
By Jack Santoro

Published on Jun 25, 2013





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I'd met Gerry through a mutual friend, and he had a low-key, friendly manner, much like mine We got along so well that he invited me to come see him that Saturday. When I arrived that morning, he greeted me at the door wearing only a bathrobe, and invited me in. He was about my age, 30, and somewhat shorter than my six feet. We both had brown hair and eyes, and his build was slightly more thick-set than my slender one. He led me to the kitchen, where he poured out coffee for us, and we sat down to talk.

"I think we have a lot in common," he began. I nodded agreement and he continued. "We both like coffee, and have similar tastes in clothes, but these are trivial. The real similarity is that we enjoy sex play with guys." Again, I nodded, glad to find out that we'd be having a mutual session that morning.

"You're barely dressed," I said. "Perhaps I should strip down." He nodded, smiling, and I quickly stripped off my shirt, shoes, pants, and boxers, setting them on the chair next to mine. I saw his eyes were fixed on my crotch, which didn't surprise me at all.

"I see one difference," he said as he slipped out of his bathrobe. I saw that our pricks were of similar size, about three inches soft, but the big contrast was that his prick had a long thick foreskin covering a bulbous glans, whereas my prick was bare-headed.

"Yeah, unfortunately mine was cut when I was born," I said. "I'm glad you're not cut, because I really like pricks with foreskins, especially one like yours." He began sliding his foreskin back and forth over the head, slowly and sensually. I moved my chair closer to his and said:

"Let me." as I reached for his prick. He removed his hand and reached for mine, gently squeezing my glans. I grasped his still soft prick and slowly skinned it back, playing gently with the foreskin that I envied. The front dome of his helmet came into view, parted by the lips of his long pee-slit, already seeping natural lubricant. His prick had a clean musky aroma that I enjoyed smelling. Our erections came quickly and I saw that we both had about six inches hard.

"We're both `growers'," he said.

"We're about the same size hard," I added, "but you've got a foreskin and I don't."

"Lots of guys are cut," he said. "You're not the only one. I think it looks good with the head visible, especially a nice one like yours."

"I know, but I really wish I wasn't cut," I replied. "I wish I had a nice long foreskin like yours. You've got a really hot looking helmet, big enough so that the shape shows through your foreskin. I love playing with a foreskin."

"Well, although you've got a handsome dick, I like it that I'm uncut. Now just imagine that it's yours while you're stroking it," he suggested. "That should make it more exciting for you."

"It does!" I affirmed. "I really like this!"

"Our tips are about the same," Gerry pointed out. "Both helmet type, with flaring ridges."

"Yours is smooth and glossy, though, because you're not circumcised. It's more sensitive, isn't it?"

"I think so," he answered. "Uncut guys are usually more sensitive. Our slits are different, though. Yours pouts like a teardrop now that you're hard. Mine is still a slit."

"Yes but your slit's longer than mine," I said. "Do you shoot or dribble?"

"I shoot hard when I come. How about you?"

"I shoot too, but not as far as I did when I was 16. Then, I used to shoot three or four feet."

"Me too," he said. "I used to shoot that far too, back then, but only if I kept the skin back. If I kept the skin forward while I was shooting, it just dribbled out of the opening." While he was speaking I saw his balls go tight against his body, a sure sign of his mounting excitement.

"Your dick's really beautiful," he said. "One thing I like about cut dicks is that I know they're clean. With an uncut guy the first time I never know if he washed that morning." He leaned over and I felt his lips engulf my swollen helmet, tongue-tip probing my pouting orifice. As I'd seen his prick was squeaky-clean, I bent over and wrapped my lips around the exposed head, pushing my tongue into his long slit. We continued like that for a minute, and then he pulled away and straightened up. I did too.

We continued stimulating each other, but as I didn't have a foreskin, the most he could do was to grasp my shaft skin and bring it up to bump against the base of my helmet. He alternated this with lightly running his fingertips around my corona. His touch had to be light to avoid giving me a friction burn on the tender glans.

"It's so much easier to stroke your prick," I said. "That foreskin slides so smoothly."

"I know," he said. "I've stroked a lot of cut guys, since most guys in this country are like you and need lubricant. I've got some in the bedroom. Let's go in there." He led me to his bedroom, filled by a comfortable-looking queen size bed. He spread a large towel in the center and picked up a bottle of hand lotion from the bedside table. We sat on the towel side by side.

"That'll work," I told him. "I've used it before."

"It's a good moisturizer. It's good for your dry tip." He squirted some into his hand and wrapped his fingers around my hard prick. The lotion felt cold at first, but warmed within a few seconds. The smooth but firm friction as he worked his fist up and down my shaft and glans was very arousing, and I felt my scrotum draw up tightly against my body.

"That feels very good," I told him. "You're an expert at it." Meanwhile, I continued working his foreskin up and down.

