Contracted to Justin

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Feb 9, 2007


NOTES>> This is the third chapter in the Contracted To Justin series. Safe sex doesn't appear in this story all that often, but I trust it appears a lot in your own lives. Sex does appear quite often though, sometimes quite graphically, and invariably of the gay and BDSM nature, so only read on if the law of your chosen land allows. The copyright is all mine, subject to Nifty's rules on the matter. Feedback always much much appreciated -- now I have access to email again --

CHAPTER THREE: Blow jobs for beginners

"OK, piss licker, consider this a free lesson. I need you to remember all of this by heart. I'm only going to tell you it once. If you get it wrong in the future I'll have to whip your ass, you get me?"

I nodded. We were now in the living room. I was on my knees, naked, obviously. My hands still tied behind my back, and Justin's pissy cummy jock strap still in my mouth. I was aching all over still. Worse than ever actually, having spent five hours tied down to my kitchen table, and then I don't know how long crammed into that kitchen cupboard. I had no idea what time it was - I noticed someone, Justin presumably, had removed all the clocks and put tape over the kitchen cooker clock I had been looking at yesterday. But it was light outside.

Justin stood in front of me. He'd dragged me into the living room, and then paused to take his shirt off. That bit was very exciting. I'd seen his cock yesterday, but had never seen his naked chest for myself. It was as perfect as the rest of him. I'd kind of had a semi-hard-on when I woke up. As soon as I got a glimpse of Justin's well formed six pack, and his perfect nipples, I was in full on hard on mode again.

"Sometimes when people stick their dick in your mouth they just want an easy fuck. You're just a hole. It's your job to keep your teeth out of the way, relax your throat and swallow what you're given. That's it. But I guess you know about that," he said, smiling.

"But sometimes people want more than that. They want you to worship their body with your tongue, and this is how you're going to do it. First you're going to beg for it. You're going to tell me that you want to suck my dick, that you want to make me cum, that you only have one purpose in this world, and that's to make real men like me cum. And all you ask for in return is the possibility, the slight chance, of getting to eat my spunk. Do you get that?" I nodded again. "OK, do it".

That was easier said than done. I still had the cummy jock strap in my mouth. I made a weird squeaking noise, which seemingly communicated what I wanted to say. "Jeez", he replied, "just spit the fucking jock out will you?" Even that wasn't as easy as it sounds. But I opened my mouth as wide as it would go and wiggled my tongue until the juice filled jock strap finally fell to the floor.

It felt great. Really great. In fact, I was starting to realise one of the reasons why I liked this shit. If you're made to do something horrible, and then that horrible thing ends, just the fact of not having to do it any more will make you completely happy. And that means entirely normal things suddenly seem wonderful. I suppose it gives you a real sense of perspective. An empty mouth isn't anything to get excited about normally. But it is when you have had a rank jock strap shoved in their all night.

"Please master" I said, desperately trying to remember what Justin had just told me to say. It came out a bit croaky because my mouth was so dry, but I managed to continue. "Please may I suck your dick. I want to make you cum. I only have one purpose in the world, and that's to make real men like you cum. Please Master, I would do anything for the chance to eat some of your spunk".

Justin paused for a few seconds. I was worried I'd got something wrong. But then he continued with my lesson. "Now this is important. You've got to look for a guy's response. It's unlikely he's gonna give you immediate access to his dick. Unless he's just looking to get his rocks off, but in which case he'll probably just stick it in there without you asking. So you've got to look for the signals. He might tell you what to do next, or he might just indicate something through an action. It's your job to figure it out. And you've got to get it right. If you don't get it right, then the guy's got to punish you -- I mean, really punish you".

This was starting to sound a whole lot more tricky than I ever imagined.

"There's a chance he'll do this" he continued. As he said it he put his hands behind his head, revealing for the first time his gorgeous hairy arm pits. "That means he wants you to lick his pits. But you've got to beg first."

I responded before he'd even finished speaking. "Please master, please, can I lick your pits, I want to, I really do". Actually I did. I'm not sure why. Though my fuck off full on erection showed that my dick was in charge at the moment, not my brain. Without that the thought of licking another guy's sweaty pits would probably have disgusted me.

"Hmmm, I don't know, why should I?" he replied.

That stumped me. "I really want to master, I really do".

"I don't fuckin care what you want to do shitface, who fucking cares what you want? What do I get out of it? That's what you should be thinking about, not what you want, you selfish fuck. Now tell me, why should I let you lick my pits?"

