Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

Published on Oct 1, 2022


Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys Chapter 1

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys – Part 1

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

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Jimmy Parker entered his house along with his friend Anthony Tedesco, both having left their last class of the day just a little over half an hour ago.

On entering the living room Jimmy was surprised to see an unusually lengthy hospital style gurney, complete with restraining straps and feet holsters on both ends of the gurney in the family's living room. On top of the gurney was sitting a large unopened box showing a mailing label indicating it was delivered from `Sutton Medical Supplies'.

Jimmy pondered it curiously as his friend Anthony asked, "What is that thing for?"

"I don't know I've never seen it before."

Jimmy called out, "Dad, are you here?" When there was no answer he called out again, "What is this thing in the living room?"

It was Jimmy's younger brother, Randy, who yelled out an answer from another room, "I don't know what that thing is either. But dad called to say he would be home later than usual."

Jimmy and Anthony explored the gurney with wonderment. Anthony touched the fabric covering of the gurney, "This is the kind of thing they keep mental patients locked down on."

Jimmy nodded, "I know; it's kinda creepy."

As the boys wondered about the gurney, Anthony got a text message from his father, "Get home ASAP".

It was not unusual for Anthony to stay over at Jimmy's house after school days, so he was surprised by his father's terse email.

The boys laughed, with Anthony saying "I think I forgot to change the kitty litter and its probably stinking up the house."



When Mr. Parker finally did arrive home later that same day, Jimmy was surprised to see that he was accompanied by Mr. Tedesco and his son Anthony, Jimmy's best friend.

Jimmy asked his friend, "What's going on?"

"I have no idea. My dad told me that I had to come along with him."

Without speaking to each other Mr. Parker and Mr. Tedesco examined the gurney. Mr. Tedesco nodded approvingly, "This thing looks to be really high quality."

Mr. Parker took the box labeled `Sutton Medical Supplies' and began opening it. Jimmy and Anthony watched in silence, and neither boy had any idea of what was going on.

Once the large box was opened Mr. Parker took out a foot and half square machine, somewhat resembling a mini microwave oven. Along with the machine were, wrapped in plastic, two long cords that had attached at their ends what appeared to be elastic rimmed, thick plastic, baggies.

As Jimmy was about to ask what the contraption was for, Mr. Parker interrupted, "Jimmy, Mr. Tedesco and I are going to take this gurney upstairs and move it into your bedroom."

Pointing at the machine from out of the box, Mr. Parker added, "Jimmy, you bring that upstairs, and be careful with it. That's a very expensive piece of equipment."

As Mr. Tedesco began helping Mr. Parker move the gurney up the stairs he instructed his son, "Anthony, you come on upstairs with us!"



Once the gurney was in place in Jimmy's bedroom, Mr. Tedesco plugged the machine in and set it on one of the shelves underneath the gurney.

Mr. Parker then addressed the room, "Both of you boys, in the next two months, will be participating in an exciting new medical breakthrough."

"Everyday after school, Anthony, you will be accompanying Jimmy here before going home, as the both of you will be getting a very special treatment for the next two months."

Naturally Mr. Parker's comment made the two teen lads concerned and put them on the defensive.

Anthony asked, "What so called `treatment' are you talking about Mr. Parker?"

"There is now a revolutionary product out there for boys who have the same problem you two boys are going through right now."

Jimmy shook his head, "Problem? This sounds silly, dad!"

"Boys, Mr. Tedesco and I have had several discussions in recent weeks, with each of us noticing and being concerned about your masturbation problems."

When both boys shook their heads and cringed in disbelief, Mr. Parker continued, "Let's face it boys; it's no secret to either Mr. Tedesco or myself that you lads have a serious masturbation addiction problem."

Jimmy raised his voice in his embarrassment, "Dad, masturbation is perfectly normal. They taught that to us in our sex-ed class when we were in the seventh grade!"

"You're right son, there is nothing wrong with masturbation. But there is something wrong with it when boys are doing it as often as the both of you are."

As both boys turned red-faced, Mr. Parker continued, "Fortunately, there now is a new medically approved treatment for your problem."

Both boys gave clear signs of embarrassment mixed with indignation as Mr. Parker went on, "Boys, be relaxed. There is no reason for either one of you to be worried. This gurney and the refrigerant device is not some evil machine that is going to hurt you!"

Anthony voiced his anger, "I don't know what kind of talk this is but I don't like it; so I'm outta here!"

As he headed for the door of the room he was gently grabbed by his father in a loving yet firm grip, "Anthony, relax. Mr. Parker and I just want to give you boys the kind of treatment you need. There is nothing to be afraid of. This device has been shown to solve addictions such as yours in an efficient and painless way."

"Dad, what is this?"

"Mr. Tedesco and I will be attempting to control your problem with this `Governance Control Unit' that is now in Jimmy's bedroom."

"All that it is, boys, is an automatic temperature control governor with which we will be attaching coolant bags to your scrotums for two hours each day when you get home from school."

