Continuing Experiences

By Joey A

Published on Aug 9, 2001


Hey - this is part two of our first story - it chronicles our gay experiences so far in our lives. Our names are J and G. At the beginning it starts with G's experiences but J will probably write some of his own soon enough. Both of us work on each episode, editing, adding and proof reading.

The experiences all start in school. It's all set in the UK where we live, at a boarding school in Wales. It's an all male private school (some people get all the luck:) We hope you enjoy this first episode. After reading stuff on the archive for years and years now (both of us! - we aren't going out btw - just best friends - and at some point we may get round to mentioning the one time...) we thought we'd better get down and write something

If you enjoy this story please write to us! At - all emails will be replied to and flames are welcomed! - We've had some feedback from first episode - we want more! Thanks to all who replied!

Disclaimer don't read this if you are under the age you're not allowed to read this (blah blah blah) - We encourage underage reading of these stories as we have been reading them since we were little and enjoying them! Some of the names have been changed to protect them or something like that.

All the stories stand quite well alone but we suggest you read them in order - without further ado...

Continuing Experiences

Part 2: "Variations On A Theme"

It did happen again, that same night. I saw Nick get up and go to the toilet around one in the morning, and figured neither of us could sleep. I thought I'd go to talk to him about what happened, and maybe sort out any misgivings or whatever.

Walking into the bathroom there was no sign of Nick, I glanced around again and decided he must be in one of the cubicles. I was nervous enough already so I turned round and started going out.

"G!" a sharp whisper came from the far side of the room.

"G!" louder it repeated, and I knew it had to be Nick. I casually strolled over to the farthest cubicle where the door was ajar, and a set of feet was poking out from the bottom.

"Get in." I did as I was told despite my apprehensions and fears of getting caught. Now talking was the farthest thing from Nick's mind, as his cock stuck out of his briefs and his hand glided from the base to the tip.

He grabbed my face and pulled it towards his and before I knew it we were kissing, not in the passionate loving way, but the lusting, about to have sex way. He wasn't wearing a shirt so my hands had free reign of his torso. After running up his abs they found their way to his nipples, which were soon hard a red from my pinching and caress. I broke the kiss and immediately latched onto his left nipple, nibbling it and sucking it into my mouth. This elicited a moan from Nick who had been massaging my shoulders up to that point.

I held my tongue out as I moved down his hot, perspiring body, and simultaneously pulled down his underwear. My tongue ran over his stomach, then over and into his belly button, and straight down into his bush. His piss slit stuck out of his foreskin in the sexiest way, glistening with sex juices.

"Suck it." Nick moaned, as he grabbed my hair and pushed my mouth over his dick. Never one to argue, I set to work moving up and down his penis. I tried to think of new ways to working it in my mouth, and soon my tongue came into play. It swirled around his foreskin-protected head and up and down at different times to my whole mouth.

"Fuck! No Teeth!" ok so I hadn't been versed on this yet, I thought they might add flair! It wasn't until Nick touched me with his set that I realised the extent of my mistake. Next thing I tried was getting it further into my mouth, as I must have only been putting a maximum of 3 inches into me.

I nearly threw up as I impaled the back of my throat on his love stick, but I kicked back the feeling and gradually got used to it. Within minutes it felt as if he was massaging the back of my throat with a slow grind. The next thing I tried can't be fully comprehended unless you have a foreskin :) - I rubbed my tongue up between his foreskin and the head. Nick screeeeamed with pleasure completely forgetting where he was and who was around.

"Shit G, I'm gonna...." He sped his thrusts, making them shorter and harder, pounding my gag reflex> Then in one final push he groaned (in a restrained way thank god), pushed right into me and started unloading. I hadn't properly tasted cum up to this point, and although I enjoyed the warm feeling in my mouth, I didn't enjoy the taste that much, and still don't. (J (co-author) on the other loves his cum and drinks as much as he can get:).

As he had cum only hours before and he was quite young, there wasn't too much to swallow. Loving the feeling of his cock however, I kept it in my mouth continuing to administer my penis worship. He got very sensitive very quickly however and soon pulled me off him.

Obviously feeling very conscious all of a sudden, Nick pulled up his underwear and ran back to the room. I on the other hand now had a problem. Almost of their own accord, my pyjamas were on the floor and my right hand was wrapped tightly around my own throbbing dick. I knew it wouldn't take long, but I wanted to savour the events of that evening and run all that had happened through my "head". I put my head in-between two fingers and began a quick wanking motion, as I had done many times before, my left hand pulled my balls, and rolled each one slowly around, coercing the cum out.

Whilst thinking how good Nick's mouth felt earlier it suddenly dawned on me of another warm, cock friendly place I had yet to explore...My left hand removed itself from my sac and came to my arse. I fingered myself lightly, whilst continuing my full on masturbation. I wasn't really sure what to do...I used my index finger to slowly push in, which without any ideas of lubrication kind of hurt. I was just about to give up when it slipped in and hit my prostrate.

That was it. That evening, sucking Nick off, being sucked, sucking Nick again, learning about the male body, the smell of sex lingering in the air. As my finger touched the most sensitive part of my entire body I exploded! My cock hardened, my balls came in towards my body, and my arsehole clenched. Orgasm wracked my whole body. My legs became unable to hold me, as I collapsed on the floor and a wash of cum coated the entire cubicle. I lay there for several minutes panting and planning what to try next....