"Erm", I floundered for a few seconds. "I'll clean them for you. I'll lick up all the sweat for you master".

"That's more like it" he said smiling. Yes, I'd got something right. "And the good news," he continued, "is I went for a long run this morning and didn't shower, so there's plenty of sweat for you to lick. And wait till you see how sweaty my ass is. That's gonna taste good. OK, stand up and get licking".

The bit about his ass bothered me slightly, but I didn't let it put me off. I stood up and immediately started licking his left pit. I gave it a couple of licks. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Actually, I really liked it. I started licking more frantically. I wasn't sure how much licking to do but kept going until he said "OK, pit licker, do the other one". I did. I loved that one too.

"OK, that's enough". I stopped. "Get down on your knees and beg to sniff my boxers. You'll like them. I slept in them, and jogged in them. And it's possible I spilt some piss on them too".

"Please master, please master, may I sniff your boxers?"

"OK, drop my pants first". This confused me a little. My hands were still tied behind my back, how was I going to take his pants off? I paused. I really couldn't think of a way.

"Please master, I am really sorry for asking you this question, but how can I take your pants off without my hands".

"Oh for fucks sake piss boy, do I have to tell you fucking everything, you fucking retard. You've got a mouth don't you? You've got teeth don't you? How do you think I want you to do it?" Now he was talking like he had yesterday afternoon -- really cross. So far today he'd been cheerful and relaxed, even the telling off about the pit licking hadn't been too angry. Now he was angry again. I felt awful. The last thing I'd wanted to do was anger him. I still had that genuine paranoia that if he got angry he might call our relationship off.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really really sorry, I didn't know, I'm sorry" I started saying, actually close to tears.

"Just do it".

I leant forward and tried to undo the button above his fly with my mouth. It was tricky, but not as tricky as I expected. But I was glad he had a zip fly, because several buttons would have taken some time, and as it was he was getting pissed off. "For fucks sake, what are you doing? I don't have all fucking day". But a couple of seconds after he'd said that, I had them undone, and he seemed to calm down. Thank God he hadn't been wearing a belt! With the button undone, and his zip pulled down, his trousers fell down to his knees, revealing a pair of tight grey boxers. He wasn't wrong - there was a big piss stain across the crotch.

"Go on then".

I leant forward and took a big sniff. It was a combination of piss and sweat. It was fantastic. Despite everything I've said about my dislike for piss related things in the early days, I actually learned to love the smell quite quickly. The taste, doing it in public, licking it up in public, that I didn't like. But the smell had an immediate appeal. I took in a number of deep breaths and absorbed the smell.

"OK, lick them". Damn, now I was going to get the taste again. Still, this piss was relatively fresh and didn't taste as bad as that jockstrap I'd been sucking on all night. And this licking had a real added bonus. My tongue was now touching Justin's dick. There was still a pair of tight grey boxers covering it, of course, but now I could really feel it with my tongue. He was already getting hard. I was in heaven. Justin pushed my head back and said "OK, drop my boxers". I didn't need to be told how this time. I bit my teeth around the elastic strip above his cock and pulled his boxers down to his knees. Then I straightened my back, and there it was. I'd got pretty close to his cock and balls yesterday, but not this close. Not licking distance. He was semi-hard. It was gorgeous. In fact, I'd say it was divine. My own dick was throbbing more than ever.

Suddenly he span round and now I was faced with his ass. In some ways this was a treat too. I'd not really managed to catch a glimpse of his ass yesterday, and now here it was, less than three inches from my face. Needless to say, it was perfect. But, given what he'd said earlier, I knew what he expected me to do. So much so, and despite my reservations, I spoke before he did. I think that impressed him a little.

"Please master, please my I lick your ass, I really want to lick it, I can clean this too".

"You kiss each butt cheek once. Then you lick my crack from bottom to top five times. Then you stick your tongue in my hole, as far as it will go, and you swirl it around".

I'd watched a guy rim another guy on the internet a few times, and had even fantasised about doing it a bit. But now I wasn't so sure. I think it was that underlying concern that shit would have passed by this spot sometime recently. Not that that mattered. I was going to do it anyway. I didn't have any choice. But I was still a bit nervous. But, as I pushed my tongue into the bottom of his crack, forcing my nose in there too, I was relieved that, while the smell of fresh sweat was very strong, there was no sign of anything shitty. The butterflies in my stomach lessened somewhat, and I got about learning the joys of ass licking.

