Control and Games

By Chicago

Published on Sep 15, 2023


I am not the original author of Control and Games. His story got my imagination flowing and, since he isn't forthcoming with additional chapters, I'm hoping that mine will help.

I moved into the new place - this time a house with a privacy fence as ordered. What was supposed to have been a one month commitment was now looking to be a commitment that would at least last through the summer ... if not longer.

His first requirement was to set the cameras back up. The cameras needed to be set up before I started unpacking or he'd add additional punishments (or time to my sentence). I set the cameras up in the bedroom, (with night vision), in the living room and kitchen. Since the house has a den and second bedroom, and since he didn't me hiding from him, he immediately required me to purchase two more cameras. And the message he sent regarding these cameras implied that additional cameras may be required in the near future. So, just to be safe (and save my self an additional trip) I picked up four wireless cameras at Best Buy. I thought I could get one step ahead of him. I had forgotten that he'd see all four as soon as I walked in the door.. . He saw the cameras and was delighted - and immediately ordered their installation in the second bedroom and den - as well as in the bathroom. My last sanctuary of privacy was gone.

Once the cameras were installed I set about umpacking the many boxes that held my worldly possessions. He took full advantage of the cameras and watched me unpack the boxes and set up housekeeping. He also took advantage of email during this telling me I needed to get some blankets (showing his wicked sense of humor since I was not allowed to use a top sheet or blanket while I slept.) And yes I was naked while doing all this - he forbad me from wearing any clothes inside or outside.

It was a bit surreal to be walking around my new home stark naked and knowing that at least one person (who knows how many others through his websites?) were watching my every move. In a sense very unnerving and at the same time somehow comforting knowing that any intruder would be immediately noticed as he would be dressed.

Once I had gotten unpacked, I settled down and sent him this note:


I've lost track of the end date of my commitment to you. I've done things at your command that I never thought I would do. I would like to know what other punishments/activities I will need to complete in order to turn the cameras off.

In a very short time, I received the following reply:


Since you've lost track of the end date, I'm resetting the clock and starting it over. I've been impressed with your commitment to fulfilling your obligations (especially when it comes to getting in shape) and your commitment to your Chicago White Sox.

But since you don't know when the commitment ends - I'm going to give you a second chance at ending our relationship. And I'm going to let you (and the White Sox) determine when it ends. Take three dice and roll them. Send me a picture of the dice after you roll them. I'll let you know from there.

BOY? No one has called me Boy since grade school. Where does he get off calling me BOY? And he's resetting the end date because I lost track of the date during the move? I found three dice and rolled them. I got a six, a four and a one. I dutifully took a picture of the dice and emailed it to him.

His response:


Congratulations on such a good roll. Based on the dice you threw, you better hope the Sox win a game by six runs soon. Because our relationship will end after the Sox win 41 games after winning a game by six runs or more.

But keep in mind, the number of games that they are required to win can and will be adjusted based on your own attitude and completion of your required tasks. I may throw in some optional tasks along the way - anything to help you complete your assignments!

After winning a game by six runs or more? This is going to be a long summer. Neither the Sox nor the Cubs ever win by six or more runs. And completion of required tasks? That meant the bike rides and pushups and sitting in the invisible chairs would continue. Optional tasks? What might that mean?

Your first optional task is this: Sleep outside for the next week. Same rules apply - no blankets and no clothes and no tent. You may sleep on an inflatable mattress. Set up the night vision camera outside so I can ensure that you are sleeping under the stars. The week starts on Friday night and ends on Thursday night. If you do sleep outside (which means you are outside from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am) each night, the number of required games will be cut in half. If however, you decide to sleep inside or are not outside for the required eleven hours, the number of games will increase by 20 per night.

If you fail one night, you are still expected to sleep outside the rest of the week, each night can add games to the penalty.

If you decide not to do this task at all, the 41 games won't start until the Sox win by 8.

Let me know where you'll be sleeping by Thursday. Sleep outside in Chicago in June? Is he nuts? The bugs will eat me alive! The mosquitos come out at sundown and stick around for an hour or two. Which means the first couple of hours will be spent shooing away bugs. And I don't want to find out how it feels to have bug bites on my cock and balls!

I grab some clothes and head to the front door to get dressed and head to the store to get an inflatable mattress. And Deep Woods OFF! And Raid. If I'm going to sleep outside I'm going to do my best to keep the bugs at bay.

I get back from the store, step inside the front door, put down my packages and, as required strip naked. T-Shirt, shoes, socks, jeans and boxers all come off in short order and I fold them and place them on a chair I had put there earlier for this use. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I fold the clothes. I have to admit the extra exercise he's been making me do is starting to pay off. I walk closer to the mirror and get a good full-frontal look at myself. I don't remember my shoulders being so broad or my chest being so defined before. I flex my biceps and triceps - amazed at how defined my arms are and how big they've gotten. All those push ups have really paid off. Without thinking, I reach down and feel my cock. Right now, its just hanging there - three inches soft in front of my balls. I start stroking it and enjoying the view. Isn't that the best part of being a man? Strong shoulders, strong arms and the ability to jack off whenever and where ever the mood hits?

