Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

Published on Nov 13, 2022


Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys Chapter 7

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys – Part 7

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

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Because Randall was majoring in Social Services studies at Utah State University with a major centering on Servitor Husbandry, it was decided that he should be the one to introduce his older brother, Jimmy, and Jimmy's best friend, Anthony, to the Abstinence22 chastity device, as well as do the initial fitting and emplacing of the device about their genitals, and explain the overall treatment procedure.

When all three sons and two fathers had gathered in the Parker's living room, Mr. Parker began with a direct address to Jimmy and Anthony, "Boys, we have gathered you here to introduce you to an exciting new treatment enhancement we will be adding to the testosterone control treatment you are currently receiving along with the Governance Control Unit."

"As you know, we are all so proud of the progress you have made since your treatment on the Governance Control Unit began. And we know that you are as proud as we are of the progress you have so far made under the treatment program."

"What is going to happen here tonight is that we will be implementing a brand new procedure that will enhance not only the success you have enjoyed and valued while undergoing the testosterone modification treatment procedure, but will also add to, enhance, your overall sense of well-being – of being on the correct path to manhood."

"Here to explain and emplace the new procedure is our own little Servitor Husbandry expert and masturbation control specialist, Jimmy's favorite younger brother, Randall!"

Mr. Tedesco gave out a few hand claps and a "Yahoo!" as Randall stood up and walked to a table containing six boxes of assorted sizes, none of them very large.

"Wow dad, that intro made me feel like I'm somebody important." Mr. Tedesco and Mr. Parker smiled at Randall's usual rather juvenile attempt at congeniality and formality.

Randall looked at the two boys seated on the couch next to Jimmy's father, "Okay boys, what we have decided to do is to add a little extra spice to the `recipe' of your treatment procedures. It is simple, and totally non-invasive."

Randall then ripped open one of the boxes and pulled out something that resembled a molded in mesh plastic jock strap; "This boys is the Abstinence22 permanent chastity device. I will shortly be fitting it on you two. It's called `permanent' because it really never has to be removed except should your genitals ever need special treatment because of some condition such as a rash or some other such thing. It is permanent because it really never has to be removed; a simple shower or bath allows for your genitals to be fully rinsed and cleansed."

"However, we are not trying to deprive you boys of having sexual fun, nor would it be healthy to do so."

"So what is going to happen is that in a short while I will be securing both of you boys with your new Abstinence22 device, and your lives will continue as normal."

"But what will be new in your treatment regimen is that once a week - and your dads and I have decided on Saturday afternoon - we will gather at either our or Mr. Tedesco's house and I will remove your chastity cages for two hours so you two boys can shower or bathe and give your genital/diaper area a good scrubbing and shaving, and after bathing you will have the remaining time to be cage-free either alone or with each other."

"At that time you are free to use your computer, use each other, or do whatever it is you two need to do in order to release any pent up energy."

"Your dads and I know that occasional sexual release is vitally important to overall good health and well being. So from now on every Saturday afternoon, for two hours, it will be your super fun time!"

Once again Mr. Parker couldn't help but notice that such information resulted in no negative reactions from either Jimmy or Anthony, but only in quiet placid stares. He was only left wonderding at the reasons for Anthony's and his son's resigned acceptance of such a treatment.



After the briefing, both boys accompanied Randall up to Jimmy's bedroom. In the most unctuous tone often adapted when talking to slaves by young males going through classes in Social Services Studies, Randall spoke, "Thank you boys. I am so proud of you. You are both doing so well under treatment."

"Now what I need both of you boys to do is to strip down totally bare so I can make sure that each of your cages properly fit your general overall body measurements, mass, and weight."

As both boys stripped, Randall continued to lavish praise on the two older boys undergoing treatment, knowing that they were cringing at being complimented by someone they considered to be an annyoying youngster.

"I see from your daily weighings both of you boys are doing exceptionally well in keeping your weight down to appropriate levels. I am so proud of the both of you!"

"And your most recent blood test results reveal that the scrotal cooling treatment is indeed lowering your testosterone levels, so we are all doing good on that point as well. Congratulations to both of you!"

Once both boys were bare Randall continued, "Now what I need both of you boys to do is to jack your dicks a bit so I can get a sense of their overall heft. I don't need them at full tilt, I just need a little heft, what we in the servitor business refer to as `turgidity'. A little heft helps us overseers determine what kind of settings we need to set on the coolant bags' control settings."

As both boys calmly began jacking, Randall complimented then, "Wonderful job you're doing, keep jackin! I'm so proud of the both of you."

When both boys had reached a good semi-erect status Randall instructed them to next lie down on Jimmy's bed.

As Randall fitted the boys with their permanent cock cages he continued to coo at the boys, "We're only doing this whole thing to you boys to help you overcome that whole masturbation problem thing. These cages are permanent. You boys won't be able to any longer diddle yourselves off in the evenings when you're off your daily two-hour gurney scrotal coolant treatment."

"And you both need to know that if you are ever caught on camera trying to get your rocks off via doing an asshole prostate massage, we will then have no other option than to switch your cage from the Abstinence22 model to the Abstinence27 model. The Abstinence27 has a flap on it that covers your shit hole so you can't diddle your prostate. And that would mean everytime you need to take a shit you would have to call your dad or a designated care giver to unlock your asshole flap."

"So, are you boys understanding what I just said?"

Both of the older boys, with expressionless faces, responded to Randall with affirmative nods; and Randall was again confused. This was supposed to be the supreme moment of humiliation for both boys, yet both boys gave no hint of disatisfaction with their treatment.

Once the boys were all freshly chastity caged, Randall congratulated them, as he loved to do – treating them like youngsters - "You two guys look great in your new cages. You took your caging so very well. I am proud of both of you!"

As Randall exited the room he told the boys they could get dressed, and to meet him and their dads downstairs, "We're taking you out for pizza and ice cream to celebrate this new addition to your addiction treatment!"

Randall left Jimmy's bedroom and closed the door behind him. He took a few steps towards the stairs leading to the living room, but stopped when he heard whoops of laughter coming from the bedroom.

He stopped and walked back to the bedroom door, put his ear to the door, and heard Anthony, "Your little brother is a total dweeb."

"I know, it's hard to believe. And our fathers are falling for all of his bullshit."

Randall was shocked and hurt, and now more than ever he was confused.

He backed away from the door not knowing what to think. He thought it best to remain silent about what he had just heard, because he did not want to upset, in any way, Mr. Tedesco and his father.



It was a surprise to Randall that when he returned downstairs to the living room he overheard his father talking to Mr. Tedesco about what he had just experienced, "They say that some boys, especially those with proclivities of the `gentler' kind, really wish to be, or want to be, slaves."

"Yet I know for a fact that both Jimmy and Anthony have no such inclinations. You will remember that both boys were dead afraid of being taken to Social Services for their infibulations. And Randall has made it clear to me that he did not want to be around slaves; he said it gave him the `creeps'."

"I know what you are saying, for it has been the same with Anthony. When I first discussed the Governance Control thing as an aid in overcoming his masturbation addiction, Anthony's first and only fear was that he would be indentured and become a slave."

"Once I assured him that having him indentured was the furthest thing from my mind, he too, just like Randall, seemed to have no problem with the treatment being planned."

Randall, listening to their conversation, decided it was best not to reveal what he had just heard coming from the mouths of their sons as he left Jimmy's bedroom.

Randall, who had always been both too sure of himself and too arrogant for his young age, nevertheless had enough compassion and love for his father and Mr. Tedesco to risk hurting their feelings by revealing what he had just overheard coming from the mouths of their eldest sons.

End of Part 7

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 8

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