Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

Published on Nov 7, 2022


Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys Chapter 6

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys – Part 6

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

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Both Anthony Tedesco and Jimmy Parker were understandably nervous as they were led into the servitor processing area of Salt Lake County's Social Services Center.

Accompanied by their fathers and Jimmy's younger brother, Randall, the two lads, who were currently undergoing treatment for their masturbation problems, felt something of the way those who are committed to a sentence of servitude must feel when entering a major servitor processing center: a feeling of being nothing more than a slave.

Yet there was no reason for them to feel intimidated since the admissions personnel all treated them like respectable citizens.

Once they had cleared admissions as candidates for an infibulation treatment, all five gentleman of the Parker entourage were led to the servitor processing bay. The entire area had an antiseptic smell, and as the group was led down its halls towards the medical procedures unit the smell of institution and medical treatment grew more intense.

Accompanied by a Social Services Care Unit young female, the group was ushered into a room marked as `Modification'.

Once they entered the room they were amazed at what they saw. A line of about twenty men, totally bare assed naked, most of whom were accompanied by a possible family member, a parole officer, a parent, or spouse – all of whom were in line to get infibulated.

The Social Services Care Unit gal instructed Jimmy and Anthony to remove all of their clothing, including their socks, and to get in line. She also let their fathers and younger brother know that they could stand along beside them as they waited in line to get infibulated.

Miss Care Unit gal also informed the group that the infibulation treatment was a "quick and easy fix for a very common problem."

Standing in line waiting to be infibulated along with a bunch of other naked guys was arousing not only for those about to be infibulated, but also for those who accompanied them.

The scene in the room was that of servitors being controlled – you may not be a slave, but you are going to be treated as one.

Several of the naked men waiting in line to be infibulated had erections, and both little Jimmy and Anthony were fighting to control their rods from engorging.

The feeling of helplessness overwhelmed both lads and Jimmy began to cry. His father put his arm around him and asked, "Jimmy, I thought you were okay with this procedure?"

Jimmy sniffled his response, "I am daddy; I really am okay with this. I am just beginning to feel new sensations, like I'm becoming a new person."

When Anthony saw Jimmy being hugged by his father his `waiting in line to be infibulated' dick began to rise.



On the last scheduled treatment date for both Jimmy and Anthony on the dual gurney in the home of Mr. Parker, Randall arrived home from his studies in Servitor Husbandry along with two young girls.

He introduced them to Jimmy, Anthony, Mr. Parker, and Mr. Tedesco, as `two interns who have been assigned to me'.

"I'm bringing them here to get a first hand view of how the Governance Control Unit actually works in home applications. This is just a part of their college accreditation so it's no big deal. They have already seen it all."

And the two young gals did indeed get to see it all once again: they watched as the boys were ordered to strip bare and get on the scale for their weighing.

They watched as the boys were getting their pubic hairs shaved.

They watched as Randy filled their enema bags and as the boys went over their father's laps for their enemas.

They watched as the naked boys took their dumps, and afterwards as they were hosed down, washed, cleansed, rinsed, and dried off.

They watched as both boys got naked spankings in order to examine their dicks afterwards for signs of erections in some sort of primitive check on their testosterone levels.

They watched as the two naked lads were ordered to hop up on opposite ends of the gurney and to scooch their butts up against each other.

They watched as the boys were ordered to place their feet into stirrups with their legs spread wide.

They watched as both boys were strapped down to the gurney with body straps, and their hands strapped to the sides of the gurney so they couldn't fiddle with their coolant bags.

They watched as each boy was lubed and butt plugged.

They watched as a thick diaper was placed under each boy's butt, and as each boy's freshly infibulated dicks were then baby lotioned and powdered.

They watched as the coolant bags were attached to their pulsing scrotums.

They watched as the boys' diapers were closed and pinned.

They watched as the boys were fitted with ball gags to prevent them from talking about sexual matters during their two hours under treatment.

And they watched Mr. Parker as he set the Governance Control Unit's temperature control for the scrotal coolant bags and set the time duration of the treatment.

They watched as Anthony and Jimmy seemed to accept what was being done to them.

The two girls had watched the entire thing in silence.

And both fathers watched with some wonderment as both of their sons passively underwent the entire treatment as they were being observed by two young girls, without showing any signs of resentment or humiliation.



Three days after Anthony had returned home to live at home with his father, and both boys were now being treated at their own homes with the Governance Control Unit on their new single-person gurney, Anthony asked his father after one of his home treatments, "Dad, why do I still have to get ball-gagged while on the gurney for my treatment when Jimmy is not with me on the gurney, and therefore we can't talk sex while on the gurney?"

