Contracted to Justin

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Mar 16, 2007


NOTES>> This is the ninth chapter in the Contracted To Justin series. Safe sex doesn't appear in this story all that often, but I trust it appears a lot in your own lives. Sex does appear quite often though, sometimes quite graphically, and invariably of the gay and BDSM nature, so only read on if the law of your chosen land allows. The copyright is all mine, subject to Nifty's rules on the matter.

I've also started a new story called 'Working For Darren' which you can also read here on Nifty. Meantime, I hope this chapter pleases. Feedback always appreciated -- do drop me an email to

CHAPTER NINE: Degrading examinations

I was feeling that increasingly familiar combination of confusion, embarrassment and shock, all over again. Mixed in with a little fear. And just thirty seconds ago everything had felt so normal.

Well, nearly normal.

I could still feel the plastic of the CB3000 encasing my dick, and that horrid crusty jockstrap stretched across my crotch, and I knew the bright pink socks I was wearing proclaimed that I 'sucked cock' and 'drank piss'. And my ass, cock and balls were still stinging with the soreness of the beating I'd got the previous day -- and I ached all over from the various physical and sexual assaults I'd endured over the weekend. But despite the discomfort and unease all those things caused, in a way I liked them -- even the aches and sores. Because they reminded me that my life was now far from normal, but they didn't betray that fact to anyone else. So I got the genuine thrill of knowing I was serving my master (who had, after all, insisted I wear the socks, jock and cock cage, and who expected me to diligently endure the physical pain he inflicted), but my serving him was a secret from those around me. Which meant the unpredictability of my new life while at home - something I loved and loathed with an equal passion -- was on hold. For most of the working day I got the satisfaction of knowing I was serving Justin, but without the unpredictability, and possibility of pain or degradation, that that servitude otherwise involved.

Except, of course, now things weren't normal at all. And my new life obviously wasn't a secret. And things had suddenly become very unpredictable again. I'd really expected the air of normality I've just described to remain until returning home from work -- to have lost it again, here and now, in Doctor Roberts's surgery, was the last thing in the world I'd thought would happen. Hence the confusion, the embarrassment and the shock. And the fear.

Everything had changed when the doctor and two other men had walked into the waiting room. It changed because one of the two men was naked. Completely naked. His stiff six inch dick there for all to see -- well, me and the girl on reception. He didn't even have any body hair to hide behind, or a cock cage for that matter. The naked guy -- presumably the other guy's sub - had his hands clasped behind his neck and his head bowed, and a thick chain around his neck. And while the doctor and the other guy chatted, he remained silent.

If this sub was naked, here in the waiting room, it didn't take a genius to work out what that meant for me. But before I had even begun to process the situation the Doc was already walking in my direction, handing me a large glass and shouting orders at me: "OK, cunt boy, get your kit off and piss in this". Despite it being obvious what was expected of me, even without the Doc's explicit instruction, I must admit I paused a little after he'd spoke. I was still coming to terms with the sudden end of my 'normality'.

"Are you deaf?" -- he really was shouting now, this was a whole new man from the one who had seen me before I'd entered into my contract with Justin. He'd been so gentle and polite. "Do you want me to call Justin, get him in here, so you can explain to him why you're disobeying orders? Is that what you want? Because Louise can have him on the phone in ten seconds."

Shit, I didn't want that. I still didn't really know what was going on here, but I didn't want that. If this doctor wanted me naked, here in this waiting room, in front of his young receptionist and these other guys, then I guess I had to get naked. Obviously this wasn't any ordinary doctor's surgery -- the other naked guy was proof of that -- and, despite my confusion, embarrassment and shock, that made stripping to order slightly less of a trauma.

"No sir" I said, already standing up and removing my shirt, in a bid to ensure my momentary disobedience didn't get back to Justin. It seemed to work, because as soon as he saw me start stripping the doc returned to tending to his other patients -- the dom and the sub.

He was explaining something to his receptionist and the dom, presumably about the sub's health, though I don't think the dom was paying much attention. Because as I dropped my trousers, revealing that horrid jock strap, I noticed he seemed to be putting all his energy into watching me strip. He smiled when he saw the jock strap, but kept staring. He didn't take his eye off me once as I removed the jock to reveal my caged cock, nor when I picked up the glass I'd been given by the doctor, positioned it under my locked dick, and started to piss. Even though the doctor was clearly talking to him and the receptionist about the other naked guy's health.

