
By shane Vold

Published on Jan 13, 2009



This story is pure fiction and takes the form of a fake contract signed between a Dominant Master and a submissive slave. Feel free to send any comments to


Your money & possessions, because he deserves them

Your decisions, because a man knows better what to do than a fag

Your privacy, because why do you need privacy?

Your body, to take care of all the things he shouldn't have to do himself


A reason to live. Fags have a natural admiration for men. They just instinctively want to make men happy. Once a fag has acknowledged his inferiority, and admitted that nothing makes him happier than seeing a real man happy, the faggot will feel a great deal of relief and will finally be able to really enjoy hearing, seeing, or even just knowing he contributed to a real man's comfort, happiness, health, pleasure, and relaxation. The faggot's own difficulty, discomfort, exhaustion, pain, or stress in making that happen serves to highlight a real man's perfection and superiority by contrast. It's kind of a free bonus for both of you. It reminds the man how lucky he is to have been born a real man, and it gives the fag a chance to concentrate on expressing his love and admiration to the superior male in a way that shows real devotion.

I. Domestic service for the Master

A real man deserves all the comfort, happiness, and joy he can get in life, right? A big part of this is not having to worry about the stupid, little boring things in life. Luckily you are there to do all the stupid, little boring things. All your free time at your Master's house should be spent cleaning and cooking for him for starters. He deserves a spotless home, plenty of delicious food whenever he wants it, and the freedom to devote himself to breeding hole, having fun, and kicking back.

A. Your Storage

You will stay in the basement except when cleaning Master's house or cooking his meals upstairs (both on a schedule set by him and posted to the inside of the basement door for you). Otherwise it's important that you remain in the basement silent. If you attempt to come upstairs to cook or clean and the door is locked, go back in the basement and wait until your next scheduled chore to try the door again. He may busy and not want you around.

The basement will have a sink for you to wash up in, a mini-fridge to store your planned meals, a toilet, and a mat for sleeping. Master may also store his porn and other shit there, and of course all cleaning supplies (including you) will be stored in the basement.

A one way intercom will be set up to the basement so that if you're there and Master needs something he can call down. He may have you go out to pick up something and send it up on the dumbwaiter so he doesn't have to see you. If you're good he may leave the intercom on generally so you can worship the sound of him going about his day upstairs.

B. Special Duties

Normally Master will just want you to do your work as thoroughly and invisibly as possible. Sometimes he may find it fun to have you give special treatment though- hand wash his clothes, kneel at his feet under his desk as he buys stuff on your credit card online, lick his shoes clean, scrub his toilet with a toothbrush, eat his used condoms off his bedroom floor just for fun... Remember having all his work done by you should be a normal day for your Master- playing with his power over you is for when he wants some fun along with the free maid service.

II. Entertainment for the Master

You are obviously not a real man like Master and his buds, but you're not a woman either. This may have been awkward for you in the past, but luckily your Master thinks its funny- after all, he's chosen to use a faggot like you rather than just getting a girl. When Master calls you "bitch" or "faggot" or "pussy", when he degrades and humiliates you in public so he and his buds can get a laugh, when he abuses your useless little wee-wee and racks your useless nuts, you should glow with pride. What is embarrassing and shameful about you can be funny for a real Man and give him some entertainment.

A. Beck and call

First off, keep in mind that Master's fun and pleasure override all other concerns. Whether you're at the grocery store, the gym, at home, or at work, if your Master needs a mindless chore done or wants to humiliate you for a laugh that becomes top priority. You will carry a mobile phone that only takes incoming calls so that Master can contact you any time of day or night with chores he needs done or jokes he might think are funny for you to do.

B. Furniture Duty

You may be called upon to serve as ashtray, bench, or footstool. When so directed, you will remain as still and silent as a piece of furniture until relieved. For instance, if Master or a buddy happened to boot a footstool in the balls, it would not react, because it is an inanimate object.

C. Humiliation

As stated above, humiliating you can provide a laugh for your Master. And it's good for you too! Imagine getting a real Man's undivided attention for a minute or two. Make sure you thank and worship your Master for this privilege when it comes along. There are a thousand ways for your Master to get a laugh from your embarrassing body, slavish attitude, and pathetic joke of a penis.

