Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

Published on Oct 16, 2022


Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys Chapter 3

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys – Part 3

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

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Mr. Tedesco and Mr. Parker, accompanied by Randall, re-entered Jimmy's bedroom.

Mr. Parker was the first to speak, "Well, well, you two boys sure had yourselves a good ole' time on the gurney; first fiddling with your scrotal coolant bags in an attempt to remove them, and then afterwards spending most of your two hours on the gurney talking about nothing but your girl friends and sex!"

"You were both warned not to attempt removing your ball bags, yet that is what you both attempted to do. And that behavior is going to result in a dose of discipline, as I had earlier warned you that such behavior would."

"And all that idle and lurid chatter about your girlfriends has serious consequences in terms of the results achieved by the Governance Control Unit."

"You see boys, testosterone builds up, accumulates, in your system. Since testosterone is created mainly in the scrotum, the coolant bags reduce the buildup and thus helps to reduce the frequencies of your urges to self-release your sperm. However, merely talking about sexual matters is a sexual inducement, and thus such behavior or talk is fighting against the Governance Control Unit, for such filthy talk is surely but slowly increasing your testosterone levels."

"It is the over-abundance of testosterone that makes both of you boys such jack-off queens, and for that reason from now on when we prep you for your treatment on the gurney, you two boys will also be kept ball-gagged so you can't go talking filth with each other."

"That's right! From now on after you both get stripped, weighed, shaved, enema-ed, washed up, butt plugged, ball sacked, baby powdered, and diapered, you each will also not only be getting your hands buckled down to the sides of the gurney, but you will also be getting ball gagged so you can't go talking about lurid sex shit with each other!"

"But back to your coolant bags. We saw on closed circuit cameras both of you boys fiddling with your coolant bags in an attempt to remove them. I warned you ahead of time that such attempts would result in punishment, and I am holding true to my Word.

As Mr. Tedesco undid the straps binding the boys to the gurney, Mr. Parker continued, "Therefore it is ass-strapping time for both of you boys! And doing the honor of strapping your asses is little Randy."

Both boys howled in anger at such a suggestion, "Dad, he's my little asshole brother. You can't let him paddle my ass."

Anthony howled with some knowledge of the legality of such a treatment, "Dad, Mr. Parker, this is abuse pure and simple."

Mr. Parker, Randall's father, attempted to calm the boys down.

"Guys, the Governance Control Unit is an officially accepted form of behavior modification. It is endorsed by both the US prison system and United Social Services as an aceptable form of control."

"And along with the Governance Control Unit's protocols, physical discipline is an acceptable part of the treatment. Therefore Randall will now proceed to give the both of you the ass strappings you both deserve! Physical discipline is part of the accepted treatment régimen."

Once the boys were unstrapped, Randall ordered both of them to stand at attention, "Very nice. Now I want both of you to put your hands in back of your head."

Jimmy was unwilling to do so, but when Mr. Tedesco whispered, "Do as you're told boy, and the ass-whipping will be less severe."

Jimmy did as ordered, as young Randall gave out a command, "I want both of you boys to keep your hands in back of your heads as you turn slowly around to reveal your backsides. I just want to get a good look at your backsides so I can assess the target areas I will be dealing with."

Once the boys had done as instructed, Randall continued, "Two very nice bulbous assholes. The bulbous assholes of two guys who are probably going to fail graduating from high school if you don't get over your filthy habit of self-pollution. In short, the asses of two loser boys. So it's time for both of you losers to bend over the gurney."

The two miscreants bent over the gurney as Mr. Tedesco cuffed their hands stretched past their heads to the other side of the gurney. With two round asses sticking up and on full display, little Randall did what he loved to do best. Got ready to spank the shit out of wayward boys.

As both older boys sweated in humiliation, Randall swung his prison strap and whooshed it through the air to give the boys a sense of what was to come.

"It's ass warming time, boys!" Randall gave both asses a mighty swat of the strap that left both boys howling like little girls.

And then he continued swatting, alternating from one ass to the other.

After several minutes of swattings it was Mr. Parker who stepped in to end his youngest son's beating of the two older boys.

Randall, gracious lad that he was, acceded.

But Randall did instruct that both freshly strapped lads to turn around with their hands in back of their heads. Once they did so both freshly ass-whipped boys were sporting massive erections, each leaking a bit of pre-cum.

Randall felt a need to explain the hardons to the fathers of the boys, "Do you see this? Two rock hard cocks sticking straight up and dripping precum. What does that tell you?"

Mr. Tedesco shrugged his shoulders, to which Randall responded, "Hardons like these are something that we in Social Service studies see on freshly ass-whipped slave boys all the time. The hardons on these two guys reveal that they have probably not jacked off within the last 20 hours or so. That is why we regularly spank the asses of boys who are on a regimen of chastity control. Generally you won't see hardons on boys like this if they have jacked off within a couple of hours or so. Regular spankings are one way in which we determine if the boys have been masturbating to excess. If we see no super hard ons we then know that the boys have been behaving."

