brother, Jimmy, and Jimmy's best friend, Anthony, cock-caged and left under young Randall's control, the thought had come to both boys' fathers that Randall could be delighting in his control over the two older boys.

But to both fathers the arrangement seemed to be working. Neither one of the fathers was getting complaints from their sons about their son's treatment under the hands of Randall.

And Randall offered no complaints of disgruntled behavior coming from the lads under his care; whether it was when he would give them their daily treatment on the Governance Control Unit, or when on every Saturday he removed both boys' pee pee cages for two hours, ordered them to shower and pube shave themselves, and then allowed them to sex themselves in whatever way they desired.

Everything seemed to be going well as was outlined in the boys' treatment schedule. It seemed to both fathers and to Randall that both sons were indeed cutting down on their excessive masturbation habit, and that their school reports and grades were steadily improving.

It did, however, cause young Randall to continue pondering why the two boys under his overseership, especially his older brother, were offering no complaints or resistance to the invasive treatments that they were receiving.



About nine weeks after Jimmy and Anthony had been permanently cock caged, Randall, on his way to the market, passed the Tedesco home as Mr. Tedesco came out his front door and started heading towards his car.

Mr. Tedesco and Randall greeted each other with a wave and a "hello." Mr. Tedesco shouted that he was leaving for the day, that Jimmy had dropped by earlier to visit Anthony, that the two boys were upstairs in Anthony's bedroom playing video games, and suggested that Randall pop in and say hello to the boys.

As Mr. Tedesco was about to enter his car he called out to Randall, "The front door is unlocked so just go on in and visit with the boys."

Randall nodded to Mr. Tedesco that he would indeed pay a visit to the boys, as Mr. Tedesco got into his car.

Once Mr. Tedesco had driven off Randall let himself into the house, heard the boys laughing from upstairs, closed the door behind him, and headed up the stairs.

When he reached the door to Anthony's bedroom he did not knock, but instead he stopped and listened to the boys' happy laughter.

But what Randall could hear and make out of the conversation quite overwhelmed him: "Man can you believe how stupid our dads were, and especially how they hung on to every word that came out of the mouth of your arrogant brother, Randall?"

Jimmy laughed as the two homos grinded their cock cages into each other, "Yeah, Randall loves controlling people, but little did `little' Randy and our dads know how all along we were fucking them over."

Anthony laughed, "Yeah, and I bet you that all along Randy was getting his rocks off over the whole situation just as much as we were."

The boys continued to laugh and joke about their days on the gurney; for they had been fooling their dads and Randall even as they were orgasming it up every day outside of camera view. The boys were feeling good and laughed as they hugged and snuggled each other as they played and sucked each other's tits and arm pits.

Jimmy, before taking another sniff and lick of Anthony's pits, added, "The best parts were how we fooled them into thinking the coolant bags were working and how we wanted to be `cool' and `pure' like straight boys."

Anthony confirmed, "Yeah, what a load of bullshit that was, like we wanna be straight boys! Straight dudes are just so fucking stupid."

"Man, I could hardly keep my dick from spurting as we got our enemas, spankings, and strapped down to the gurney so they could get our balls attached to the coolant bags!"

After a bit more laughing and fondling Jimmy cooed, "Okay Blossom, I'm going to get into the doggie boy position so you can rim my ass to orgasm."

Jimmy got into the dog fuck position as his best friend, Anthony, took his tongue to Jimmy's boy hole and began licking.

The confused and bewildered Randall, listening outside the door, did not know what to make of the situation. He listened intently, even up until both Jimmy began doing the low sex moans of ecstasy that signaled he was nearing the state of orgasm.

But Randall's emotions flared when he heard his older brother squeal in ecstasy as his best friend's tongue dug ever deeper, "Man, what I would give to have my stupid younger brother ass fuck me!"

As the moans grew louder Randall quietly opened the door and entered Anthony's bedroom. He stared opened-mouth for a moment as he watched Anthony tongue fuck his older brother.

Randall, at first at a loss as what to do or say, quickly connected the dots and broke the moans of ecstasy with, "Well, well, it looks like I've got me two live wires on my hands; two spirited fillies very much in need of total control!"

Both boys, startled, jumped out of their sex positions and quickly covered their genitals with their hands. "What are you boys trying to hide? I've seen everything you boys have got down there plenty of times."