You are never allowed on furniture unless instructed by your Master, including the toilet seat. You will squat like a dog with the seat raised. This includes public furniture and toilets.

D. Penis Control

You may never touch your little penis or nuts unless Master tells you to, and then you will do so no matter when or where he says. When showering at the gym, you must avoid touching your little penis and nuts. Master will tell you to clean them if he thinks they need it. They're too tiny to be useful, so they shouldn't become a distraction to you. Master will decide if you ever cum again or not. If Master feels you are becoming too possessive with your wee-wee and nuts, He will fit you with a chastity device that prevents your wee-wee from getting hard. It will be painful, and you will not have a key. You will be expected to shower at the gym as regular with everyone to see your chastity device.

When peeing, you are not to touch your wee-wee or nuts, but squat over a toilet or move your body to aim the stream at a urinal. If you miss, lick up whatever doesn't make it in. At home or in public, you are not to lock bathroom or stall doors. Faggots don't need privacy. If you do touch your little penis while peeing, you will be put on discipline of asking permission every time you need to pee, which means that if Master is unavailable, you don't pee! Also, if Master ever tells you to pee, you will do so, even if fully clothed in a public place.

But don't worry that your junk won't be getting any attention! Your little nuts may never need to produce cum, but they're still sensitive like a real man's and can be used to keep you in line. Every time your Master boots, knees, racks, thumps, or tugs those otherwise useless little things it's a comforting reminder that they will never get a woman pregnant so you can devote the rest of your life to serving your Master instead of raising kids. He controls your baby makers, and he'll make sure they never distract you from what is important- Him!

As for your little penis, it's too small to fill up a mouth or a pussy, and it's surface area is too small to get much pleasure from them anyhow. But Master may occasionally give your little penis the kind of attention that will register on its limited scale. When Master flicks your funny little stiffy to make it bounce, rubs your crotch full of Ben Gay, smacks your penis between a pair of sneakers, or just lands a casual backhand to your crotch while walking down the street, be sure to thank him for giving your penis' limited surface area the kind of attention it can recognize.

Other than regular cleaning and shaving, you are not allowed to touch your cunt, either. This is Master's pleasure hole, not yours, and you must keep it tight and responsive for him. If or when he decides he wants to fuck you, you should be so pent-up with horny lust that you throw every ounce of your being into making the experience incredible for him.

E. Your appearance

You will follow an intensive bodybuilding regimen set for you by Master and overseen by a trainer chosen by Him. You will never look as good as Master or his buds, but he can at least make you as un-embarrassing as possible. You will eat only the food listed in your bodybuilding regimen, and only from your doggy bowl. You do not use dishes or flatware, although you do wash Master's dishes and flatware. You will thoroughly clean your doggy bowl after every use. It is a privilege. If you are bad, you will end up eating off the floor.

You will keep your body shaved from the eyebrows down, and you will visit a barber selected by Master once a month for a cut chosen by Him.

You will keep your cunt spotlessly clean using a soapy dildo and water from the basement laundry sink. It must be spotless at all times, as you will be expected to clean Master's dick with your mouth if it's dirty after he fucks you.

Outside the house, you will wear clothing chosen by Master based on his mood. It will always be second hand clothing. If you are good, a size extra-small jockstrap or some girly panties will protect your little prick from chafing, but underwear is a privilege.

You are to kneel or stand respectfully when in the presence of real men, with hands behind your back and eyes down. You will not speak to real men until spoken to.

F. Your vote- Master will tell you who to vote for in elections. That gives him the two votes he deserves.

III. A second (or third) income for the Master

Master shouldn't have to think about bills or money... he should be thinking of ways to enjoy spending money. Master will decide what job you will have, and your paycheck will be direct deposit to his account. He will take your money and spend it on whatever he feels like. Your current possessions will be used by Master as he sees fit or sold or trashed if he doesn't have a use for them.

A. Credit Line

You will keep a credit card in your name to purchase the household groceries and cleaning and maintenance supplies, as well as anything else Master wants. You may not charge anything on this card other than what is needed for the house or what you are ordered to purchase by Master. When the bill comes for this card, Master will pay it out of your paycheck only if he thinks you have earned it and all the purchases are valid. If not, the debt will be left on the card in your name to rack up fees until you earn the right to pay the bill off again.