It wasn't easy pissing in the glass -- not because I didn't need to piss, actually I did -- but because it's actually quite hard directing your piss when your dick's locked in a CB3000. Your piss slit isn't always lined up with the little hole at the tip, so piss can dribble and spray more than normal. The day before when I'd pissed in the restaurant men's room I'd had one of those full length urinals to piss into, and while I'd been aiming at the jock strap it hadn't mattered if some splattered either side. Here I had to be extra careful -- I dreaded to think what would be happen if I pissed on the doctor's waiting room floor. But I managed it -- by pissing in short spurts -- something that seemed to amuse the dom guy even more, as he stood there and watched me piss.

Once I was done pissing -- and with the side show over, as it were - he finally turned away from me, and back to the doc, who was handing him a form on a clip board. "That's all good" he said before signing it -- despite the fact he'd not listened to a word the doc said or read the form he was signing.

"Cunt boy, on your knees" the doctor shouted over to me, once he'd seen I was naked and had filled his glass with my piss. I complied. Though not without some pain -- my legs ached big time -- them having been tied over my shoulders for several hours the day before. Once I was kneeling the doc made no further comment and instead engaged in small talk with the dom guy.

Despite the fact no one was actively staring at me as I knelt there, naked, with my caged cock on show, I was blushing crimson red again. There was something so wrong with this situation. The other sub hadn't spoken the entire time, even though it was his health that was clearly being discussed. He'd stood completely still, keeping his head bowed and his hands behind his neck -- his stiff dick poking up proudly out of his shaven groin. Clearly neither the doctor, his visitor or Louise the receptionist thought there was anything odd in this guy being brought into this public waiting room naked, and made to stand there in silence while they discussed his health. Nor, for that matter, that I'd just stripped and pissed in front of them, or that I was now on my knees.

The fact I wasn't the only one naked helped a little. And this was the first time that I'd been in a room with another obvious sub, and that helped a little too. But still, being naked and submissive in front of these complete strangers (OK, I had met the doctor and receptionist once before, but not in these circumstances), and without the presence of Justin or even one of the other guys who already knew of my new life, was hugely degrading. Which, of course, meant I was feeling horny all over again. My dick was now pushing hard against the side of my CB3000.

After a couple of minutes of small talk with the doc, the dom guy walked over to the pile of clothes I had noticed when I'd first arrived in the waiting room and he picked them up. The naked guy stayed at the reception desk, presumably awaiting permission to move. On his way past me the dom ruffled my hair and said to the doctor: "New meat?"

"Justin Ford's new boy".

"Ah of course, knows how to pick em doesn't he? Lucky fuck. Poked him yet?"

"God no, he's brand new, don't know if Justin's up to sharing him just yet".

I wouldn't have thought it would have been possible for me to blush more, but I'm sure I did. Being talked about like this was so degrading. And it didn't stop.

"Put the glass on the floor, and then crawl into my office" the doctor commanded, pointing through the door way he and the other two guys had come out of "and kneel by my table".

I did as I was told. Obviously. The doctor, Louise and the other dom seemed to all pause in order to watch me make my way, on all fours, into the doc's office, with my severely beaten ass on show for all to see. An ass that didn't go unnoticed.

"Look at that ass" the dom guy said as I crawled passed. "Fuck, I'm giving Justin a call tonight. I mean, he's fucked my pig often enough, I think it's time for pay back. Though, I could do without all that bruising. I mean, I like a burning red ass as much as the next man, but I've never liked the bruised look the next day".

"I know what you mean", the doc replied, "but he's obviously been a disobedient fuck to deserve that kind of paddling. Problem with new meat you see -- nice tight asses, but they break the rules so much they're always covered in bruises".

I'm not even going to begin to tell you how degrading being talked about in this way felt -- because I'd just be stating the obvious. Though added to the embarrassment, what the doc said about always being covered in bruises concerned me a little. Though the fact he said it in such a blase way, and him being a medic, reassured me a little -- presumably all this bruising wasn't risky in terms of long term health. By now I was kneeling by the doc's table as ordered. The dom and doctor said their good byes and, I noticed through the open door, the dom then led his naked sub out of the surgery by grabbing onto to his still hard cock, and without letting him get dressed first. I wondered how far down to street level the sub guy would go while still naked.

"OK, stand up".