Jimmy began, "Bro, I don't know what got into us. We have never done this kind of stuff before."

Randall gave a smile of victory, "What a lousy liar you are Jimmy."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your merrymaking, but not only have I been listening to your conversation for the past fifteen minutes about how stupid your fathers are and what an asshole I am, but I have heard it all once before in even more vivid detail."

Anthony pleaded, "Please Randall, don't tell our dads what you overheard. We do not want to hurt their feelings. We love our dads!"

Randall nodded, "You may love your dads, but what both of you love just as much, if not more than our fathers, is the treatment you have been receiving from the Governance Control Unit. I now know what both of you boys are about!"

Jimmy began sobbing, "Please bro don't tell our dads about what has been going on with us, how we both love what we have been subjected to. It would break their hearts to know how we deceived them."

Anthony broke down as well, "Please don't tell our dads that we love being humiliated. That was all we were ever after, and our dads and you gave it to us in abundance."

Randall, after the excitement of having caught his brother and his older brother's best friend in a compromising position, collected himself, "Don't you guys worry. I won't be saying anything to your dads. I would never do such a thing. I do not want to hurt their feelings any more than you do."

"I will never say a thing to our dads about what two filthy pigs you are as long as you follow my treatment guidelines and orders from now on."

Both homos sort of nodded even as they were unsure as to what they were agreeing to. Randall clarified, "A nod is not good enough for me: do you both now promise to obey me and my every command?"

The two boys, now fully ashamed, gave a response in the affirmative. Jimmy gave an outright, "Yes sir, we will do whatever you say", as Anthony did the usual homo sub's plea, "Please sir, don't punish me with another spanking!"

The young Randall now knew that he had two homo super-subs in the palm of his hands, that he was in control, and that he could now totally control and reform the two boys who were now sobbing in front of him.

As the two wayward lads' dicks deflated Randall asked, "Can you please tell me one thing; why did you both start to get better grades in school once we put you on the Governance Control system, since the lower testosterone levels did not prevent you two from having daily sex with each other?"

Anthony replied, "We both loved the way we were being treated as if we were loser masturbator boys, so we thought that if our grades started to improve you and our dads would keep on treating us to daily enemas, spankings, and ball-sack coolings. So, the solution was easy; we both simply started doing our daily homework assignments, which we had been neglecting, and started to regularly hand them in. So naturally, our grades improved. We knew that you and our dads would then think it was due to the Governance Control machine and therefore would continue our treatments on the machine which we so loved."

Randall smiled as looked over the two naked, sniveling homos. "Things are going to be a little bit different for the both of you from now on."

There was no official or grand bargain struck between Jimmy, Anthony, and Randall. Randall's victorious smile said it all and sealed the deal; he had the two homos over a barrel and they knew it.

Randall walked up to his older brother and ran a finger gently across his cheek, then went on to Anthony and did the same; "You two are my boys from now on!"



Several days later as Randall poured a glass of wine for his father, Mr. Tedesco, and himself, he explained, "Since I already have a room on campus, I am simply suggesting that both Jimmy and Anthony move in with me and you both could save a fortune in having to pay rent for the boys as they begin their college careers."

"When I suggested to them that they move in with me they both thought it was a good idea, even as I would be keeping them on the Governance Control Unit treatment regimen. Remember, it's all about getting control of their masturbation addictions - and if they lived in with me, you can trust me to keep an eagle eye on their behavior."

The wine glasses clinked together in a toast, as Randall's suggestion that the boys move in and live with him was accepted and celebrated.




When Jimmy and Anthony came from their bedrooms and entered Randall's room for their morning inspections, he saw immediately that both boys had huge boners fighting to get out of their cock cages

Randall could only smile, "Well, look at you two with your little peckers struggling for release!"

"I have only asked one thing of you two homo boys while you room with me - that you remain pure and pretty. It seems you can't do that. Look at yourselves, naked in your cock cages; cock cages that can hardly conceal you're throbbing boners, and your hair seriously disheveled. I know you two don't want to look like piggy boys!"

"You have classes in an hour and you both look a mess!"

Anthony did a whisper request, "Please sir, please forgive us. We both had a sleepless night because our boners kept us awake. Please sir, can we have some release?"