B. Rental Income

In addition to the income he gets from your job, remember that your Master may at some point need to make income from your services as well. He may, if he so desires, rent or sell you without notice.

C. Saving your Master money on utilities

When at your Master's home, you are prohibited from using electricity except as necessary to fulfill your duties (no television, stereo, etc.). Electric lights are for doing work by only. Master will set the thermostat according to his schedule and you will never touch it.

You are not allowed to use the shower at home. If Master wants to fuck you in the shower, you will remain in it only until He tells you he is finished or He gets out.

V. Stress relief for the Master

Your Master deserves to be relaxed and stress-free at all times. Whether by serving as a cum dump or a punching bag, the faggot will be proud to provide a way for the Master to shed the day's annoyances and stress and leave him feeling refreshed. Beyond relieving stress, however, the slave must also make absolutely certain that he in no way adds to the Master's frustrations. Having an enjoyable fuck interrupted by the slave's ineptitude, or tripping over a slave who doesn't know how to stay out of the way when not in use, are not things the Master should ever have to worry about.

A. Passing you around

Your Master may find it gratifying to share you with a buddy or two. Part of the fun of having a cool toy is letting your friends play with it too, and it would be disappointing for your Master to think that they didn't get full performance if he lends you to them. Remember that discretion is key. If Master lends you to a buddy to clean the buddy's house, he may not know that you are a fag and you don't want to make him uncomfortable. If you are ever lent as a cum dump, you will obviously work with enthusiasm and purpose to make the Man you are servicing feel as good as possible and get him off slow or quick depending on his desires and commands.

You will address real men as Sir at all times. Remember that real men are your superiors, and even abusing or humiliating you requires them to lower themselves by acknowledging your existence. Be respectful and thankful for any attention, even if it's a faceful of piss or a punch to the gut.

B. Providing your Master with a convenient and fun load dumping outlet

Sexual release is great and a real man's body is built to provide him several amazing orgasms a day. Men's balls produce a lot of cum and their full-sized dicks are designed to fill up and feel amazing sliding in and out of a warm, tight hole. Your genetically inferior body only produces a little dribble of cum each day, and your embarrassing little penis could never understand how much pleasure a full sized dick feels when it's filling up and being massaged, but at least you recognize the beauty and power of a real man getting his nut, and you worship that experience- as you should!

You'll love providing your Master with the funds to enjoy a long, romantic evening with a special date, or the free time to spend hours making love with someone. But sometimes a guy just needs to unload after a long day or get rid of his morning hardon so he can concentrate at work. Then your role may become more central.

Keep in mind that if your Master relieves himself in you, that it is very different than the mutual sex he shares with a lover, or even with a trick. If Master brings home some trick from the bar, he at least has to respect their limitations and keep them comfortable while he gets his nut, but you've agreed to put your comfort and limitations aside so that you can share in his pure, uninhibited, 100% pleasure. That joyful grunt as he dumps a purely selfish load of spooge is incredibly fulfilling for him to enjoy physically and for you to worship mentally. Sucking your Master's throbbing man muscle while he watches straight porn and ignores you is hugely satisfying because you get to be in the same room while a real man's body enjoys waves of pleasure applied to a real man's dick, and a real man's mind revels in joy and satisfaction without the distraction of thinking about someone else's desires.

Taking your Master's big, hard dick down your throat or up your ass without any warmup can be an uncomfortable, even painful, experience, especially if he's in a hurry to pump one out before moving on to other things, but it's your job to make it awesome for him regardless of whether you're comfortable or not. By concentrating solely on his pleasure, you'll be able to ignore any initial discomfort and take whatever he deals out. You both have the same goal- a mind-blowing orgasm for him and the release and satisfaction to get on with his day at top form.

It would be a disappointment to both of you if Master had to interrupt his pleasure of fucking to deal with your comfort. Therefore, if the house is spotless, your free time should be spent practicing deep throating a dildo. Your throat should become less and less an exit path for words and ideas and more and more an entranceway for dick, a smooth, eternally wet pussy for him more than a mouth for you. The amount of time you can hold your breath should increase steadily with time. Also practice exercises to keep your ass cunt tight.

