Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Apr 16, 2020


I woke up feeling pretty darn good considering. I had been so exhausted that I had fallen into a deep sleep and woke just before full dawn. My body ached from sleeping on the floor and my mind tried to catch up with the events of the day before, causing my little clit -- crap, I mean cock! - to drip and try to harden in its cage. But as my mind turned to my current situation -- and the fact that Ryan was up there spooning with some bimbo -- I got really depressed thinking how I was just a toy and someone else gets the prize. I tossed and turned, getting more upset, but finally realized my thoughts and needs had no place here. Ryan only had to look at me or bark an order and I had no choice. I just wanted to please Him.

So I decided to keep working hard and to try to please Him -- after all, He had said I would eventually get His cum -- and hopefully not just from someone else's ass! I decided to start by cooking Him breakfast, grudgingly knowing I should include food for the trick He fucked last night. I softly left the room after seeing them tangled up asleep and padded to the kitchen. Refrigerator is empty. Crap. So I threw on running clothes and ran to the store, picking up eggs and juice and milk, etc. I walked back to Ryan's place as quick as I could and started cooking, not hearing any movement from the bedroom. Just as I was finishing up I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and here comes Ryan naked, sleepy and sexy.

"Whatcha doin' boy?" He asked with a slight curl to His sexy lips.

I crashed to my knees and looked up at Him as He approached, His huge cock waving in my face. I managed to stutter, "Good morning Sir! I was making You and Your friend breakfast -- I hope I didn't wake You."

"No boy, you're all good. Finish up and deliver it on this tray," He said as He grabbed a deep round tray from one of the cabinets, tousled my hair, then turned and let me watch His sexy naked ass saunter back to the bedroom. I was mesmerized but hopped up before the eggs could burn and got everything plated and hurried into the bedroom where Ryan was waking up His bed partner, asking if she was hungry. She stretched and said yes as they both watched me approach, present the food and then kneel.

"Good faggot," the woman said. Ryan shot her a look and shook His head.

"He is my property and you make only speak to him after I have," He told her. She looked a little hurt but started in on breakfast as He turned to me and said, "that's a good boy, but you need to always ask if I need anything else, understood?"

"YES SIR! Do You need anything else Master?"

Ryan had me get up to retrieve napkins for them, then once I settled back to kneeling and asked if He needed anything else ("you learn quick boy" with a grin) sent me for knives which they didn't need or use. I knelt one again and checked if He needed anything to which He responded "Corner."

I wasn't sure what to do so hesitated but quickly asked, "Sir I don't want to disappoint You -- You want me in the corner now right?" He laughed and said yes, so I crawled into the corner and turned to gaze at Him while He ate.

"Turn around boy. Face the corner. That is the 'corner' position -- learn it."

"Yes Sir!"

I knelt there facing the corner while they finished up. This was definitely a new form of torture, knowing that sexy god was so close but I couldn't let my eyes roam His tight body. After a few minutes I heard Ryan call out as if to a dog "come here, boy!" and I quickly turned around and crawled to the bed. He had set the tray with the mostly empty plates on the bed and turned towards me, His big cock flopping onto the tray. "I'll help you clean up," He laughed, as He grabbed His big thick cock and started pissing on the tray! The piss filled up the plates and as He dribbled the last yellow stream (well, dark yellow -- first piss of the day apparently) told me to put the tray down like my dog bowl and clean it up. I had to work hard to lap up His piss and try to eat some scraps they left, knowing I might not get more food today. I thought we might be there forever if I had to lap it all up, so looked up only to find they were done watching me and she was reaching for His cock -- which was now bloated and thickening towards its huge hard size.

He glanced at me and said, "Do the dishes then run to the gym and work out, faggot. My cock is gonna get a lot of attention here. By the way -- take a shower at the gym and make sure everyone sees your clit cage" Fuck. I took the tray and did as He ordered, a little sad she was getting His cock but trying to please Him. Before leaving, I walked back into the bedroom to get my gym bag and Ryan said "come here, faggot" as He was getting His big cock slobbered on by the chick from last night.

"Sir?" I asked as I stood next to the bed, ready to go to my knees. He shook His head 'no' to that and grabbed me by the back of the neck, pulling my face towards His. I wasn't sure what was happening until He spit full in my face and told me that I could wear it as a badge of honor to the gym. I thought He was going to laugh at me next but then he pulled me even closer and spit into my mouth from less than an inch away then gave me an open-mouthed kiss like He did the night I dropped Him off. I was in Heaven, ready to pull away when He pulled me even closer and shoved His tongue in my mouth!! We made out like that, exploring each others' mouths, moaning into each other, lost in lust. This was possibly the hottest thing we had done yet! The chick sucking Him thought she was eliciting His moans but I thought -- hoped -- it was making out with me that was causing this new surge of lust in Him. He leaned His head down so our foreheads met as He broke off the long kiss, our eyes an inch apart, and whispered, "Good faggot."