I ran my tongue up the full length of his crack, and absorbed the musky sweaty taste of his ass. It wasn't a great taste, but that really didn't matter. I licked again, and again, and again, and one last time. Then I pushed my tongue straight where I thought his hole would be (my hands were still tied up, so I couldn't part his butt cheeks to check). My tongue found it, and I pushed it in. It was weird. Unlike anything I'd felt before. Fleshy. Warm. And that taste I had got from licking his crack filled my mouth again, only ten times stronger. I started to move my tongue around, and then in and out. I really couldn't decide what I thought about the whole thing, but the occasional moan I heard coming from Justin made it all worth while.

After a few minutes he pushed my head back and turned round again. And there it was. His fully erect cock was now directly in front of my face. It was fantastic.

"You start with the balls. You always started with the balls. You kiss them, then you lick them, then you suck each one in turn. They're going to be feeding you soon, the least you can do is to wash them, and warm them, and massage them. It's a great honour for a worthless fuck like you to get to taste my spunk. It's the least you can do to personally thank the balls which are making it for you. ".

I didn't need any persuasion, I kissed his nut sack.


I moved back, and looked up at him very confused. My face was stinging. Why had he just slapped me?

"What happened to the begging?"

"I'm sorry master, I forgot, I didn't think".

"You will be sorry you pathetic lump of scum, you really aren't getting any of this are you? You never forget to beg. No excuses are allowed. Now fucking beg before I get really angry."

"I'm sorry master, I'm really sorry, I forgot, I'm so sorry, please punish me, punish me for forgetting, I'm so sorry".

"Stop apologising you sad fuck, and start begging".

"Please master, please may I lick you balls. I want to taste the sweat on your ball sack. Please let me. I want to properly prepare them to deliver me my breakfast".

"That's better" he said. Give me some more.

"I know I am a worthless lump of scum Master, I know I don't deserve to taste your precious cum, but I really want to, and I want to honour your balls first".

"OK. You kiss them, then lick them, then suck them. But do it right, or you'll regret it".

I leant forward and kissed his nut sack. It had a wonderful texture. I kissed a few times, and then started to lick them all over. They too had a really musky sweaty taste. After a minute or so of licking I took his left testicle into my mouth and gently sucked it. Then I did the same to the right one. He was moaning more and more now, which really turned me on. I carefully sucked, and then licked, and then sucked again on both his testicles.

"OK," he said. "Kiss my cock head, I mean properly kiss it, you're nearly ready to go".

"Please Master, please may I kiss your cock head?" I wasn't going to forget to beg this time, even when he seemed to be giving me permission, or even orders, to start the blow job. Every time he got irritable both fear and sadness washed through my body. I really didn't like that sensation, and was determined not to fuck up. Except, it didn't really work.

"I just told you to didn't I?" he snapped. Clearly I couldn't win here. And of course Justin knew that. Justin knew about the fear and the sadness and how that felt to me. That's why he'd keep changing the rules.

"I'm sorry Master, I'm sorry I keep messing up".

"Just kiss my dick fuck head".

I leant forward and gently French kissed his cock head. The taste of pre cum entered my mouth and I rubbed my tongue over the top of his cock. Then I felt Justin's hands on the back of my head, and slowly he started to push his rapidly growing cock into my mouth. Just a couple of inches at first. Then he started moving my head backwards and forwards -- over that top bit of his dick -- in a quick steady rhythm. After about a minute he took his hands of my head. I instinctively knew I should carry on sucking on the top of his dick, and did so. Clearly I'd been right on this one, Justin started to quietly moan. This was brilliant. For about five minutes I sucked and licked the top of Justin's eight inch boner, taking up to three inches into my mouth, and pushing the tip onto the inside of my cheeks. For the first time since all this started yesterday I felt like I was in control. My hands were tied behind my back. And I'd be surely beaten if I tried to stop blowing my master. But nevertheless I was getting to suck Justin's dick my way. It wasn't being forced into my mouth. My head wasn't being pushed about. I was, in that very little way, in control. I used the couple of tricks that Simon the rent boy had told me about, and tried out a couple of things I'd always imagined I would do if I got to blow another guy. Justin continued to moan. I must be doing something right. I was very very happy again.