Randall nodded, "Certainly not today before your classes, but maybe next weekend we can uncage your units. But for now, I want both of you boys to hop into a cold shower!"

"Remember boys, all that I want for you is that you stay pure and prettied."

Randall clapped his hands in an authoritative manner and both Jimmy and Anthony ran to the bathroom to get cold showered, naked except for their humiliatingly large cock cages.

Once the boys had showered and presented themselves to Randall, he directed them on what to wear and how to groom themselves; "From now on I want you two boys to be styling your hair in the same way as government and public worker slaves throughout the state have to. It's a neat haircut. You boys will look so adorable in it."

Anthony protested, "But People will think that we're slaves."

"Nonsense, it's a very popular hairstyle with young teen boys."

Anthony continued, "Yeah that's okay if you're some young teen trying to be retro, but if you are our age everyone will think that we are in fact slaves."

Randall smiled, "That's okay if people do think that; while you are out in public a little daily embarrassment and humiliation will do both of you boys good!"

After both boys expressed their frustration Randall tried to calm them down, "You know that these rules are only for your good, and are only presented because your dads and I want you two to become special men; manly men!"

Both boys, accepting their situation, bowed their heads and each replied in unison, as they had been trained, "Yes sir, we accept whatever you command, for we know that we need discipline and humiliation to ground us and keep us on a life-fulfilling course."



One morning after the boys came down wrapped in their towels after their cold showers, Randall ordered, "I want you both now to present yourselves piggy-boy naked on the bed in the doggy position because I need to do some serious porking!"

The two college freshman did as they were ordered by Jimmy's younger brother, Randall - who was already a sophomore in college because of his superior performance grades.

Randall surveyed the two young asses raised high in anticipation on the bed and wiggling their behinds as he had ordered.

"Nice show boys. But I want you now to start wiggling those asses a little faster. Try to imagine a Latin beat!"

Jimmy pleaded as usual (for pleading is what sub boys love to do most of all), "Please bro, don't put your little-boy teen-ager dick up my man hole! Please!"

His plea only did nothing but engorge even more little Randall's dick.

As Randall stripped bare, he made matters clear, "There is nothing sweeter than slipping my dong up into my older brother's and his best friend's fuck holes."

As Randall slowly porked his dong up into his older brother's hole he questioned. "Can you feel it, bro? Can you feel your little brother's dick plowing through your asshole?"

As Randall started to pump fuck he asked, "Are you going to have my baby? Let's make a baby together bro! Does it feel good having your little younger brother's dong deep-cocking you?"



Jimmy and Anthony loved sniveling in front of little Randall. Having to grovel before a kid younger than oneself was profoundly humiliating – as well as offering a most delicious feeling to boys who happen to be homo subs.

And both boys had more reason to grovel when on the following morning the self-assured Randall handed out a print-out of behavior guidelines for the two boys.

It was an hour-by-hour list of what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and how to document that they had done it.

As the boys read the printout their dicks tingled in their cages, even as little Randall's dick tingled as he watched the two boys under his control read his list of regulations.

Once the boys had read the printout, and all three dicks were engorged, Randall ordered, "For now I want you two girls to get your asses into the kitchen and wash those dishes. And make sure you've completed dish washing in about 30 minutes, because around that time I'm gonna be needing to take you two boys on a spin for some serious fucking of your man holes. If those dishes aren't done in 30 minutes it's going to be a serious ass belting for both of you before your fucking."

While the boys were washing the dishes, Randall got a phone call from his dad asking him how the boys were doing. "They're doing great dad. The boys seem to have adjusted very well to my control regimen. The cock cages not only help keep them away from the filth of their masturbation addiction, of course, but the cages seemed to have helped boost their self-confidence."

"That sounds great. Have you had to discipline them recently?"

"Well, they both end up needing a spanking or ass belting at least once a week, but for the most part they are towing the line and are behaving much better than before they moved in with me."

"That's wonderful son, you're doing a terrific job."

"What are the boys doing now, son?"

"Right now, they are doing the dishes, and later today I will be, as usual, giving them their enemas and then hooking them up to the Governance Control Unit for a couple of hours."

"Wonderful. I am so proud of you, Randall. Keep up the good work son!"