Obviously, after he's cum, Master should never have a mess to think about. He just got rid of his load of stress and sexual frustration- don't make him think about it while he basks in afterglow. Any of Master's cum that misses you and lands on the floor or somewhere else should be lapped up immediately.

Then get out. You've served your purpose. Master may want to sleep, or revel in whatever fantasy he was thinking about while fucking you, or just get on with his day, but he doesn't need you for any of those things. If Master fucks you in his bed, you will remain there only until Master tells you He's finished or He falls asleep. If Master fucks you in the shower, he'll probably want to enjoy the rest of the shower in peace- he'll let you know if he has more fun planned and wants you to stay. Anywhere else that Master fucks you, your cue that he's done will probably be when he zips up. Thank him and get back to work

Also remember that someday your Master may have a full time lover that provides all the sexual release he needs. Being in the presence of his amazing dick and beautiful orgasms is a privilege, not a right. Either way, you will find great happiness in seeing your Master enjoy a full and fun sex life, even if your only role is funding and supporting the enjoyment shared by him and his lovers.

C. Knowing when to stay out of the way

For your Master, comfort, fun, and pleasure should be natural, just the way life is, so don't draw attention to the work you do to make his life that way. A mat will be provided for when you need to sleep. Master may move your mat from time to time depending on where He wants you. The most usual spots will be in the basement when Master wants privacy or at the foot of his bed when He wants to fuck you. Sleeping anywhere other than on your mat without being told may have to result in a cage.

C. Taking punishment

Master should never have to punish you for messing up. But there may be times he just wants to punish you for fun. He may want to enjoy his natural power and flex his authority over dumb fags like you for fun, or it may just get him centered after a frustrating or tiring day. You may be belted or slapped on any part of your body at any time for punishment, or just to see how you react. You may be forced to listen to music or watch a television program which you particularly dislike. If you've been really bad, your punishment may be as mind numbing as possible- carrying things across an area only to carry them back, holding a ping pong ball against the wall with your nose, or scrubbing the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush. Thank the Man who lowers himself to give you this attention.

If Master is disappointed in you, he may express it by pissing on you. You will hold your mouth open while he does this so as to taste his displeasure fully, and you will then clean the floor and yourself when he is finished.

Master may have a buddy photograph or video you taking his dick or performing some other faggy act to keep a record of what a bitch you are. These will be saved to be sent to your employer, family, and friends, and posted on the web with your name and location as a free public cum dump, if you Master ever has to get rid of you for poor performance.

So, whaddaya think boi? Pretty kewl, huh? Your funny little penis is getting hard just thinking about it. Don't touch your little penis boi! Go get a big dildo and practice deep throating. You are going to give your Master a lot of fun and happiness before he's done with you.

Always remember that one day, Master will dispose of you. Someday the convenience, free cash, and service you provide will be overridden by the embarrassment he feels at having an aging fag around, or he'll get bored, or move on to a new slave who can give him more. This means you only have a limited amount of time to bring pleasure into his life. Give it all you can! You don't ever want to look back and think there's something else you could have done and didn't do to make his life easier and more fun for Him.

Even if you're homeless and naked on the streets after he throws you out, you will have warm memories of every time he smiled that broad, effortless smile, every time you heard him groan as he pumped a hot girl full of cum after a date you paid for, every time he fed his dog filet mignon, traded in his Benz, or traveled first class on money you gave him. You are a lucky faggot. So many like you will never have these rich memories to savor.

You may reach down to play with your little penis at the thought of him but find that years of abuse and neglect will have rendered it useless. You may reach around to finger your cunt-hole, but find it gaping wide and red from that public toilet gangbang he videoed to sell right before he threw you out. But you'll picture his beautiful, happy face when he introduced you to your cute replacement. You'll think of how happy he is now, living the fun and easy life that he deserves with that cute new faggot to serve him, maybe even a couple of them, or a wife and kids to pass on his superior genes.

Maybe there's still a way for you to whore yourself or beg on the street corner and send your beautiful Master the money in the mail. Look into that.

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