Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Mar 16, 2020


I sat there stunned until He disappeared in His house and the door closed. I was so surprised by that kiss that I barely checked out His sexy little ass when He strode away. What just happened? My little dick was wet with need and precum, locked away in its little cage. Ryan still had the key -- fuck -- so I'd be sleeping in it. Much of this had never been in my fantasies but I know it was about Him and not me...and had to admit I was quickly learning to please Him, whatever that took.

I made it home and fell asleep almost immediately, scenes from the last 48 hours flashing through my mind. I never sleep past 6am and waking up to full bright sun and my little dick aching inside the cage left me momentarily confused, then panicked wondering if I had missed orders from Ryan. I didn't have any messages so got up and showered, then was just getting comfortable when a text came through, telling me to pick Him up in 20 minutes. It was literally a 20 minute drive so I flew out the door and raced over there, realizing how badly I had missed Him. I pulled up pretty much on time and He didn't emerge so I got out and knocked, hearing, "Come in faggot!" shouted from inside. My little dick tried to stir.

He's sitting on the couch just in a pair of skimpy shorts, playing a video game. He takes my breath away as I see His abs and smooth chest, the tufts of wispy hair showing under his pits, the treasure trail leading into His shorts -- and that nice big bulge of clearly defined cock and balls. "Sit down" He said, not even glancing at me. He didn't seem angry, just uninterested. I sink into the only chair in the room and sat there for a few minutes, not sure if I was supposed to speak or what. After a good ten minutes Ryan seemed to remember I was there, and without pausing the game said, "How are you, faggot?"

I was at a loss for words -- I mean, my life was unrecognizable from what it was just a couple days ago and I was falling harder in love and I was happy and confused and scared and excited. Before I could verbalize a coherent thought, He glanced briefly at me and laughed. "Massage my feet while you try to speak, idiot." I got on my knees and crawled over to Him, massaging and licking and kissing His right foot while I gathered my thoughts.

"I'm happy serving You Sir." This elicits a cocky grin from my God. 'I'm a little scared at the control You have over me but feel the honor of being able to touch You and make You happy." With that, He pauses the game and looks down at me, His smile broadening and I swear His cock starting to grow. "I appreciate the opportunity to serve a superior Alpha Male such as You Sir. Thank You." And with that His big dick was clearly fully erect and starting to leak; my little dick had been leaking all morning but could not get hard. I was so turned on. "I'm also hungry." I confessed, as I hadn't eaten anything but His scraps yesterday and hadn't had time for food.

He laughed and said "good!" although I wasn't sure what part or parts He meant. "Work on my other foot and tell me about how you've been peeing." I was a little confused then realized that of course I had been sitting down to pee since the cage made it spray everywhere, and He looked even more pleased and playfully evil when I told Him that. "Not like a real man at all," He said. I couldn't agree more. He indicates my debit card sitting on the table and says, "Well boy, you've been doing good. Why don't you run to the ATM and pull out a couple hundred then we'll go get some lunch?"

I paused for a second, wondering how I could afford to do this every day. He put His big foot under my chin, making me look Him in the eye and said, "don't think boy, just do...unless you have a legit reason for not doing this then just fucking obey me!" His eyes locked with mine and I nodded, my mouth dry. "I won't bankrupt you faggot, so you need to let me know if it is too much but you better have a damn good reason -- got it?!" I nodded again as His foot was lifted and I sucked His toes greedily, making Him moan. He let me work His toes a few seconds then moved the other foot into my mouth. I saw Him look at my feet as He moaned and briefly wondered if He could actually be interested in my feet?!

He was not. "Good, you can run in those." I was so confused until I realized he had said "run to the ATM." I swallowed, thinking of where the nearest ATM even was and realizing it would be a 20-30 minute run for an old out of shape guy like me. He watched my thought process on my face, said "Glad I didn't have to explain that. And hurry up, it won't take me long to shower and I am hungry." He stood up, shucked off His shorts -- and out popped His huge dick. He bent over to pick up His shorts, showing off that beautiful ass and little hole I had worshiped so much yesterday, then walked towards the bathroom. "Hurry!" He barked. I grudgingly got up and went out the door, taking off at a slow jog.