I knew that was my dismissal even though what I really wanted was for her to leave so we could have some alone time but that was probably just a fantasy. I tried to collect myself and found I was energized by all this, ready to make Ryan proud. I ran a different route to the gym to add a couple miles then had a really good workout actually. Master John glared at me from across the gym, getting in my mind a bit, but one of the cute guys who had walked in on us in the steam room came over and told me that Master John was totally intimidated by Ryan and wouldn't try anything. He also told me that they had discussed how hard I worked out, how I was looking better and what a good faggot I was. I blushed, pleased, and resumed working out even harder.

By this time I was pretty wiped and the shower was a great retreat where I could relax, alone -- one of the few times and places I got that these days. I made sure to throw my towel over my shoulder instead of wrapping around my little clit/cock locked away, and the cage got a lot of stares but I ignored them all (it was hard to totally ignore Master John as He was standing by His locker with that big cock swinging!). I relaxed in the shower, really taking my time, when I felt someone too close to me. I tensed, almost panicked, half expecting Master John to be making a move and didn't know what to do. Rinsing the soap out of my eyes, I was overjoyed to see Ryan standing there! His big cock was almost fully hard and I immediately sunk to my knees. He looked down at me and I thought I was going to get His big tool in my mouth but instead He handed me the soap and told me to clean Him up.

I was in heaven, getting to soap up, rub and rinse every nook and cranny on this cut lithe stud again. My mind was lost in wondering if / how many times He had cum getting sucked and if I was doing a good job. I must have been because His dick steadily grew to its full impressive glory. It was bobbing up and down and He moaned as I soaped it up. I didn't know if I was allowed to suck Him so I continued down His legs, worshiping His feet with a quick massage, then up the back of His legs to His ass. "Soap it up good boy -- it's had a tongue in there this morning!" Ryan said and I realized the woman had rimmed Him. I soaped and rinsed His hole and He pushed my face against it. I knew my place and rimmed Him a long time, His moans echoing in the showers.

I heard another moan, thinking it must be mine, and realized that Master John was in the stall across the way watching the scene, stroking His oversized cock and rubbing His body, clearly getting off on the scene. Ryan turned so He was facing Master John more fully and waved His big cock at John, saying "You want this, boy?" John just kept stroking, clearly about to get off. All of a sudden Ryan's hole started contracting on my tongue!!! OH FUCK He's cumming I thought!!! His breathing sped up, His moaning crescendo-ed and I heard spurt after spurt splatter on the tile of the shower wall and floor! FUUUCK.

John beat His big dick even faster and Ryan said, "Lick it up." John sunk to His knees, crawled over and starting licking Ryan's load off the shower wall!! WOW. I had stopped rimming Ryan, this was such a turn on. John was licking and moaning like crazy, and then His big tool exploded, spraying cum all over the floor and Ryan's feet, with some landing on my (now sore) knees. Ryan laughed and looked down at me -- my little clit straining against the cage -- and said "do You want to taste my load out of his mouth boy?"

I hesitated. I did -- of course -- but I wanted my first taste of Ryan to be directly from Ryan. I said, "I will do anything You want of course Master but I'd rather earn Your cum directly from You."

Ryan's smile lit up the shower. "Good answer, boy. Rinse off and let's get out of here." John tried to regain some dignity but several guys had seen what happened and I think His days of showing off in the gym were over. I felt like everything was going great and was so happy drying off next to Ryan. I can't believe how much cum He shot -- especially since He must have gotten off this morning again with the chick from last night. My mind was wandering and my little clit -- DICK -- dripping. Ryan as usual sensed what was going on and said "Sit down."

We sat on the bench in the locker room, just our underwear on (me in a jockstrap; Him in tight sexy briefs that barely contained His substantial package!), and He said, "Ask, boy."

I guess I had gained enough confidence to speak my thoughts more, and honestly I was worried I'd be a punching bag so to speak while He fucked anything he wanted. "Did you have fun last night and this morning, Sir?" I said instead.

"She was ok, not really my type but I was horny and she got the job done." He was so sexy and open and only focusing on me, I felt very special.

"Did she get Your load this morning, Sir?"

"No faggot, she's not nearly as good at sucking as you are now so I had her massage me and rim me but she really sucked at both. The hardest my cock got was watching you lick my piss off the tray!"

I was in heaven, so proud of myself -- and thinking His big dick was even harder when we were kissing! Of course He was getting it sucked too, but me in a cage being His slave clearly turned Him on. I was lost in a fog of contentment so just looked Him full in His beautiful face and said, "Thank You, Sir."

"You're a good boy" He said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek and standing to finish getting dressed. His big dick was clearly leaking in His briefs and at least half hard. The sexual energy between us just keeps getting stronger! "Run back to your place boy and then later today pick up stuff for dinner and come cook for me," He said as He turned and left.