Nick and I continued our nighttime liaisons for several weeks after this, not trying anything new, just expanding on what we were already doing. Soon a night wouldn't go by without one of us sucking the other off. In fact, it only took us a week to discover the thrill of daytime sex.

Ever since that night in the cubicle I had wondered about more arse play and maybe how it would feel to have more than a finger inside of me. I hadn't done anything more since then, as every time I felt horny Nick and I would suck each other. I was a satisfied young man!

However, once a day became not enough, yet more than twice in an evening was a strain. It was one afternoon when I was sitting in the dorm room during a games afternoon, Nick came in complaining he wasn't feeling too good so hadn't gone down to games. He smiled at me mischievously and sat down next to me on my bed. Reaching over, he started to rub my crotch and soon we were laid out on the bed feeling each other up, kissing and grinding out hot hard cocks together.

Deciding to take the first move I flipped us over, so that I was on top of him then pulling his shirt off as I went I moved up his body. I continued, licking and sucking as I went until my arse was level with his cock. I suddenly up righted and ground my tight arse into his crotch. He groaned, as even through two layers of clothing his cock nestled into my crack.

"Wanna try something new?" I asked with surprising confidence

"Fucking?" Nick asked apprehensively

"Yeah," I thought talking dirty might persuade him. "I wanna feel your hot big cock shooting up inside me,"

"um, ok" still sounding slightly worried he agreed.

As we were both nervous we slowly stripped, becoming very slightly conscious of what we were about to do.

"How we gonna do this?" Nick asked.

I got down on all fours and stuck my arse out, the universal sign language for "Fuck me NOW!". Nick was really worried he was gonna hurt me but still he approached my winking arse. He pushed, trying to get it in, but with no lube and me clenching in a nervous way there was no chance that stick was going in that hole.

"It isn't going in," said Nick, now horny and persevering with my arse.

As neither of us really knew what we were doing this proved a bit tricky, but I spotted some moisturising cream (I know - not ideal!) on a nearby table.

"Just get everything slippery I guess," my words of wisdom. Nick grabbed a bit of cream and smeared it on his cock.

"Shit that's cold!", he whined as he applied the lube. Soon he got really into it though, losing himself in his masturbation.

"Now get my arse ready." Nick came out of his dream and grabbed some more cream. He slowly massaged some into my crack and eventually reached my puckered hole. He slowly inserted one finger and I groaned loudly, revelling in the fact no one was around to overhear us. Nick moved his finger in and out in a very stoic way and slow as fuck.

"More!" I commanded. Nick squeezed in another finger, making my arse ache with pain as well as longing. I was groaning with pain and Nick hesitated. I urged him forward, and sure enough the pain subsided and soon he was pistoning his fingers into my hole.

"I'm ready!" I encourage, and Nick eagerly removed his fingers from within me, replacing them with his drooling rod. He pushed in quite hard, maybe a bit too over enthusiastically, within a second he hit home with his bush rubbing my cheeks.

We all remember our first time: Agony "Aaaaaaahhhh! stop stop stop, shit shit shit!" Nick started to move out again. "Stop! don't move!" Fortunately Nick took notice and remained motionless for at least a minute.

"ok, take it out please." I was resigned to this hurting too much and was ready to give out. But as Nick pulled away he brushed my prostrate deep inside me. I groaned loudly.

"changed my mind, fuck me hard." - quick change of heart I know, but it was all spur of the moment stuff. Nick pushed back into me pushing hard against my resisting virgin arse. It was difficult at first but soon the pleasure that gland was giving me was beyond any pain I could experience. Feeling Nick in me was fantastic, I could feel each inch driving hard and fast, feeling the rim of the head pushing past my insides going for the target. Sweat pooled on my back dripped from his forehead, and I felt his tongue running between my muscular shoulder blades and up the back of my neck.

Nick couldn't help but speed up, he was obviously getting closer and closer to climax. This speed added to my internal sensations, as his precum added extra lube and his cock pummelled in and out of me. We were both loudly grunting our appreciation of each other, and the bed was creaking under the strain of our rough movements.

Nick started to slow up which although stopping the amazing friction from his cock on my chute, prolonged the relentless grazing of my prostrate. I was above heaven, higher than orgasm. Nick's grunting sexy Welsh voice brought me back down to earth.

"I'm." Thrust in. "Gonna." Pull out. "Cuuuuuuummmm!" With that final moan and a thrust ripping my insides out, Nick's orgasm pulsed through his body. He shrieked in ecstasy as his whole body went rigid and his muscles clenched. I could feel his head grow bigger and that was enough to set me off as well. Cum flooded out into the tiny space left in my arse and I felt it coat my insides and bathe my prostrate.

"Uuughhh..." he moaned as he felt my arse clench around his already sensitive flowing cock. My orgasm was immense, and I collapsed closely followed by Nick onto the bed. My cum got everywhere, spurting like a geyser out of my painfully swelled cock.

We ended with a tangle of bodies, hot and sticky with sweat and cum. Nick's cock still lay nestled up my arse surrounded by the warmth of my muscles gripping it tightly.

We're young. We're fit.

"Fuck! You ready to try that again." Nick said, his cock rehardening, ready for more...

End of Part 2

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