I was huffing and puffing but knew this pleased Him and focused on that. It took me longer than I thought to get there, but I got the cash as ordered and started back. My phone dinged and it was Ryan asking what was taking so long. I sped up even though I was sore from the gym and hadn't run in years. My phone pings again and it's a photo of Him flipping me off! I speed up more and am just a couple blocks away when a message comes across saying HURRY UP I NEED TO PISS. I sprint in and am absolutely out of breath, wondering if He will drown me as I try to catch my breath. He's standing there in a new pair of shorts only, looking perfect.

"You'll need a shower, can't go to lunch like that -- go kneel in the shower, boy." I obeyed His orders and pause once in the bathroom. He had followed me in and I asked if I should get undressed now or not. "God you are dumb -- you don't shower in your clothes do you?!" I unhappily stripped in front of Him and He loved seeing my little cock locked away. He hauls His big dick out -- it's half hard and sexy as fuck -- and He holds it a foot or two from me, saying "May as well save some water!" as His big tool starts hosing me down with His hot piss. I love the feel even though the scent it a little overwhelming and it's certainly not stopping my sweating at all. His strong stream starts to diminish when He says, "That was a good errand boy -- you'll be doing it often. Now swallow the rest," and pushes His big dick in my mouth. I swallow the rank piss; it might have been His first of the day, and His dick starts growing. I hear His stomach growl and He pulls away, putting His dick in His shorts and pulling out His phone to snap a pic of me kneeling there, fat and hairy, my little clit locked away. "Two minutes" He says and turns away. I rush to shower, dry off and then wonder what I'm supposed to wear.

I walk to the living room with the towel wrapped around my fat waist and there are clothes there that barely fit me. Ryan is back on the couch playing His game, barely glancing at me and saying, "my dad left those here on accident when he visited -- at least they're not sweaty." I quickly dressed and we headed to my car so I could drive Him to lunch. I was a little disappointed He didn't 'drive me' like last time with His finger in my hole, but He gave me directions and we ended up at a place literally behind the ATM where I had just run. He saw the realization on my face and laughed out loud. "Sorry, boy, but you need to get in shape and it amuses me!" which I can tell by the smug look on His sexy face and His big dick stirring in His shorts.

The hostess picks up a couple menus and Ryan says "We just need one, thanks," as she leads us to the table and hands Him the menu. He looks it over and asks, "Did you dream about me boy?" I was a little taken aback but answered truthfully that I had but couldn't remember and specifics. His smile told me he loved the power and control. The waitress appeared and looked at Him first asking if we were ready. "Sure, I'll take the breakfast sampler and a large juice. We'll share but he'll take a big water, he was just out for a run." Ryan was having great fun being in control and seeing my discomfort but I admit it turned me on so much. The waitress smiled and hurried off.

"OK, a few rules, boy." This was sudden and I was a little scared. "You'll obviously serve me, no questions asked. You'll also ask permission for anything you eat or drink besides water. I won't always be there but I don't want you getting any fatter." I assumed my face showed my devastation at His harsh words but He continued, "You'll be at the gym a lot. Not sure if we'll make a schedule or not but when in doubt, go work out. No serving any other men of course, not even blowjobs or whatever without my permission. You got it?"

"Yes Sir," I mumbled. "Thank You," a little louder. Our eyes were locked and His smile grew.

"You're a good boy and you'll adjust and learn to want more." I was stunned hearing the confidence from this Man half my age. I wondered if He had done this before and if there were other slaves. He seemed to sense my thoughts yet again and said, "By the way, none of those rules apply to me obviously. I can use anyone I want, any time. I don't need a jealous bitch in my life."

With that, our -- well, HIS -- food shows up and I get my water. My stomach is growling audibly as He wolfs down most of His breakfast. He leaves the crusts from the toast, a couple forkfuls of eggs and some fruit, shoving the plate across to me. "You'd be eating off the floor if we weren't in public, boy" - I definitely knew He was serious about that - "and my feet would have been worshiped while I was eating."

"Yes Sir, thank You," I said between bites. I was focusing so much on finally getting some food that I just continued, "anything to please You, Master. I love working Your feet and body and cock." His smile broadened and the waitress came by with the check. Ryan had no problem telling her I'd be paying, and I pulled out cash and left a nice tip as Ryan seemed ready to go. We stand up and His big cock is ROCK HARD and showing. Fuck!!! I trip over my chair leaving and He is laughing at me.

