Control and Games

By Chicago

Published on May 19, 2023


Chapter 1

I?m a clean-cut, masculine, 35 year-old, single guy who?s dated women most of his life with the occasional thing with a guy. Really a pretty regular guy for the most part. I definitely have jerk off to some stuff that?s not so vanilla, but outwardly I think most people think my life is pretty boring. I?m successful, decent looking but not a cover model kind of guy (and would never want to be).

Anyway ? like any red-blooded man, I get horny, jerk-off or edge to online pics, and have a couple of profiles on a few websites that I hit when I?m jerking off on a Saturday afternoon with a beer. Not long ago I got a message on a gay fetish site from a guy with a simple profile called ?StripGames? which described him as a guy who likes to place bets with other guys and the loser has to strip.

I was bored and horny and had had a couple of beers, so it sounded pretty interesting to me. ?Like what?? I wrote back.

?I see in your profile that you like baseball. I like seeing guys naked. So, let?s place a little wager on a game. It looks like the White Sox / Twins game is starting in a half hour.?

Intrigued, and horny, I replied: ?So what?s the bet? I?m a huge White Sox fan.?

?I saw you are from Chicago, so figured you might be. Here?s the game: you go get a bottle of whisky and a shot glass and bring them to your computer, you start by getting naked and turning on your cam, focusing it on only your ankles down ? so I can see just your feet. For each inning in which the Twins get two or more hits than the Sox, you have to pan the cam out so I can see up to the next major body joint. For innings in which both teams get the same number of hits or within 1 hit of each other, you drink a double shot of whisky. Innings in which the Sox get more hits than the Twins are a bye for you ? you don?t have to change or drink anything. ?

This appealed to a few different drives in me at once ? 1. My pride in being a baseball fan and a White Sox fan in particular, 2. My impulse to never back down and to prove I?m a man, 3. I guess the fact that I was horny as hell because I had been stroking my dick. I didn?t particularly mind being naked in front of guys, but hadn?t cammed with a guy or anything like that.

?Alright, I?ll take that bet just to prove I?m a true Sox fan.? I got a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels from the cabinet and settled into my chair butt naked with a hard on. I put my cam on the dresser in front of me and tilted so it was only showing from my ankles down.

As I was doing that, the guy explained what the ?major joints? are for the purposes of our little wager: moving upwards: ankles, knees, wrists (this would place the cam at the position where your wrists would fall if your arms were by your sides while you were standing up), elbows (this would place the cam at the position where the elbows would be if your arms were hanging by your sides), hips, shoulders, TMJ (joint in the jaw). That was 7 joints total and there are only 9 innings in a baseball game. Since the cam was already starting at my ankles, I figured I could lose the wager on 5 innings and still never show any of my face on cam. A sixth lost inning would just show my jaw. Only if I lost 7 or more would I end up showing my face? very unlikely. My heart was thumping with the excitement ? and my dick was still hard. A rule of mine was to never send face pics or to show face in an online profile or anything like that. I had seen too many people with full nude face pics posted by their ex or some malicious person ? that could easily destroy my life. But the risk of maybe having to do I, no matter how remote, was getting me going a little bit.

Now, I love baseball, but it can be a frustrating game to watch. Great teams will lose a game or two to much worse teams ? that?s why they play so many games in a baseball season: to even out fluke bad games played by otherwise great teams.

Well, the Sox had a fluke bad day that afternoon. And so did I.

By the end of the fourth inning, the score was 0-1 with the Twins up, but the hit counts had been such that I had taken 2 double-shots of whisky and the cam was now showing from my ?wrist? down. This wrist line fell on me just below my balls. So, I was still sitting down, but the cam was focused to show from the top of my thigh down to my feet. The Sox had a good fifth inning, so I had a bye. Two innings later, end of the 7th, I was exposed up to my elbows ? right ? the guy was looking at me from basically the bottom of my rib cage down to my feet, naked. End of the eighth I owed another double-shot of whisky. So, I was thinking I was safe ? even if the Sox lost my bet in the ninth, I?d only have to show up to my shoulder.