"What the Governance Control Unit will do for you boys is to keep your scrotums cooled down to a level where your body will stop creating an over-abundance of the hormone that is causing your problems, testosterone. That is all that this machine will be doing for you, so you have nothing to be afraid of."

"And your first treatment begins today!"

There was stunned silence from both boys.

"So, what I need you both to do now is strip bare."

Both boys shouted, "bare?"

"That's right. You need to strip baby-naked. You are our sons after all, so you have nothing to be ashamed of. Mr. Tedesco and I have seen your `things' plenty of times, so no need for embarrassment. But we need you both to get balls-ass-naked so we can give you your enemas."

Jimmy in a quavering voice, mouthed, "Enemas?"

"That's right. Your body weights need to be reduced as much as possible to get the best readings from the unit. Body weight determines the degree to which hormones are released into the body."

"Then, once we get you all cleaned up after your enemas you will need a pubic shave. Mr. Tedesco and I both know that you boys shave your pubes, shaving them in the way that public whores do. It is no secret to us. But from now, for the next two months, both of you will need to keep your pubes shaved super baby-smooth for the treatment to be effective. And if you do not keep yourselves shaved up all baby smoothed, one of us will be doing it for you."

"Once we get you two stripped, weighed, enema-ed, pubic shaved, and washed down, we will need to butt plug both of you to prevent undo muscle flexing in the anal/perineum area, because such flexing can cause undo sexual stimulation which could lessen the effectiveness of the cooling bags that will be encasing your scrotums."

"But anyway, once we get you two boys weighed, enema-ed, baby shaved, washed down, and butt plugged, we will have each of you boys hop up on opposite ends of the gurney, lie down, spread your legs, and scrunch up to each other so that your butts are touching each other."

"Then we will have each of you raise your feet and place them in the raised stirrups located on either side of each other's heads."

"Then once you too are butt-scrunched and stirruped, we will strap you down to the gurney and strap your hands down to either side of the gurney so that you can't fiddle with or remove the coolant bags attached to your scrotums."

"Finally we encase your ball sacks in the coolant bags and we then set the machines thermostat to the needed temperature."

"Once the thermostat is set you will both be thickly diapered because as you probably know, cooling can give one an uncontrollably urge to pee. So should you involuntarily piss you won't soil the gurney or each other."

"Once you are kitted and secured, we will turn on the Governance Control Unit, set the timer for two hours, and leave you two boys to relax and chat with each other."



Once the boys had stripped bulbous-assed bare they were led to the bathroom where both boys were put over their fathers' knees so their dads could insert the enema tubes into their behinds.

After the boys had done their business, the boys were then fully pubic examined to ascertain that they had shaved themselves smooth enough so that no remaining crotch hairs could not interfere with the results delivered to the machine via the `baggies'.

After the enemas, any needed pubic shaves or trims, followed with a wash up by their fathers, had all been accomplished, their dads led the two lads back to Jimmy's bedroom.

The two boys were placed on opposite ends of the lengthy gurney and were ordered to spread their legs and scrunch up to each other so that their butts were touching each other.

The boys were next instructed to put their feet into the raised stirrups that were located to the opposite sides of each boy's head.

Once the boys were butt-scrunched and `stirruped', Mr. Tedesco began strapping the boys down to the gurney with chest straps.

Once the boys were strapped down the two dads began lubing their sons' butt plugs that needed to be inserted into the boys' anus in order to prevent undue stimulation of the boys' anal sphincters.

Both dads eased the lubed plugs slowly yet steadily into their sons' behinds, as the boys quivered in profound humiliation.

Once the boys were ready for treatment Mr. Parker opened the bedroom door and called out, "Randy, it's time for you to come on up here so we can show you how to do this."

Jimmy cried out, "Fuck, dad, why does Randy have to be here to see me like this?"

"It's because son if Mr. Tedesco or I can't make it home from work in time to give you boys your treatment, little Randy will be able to know how to oversee the procedure and make sure that you boys are secured, properly `sacked' and butt plugged, so that he can then set the machine's temperature coolant device to the correct temperature."

"And, if for some reason Randy can't make it here in an emergency, we will then be using Anthony's little sister, Melinda, to get you boys stripped down and strapped into the machine.

When Randy arrived, all wide-eyed and eager, Mr. Tedesco was strapping Jimmy and Anthony's hands to the sides of the gurney.

Little Randy, amazed to see his brother and his brother's best friend both full-tit naked on the gurney, with their butts touching, their feet in stirrups, and fully chest strapped to the gurney, asked of his father in a whisper, "Daddy, why are their hands strapped to the sides of the gurney?"

"Randy, surely you can figure it out. If we didn't strap their hands down it would then be possible for them to undo all the chest straps, as well as their ball sacks, and release themselves from the gurney."

Precocious little Randy replied, "Daddy, I already understand that. That isn't why I am asking the question."

"What then are you asking son?"

"Let's go out in the hallway dad and talk about this."

End of Part 1

Controlling the Habits of Teen Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 2

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