Once back in my car He tells me to swing by my place to get more clothes, and He follows me inside. I come back from my room with a bag packed with workout, running, and casual clothes and He has His feet kicked up on the coffee table. I almost said something about His shoes being on the table but He just looks at them and said, "My feet are a little tired and need your tongue boy -- NOW!" I went to remove the shoes and He says, "Use your teeth, faggot!" For the next 20 or 30 minutes I struggle with His shoes and socks again, then lick massage and worship His feet, sucking His toes, licking between them -- anything to get Him moaning. He is rubbing His cock then suddenly stands up, pulls off His shorts, and bends over the couch exposing His little pucker. "LICK!"

I dive in and rim Him for 10 or 20 minutes. He moans and squirms and enjoyed it so much. All of a sudden He says, "Do you have any clothespins, boy?" I didn't and He puts His shorts back on. I felt like I had disappointed Him and hated myself for it. "OK boy I'm gonna hang out here, leave your laptop open for me and run to the gym then pick up some clothespins on the way home. Got it?"

"Yes Sir!" I stood up stiffly and he laughed at the ruin of my wet shorts. He reached His strong hand in there and I couldn't even feel Him touch my little clit because of the cage, but He rubbed all around and His hand came out a sticky wet mess. He shoved one finger at a time then two and three at a time in my mouth as I sucked my own precum off. This just made me leak more, thinking about sucking His huge cock.

"Off you go, boy!" Ryan said and I managed to pull myself together enough to log into my laptop (as a guest, glad I had enabled that!) and grab stuff for the gym in a small day pack so I could jog to the gym and work out. He was settling in with the remote and my laptop, not even watching me go. It was a decent jog to the gym, and I got to work, lifting, feeling the strain of muscles just used for the first time in a long time last night. I tried to make Ryan proud and tried to hide the huge wet spot in my shorts. I thought I was about finished when in came Master John. God He looked great and He smirked at me as He went to the locker room to change.

I knew Ryan had told me not to serve anyone else without His permission but decided to follow Master John since I needed to get my bag and go to the store anyway. Master John had taken His shirt off but didn't look like He'd be changing shorts -- shorts full of a big thick bulge that had my knees weak. "Your Owner keeping you in line, boy?" His deep voice melted me.

"Yes. Master," I said, glad no one was around. He told me He was going to use the steam room before He worked out and that I should join him. "I don't think my Owner would like that Sir, I don't have permission."

"Ha good boy, but he sent me a text telling me I could use you this afternoon," He said as He shucked off His shorts, showing me that huge cock I had lusted after since seeing it last night. "Heel!" He barked, making me think Ryan must have told Him He could use me. I stripped down, wrapped myself in a towel and followed Him. The steam room was dark and deserted, and Master John had already sat down on His laid out towel with His legs spread. "Feet," was all He said and I sank down to worship His strong feet and legs. His head rolled back and He moaned, relaxing and enjoying. I wanted to touch His big dick so bad and then heard "SAC!" so licked up to the fuzzy sac holding His big low hangers -- which were pulled up now as I saw His big dick was rock hard, extending past His hairy navel and leaking precum.

He started stroking His big dick but only briefly before saying "please Me, faggot!" I tried to suck His big dick all the way down and realized my throat was sore from the sex shop suckings yesterday, making me moan in pain -- that Master John interpreted as pleasure! "I'm gonna paint that ass red boy, get up here!" He said. I awkwardly leaned across His knees and He pulled my towel off and smacked me HARD. I yelped in pain as He started an assault that had me in tears -- but I could feel His big hard on poking my belly so loved that He loved it. All of a sudden He stopped and said "what the fuck?" rolling me over and seeing the cock cage. He roared in laughter and smacked my balls a couple of times, causing me to squirm and flinch. His huge tool was against my hole, wet with precum and sweat, and started sliding in! He kept up the ball torture and halfway in said, "Do you not get fucked faggot? That is one tight hole!"