The doc was back in his office now, having shut the door to the waiting room, much to my relief. He'd brought the glass of my piss in with him, and taken a test tube full out of it, putting a cap on the tube and writing something on the side.

I stood up as ordered. He stepped over to me and, again surprising me, he got a key out of his pocket and unlocked my CB3000, slid off the tube bit (which wasn't easy, I was still quite turned on and amply filled the little cock tube) and then removed the ring that was around my cock and balls. He put the chastity device on his table. Then he started squeezing my balls, quite roughly. I still ached down there from the day before -- a lot - and his squeezing sent a whole new kind of pain through my groin. I flinched. He smiled. What kind of doctor smiles when you flinch in pain?

"OK, turn round and bend over, let me have a look at that boy cunt of yours".

I did as he said. My face blushed red again. Normally if there is one person you can do things like this in front of without getting embarrassed it's a doctor, but with this doctor revealing my asshole in this way seemed more degrading than ever. He stuck a finger in my ass and started to poke around. He hadn't put any gloves on I noted. He push and prodded in my ass for a minute or so then told me to stand up, turn round again and open my mouth. I did so. He stuck the finger that had been up my ass in my mouth and said, simply, "Lick". I did so. It had a horrid taste. Not quite as bad as the shit I'd licked off Justin's cock on Saturday night, but not far off.

"OK, say ah". At last something more akin to what a normal doctor might say. Though, as he investigated my throat he held my tongue down with the finger that had been up my ass, which still had a real musky taste to it.

Then he moved his attentions from my mouth back to my dick, which was now fully hard again. He grabbed it and wanked me a couple of times.

"OK cunt boy, skin back your dick for me". I paused slightly. "Well, go on then".

"Please sir, I'm not meant to touch my dick".

"But this is doctor's orders". I wasn't sure what that meant, and was still dubious about touching myself. But I did as I was told and pulled back my foreskin as far as it would go. The doctor squeezed my cock head a few times, and than ran his nail over my piss slit. I tried not to, but I couldn't help feeling even hornier as the doctor handled my dick. I was actually glad when he stopped, because it was taking all my will power to not thrust my dick into his hands. Having finished with my dick he squeezed each of my nipples, hard. "So he's not done anything to these yet then?" he asked.

"No sir". Though what he could do to my nipples I couldn't think. Despite everything, I still had a lot to learn.

"Strange, I thought Justin liked torturing these". What did that mean? Of course I couldn't ask. This might be my doctor, but clearly Justin's rules remained the same. The doc picked up his clip board and addressed me.

"OK, your ass is in a pretty bad state, inside and out, and your balls are really badly bruised and swelling a little. There's no permanent damage, but you really should try behaving in the future, too many thrashings like the one that caused this damage, and we might have to remove one of these". He'd be squeezing my cock head again as he'd said all that, but squeezed my balls as he said 'these'. I flinched -- not at the squeeze -- but at what he'd said. What did he mean 'remove one of these'? I started to worry. It was all very well telling me to avoid the thrashings by behaving, but I couldn't help thinking Justin would find reasons to punish me whatever I did. I wondered if the ball bashings would be common. Perhaps he'd normally stick to paddling my ass. God, I hoped so. What did he mean 'remove one of these'?. Was that a joke?

"Ideally you shouldn't take any more cock in that ass of yours for at least a week, but we know that's not going to happen. Justin might accept just head for a couple of days, but he's not going to go a week without fucking that ass of yours, and I'm not going to be the one to suggest he should. But if you put this cream up there each morning and evening that'll help. And keep that asshole of yours as clean as you can. Especially before being fucked. Any rough fuck's going to make you bleed again, and if it's shitty down there while you're bleeding that can be bad. Very bad".

That also bothered me slightly, because it had been shitty down there on Saturday night, and I'd bled then. But presumably if that had had any detrimental effects the doctor would see them. Wouldn't he?

"Obviously you'll need Justin's permission to use this cream. I'm going to let you put some on now but I can't give you permission to do stuff outside this surgery, you'll need Justin's say so for that. I suggest you raise it with him as soon as you can. You also need to rub this other cream into your ball sac twice a day too. Presumably your balls are off limits to your hands too?

"Yes Sir"

"Well, in which case you're going to have to find someone to do this for you. I know for a fact Justin doesn't like getting this shit on his hands. He might do it with gloves though. Though I doubt it. I think you're going to have to find someone else do to it for you. For starters, when you go back into the waiting room, if you ask Louise very nicely, she might put some on for you. Ass and balls. She'll do anything for an excuse to feel up the merchandise, as it were". He laughed at his own joke.