Let?s just say I was getting drunk at this point. And I was horny. And my heart was pounding. So, when the Sox scored in the ninth and tied the game, at first I was elated because my Sox were tying it up. Then I realized I had never clarified that our bets were to only last for 9 innings ? what happened if the game went into overtime?

?You keep moving that cam up if you lose, is what happens my friend!? was the response I got. Not surprising really.

Well, the end on the ninth resulted in me moving the cam up to my shoulder, and a tie game? going into extra innings. No end in site.

At the end of the 10th, I was loaded and the cam got moved up to my ?jaw? joint. This was basically just at my nose. Man was I nervous ? and horny. My dick was rock hard.

In the end it was a 13 inning game, the Sox lost, and I was sitting there butt naked, drunk, with a hard on on cam showing my face and everything else to this stranger for two full innings of the game.

I woke up the next morning late for work and pissed with myself. What if that guy was somehow taping that or captured an image and posted it online somewhere?! Stupid, stupid.

That night, just as I was recovering from my hangover, I got an e-mail from the guy, and sure enough he attached a pic of me naked face down and drunk from the night before. ?Let?s talk? is all it said.

My heart leapt in my chest. Fuck! I got onto the site where I met him.

?Enjoy last night buddy?? he asked.

?Guess so.?

?Well, looking at your dick I?d say you enjoyed it! LOL? he mocked.

By the end of the conversation, he had explained that he had recorded the footage of the entire incident. And he had already watched it 5 times that day ? reliving it. He fucking loved that kind of shit. I begged him to keep it to himself, which he said he would, but wanted to give me a chance to earn it back, which would entail another of the exact same type of game tomorrow night. But this time the stakes would be higher - had to drink 4 shots of whisky before the baseball game started, the cam started at the knee and I had to be edging my hard dick the entire time. If I ended the wager with the cam not showing my entire face, he would give me his word and sign a contract to never show the video of last night to anyone.

He would choose which game and which team he wanted for the bet just before the game started. 5 games started at 6:10 the next night, so I couldn?t very well judge exactly what I was up against, but it seemed like I didn?t have much to lose.

The next night rolled around, I was angry and scared, but got online to try to get this guy to sign a contract to keep that shit from the other night private.

I did 4 shots while dressed in front of the cam, stripped naked, focused the cam on my knees down and started to pray he didn?t know enough about baseball to make a good pick. I was disappointed. The Royals were playing the Yankees in New York. He picked the Yankees of course ? with three times the budget of the Royals, of course they were the strong favorite.

I had taken another double shot and was showing my elbows down, AND stroking my cock as required, all by the end of the fifth inning. At the end of the seventh, I was showing from my jaw down, and at the end of the ninth inning, the Yankees had won by 3 runs, and I had been showing full face and stroking my cock on cam for the entire 9th inning.

Now I was really fucked. The next day he sent me a link to a blog page where he had posted the first three ?joints? from the first wager. Each day he would post the next joint up, until I was there fully naked unless I sent him my full name and a photo of my driver?s license. I resisted, but a few days later I was completely naked online from my nose down and I gave in and sent him a pic of my drivers? license. He responded by immediately taking down all of the photos from the hip up.

I felt better that he had kept his word and had not just kept showing my pics, but I could tell I was just getting in deeper. I had a feeling that this was only the beginning.

Chapter 2

I think it?s just easiest to go week by week. A lot has happened very quickly.

With the help of Google, once he knew my real name and address, he also knew where I worked, who I was friends with, where I had gone to college? a whole lot about me.

He explained that he got off on making guys fight for survival, making them squirm. He was a huge voyeur and loved looking at, and sharing pics of, naked guys. But, he also was a fan of games and liked to engage in the sport of things as well. He was going to play some games with me for four weeks, then I could walk away and he?d destroy everything he had on me. I had no choice but to trust him at this point.