"Son, when we were at the Utah County Social Services while you boys were getting infibulated, a servitor counselor informed Mr. Parker and me of the benefits of keeping you boys ball-gagged during treatment. He explained that any humiliation factor that could be added during your time getting your balls cooled down on the gurney would add to lessened testosterone production – and therefore could only speed your treatment along."



In a private meeting Mr. Parker, Mr. Tedesco, and

Mr. Parker's youngest and most handsome son, Randall, gathered together in a bistro to discuss the future of the two boys with masturbation problems. Glasses of wine were ordered.

Randall quickly took over the proceedings, "Guys, what we have witnessed with the improvements in the boys attitudes and behaviors is a miracle. You have seen it for yourself. Both of your oldest sons seem to be happy with the changes they have seen within themselves, and their much improved grades. They both have expressed it; you heard it!"

Mr. Parker raised a hand to his precocious youngest son, "Son, what we have witnessed is not as it seems; something is going on here that concerns me. Both boys have said things such as that they want to be straight boys and start dressing neatly like straight boys. That really is not normal behavior. There seems to be something else going on here."

"Dad, you are right, because something indeed is really going on here, it is a good thing, and that is the reason we need to move on to next and final phase of their treatment."

Both Mr. Parker and Mr. Tedesco were some what stunned by the young Randall's immediate assertion, yet listened as he continued, "I have already told you both that there were two things we needed to do in order to gain full control of these boys."

"My first suggestion was to have them infibulated. We did it and you have already seen the great results of that procedure. They just wanna be, are longing to be, super hot and straight just like me."

"To them I am a prime example of what all men ought to be."

Mr. Parker, in his fatherly way, waved his hand to starve off his youngest son's usual arrogance, but Randall was quick to quell his father's caution, "Just listen to what I have to say. You both know that I have been right all along. So please, just listen to me!"

"I suggested the infibulation as the first route for us to follow, and you have seen that it has worked miracles. You have seen all the changes in their behavior since we got them on the Governance Control Unit. They are now receiving top grades, are dressing neatly, they keep their hair styled in cool straight boy styles, and they even want to be kept diapered when they are off the gurney in order to help remind them that they are being properly controlled and guided."

Mr. Parker and Mr. Tedesco gave an `okay, tell us what you have to say' kind of nod, and let Randall continue.

"What I now propose is not a big deal, and it is a most common thing these days not only with the servitor population, for it is now being employed more and more in the nation's prison systems. It's called `chastity caging'."

"However I am not proposing that we chastity cage them with one of those things that gay guys buy in sex shops. No, what I am calling for is that we keep the boys permanently chastity caged with one of the top line, state of the art, chastity devices used by Social Services."

When both fathers looked at each other and sort of rolled their eyes, Randall stopped them, "Hold on. It's nothing as extreme as you are probably thinking. I have already contacted Social Services and the `cage' they recommend for the kind of treatment Anthony and Jimmy are going through is the `Abstinence22' model."

"What is great about the Abstinence22 chastity cage is that it actually almost never has to be removed except in exceptional cases where some kind of rash or something like that develops. It is designed to keep the genitals completely and fully irrigated just by being in the shower or bath while wearing it."

"Yes son, but..."

"No dad, I am not at all suggesting that the cage never be removed. Not at all. I agree with you that permanent chastity caging is inhumane. What the health professionals suggest, and what I agree with, is that the chastity cage be removed for two hours each week so the boys can fully shower and wash thier genitals with it off, and after the shower allow them time with themselves to relieve themselves if they so desire."

"So, the way that I suggest we work this, so it doesn't have to involve you two very busy professionals, is that on every Saturday at some set time the boys and I gather at either Mr. Tedesco's home or ours for two hours at which time I remove their cages and sort of supervise the procedure."

Mr. Tedesco and Mr. Parker, thinking said nothing, so Randall continued, "Look, we've nothing to lose – nor do the boys. The procedures we have so far instituted have clearly put the boys on a much better path. Let's at least give this one final addition to their treatment a try; who knows, if we have already turned them into B+ students, the Abstinence22 chastity device may just kick them into `honor roll' material. Just like me!"

Mr. Tedesco smiled and slapped Mr. Parker, who was also showing a smile, on the back, "Okay, I say we give it a try. We can always stop the treatment in a second if a problem develops."

Mr. Parker agreed, and another round of wine was ordered.

End of Part 6

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 7

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