"Anyway, we're done here. Just drink what's left of your piss and you can go". He handed me the two tubes of cream and the glass I'd pissed into. The glass was still more or less full of my piss. Being forced to drink piss was one of my least favourite things at the best of times, but somehow being told to do it by a doctor in such a clinical way made it feel ten times more degrading. I took a couple of sips from the glass. Yuck -- somehow it tasted worse this way too.

"Oh for fucks sake, just down the stuff will you? I've got other people to see you selfish fuck".

I took a deep breath and downed what was left of the piss. It was horrible. Though not as horrible as when I opened the door back into the waiting room. I don't know why I'd expected it to be empty still, but I really had. I wasn't ready for there to be five new guys in there. Two were clothed, three were naked.

Two of the naked guys were kneeling with their hands behind their heads. One was a pretty blonde guy, about my age, with noticeably large nipples; the other was dark haired like me, but probably a few years younger, actually he was really cute. Both had full erections on show -- and there's wasn't a sign of body hair below the neck on either of them.

The third naked guy was crouched up in front of one of the doms, who was using him as a foot stool. That sub looked quite a bit older -- maybe even early fifties. To this day older subs freak me out a little. Especially when they are subservient to younger doms. The guy with his feet up on this guy's back was probably younger then me -- about the same age as the dark haired sub, and just as cute. Knowing how serving Jay, nine years my junior, made me feel, I could only wonder what it felt like to be a fifty year old sub serving a guy in his early twenties.

"What the fuck you looking at?" shouted the second dom, another slightly older guy, but nowhere near as old as the foot stool sub. He'd been strolling round the waiting room, but was now standing in front of me. His sudden outburst shocked me, though to be fair with hindsight I had been standing in the door way for a good twenty seconds staring at these guys, such had been the surprise in finding them there. And obviously my naked state, here in the waiting room, told him he didn't have to tolerate me staring at him.

"Is there a problem Miles?" The doc spoke from behind me.

"Yeah, this fuck is making eye contact with his superiors".

I felt a sudden slap across the back of my head. "Stop staring you ungrateful fuck".

"I'm sorry sir, I'm really sorry". I quickly bowed my head.

"You will be. Now ask Louise if she'll cream you up".

I walked to the reception desk and held out the creams the doctor had given me. "Please miss, would you kindly put this cream into my asshole, and this cream on my balls?"

She smiled: "Oh go one then".

She got up and walked round to my side of the reception desk, squirted some of the first cream into her hands, and gently rubbed it into my balls. Louise was always really nice to me whenever I visited the doc - she never shouted, or sneered, or made derogatory remarks at my expense, and she was always gentle whenever she rubbed creams into my wounds. Nevertheless, somehow having a girl see me in my subservient state was always somehow especially embarrassing. And the fact she was always so nice and polite -- not slutty or mistress like -- made it seem even more so. Clearly she saw a lot of this stuff -- I later learned that the city's whole BDSM community used this surgery on a Monday lunchtime, Doc Robert being a part time dom himself. But that didn't stop having a girl see me this way, and feel me this way, from seeming especially embarrassing. And even more so when she told me to turn round and bend over, and started pushing some cream up my ass. Despite the embarrassment, having Louise's gentle hands on my balls and ass turned me on even more. My dick was really hard now. Something which, in turn, made me even more embarrassed.

The doctor was talking to the other two doms, and none of them seemed to be paying much attention to me, though I noticed the two other younger subs, still silently kneeling, were both observing my treatment in some detail. The dark haired one, the cute one, looked like he was drooling. For a brief moment I pictured me fucking him. It occurred to me it was the first time in a long time I'd actually imagined me fucking another guy. It was certainly the first time since my new life with Justin began. I wasn't sure if my fantasties always had me as the bottom because that's what I enjoyed most, or because I just couldn't imagine a guy letting me put my dick up his ass. These thoughts, while brief, turned me on even more. My dick was throbbing again.

Which, of course, posed a problem that hadn't occurred to me. It occurred to the doc though, once I was standing up again, Louise having finished administering the creams.

"Oh for fucks sake", he said, having looked in my direction, "what is it with these filthy pigs, they're always fucking hard. I've got to cage that thing up, and he's fucking erect".