By the end of the first week he had made me buy a wireless cam with night vision for the bedroom. I had to keep it on all the time and had to sleep naked without a sheet. He had also made me give him my email log in and password so he could learn more about me. Anytime I tried to resist, he posted the next higher up joint pic on the website? but now he wasn?t taking them back down once I gave in. The pic just stayed there. Under each pic he wrote a caption explaining what I had done wrong, and that more pics, leading to full naked pics were likely to come.

His website was becoming more popular, and the pics were being shared, liked, and other guys were posting comments about wanting to see the ?rest of him?.

So, I learned to pay pretty close attention to what he said. Knowing I only had to endure it for four weeks.

By Friday, he had posted pics of me up my jaw, and the vultures were clamoring for ?the kill?, the full face shot of me naked. Then I screwed up again. He had a GPS tracker app on my phone. It had to be on at all times, and I also had to message him as soon as I arrived home so he knew I was available if he wanted to play a game with me. My phone battery got drained and the phone died in the early afternoon. By the time I realized it, several hours had passed. When I got home an email was waiting with the full frontal face pic, saying this photo will be posted at 6:30 pm unless I make up for it.

I panicked. I messaged him immediately on the site but the bastard took his time getting back to me. At 6:15 he messaged back. I begged not to post it? but he had terms, and a game? the terms: two more cams in the house, one for the living room one for the office. Anytime I was on a cam, I had to be completely naked? basically everywhere in the apartment except the bathroom! Another video of me jerking off, this time with a view of the computer screen too which had to be flashing pics of naked guys while I was looking at it and jerking off. And the password to my bank account website! I was able to negotiate so the computer screen would at least be showing chicks ? but for that I had to workout for him at his rules? ? I like a nice 6 pack and some big arms on a guy. If I?m going to be looking at you all month, might as well tune things up a bit!?

Then there was the game: I had to make four picks from the Vegas spreads for the upcoming weekends sports events. For the first bet I lost, I had to extend the 4 week contract by one day, for each next loss the contract got extended by 2x the last extension. If I won all 4 bets, I got 2 days removed from the contract. Vegas bookies know their shit, so it is tough to beat their spread 4 times in a row. But I didn?t have a choice but to try.

He got it all in the end, plus 7 days extended on my contract. That whole last week was for nothing!

Chapter 3

During the second week, things got tougher. When I screwed up he continued posting joint pics, this time from the second baseball game ? with me jerking off. A few days later he was once again up to my jaw, and I was really begging not to go any further. So, to make a long story short he got more out of me: another jerking vid, this time with me looking at guys like he originally wanted. Also he added a new twist ? cash. Having seen my checking account, he decided I could afford to wager some cash and put up a fund for ?fines? that I may incur. I ended up sending him $2000 to use as an advance for fines. Plus he had full access to all my porn accounts and all other email passwords.

The Vegas game betting took on a new twist: I had to bet daily. If I lost, I had a choice: either get another day on my contract, or I could double-down. I had to double down in the same day, choosing another pick. If I did so and won the second pick it nullified the first loss. If I lost a second time, I had to roll a die on cam ? the number of days added equaled 1+my roll.

I was getting fined if I took too long to respond to a message of his, if I screwed up, if he didn?t approve of my body or workouts?. basically all of the time. By the end of the first week I owed him $500 in fines.

As things progressed, he started notching things up. He loved to make me squirm and to torment me. He?d make me change the main profile pic on one of my porn profiles based on outcomes of games or other bets? moving up a ?joint? for each inning lost. If my team lost enough innings, my main pic was one of me sitting there fully naked with face until the end of the game? or maybe the start of the next game, or sometimes until my team won their next game... depending on how much he wanted to torment me.