"It should be," he replied. "I've had a lot of practice stroking cut guys." On each up-stroke he twisted his fist around my flaring rim, adding to the sensations.

"You're making me very hot, but I'm sure you're going to come first, since your prick's got a foreskin. The few uncut guys I know have firecracker pricks."

"Okay," Gerry said, "but when I start to come, stop stroking me. My dick gets super-sensitive when I come." I nodded agreement and began to slide his ample foreskin up and down his prick in long, sensual strokes, pulling down to bare the shapely purple helmet and its sexy flaring ridge, and then tugging farther to put tension on his gee-string, stretching its nerve endings and pulling his glans down.

Now the tension in Gerry's body was near its breaking point, and his shallow but rapid breathing told me that his orgasm was near. I slowed my pace, wanting to draw the last stage out as much as I could. Gerry lay back on the bed to relax and enjoy the sensations. I knew that his mind was not filled with the feelings in his prick because he had stopped stroking me, although his fingers were still wrapped around my rock-hard prick.

"I can feel you're right on the edge, Gerry. I want to keep you there for a few seconds before you unload." His helmet had engorged with more blood and gone into its final swelling, hardening even more, with the flaring corona standing out more sharply than before. Drops of lubricant oozed from his long slit, making his long foreskin slide easily over the swollen head. I pulled his foreskin up, engulfing the helmet and stretching it forward of the glans. I drew his foreskin down again, once more making the front of his glans dip with the tension on his frenulum. Gerry's left hand had clenched into a fist, and I saw his legs trembling slightly. Once more, I drew the foreskin up, stretching it beyond the end of his glans, and then back down as far as I could. I knew he was right on the brink and gave it a couple of short fast pumps, bumping his corona, and this sent him hurtling over the edge. I felt his right hand clamp spasmodically on my prick as his eyes snapped shut.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" he cried out as the shattering sensations overtook him. As I felt the first throb in his prick, I pulled his foreskin all the way up and held it there with my thumb and forefinger, pinching the end shut. He first stream blasted out, trapped by the foreskin, and then he howled again and another throb told me that his second gush had erupted into his foreskin, which was starting to swell with the volume. Gerry grunted and groaned, loudly and helplessly, filling the air with his cries as his prick throbbed again and blew another load into his ballooning hood. I knew that the hot fluid swirling around his bloated super-sensitive helmet was enhancing the sensations for him.

I was enjoying the sight and the sounds of his intense climax, and continued to pinch the end of his magnificent foreskin to keep the sperm from leaking out. His face was contorted, another sign that he was deeply into his orgasm, and I knew that his awareness of the world outside his body had faded completely. His prick throbbed again as his hips lifted off the bed, and his ballooning foreskin swelled even more. He moaned loudly as another spasm gripped him, and his ample foreskin expanded with the inrush of juice. I wasn't worried about the pressure tearing his foreskin or doing any damage, because I knew that the foreskin is very flexible tissue, and stretches like no other tissue in the human body.

A softer moan escaped his lips and I barely felt this throb. His orgasm was ending and he'd just be seeping a few drops from now on. He gradually relaxed and his breathing returned to normal. His fingers had loosened their grip on my prick. He lay still for about a minute and then opened his eyes.

"Oh, that was terrific!" he said. "That hit me like an express train." I pointed to his prick and he raised his head to look and his ballooning foreskin. "So that's what you did. That hot juice running around the head put me on Cloud Nine." I helped him get off the bed and into the bathroom, where I held his prick over the sink and released my grip. A gush of thick viscous juice poured from the orifice and his foreskin shrank back to normal. I turned on the warm water and pushed his foreskin back to expose the white-coated helmet.

"Is your tip still too sensitive to touch? I asked.

"No, it's okay. It's just super-sensitive while I'm coming and a few seconds after." I cupped my other hand under the faucet and poured some warm water over his glans, rubbing it gently to rinse off the residue. I worked my finger into the deep groove between his corona and bunched-up foreskin, removing the last traces of cream. I milked his urethra, forcing the last drops out, and then poured warm water over his glans again. The warm water stimulated his sphincter and within second a thick yellow stream parted the lips of his long slit.

"You've got a beautiful prick," I murmured into his ear. "I love to handle it, skin it back, and rinse it off." I pushed his bunched-up foreskin down over his now shrunken glans until it formed a nipple ahead of the helmet. "I like the way it hugs the head, showing off its contours."

"I like it too," he said. "I'm glad my skin is tight, compared to guys who have loose floppy skins." His fingers closed around my prick, which was still hard from the excitement of handling his, and began to work back and forth, slowly and sensually.

"Now it's your turn to come," he said. He kissed me on the lips and led me back into the bedroom. "Here, lie on your side and I'll do something special to make you come." I lay on my left side, my prick over the center of the towel, and he slid in behind me after taking something from the drawer. I heard a buzzing sound.