I could hardly see how me being erect was my fault -- given the circumstances -- though he had a point, there was no way I was going to get the CB3000 on in this state. But I was so hard, and so turned on, I didn't fancy my chances of getting rid of the erection, not without getting dressed and out of this place first.

"Want one of these fucks to sort it out?" the older of the doms asked. What did that mean?

"Jack him off?"


"Well, I'm not sure what he's done to deserve a free hand job, but I'm too busy to worry about that, so if you're OK with that then that would be great".

Wow, a pleasant shock, I'd not had one of those yet. Well, I suppose Jay had wanked me off the previous day, but that had been for money, and so that the pending ball paddling would feel ten times worse. The prospect of one of these subs jerking me off was an incredibly good turn of events. I looked at the cute dark haired one -- he seemed to think so too, his dick was now throbbing also and he definitely was drooling.

"Shitface, come here and get that fist of yours working on this pig's dick".

The dark haired sub's face showed a subtle but instant sign of sadness at the dom's instructions -- so I immediately knew he wasn't going to be giving me my hand job. And I suspected it wasn't going to be the pretty blonde haired one either. And I was right.

Within seconds the older sub who had been providing the other dom with a footstool was on his feet. He really did look old compared to all the young flesh that was on show in this office. His cock was caged too I noticed. He took his place just to my right, slightly behind me, and put his right hand on my dick. Then he waited, looking at the dom who'd ordered him into this position. He nodded and, on cue, the old sub started to ferociously jerk my dick. Like when Jay had wanked me the day before, I was so hard, and he jerked me so forcefully, it didn't take long before I was ready to cum, though for those thirty seconds I was on a whole new level of ecstasy, even though the wank made by aching balls ache even more.

"Please sir, am I allowed to cum?".

I assumed I was, as the aim here was for me to lose my erection, but I thought I'd better check.

"Yes, you can cum" the doc replied. It was just as well, before he'd said the word 'cum' I could feel that incredible sensation you get as your balls start to unleash your juices, and as soon as he'd given me permission the first shot of cum shot out of my dick. The old sub kept on wanking me throughout my orgasm -- and I shot five big loads of cum. It was an immense orgasm and I found it hard to stay standing. It took me a good thirty seconds to come down from my sexual high, and by the time I did I realized that the doctor was reaffixing the CB3000 to my dick, and that the old sub was on his knees licking up the cum I'd unleashed onto the doc's tiled floor. I hadn't heard him being told to do that -- so assumed he'd done it without being told - perhaps it was part of the job of wanking off another sub. I assumed rightly and wrongly.

"Who said you could lick up this pig's cum" the older dom shouted, though he'd waited until all the cum was licked before saying anything I noticed. The dom was now towering over the sub, who was still on his knees.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you wanted me, I'm sorry, I'm really really"

It was the first time I'd heard another sub speak. He had a higher pitched voice than you'd expect for a guy of his age. Not camp, or squeaky, just higher. He didn't get to finish his apology because the dom was kicking him in the chest. The dom squealed a little, as he took one, two, three, four, five kicks to the gut. But he didn't try to curl up into a ball, or move away from his dom, he took his punishment like the obedient sub he clearly was.

"Now get in the doc's office -- quick - now".

The sub started thanking the dom and kissing his shoes, before crawling into the doc's office. This whole thing had got me horny again, just minutes after my ejaculation, but my dick was now safely encased in plastic, so although my dick started to rise again, it could only rise as far as my cage allowed. The other two subs were also clearly turned on -- both their dicks were throbbing and they'd obviously been watching my hand job and the older sub's punishment intently.

Too intently as it turned out.

The younger dom, who must have got up to watch me being wanked, turned on the younger subs, shouting "what the fuck you two looking at". He slapped the blonde one round the head twice and then kicked the dark haired one in the balls, three times He let out three short screams before falling backwards as the third kick struck. "Who gave you permission to scream? You pathetic fuck". The cute guy look terrified. "I'm sorry sir, I'm really really sorry" he said, speaking for the first time. The dom guy stepped forward and put his left foot between the sub's legs and stepped down on his cock and balls. He kept his foot on them for at least twenty seconds. The sub remained silent but you could see from his face it was taking every ounce of his strength not to scream out loud. "That's better" the dom said.

Somehow watching this sub's punishment wasn't a turn on. In fact his pain really bothered me. I'd rather have had to experience the pain myself than watch this guy going through the ball crushing. I wasn't sure why that would be, but there was no doubt in my mind I'd gladly take this sub's place if it meant he didn't have to have go through that ordeal.