The workouts got tougher and tougher? more sets, longer intervals, more exercises. All were recorded on cam with me naked. I also biked when it was warm outside. Once he learned this he also started timing my rides, requiring my times to improve. I had an app that I used with GPS to track my rides with distances and times. He got access to that and used it to measure my ?determination?. Each time I went for a ride, I had to roll a die. I was required to shave off that number of minutes from my ride that day. If I failed, I was penalized or fined. Obviously this is a game I could only win for so long? even with a three hour ride, after 5 or 6 rides I was required to shave off 15 minutes? very difficult. Of course that?s what he wanted? impossible bets I couldn?t win, which ultimately gave him more control because he knew what I didn?t want to have happen and that I would negotiate away further control to prevent it. His typical play was that each minute I was over goal, I had to immediately spend on cam online naked, sweaty after the ride. Or sit on the deck of my apartment naked for the number of penalty minutes I had earned? my deck had one small corner that was mostly private so long as nobody walked around the corner of the building with their dog or something? which would occasionally happen, sending my scurrying back into my apartment.

The physical and workout challenges were not uncommon? another favorite was the press up challenge. This required a deck of cards with no face cards in it. For any given card, the suit of the card was the first digit of its corresponding value for the purposes of his little game: Clubs were a 0, Diamonds were a 1, Hearts were a 2, and Spades were a 3. Then the numeric value of the card itself was used as the second digit. So, an 8 of hearts was worth 28. With the cam at floor level, me naked, I had to choose a card and show it to the cam without looking at it. Then I had 60 seconds to do as many press ups, or more, than the value of the card. I had no way of knowing the value of the card though! So if I wanted to avoid some naked penalty, I had to do as many press ups as I could, hoping I would exceed the value of the card. I was given a short break, then had to repeat this two more times. All this after my typical morning workout and whatever additional workouts I was doing trying to keep the pervert happy with my physical progress. Each time I failed to match or exceed the card?s value ? I earned another penalty or fine.

Another was the invisible chair exercise, in which I had to ?sit? with my back to the wall in the seated position with the cam facing me. I had a deck of cards and a timer next to me. I had to pick a card, then wait for its value in seconds to pass until I picked the next card. The number of cards I had to pick had been dictated before I started the exercise, but varied based on whatever penalties I had incurred, or just his mood. If I lost my position on the wall or gave up I was heavily penalized.

Summer was just starting and it was getting hot outside? a fact he couldn?t pass on taking advantage of. As punishments, he started to take away my privilege of wearing a shirt for a day or for an entire weekend. I had to be naked all the time indoors of course, but for these weekends, I couldn?t leave the house wearing anything more than shorts. It was particularly strange because I live in an apartment building where I have to leave through an inside hallway and go down a flight of stairs or two, and because there were people I worked with who also lived there. This led to several embarrassing situations in which I ran into a coworker in the parking garage for example? shirtless for no apparent reason. I started doing my grocery shopping, etc during the week since I never really knew if I would be able to go into stores, etc on a hot weekend. So I started spending a little extra time at the pool since it was the only place I could naturally hang out without a shirt.

Once he figured that out, though, he decided that if I was going to be at a pool, I may as well be naked. There is a gay camp ground about an hour from here with a pool, restaurant, etc. The pool and grounds are clothing optional. One weekend he made me make a reservation to stay there all weekend. The rules were that I had to take a cam with me, and face it toward the door. I was not allowed to wear anything more than sandals and sunglasses the whole weekend. The cam was so that he could confirm that I was naked whenever I left the room. Most guy/girls there were not naked ? only a few at the pool. So it definitely was strange for me to be walking around naked full time! Fucking embarrassing!

Chapter 4

Eventually it became clear that his interests boiled down to four areas, all with a general focus on making me squirm: 1.) Voyeurism, watching and tracking me, private nudity and entertaining him 2.) Online exposure: maybe just because he knew it was my biggest fear, or maybe because he got off on it alone, he seemed to always be driving toward posting a face pic of me, or making me be online on cam naked? he knew this was my biggest fear so used it pretty effectively. 3.) Games/sport: he loved to make me bet on games, flip a coin, roll a die, draw a card, wager on a workout regimen, etc? all with significant stakes. Just to watch me squirm. He seemed to get off on me losing the bets and then having to do something I really didn?t want to? the penalties for losing often involved some aspect of #1 or #2. 4.) Cash: he clearly was having a good time taking money from me in the form of ?fines? which he had established or would levy at his whim. I was pretty much helpless in this since I didn?t have much room left for bargaining. As much as I tried to control the fines with negotiated maximums, he was always trying to find a loophole to raise them, or add to them.