"This is a vibrator, the powerful plug-in kind," he explained. "It's great for cut guys because the vibrations reach the deep-seated nerve endings. You're going to get an intense and powerful climax from this." He continued stroking my prick, but now each time he pulled his fingers off my glans he touched the buzzing business end of the vibrator to the front dome. My prick twitched in response, and then he removed the vibrator and stroked up again, twisting his fingers around my swollen helmet. I felt my excitement risging fast.

"That's terrific," I gasped. "I've never felt anything like it." I saw my helmet swelling a little more from the inrush of blood, the ridge flaring out and glossy from the lotion.

"I've only got it on low speed," Gerry told me. "I want it to last so that you can enjoy the ride."

"I'm going to come very soon," I answered. "I'm very close now." The insistent buzzing in my glans, combined with the wet friction of his fingers, was pushing me inexorably toward climax.

"Go ahead, let yourself come," he said. "When you start coming I'm going to switch this to high and you'll feel a climax like you never felt before." I felt drops of natural lubricant crawling up my urethra, seeping from my pouting orifice to blend with the slippery lotion. Gerry's strong fingers, stroking my prick and massaging my sensitive ridge sideways, would have been enough to make me come, but the added sensations the vibrator was pouring into my prick were making my nerve endings vibrate. My breathing was shallow and rapid.

"Any second," I whispered as my eyes closed and I began withdrawing from the outside world, my consciousness dominated by the intense feelings in my prick. More drops of lubricant tickled my urethra in their journey forward. A familiar tickle filled my glans, and I knew that when it turned into a tingle I'd be right on the brink. Gerry sensed this, for he said:

"When you start coming, I'm going to press the vibrator into the sweet spot under your helmet and make you see stars." As he spoke, a memory flashed through my brain: the first time I'd masturbated to orgasm. I'd seen stars before my eyes and my prick had become too super-sensitive to touch. The sensations had been so intense that I was frightened, thinking I'd broken something inside.

Now my glans was tingling, and I felt a powerful throb deep inside me as stars exploded in front of my eyes and the vibrator pressed into the triangular groove on the underside of my helmet. My first powerful gush of sperm rushed up my urethra, so hot that it seared the lining, and exploded out of my gaping orifice. I cried out helplessly and Gerry continued to pour the powerful vibrations into the delta under my glans, sending hot sparks of sensation all over my prick down to the root. I cried out again as another hot jet shot up my tube, an ecstatic sensation that numbed my mind.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" I yelped as a third high-pressure torrent filled my urethra and slammed through my meatus. My entire body was trembling and I felt my face contorting as if I were being tortured. The root of my prick throbbed again, sending another hot stream of juice hurtling up my straining prick as tears came to my eyes and I moaned loudly. I was totally helpless in Gerry's hands, caught up n the towering sensations of orgasm, enhanced by the vibrator's magic buzzing.

My body jerked as I cried out again in response to another throb deep inside that sent a fifth burning flood of fluid up my prick. A weaker throb in the root of my prick told me my orgasm was ending, and I was left sobbing helplessly as the powerful vibrations continued to stab into my nerve endings. There was a slight tickling feeling as a few drops continued to dribble from my orifice. Finally, the vibrations stopped, and I felt my erection subsiding as I slipped into the daze that always follows my orgasm.

A couple of minutes later, when I opened my eyes, I saw Gerry smiling down at me. He spoke:

"Man, that really hit you hard. You shot a really heavy load, at least as much as I did."

"You get it hit me hard, Gerry. That vibrator was terrific, especially when you switched it t high speed and hit my hot spot with it."

"As I said, vibrator are good for cut guys," he told me. For most guys, cut or uncut, the hot spots are the rim and the groove on the underside."

"I know that vibrator was good. You made me start coming just with the low speed. Hell, I would have come just from your stroking me."

"Yeah, but I wanted you to have a terrific experience you'll remember for a long time." I pulled him down to me and kissed him on the lips. He pulled me up and into the bathroom with him.

"Let's take a shower," he suggested. As we were both sweaty from our exertions, I quickly assented. Under the hot water, the sweat rinsed from our bodies. I saw Gerry pull his long foreskin back to lodge behind his flaring corona. A thick yellow stream flowed from his long slit. The hot water flowing over my naked glans made my sphincter relax and my stream joined his, flushing out any residue from my urethra. Our pricks were toally limp now, and had shrunk to the dimensions I'd seen when we'd first undressed. I saw that he'd finished, and I reached out to milk his urethra, and pull hs foreskin down over the head.

"I like the way your skin's so form-fitting," I said.

"I know you do," he replied. "I like it too."

"We'll have to get together next week," I suggested.

"I'd like that."

The End.

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