"Right, sign this and you can fuck off". The doc was talking to me again, clearly unfazed by the punishments the three subs here had just been subjected to. He was handing me his clipboard. On it was a piece of paper with a hand written description of what the doc had just done. Typed on it was my name, my address and, most worrying, the details of one of my credit cards. At the bottom, in a box next to line for my signature, it said 500. That, I assumed, was the price my card would be charged for this check up. Fuck, that was a lot. But I didn't see how I could argue. Actually, I was so shook up from watching the cute sub getting kicked, I'm not sure I really took in what it meant, that occurred to me later. But even if I had, I wouldn't have argued, how could I? Still, five hundred bucks for a little bit of prodding, two tubes of cream and a whole load of abuse seemed very steep. Nevertheless, I signed the form and handed the clip board back to the doc.

Louise, I noticed, was now at my side holding the clothes I'd quickly disposed of a half hour earlier. The doc took them off her, and then started to escort me out of the waiting room, still completely naked I might add. I got one last glimpse of the cute dark haired guy, who had now resumed his silent kneeling position. The blonde guy had taken over as a foot stool for the younger dom, the older dom having followed the older sub into the doctor's office.

"Next time you come here get undressed down stairs", the Doc said. We were now on the landing outside the surgery. "I don't need cunts like you parading round my waiting room like some fashion model. And if you're on your own, once Louise's signed you in, you wait on your knees over by the water cooler OK?"

"Yes sir".

With that the doctor dropped my clothes over the rail at the top of the stairs, and we both watched them drop to the ground floor two stories down, by the glass door I'd entered through.

"So long cunt boy".

And with that he was gone, closing the surgery room door behind him.

I know I keep talking about me being shocked about this and that, and given that I'd seen that other guy being led out of the doctor's surgery naked, you probably think I'm a stupid fuck for being shocked that the doc had brought me out here naked. But I was really really shocked. And a little fearful again.

It was the public place thing again.

The doc's surgery was kind of a public place, or the waiting room was at least, but I'd not been the first naked guy in there, which meant I'd quickly guessed that this public place wasn't really that public, not on a Monday lunch time anyway. But out here really was public. Or at least it felt that way. There'd definitely been a door way on the other two floors and, even if they weren't used, the main door way was big and glass and opened up straight onto the street. So you can imagine how I felt as I slowly walked down the stairs that day -- naked except for my cock cage.

I got to the final sub landing, six steps from which was the front door. My clothes were scattered over the whole hall way, but I figured if I acted quickly I could gather them up in a few seconds, then get back to this landing to get dressed. Also, I could just about see the street from where I was, so I could wait until no one was walking by before I made the clothes grab. Which is what I did. As soon as the passing pedestrians stopped I jumped down and grabbed my clothes.

I wish I could say I was successful in my bid to avoid any staring eyes.

As I went to return to the landing, having grabbed all my clothes, I looked up at glass door and, without wanting to, made eye contact with a woman passing outside. She stopped, glanced down at my caged cock and smiled. Mortified I instantly moved the bundle of clothes in my hands over my dick and jumped back to the sub landing.

It took me three minutes to get over that ordeal, during which time I sat huddled in the far corner of the sub-landing, still naked, my clothes bundle on top of my crotch, agonizing about how it was exactly I had got to be in this position.

Then, having caught my breath, I got dressed.

I started to rationalize things as I did so. There was a chance that woman hadn't really taken in my face, she seemed more preoccupied with my dick. And anyway, the chances were I'd never see her again in my life, so it didn't matter if she did remember my face. And even if I did meet her again, what does it matter if some stranger woman has seen me naked, even with my cock caged up? It didn't matter. And she'd laughed. She hadn't been shocked, she'd been amused. All this thinking calmed me down and helped me put things into perspective.

That said, it still took me another five minutes to pluck up the courage to leave the building and make my way back to work.

And the whole doctor's ordeal had left me well shook up. There was no way I was going to be in the productive mode I'd been in that morning when I got back to the office this time. Plus I desperately needed to shit, which would require getting Justin's permission, and I couldn't help thinking that wasn't going to be anywhere near as simple as it sounded.

To be continued - chapter ten coming very soon! Meantime, comments and thoughts positive or otherwise are always much much appreciated -

Next: Chapter 10

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