The work week often was a slower time for our ?arrangement? (as he came to call it). But I still had morning workout / drills each morning, sometimes additional photo assignments, was sometimes made to sit at my desk with my fly open without underwear on, dietary restrictions suited to improving my physique, etc? smaller things. Even though most of the meat of the situation was still happening on the weekends though, these small things were starting to add up too, so I had to be thinking about the arrangement much of the time during the week.

He put up situations where he knew I?d fail just to get more fine money or more leverage over me. Like he established a rule where I had only 20 seconds to get naked after I walked in the door of my apartment. For each second over 20, he got a $5 fine and an additional penalty inning against me that he would choose to use at his discretion. Penalty innings were where I was required to have a cam broadcasting on a website of me watching the baseball game? naked of course since clothes were off limits in my house for me.

All penalties earned were ?due? by the end of the day in which they had been incurred. This was tough during the week, since I was often busy with work. So he allowed me to bank my penalties for the weekend. However, this wasn?t without some additional risk. He charged ?interest? on these banked penalties. For example, if I had earned 20 minutes naked on the deck worth of penalties during the week which I had chosen to bank for the weekend, on Saturday morning I had to roll a die to see how much interest I was going be charged ? as time added to the initial ?principle? of 20 minutes. The principle was multiplied by the result of the dice roll ? so my initial 20 minutes on the deck could be magnified into much more time if I chose to bank it and was unlucky in the roll.

Chapter 5

Eventually, as I ran out of bargaining chips, and my contract kept getting extended because of losses on Vegas games, penalties, etc, I realized that my initial goal of keeping all naked images of me private wasn?t going to happen. I was already clocking naked penalty time on the obscure cam website as penalties, although there wasn?t very often anyone there watching.

As I?ve mentioned, he loved to make me squirm and panic a little. One tactic of his was to send me three pics of me giving me 15 minutes to pick which of three photos of me he had sent would be posted on a Tumblr page or as the main profile pic on a common gay website. If I didn?t respond in 15 minutes, all three would be posted. Since keeping naked pics off the internet was my main goal, this usually resulted in me negotiating something to avoid the pic posting ? often coming down to the wire since all negotiations had to be complete by the 15-minute time limit as well.

He had numerous ?from the jaw down? pics of me posted, but had yet to really have to post a face pic on a well-traveled web site ? much to my relief. But, as the penalties racked up, my challenges continued to get more unrealistic, and my bank account was getting drained, he started to threaten to make posting full frontal face pics as a consequences of losing his bets. I used to be able to negotiate away from these, but I didn?t have much to negotiate with at this point.

One Saturday, as part of a negotiation, he made me create a profile on a popular nudist website. No photos at this point, but it had to have my real name and info, etc. And he made me make an extra dummy profile with fake info. This website, he promised, would be the first wide spread posting of face pics of me if it ever came to that. This freaked me out, but would frankly be better than having pics posted elsewhere? at least I could argue this was a ?lifestyle? of mine? however ridiculous I really thought that was.

Then, he took the log in and changed the password of the real profile page with my actual info on it so I couldn?t even access my own profile page! It turns out the dummy profile was just so I could log in and watch my real profile helplessly as he manipulated the page with my name, etc on it. Fuck!

Sure enough, after a rough week of betting on games and a poor roll of the dice on Saturday morning, he ?penalized? me with posting a pic on my nudist page. It had to be full frontal nudity, head-to-toe (not even sandals were allowed), but I could choose the photo. I had until midnight. I tried everything to negotiate away from it, which he clearly enjoyed, but he wasn?t budging. I had to choose a pic to be posted on this weird nudist website! The least incriminating pic I could think of would be some ?social nudity? thing without any sexual connotations. I had looked at plenty of pics of men and women on nude beaches. So, I decided that I would go to the nude beach nearby and somehow get someone to take a few pics of me that would make it look like maybe I didn?t even know they were being taken.