Then Justin took hold of my head again, held it steady, and slowly pushed more of his dick into my mouth, and slowly down my throat. I desperately didn't want to gag. I wanted to impress him with my deep throat skills (not that I really had any). But I'd only ever taken a dick into my throat once before -- yesterday -- and then I'd been lying down and, compared to this, that had been quite easy. As Justin pushed his eight incher inside me as I knelt in front of him I started to gag and cough and splutter. It didn't seem to bother him -- he carried on regardless. He got all eight inches inside me, so my nose nuzzled onto his pubes, and then he pulled out so that just a couple of inches were left in my mouth. And then he started to thrust in and out, to pretty much the same rhythm as before.

I continued to gag and cough and splutter during most of that first face fuck from Justin. I desperately didn't want too, but he never really gave me a chance to adjust. At least I didn't pass out or throw up, though at one moment I thought I'd do both. I tried to move my tongue and lips to enhance the experience for my master -- but I was no longer in control of this blow job and I doubt Justin even noticed. At least I managed to keep my teeth out of the way. By this stage this had become another brutal face fucking, much like the one I'd received from that stranger guy yesterday. Except in some ways this was worse -- physically speaking that is - because Justin was at least an inch bigger, and anyway it was more painful and harder to breath in this position. But on another level it was also better. Way better. Because this time I was blowing my master. Who I loved (yes, it was already love). And he was getting off on it. And that made my life - for those ten minutes at least - complete.

As time went by he started to speed up. The ass licking and ball licking had clearly made him very horny, because I got the impression he was ready to cum almost immediately, though he held out for at least another ten minutes once he'd started deep throating me. Then his fucking got even faster still until he finally pushed all the way in again pushing my nose back into his awesome pubes, and filling my throat with his eight inches of rock solid cock. And then I felt his cum shooting down my throat.

"Oh fuck, yeah, fuck, eat it scum bag, eat my cum, this is what you live for, isn't it, you disgusting fuck head, eat it".

He slowly pulled his dick out of my throat as he came, until one shot actually filled my mouth rather than being fired straight down to my stomach. Despite the increasing pain I was feeling in my throat from the sustained friction of the face fuck, this was possibly the best moment so far. I'd got a slight taste of my master's cum from the pissy cummy jock strap he'd pushed into my mouth the day before. But that was stale cum, and anyway the cum taste was kind of lost to the overriding and strong taste of stale piss. But this was the taste of warm fresh Justin spunk, straight from his balls. With hindsight, I probably didn't really like the taste, but because I knew where this stuff came from it didn't matter. I loved it.

A couple more shots filled my mouth, and I swallowed what I could, though some dribbled out of my mouth and onto my chin. And then he was done. He paused for a minute or so as he came down from his climax. His cock head was still in my mouth. "Lick it clean" he said, "but be careful. Guys are extra sensitive down there after cumming. You lick it too roughly and you'll be getting some rough treatment of your own cock head. Have you ever had your cock head cleaned with sand paper? Just think about that while you're being careful".

Now there was a warning if ever I'd heard one. I slowly and very carefully licked the remaining cum off his cock. I wasn't really sure what constituted licking roughly, but really hoped I'd get this right.

"OK, stop," he said, after a couple of minutes of careful licking, "but don't move". His cock was still about an inch or so into my mouth. I was a bit confused as to what was happening. Then I felt something squirt out of his dick. For a brief moment I thought it was a final shot of cum. But that didn't make sense. Then I realised it was that increasingly familiar taste again. He was pissing in my mouth.

"If you give a good blow job, you might get something nice to wash it down with" he said, as his piss started to flow. "Actually, that's wasn't that great a blow job, but I'll give you my piss anyway, because I'm such a nice guy. But you better not spill any. We don't want to mess up the floor do we? And anyway, you wouldn't want to spill a drink I'm so kindly giving you, would you? That would just be disrespectful. And I'd really have to punish you if you were ever disrepectful". As he finished talking what had been a trickle of piss became a full on gush. Despite the shock, and the awkwardness, I somehow managed to swallow it all. The taste wasn't good, but compared to the rank piss taste of his jock, or the humiliation of licking my own piss off the floor yesterday, this wasn't really that bad.

"Get the last drop with your tongue" he said, as his stream came to an end. I stuck my tongue in his piss slit and felt a last little dribble run onto my tongue. Then he pulled out, pulled up his pants, and went to the kitchen. I could hear him making a cup of coffee.