"So if you want my opinion, I suggest we give both boys a good ass strapping at least once every three or four days. If we see a lack of a hardon we will then be able to determine whether or not the Governance Control System is effectively keeping their testosterone levels down."

"If all goes well, within a months time we can bet that neither boy will be showing even a hint of an erection after a good solid ass whipping!"

"The Governance Control Unit has been the biggest servitor control advancement in decades, and both of you dads need to know that you have made the right decision in getting Anthony and Randy into the proper course of treatment! The treatment of these lads thus far has shown that the healing palliative that the Governance Control Unit is able to deliver is something they both needed very much in their lives."

"But that is not all; there are still two things more we can do to help these two hormonally overcharged lads!"


Four weeks after their daily gurney treatments at the hands of Mr. Tedesco, Mr. Parker, and Mr. Parker's youngest son, Randall, Jimmy Parker and Anthony Tedesco entered the office of their high school's guidance counselor, Mr. George Sedgewick.

"What's going on boys? You have called for this meeting so please tell me what's going on."

Anthony began, "Mr. Sedgewick, sir, we feel that we are being mistreated."

"How so, boys?"

Anthony continued, "Well, sir, we are subjected on a daily basis to the most humiliating of treatments; we are stripped, shaved, given an enema, then are subjected to two hours of a humiliating treatment with our balls snapped into coolant bags while we are strapped down on a gurney."

Mr. Sedgewick gave an affirming nod, "Yes, I see. That all sounds good. But tell me, please, what exactly is the problem?"

Anthony confounded, tried to answer, "Well sir, that is the problem. It is humiliating. We are treated like lab animals. And Jimmy's younger brother, Randall, is there in charge of us, calling the shots, while my dad and Jimmy's father just keep agreeing with Randall. Whatever `little' Randy says is okay with our dads!"

Mr. Sedgewick repositioned himself in his easy chair and replied, "Now hold on there, young fella. You better watch what you are saying. Little Randall Parker, Jimmy's younger brother, is an A-One student; a student who showed such extraordinary talent that he was able to skip the final two years of his high school studies and enter into college on a full scholarship. He is currently finishing up his first year of college studies in Servitor Husbandry with Utah State University as you two boys are only completing your senior year. And he is a beacon, a shining light; the kind of boy that we here at Logan High pride ourselves on putting out into the community with such an abundance."

As both boys went on to describe their daily treatments of enemas, butt pluggings, ball gaggings, and diaperings, in full detail, as Mr. Sedgewick searched through one of his desk drawers in order to find another piece of cheese fried Vienna sausages, Jimmy and Anthony were not surprised by such crude behavior. When Mr. Sedgewick finally did find his snack he popped it into his mouth whole and replied in garbled words, "Okay, sounds good. So exactly what is the problem you two boys are having with this medically prescribed treatment?"

In Utah anything goes, and both Jimmy and Anthony knew it. They left Mr. Sedgewick's office defeated, and seething with defiance.


One evening, not long after Jimmy and Anthony's unsuccessful discussion with Mr. Sedgewick, there was a knock on Jimmy Parker's bedroom door and Jimmy called out, "Come in".

Jimmy's younger brother, Randall, entered and proceeded to tell him of how proud he was of his older brother for having cut down on his masturbation activity. "It's pretty clear to all of us that the Governance Control Unit is doing a lot of good for you and your pal; we are proud of you, really proud."

Randall continued, "Listen to me bro, I know that you are a homo, pure and simple. And though dad and I have never talked about it, I am pretty sure that he also knows as well as I do that you are probably using your dick to fudge pack the holes of your sissy-boy friends on a regular basis."

"But Jimmy, my Jimmy, I don't care if you're a homo, a tranny, a little queer boy or whatever; all that I want you to know bro is that I love you as the dearest brother in the whole wide world."

Jimmy opened his eyes from the weariness of such talks, looked at his brother Randall, and asked, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"All that I am trying to say, bro, is once we got you and Anthony on the dual gurney, scrunched your asses hard up against one another, and saw both of your dicks were twitching left and right, is that my dick startin' twitchin' too. But the weird thing is I'm not a homo ass-licker like you and your pal, Anthony."

There was a long and painful silence, and young Randall, who usually had the sense to avoid saying stupid emotional stuff, felt suffocated for what he had just revealed.

Once he had found his voice, Randall continued, "Listen Jimmy; all that dad and I are trying to control is yours and Anthony's habit of over-masturbation. I want you to know that both dad and I think that you and Anthony have much improved in that area. However a few improvements need to be made, and to that end we will be implementing a few new measures."

"But I just want you to understand bro that whatever measures Dad, Mr. Tedesco, and I, need to take in the near future in order to help you two become `real men', should only be taken as indicators of how much we love you."

End of Part 3

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 4

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