I quickly get hard and my three inches grows to a full seven inches and stands tall in front of me. I completely forget the fact that I'm facing one of the cameras. I keep stroking with one hand and start pulling on my balls with the other. Don't want to cum too quickly! I let go of my balls and start playing with my nipples. I lick my fingers then start pinching my nipples first the left then the right...

Since I'm not trying to impress anyone but myself I keep stroking first slowly then faster. At least there's no metronome counting out the rhythm for me. I feel myself getting close so I head for the bedroom where I lay down on the sheet and keep stroking. It just feels so much better to be jacking off on my bed! Laying there I could feel the cum churning in my balls and knew I was close to cumming. I let out a moan and feel my balls pull in. I let my load fly, several long milky strands flew out of my cock landing on my chest, stomach and arms. I rubbed the cum on my chest - a feeling I've always loved.

Unbeknownst to me, I had gotten an email during this show.


Nice show! You don't get a reward for jacking off without permission - nor is there a punishment. Bet you didn't know you needed permission to cum did you?

You don't.

There was that stupid word again. Why does he insist on calling me BOY?


Why do you call me Boy? You have my name, address, phone number, bank account info , you know my name, why do you insist on calling me Boy? I am not a boy!

The response was short - almost curt.


I call you that because you are boy who needs to be controlled. A real man would not have gone through what you've gone through these past couple of months. A real man would have told me to go fuck off when I first demanded name address and bank info. A real man would have figured a couple of anonymous pictures on the web never hurt anyone. Until you sent me your driver's license I had no way to identify you. Now I've got it all.

I call you Boy, because that's what you are - a useless boy.

Deal with it.

Deep down, I knew he was right. A real man would have told him to fuck off. And not sent him driver's license info or bank info. But I did, now I have to pay the price.


I apologize for asking my last question, you are correct a real man would not have sent you the info you requested. I guess I am nothing more than a boy.

I will be sleeping outside starting on Friday evening.

The week was a long week. I dreaded Friday evening knowing that I'd be essentially locked out of my house that evening. Every night about 7 I'd go outside to check on the bugs and was driven back inside by the swarming mosquitos by 7:30. The fact my new neighbors had a light on in their back yard just drew more bugs. And I was going to be sleeping in this for the next week.

Friday night arrived, I got home from work and stripped as usual inside the front door. I headed for the kitchen, made some dinner. Nothing special, a burger and fries. I inflated the air mattress and moved the night vision camera outside. Getting ready for my 'camp out'. I walked through the house and made sure all the lights were out and headed outside.

I had forgotten one small thing. I was now unable to go inside until 6:00 tomorrow morning. And I didn't want to bring a light outside due to the bugs. I sat on the chair in the yard and started doing the same thing all men do when they are naked... one hand reached down and started playing with my equipment. I had set the camera up so that it faced the house - the mattress and the chair I was sitting on faced the camera. So my actions were "caught on tape".

I soon heard the familiar tone indicating I had mail.


Good luck on your first night outside.

You sure do like to play with yourself, don't you? Seeing that line, I immediately moved my hand away from my crotch.

The house is off limits tonight until 6 AM. If nature calls, water the weeds.

No sooner had I gotten that email did the bugs arrive. The mosquitos arrived like some one had just announced free beer! I started swatting at them to no avail. They were all over me. I even counted three on my cock at the same time. No man likes to hit himself in the balls. But I did about six times that hour.

By nine, I had had enough and walked inside. Completely forgetting that I had just added twenty wins to my time.

Saturday night same routine, set up the camera, mattress and lay down - no blankets, no clothes, no tent. I then got this email


Since you weren't able to make it through the night last night, I'm willing to make you a deal. Within the next hour, drink one gallon of water and another before you fall asleep tonight. And remember if nature calls, water the weeds.

If you do drink and last the night, last nights infraction will be forgiven.

If you do not drink and/or do not last the night, last night's infraction will be doubled (meaning 40 wins will be added to your sentence.) If you fail to stay outside all night, another 80 wins will be added to you sentence. That's 120 wins added in two nights. Choose wisely, there's only 162 games in a season.

I didn't see much choice in the matter. I immediately went back inside and got two gallon jugs of water and started drinking one of them. I finished it within 45 minutes and needed to take a leak almost immediately. I headed for the far corner of the yard and watered the weeds. Before falling asleep about ten, I had finished off the second gallon and had made two additional trips around the yard 'watering weeds'.

During the night, I was awoken three more times to take care of business. Each time I followed orders and urinated in the yard. At about 5:45 the next morning, I was awoken one more time. (Note to self: never drink 2 gallons of water so close to bed time). I didn't even glance at the clock. I normally wake up at this time and figured it was after 6:00. And walked inside.

Coming out of the head after pissing for what seemed to be eternity, I saw a clock. 5:50. FUCK!!! I had just condemned myself to another year at least of this for ten minutes! I just added 120 wins to my sentence.

Sunday night, same routine, same leniency offer with one exception - three gallons of water in three hours. This time I made it through the night outside although it's a stretch to say I slept. I was pissing every hour on the hour. At 6:30 (I checked a clock this time), I walked inside and showered. And got ready for work. Satisfied that I had finally made it through the night once, I'd be able to do it again. Friday nights infraction stood, so I needed the Sox to win by 6 then win 81 games.

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