Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

Published on Oct 9, 2022


Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys Chapter 2

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys – Part 2

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

This story is meant for my groups, Tickie Stories or Nifty and not to be reposted or used by any other group(s) or website(s) without my written consent!

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Little Randy, amazed to see his brother and his brother's best friend both full-tit naked on the gurney, with their butts touching, their feet in stirrups, and fully chest strapped to the gurney, asked, "Daddy, why are their hands strapped to the sides of the gurney?"

"Randy, surely you can figure it out. If we didn't strap their hands down it would then be possible for them to undo all the chest straps, as well as their ball sacks, and release themselves from the gurney."

Precocious little Randy replied, "Daddy, I already understand that. That isn't why I am asking the question."

"What then are you asking son?"

"Let's go out in the hallway dad and talk about this."

Once in the hallway Randall spoke, "Dad, I think the whole point of this treatment is to teach these boys self-control. They are not going to learn self-control if we do the `controlling' for them."

"What are you suggesting son?"

"Dad, we've already installed hidden spy cams in this bedroom. We need to watch them on the closed circuit monitor. If they try to fiddle with their coolant bags, try to remove them, we will then know for sure that they are not trustworthy and they would then need to be taught a lesson."

"Randy, dear, listen to me; you are three years younger than your brother Jimmy. Because of your superior grades you were able to skip two years of high school and go to college and you are now completing your first year as a freshman in college as your brother is only completing his senior high school year."

"I know that since you are majoring in Social Services, with an emphasis on Servitor Husbandry, and already have a junior servitor `handler's permit'."

"But that doesn't mean you can go ahead and treat Jimmy and Anthony as though they were slaves."

"I know that dad, and I would never attempt to do such a thing. But there are things I have learned in college about bringing about change in willful personalities that could be useful in this situation."

"What then are you suggesting son?"

"I say we unstrap their hands, tell them they are not to fiddle with the coolant bags attached to their scrotums, and warn them of the importance of not doing so, or else there will be consequences."

"What kind of consequences are you talking about Randy?"

"Well, plain and simple, an old-fashioned and very severe ass strapping."


Randall raised his hand, "No dad, you listen to me. The whole reason we are going through with this treatment is so we can calm down their sexual addiction to the point where they can then concentrate on their school studies, and eventually get better grades."

"I know for a fact, from my studies in servitor husbandry that a surprise punishment for forbidden behavior works wonders on boys with behavior problems."

"I only suggest this dad because I love Jimmy, and I want to see him do well once he starts college so he can have a bright future. I just love Jimmy, dad, and care about him so."

Mr. Parker shook his head, paused a bit, and gave Randall's words some thought; "Okay son, you are a bright kid, and are usually right. Let's get back in there and unstrap their hands from the sides of the gurney."



Once Randall and his father returned to Jimmy's bedroom they began undoing the straps that kept the two boys' hands secured to the sides of the gurney. Mr. Parker explained, "Boys, we have decided to release your hands from the bindings so that you can scratch your nose in case it itches."

"But I do want to warn you that you are not to fiddle with the coolant bags attached to their scrotums. While you will not be able to remove them even if you try because they can only be released with the scrotal-band key, it is important that you realize it is something you should not even consider doing; because the whole purpose of this treatment is to teach you boys self-control, and this will be an opportunity for you two boys to practice self-control."

Mr. Parker set the Governance Control Unit's temperature setting and timer, and pushed the `start' control', "Okay boys, here we go!"



As soon as the two fathers and Randall had left Jimmy's bedroom, the complaining began, "Fuck man, this is like some medieval kind of torture!"

"You don't have to tell me that, Jimmy; I intend to go our guidance counselor at school tomorrow and report this!"

"I know, this is some pretty fucked up shit. But dad did say that this was just a two-month thing."

"Oh no Jimmy, that ain't what my dad told me. He told me that he and your dad only purchased this double occupancy gurney on lease, and that if they are satisfied with the results of the treatment, they each have the option of purchasing a single person gurney for their own homes at a discount. It sounded to me like they have plans to keep this thing going!"

Jimmy was pissed, "Fuck this. It's like we've been tricked."

Furious at the new revelation, Jimmy began fidgeting with the coolant bag attached to his scrotum in an attempt to remove it.

Anthony followed suit, and soon both boys were trying to undo the coolant bags security cord that wrapped tightly around the base of their cocks and balls. "This fucking thing is locked on, we can't remove it."

Jimmy shook his head, "Well, they got us by the balls!"

Once the boys' initial anger had died down, the talk turned to what they were going to do once they were released from the gurney, "As soon as they get me off this thing I'm going to Cindy's house, and boy am I ever going to get my rocks off! I'll teach my dad a lesson."

"That is the best idea, Randy. I'm already thinking of what I intend to be doing to Melissa tonight."

As their initial anger abated and sex talk took over, the boys continued to spend the rest of their time on the gurney talking about their post-treatment sexual plans in lurid detail.



At the bedroom's closed circuit monitor, located in Mr. Parker's office, Mr. Parker, Mr. Tedesco, and Randall, watched the boys behavior in silence.

Apart from trips to the bathroom and to the kitchen for coffee refills, the three gentlemen continued to observe Jimmy and Anthony's time on the gurney for most of the session.

Once the two-hour session was over the Governance Control Unit automatically shut off and sent a shut-off notice to the fathers' cell phones.

Mr. Parker spoke, "Well what we just witnessed was pretty disheartening. What do you say, Mr. Tedesco, should we go ahead with Randall's suggestion?"

When Mr. Tedesco hesitated in offering a response, Randall spoke up, "Look, what I have learned from my studies in Social Services is that United Social Services, and almost every other social service agency throughout the world, is very much against the beating and spanking of children, whether slave or free. But Jimmy and Anthony are not children; they are both eighteen years old. And what I have learned in my college studies so far is that corporal punishment has indeed proven to be an effective behavior control tool in adult males."

"Let's not do some half-assed job here, guys; we're attempting to modify unwanted behavior, and it is clear that these two guys need a little extra prodding!"

Randall's father gave a questioning look to Mr. Tedesco. After a brief pause both fathers nodded in agreement with Randall's suggestion.

End of Part 2

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 3

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