I just stayed there, kneeling in the middle of the living room, not sure what to do. Do I stay here? Do I go and stand in 'my corner'? I stayed where I was, and worried about things. All sorts of things. I don't know why. I'd just given my master a blow job for the first time. I'd got to taste his warm fresh cum. I should have been relishing that moment. But instead I started to stress. Possibly because my hard on, which had been a rock hard as ever during the blow job, had softened somewhat during the pissing (as had become the norm). Plus the piss had got me thinking. I realised that I really needed to piss too. And shit as well.

I hadn't had a shit since before my lunch yesterday, and that had been quite a large lunch which had now well and truly worked its way through my system. And I hadn't had a piss since I pissed on the floor yesterday afternoon, and while I hadn't really had a drink since yesterday lunchtime, I had licked that piss back up, and had just drunk a big helping of Justin's piss too.

Ironically, as well as needing to piss and shit, I was also desperate to drink and eat. Excluding piss and cum, I hadn't drunk or eaten anything since yesterday lunchtime. I'd kind of got used to the taste of piss and cum in my mouth, but would have loved to have the chance to wash it away with something more pleasant. And that coffee Justin was making smelt so good. And that got me thinking also. I was used to starting the day with a coffee -- my body was really missing its usual caffeine fix .

But what to do? I wasn't allowed to speak without being spoken to. How could I tell him I was thirsty, or hungry, or needed to piss or shit, if I wasn't allowed to speak? Could I trust him to think of all of those things for himself eventually? How did this work? I decided it would be unwise to complain about the lack of food or drink. That might just seem greedy. But needing the toilet -- that wasn't really my fault. And hadn't he punished me yesterday for pissing without asking first? This time I should ask.

He walked into the living room, carrying a big mug of coffee and a slice of toast. I went for it.

"Please master, I need the toilet".

He turned to look at me. He didn't snap at me for speaking without being spoken too, which was a relief. "Piss or shit?"

"Both master".

He paused for a few seconds, as if he was considering things. "I don't want you to shit till later. But you can piss now. Just do it where you are".

For the first time since yesterday I was shocked again. I hadn't expected that. We had wooden floors, so I suppose it wouldn't really matter, but, well, he'd punched me ten times in the stomach when I'd pissed on the floor yesterday, albeit without his permission. And hadn't he just told me that I'd be punished if I spilt any of his piss? What did it matter if I was now going to piss on the floor anyway. In fact, there was a chance I would be pissing out the piss he'd just pissed inside me -- assuming it got through your system that quick.

Plus pissing on the floor still seemed wrong to me. Disgusting even. More so now than yesterday. Yesterday I'd been tied up, and alone, I really had no choice. Today I could easily go to the bathroom, and Justin was here to allow me to. But I was going to piss on the floor again anyway.

"Well, go on then, before I change my mind and make you keep it in".

With that I let it flow. I was actually quite desperate to piss, and the thought of having to try and hold it in was just too awful. Like yesterday, it was a big piss. Before yesterday I had been one of those people who pissed several times a day, pissing only a little each time. But by only pissing twice in twenty-four hours it was a wholly different matter. A big puddle started to appear on the floor, spreading out under the sofa, and back onto my knees. Justin stood and watched. Smiling. Being forced to piss myself was a bad enough humiliation, but somehow being watched made it even worse. Especially when, as I finished pissing, I let out a long noisy fart. I didn't mean to, but it just happened. I really did need to shit too. As Justin heard it his smile disappeared. He walked towards me, to the edge of my piss puddle, and bent his legs so his face was level with mind. "If you ever fart without my permission again, I'll give you such a thrashing yesterday's paddling will seem like a mere pat on your ass. Next time you need to fart, even if it's when you're having a shit, you ask me 'please master, can I please trump trump'. If you're not with me you call me to ask. If you can't get through, you don't do it. OK?"

All this seemed a bit over the top. I'd only farted. It was a bodily function I couldn't really control. But clearly I was going to have to learn to. The thought of having to ask to 'trump trump' was a bit embarrassing, especially if I had to fart when in public. It was funny that yesterday it had been humiliating to be forced to use an adult word like 'cocksucker'. Now I was being humiliated by being made to use childish words.

I nodded in response to his question. He let his telling off sink in, and then pointed at my piss puddle. "OK, lick that mess up, and then come into the bedroom, we've got work to do".

Next: Chapter 4

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