Once the boys had finished washing the dishes, they presented themselves to Randall, who then ordered, "Great. Now it's time for the both of you to strip rod-ass naked so I can give you your enemas, and then once you have been properly pig-fucked I'll be hooking you up to the Governance Control Unit for your daily treatment!"

Once the boys had stripped baby naked Randall removed their cock cages, and their hungry cocks popped up into full display mode. Their bouncing boners, finally free after a week of lock down, started to pre-cum.

Randall tsk-tsked them as pre-cum droplets formed on the tips of their rods, "Look at you two, self-lubing like some little whore bitches!"

He then led the boys into the bathroom, put them over his knee for their enemas, and once they did their business he hosed their asses, sprayed them with cologne, and led them to his bedroom.

As Randall stripped down, he did some muscle-boy poses much to Jimmy and Anthony's delight. He then ordered the boys to get on either side of him and lick his armpits, an order which the boys eagerly accepted.

"Yeah, that's the way boys. Clean out my pits!"

As the boys slurped Randall's pits his own cock started juicing.

Once Randall was fully primed, he ordered the boys to get on the bed on all fours, doggy style, with their asses sticking up high.

Randall decided to start with his brother Jimmy, and as he got into position behind him while stroking his rod into steel-hardness, he asked, "Do you like getting fucked doggy style by your little brother?"

He eased his dick up into his older brother's twat hole and asked, "It's time, bro, for us to try again to make a baby, and get you pregnant. I'm fucking my man sperm up into your homo cunt. Can you feel the cream oozing out of my rod? You ready for me to unload up your girly hole?"

Once Randall had shot his first load of the day, he went to work sucking on his older brother's cock in order to re-prime himself.

When Jimmy finally did shoot his load in his younger brother's mouth he howled in ecstasy.

After sucking his brother's cock dry Randall once again primed himself into rock hardness, and immediately set to work on porking Anthony.

For little Randall it was hard work keeping his older brother and his brother's best friend under control. But he knew someone had to do the dirty work, and he happily accepted his obligation as the dutiful young man that he was.



In the end everyone in the Parker and Tedesco households benefitted. There was never a need for any grand contract to be written up regarding their living arrangements, because all five males involved loved each other, and all five participants got exactly everything they could have ever desired in even their highest dreams.

The two loving fathers, Mr. Tedesco and Mr. Parker, could now live in peace knowing that their sons were under the professional control of Mr. Parker's precocious son, Randall. Both fathers were now confident in knowing that Randall was on his way towards getting their sons' masturbation problems under control.

For little Randall, who was always ahead of everyone else in evaluating the situation, life was heavenly. He was now an overseer in total control of two boys whom he could treat as slaves, even years before he had finished his degree in servitor husbandry.

But in the end, it was Jimmy and Anthony who won the game. And they had fun every step of the way.

Jimmy and Anthony, two homo sub boys who delighted profoundly in being humiliated, had successfully fooled their fathers and Randall into believing that they needed to be treated for a supposed masturbation addiction. But in their wildest dreams they could never have imagined that the eventual treatment they received for `masturbation addiction' could ever be so super delightful.

And their delight came in not only their subjugation, but in watching Jimmy's younger brother pushing the belief to their fathers that he had special overseer skills in controlling them, and in watching how their fathers fell for Randall's bullshit, as they both sensed all along that Randall was getting his rocks off from the whole ordeal just as much as they were.

And for a time, the boys fooled everyone into believing that they were straight boys with stories of their girlfriends, Melinda and Cindy.

Jimmy and Anthony loved every moment of the treatment they had received (the spankings, enemas, butt plugging, coolant bags, diapers, cock cages, gurney tabling, infibulation), even as they continued to have wild sex with each other every evening and psychologically controlled their overseers.

For both boys their masturbation addiction treatment had provided the happiest days of their lives; days which they hoped would never end.



On a cool autumn evening, Randall, alone in his room, slowly jerked his dick - even as Jimmy and Anthony, in their room, we're busy kissing, licking, and rimming, each other to orgasm.

Randall was grateful for the authority handed to him as an overseer at his young age; Jimmy and Anthony were grateful to be controlled; and Mr. Parker and Mr. Tedesco we're grateful for the peace they had been granted in knowing that their families were on a safe, blessed, and wonderful course.

End of Part 8

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

The End

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