I stood there for a second before gathering myself to leave. One of the sexiest guys in the gym walked by and said, "You are one lucky guy!" I was beaming, so happy and proud. I ran home, happy as could be -- except I missed Him and I was horny as FUCK. Seeing and smelling His loads, touching Him, tasting His precum in her ass -- all had built up until I realized I just had to get off. I had no way to remove the cage and couldn't touch my cock. Fuck! Could I use the cage itself to stroke my little cock? I was just starting to get into it, not sure I'd be able to shoot and thinking this might just make it worse if I couldn't. My frustration and need were at a fever pitch as I was saying out loud, "Please Ryan -- please use me! I need Your big cock and cum in both my faggot holes! I love You Sir!!!"

I was so close when my phone lit up with an incoming FaceTime call from Ryan!! Fuck! I thought about shooting and not answering but realized that would be a huge mistake. I pulled my jockstrap back over the cage and answered, chest heaving.

Ryan was on His couch in just running shorts looking hot as fuck. "Hey faggot! Ya miss me?" The cocky grin melted me and kept my cock needy and on edge.

"Of course Sir!" I quickly said. He stated playfully that obviously I had been thinking about Him. "I was Sir. Always." I couldn't slow down my pulse or breathing. This is crazy!

"Random thought, boy -- that's why I called. A faggot with a smooth or heavily trimmed crotch and ass is a turn on for me. You need to trim or shave for me boy, you understand?"

"Yes Sir! can I clean up my cock when it's locked away?"

"That's why we're on this call boy. I put the key to your clit cage in your gym bag," He said with the biggest shit-eating grin I've ever seen. FUCK! The key was RIGHT THERE and I could have gotten off. I needed to so bad!! My face betrayed my thoughts and He laughed loud and hard. "Damn I wish I had recorded that boy! Hahaha you look so outraged and frustrated. I love it." And based on the stiffness of His big dick He waved at me, I had no doubt at all. "Unlock the cage, boy. I will watch."

I was happy, scared and mortified -- He'd see my little dick hard and leaking. But I followed His orders of course and as soon as my little cock was released it felt like it was pumped up to its full (totally unimpressive) size but when I looked down in horror I realized it barely got harder than it could in the cage! Fuck! Ryan laughed out loud even more, then got serious.

"Tell me you got a tiny clit, boy." He growled.

"I have a tiny clit Sir," I responded dutifully.

"Is it a man's cock?"

"No Sir, it is pathetic like me. It is a clit." I knew what He wanted to hear.

His cock was fully hard as He said, "Good boy. Now get to grooming -- and no touching yourself more than you need to to get the job done. Set up the phone so I can watch."

Fuck. I had shaved my balls and cock before, and trimmed my pubes, but never touched the hair on my ass. The crack was the hairy part and I knew it would be trial-and-error to get it cleaned up for Him -- hoping I didn't cut myself in the meantime! But I dutifully set up the phone and started spreading shaving cream all over my crotch: cock and balls first (making me moan hard) then ass and ass crack. Ryan in the meantime idly stroked His cock some, clearly flipping through channels on His TV. The shaving cream started tingling and I started shaving, getting every hair I could off my cock shaft and balls then trimming the pubes close with scissors then moving to my ass and ass crack. Ryan became more attentive and made me show my ass hair being shaved away up close. When I finished He made me rub my hand all over my ass, crack and hole to make sure I had gotten it all.

To be honest, being touched this way felt good. It had been so long and I realized my little cock was as hard as it would get. Crap, I hope He doesn't make me turn around I thought. Which of course is exactly what He did. And holy fuck -- He was ROCK HARD. Huge strong cock dripping precum -- apparently He really liked me shaving myself clean. He saw my hard little dick and got one of those wicked grins I loved and hated. "You obviously want to cum boy." He drawled.

"I do Sir but of course You are in charge."

"Haha good -- I'm glad we got that straight boy. Listen closely because you cannot screw this up. You are going to stroke that little cock for exactly 28 seconds while watching Me. You cannot cum. After that time you will remove your hand from that clit. Do you understand?"

I was excited and frustrated and scared I might cum that fast! I managed a YES SIR and at His signal began stroking. It felt so good and I was just getting into a rhythm and breathing harder and feeling good when he barked STOP. I put my hands up at His command and He laughed as He watched my little clit throb and bounce, looking for attention.

"Boy, you need to get that cock cage on again and that means that little clit needs to calm the fuck down. Start smacking your balls!"

I immediately started smacking but it wasn't hard enough for Him even though it hurt me. HARDER BOY. Fuck it hurt!! HARDER. Daddy!! HARDER. I felt like I would pass out and my little clit had shriveled back to its nub but still He made me keep going until I begged Him to relent.

"Put the cage on now boy." He ordered and I did as I was told, almost in tears. "Good faggot. Now throw on some gear and get your ass over here. Bring the key -- obviously."

With that He hung up and I was left standing there, my balls feeling like they'd been kicked and my heart feeling like it had been stomped. Fuck I loved Him.

Next: Chapter 9

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