Mazomannie Beach in Wisconsin is pretty well described on the internet as a nude beach, and is known to be so locally. I did some quick reading and it looks like the authorities have pretty much agreed not to arrest people for nudity there. So, off I went, with my camera phone in hand to get some pics for my new ?nudist? profile. I took a six pack with me, since I knew I?d need some liquid courage to get this done.

After a fairly strange and at times embarrassing afternoon, I had managed to get some guy who was there alone (probably gay I was guessing) to take a few photos of me on my phone. One walking down the beach butt naked, a couple others laying on the beach like I was sunning myself.

I picked the walking photo and sent it to the guy that afternoon. I was was using my dummy nudist profile to check my real profile constantly? sure enough a couple of hours later, there I was, ass naked on this nudist website with my full name, etc! My heart rate jumped, my dick stiffened, and I needed another beer to calm down.

I had earned 24 hours of exposure online, so the photo stayed up for 24 hours and then he took it down. In that day, my profile had numerous friend requests, welcome messages, etc. I was freaked out by the fact that now I would never know who at work had seen my naked profile online.

Chapter 6

He had too many games to count ? all for his amusement and to torment or control me. For example, one day I had to do ?metronome training?. This one combined nudity, sex, control, public exposure ? lots of things he seemed to get off on.

He made me buy a silicone sleeve with soft texture and bumps on the inside ? this thing feels great on your hard dick, but is only a couple of inches long. So you slide it up and down. With the help of some lube, any guy will cum in no time. It has a snug grip on your hard cock, so even though your sliding it with your hand, you can?t control how tightly your dick is being squeezed like you can when your just using your bare hand.

Two cams are placed in front of me. One focused so it shows just from the adams apple down. The other placed so it shows from the top of my head down. The first cam is being broadcast on a popular gay cam website. The second cam is private for the guy, but he is of course able to get the recording off the cam website.

I have to pull up a metronome website ? basically you put in a rate and it makes audible clicks to that pace. He determines the rate and can order me to change it at any time. I am required to stroke me cock with the sleeve to the beat of the metronome. If I miss a beat, he inches up the view on the broadcast cam to show a bit more of my face.

The game is this ? he determines the beat and for how many minutes I need to stroke like this. If I cum, the recorded version with my face is sent to all of the onlookers on the website. If I don?t cum, I survive to fight again and nothing is sent to anyone. The rules are posted under my cam image, so the guys watching know that they may receive a reward if they are tuned in when I cum.

I had accumulated 23 minutes of penalty time during the previous week, so on Saturday I had be on there, stoking to his pace, for 23 minutes. The timer doesn?t start until I am hard, then the metronome begins and the timer starts.

Let?s just say, the threat of having a video like that sent to a bunch of guys is about as freaky to me as it gets. But fuck is it hard to not cum with that thing sliding up and down your dick? I endured, barely. And made it off free. But this was a new level of torment! I tried to resist future sessions like this when I could by offering up an alternative game ? sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn?t.

Chapter 7

He eventually became a little frustrated with the fact that I was living in an apartment. The lack of privacy here meant he was less able to give outdoor requirements (at least not without significant risk of arrest). So, when my lease ran out, he required me to find a house to rent instead. It needed to have enough private outdoor space that he could make me do things out there as well, workouts, dares, etc.

I had a few houses I was looking at, but he made me submit my choices to him for ?final approval?. Failed submissions were penalized. Eventually I found a small place with privacy, with a private back yard to I could be outside naked ? now I wasn?t allowed to be anywhere inside or in the backyard with any clothes on? including while I was cutting the grass, etc. I lived in fear that the owner would come over some time while I was outside naked?

And on it went. What had started as a one-month commitment was extending into the summer. I had spent naked weekends at two gay resorts, and one at a swingers resort near Chicago and had to submit pics to him from all of them. It was looking like it was going to be a long, long summer?

Next: Chapter 2

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