I gasped out that it had been years and He slides in further. It hurts and I feel like I might cum! He was breathing hard and said, "Your faggot hole doesn't deserve my load!"pulling me off that huge dick and pushing me to my knees so He can go back to fucking my throat. I am mesmerized watching His hairy abs thrust in and out, and rub them which sends Him into overdrive. "TAKE MY CUM BITCH!" He roars as my mouth overflows with His load. There is so much cum and His thick tool is pulsing and twitching. He pushes my head down as far as possible to take the final drops and I am about to fall over from strain and emotion. He pushes me off and I do indeed fall over as He laughs and says, "Run home to your owner, ya little faggot." I try to get my towel around me and head towards the door as He barks, "Show some appreciation, faggot!" I hear the steam room door open but am focused on Him. "Thank me for my cum, boy," He says.

I sink back to my knees and kiss His feet saying, "Thank You for Your huge load Master. I don't deserve that huge cock and load." I hear gasps from behind me and realized a couple guys had walked in. I stand up quickly and rush out, hearing John laugh and stealing a glance to see both guys are young and hot. What was happening to me?!

I quickly dressed and went next door to buy clothespins then ran home. Ryan was concentrating on something on my laptop and looked up briefly saying, "You were gone longer than I expected. You get in a good workout?"

"Yes Sir, I ran to the gym and lifted and served Master John and got the clothe---" when WHAM Ryan was up and across the room and backhanded me across the face, spinning me around. I caught myself against the wall but was cowering in fear. The look of rage in His eyes had tears in my eyes as much as the shock and pain of the blow did.

"WHAT?!" Ryan asked. I risked a glance at Him and His whole face and upper body were flushed, His chest heaving. I was so afraid and surprised that I couldn't speak. He folded His arms across His chest -- I felt like it was to keep from hitting me again -- and said "You said You served Master John? What the fuck? Did we not JUST talk about this?!"

"Yes Sir! We did," I managed to squeak out. "But Master John said You had texted him to say he could use me."

"And you believed him?' I couldn't tell if Ryan was incredulous or pissed or both.

"Yes Sir, I felt I had no choice -- it all happened so fast and He did say You had texted. I am really really sorry Sir."

Ryan took a deep breath. "On your knees, faggot. Tell me everything -- every detail -- no omissions, no lies." I sank down and spilled my guts to Him, sobbing and going back to expound on details when He asked. When I ran out of steam He just stood there looking down at me and I groveled, telling Him how sorry I was and I never meant to piss Him off. I crawled over and sniffed His feet then licked and kissed them. "Stop."

I looked up at Him and He said "and that's it -- the truth?' I nodded sheepishly but definitely, then He asked "Did you enjoy it?" I was taken aback. Was He trying to trap me into something? He had stopped calling me names Would I lose Him?

"Sir, I think Master John is very sexy and when I thought it was at Your orders to serve Him, I'll admit I enjoyed it. But I enjoy serving You a thousand times more and will never make a mistake like that again. I love You Master." Tears were streaming down my face,

Ryan's expression didn't change. "Of course you do, boy. That was a big mistake but I don't blame you. Get up." I stood and He spit right in my face. "Drive." We made our way to my car and I didn't bother asking if I could clean His spit off my face. He was still seething, angrier than ever I thought possible. I headed to the gym on gut instinct without asking, and that seemed to please him. As I parked He said, "Look at me boy. What you told me -- it's all true? No lies, fabrications, nothing you left out?" Before I could respond He said, "Because if there is even one thing the tiniest big false, this will end. Forever."

I dropped my gaze, organizing my thoughts and said, "That's exactly what happened Sir. I am sorry."

"Heel!" He said as He hopped out of the car. I followed Him into the gym, scared. I saw Master John right away talking to one of the guys from the steam room between sets. John noticed us approaching when Ryan was almost on him, a cocky grin spreading across His face as He said, "Hey man, what's---" and BOOM, Ryan cold-cocked him and Master John's head snapped back so hard it almost hit the machine behind Him. To His credit, He stayed on His feet but was stopped cold.

"Did you lie to my faggot to get a blowjob?" Ryan asked lowly, in control but just barely.

John tried to smirk but apparently it hurt a lot and started, "Well, I figured he could use the practice and you wouldn't mind."

Ryan gut-punched him hard, doubling him over as He flatly said, "Wrong." John didn't fight back but did try to defend himself by blocking blows but Ryan was pure rage, beating John to the ground quickly and straddling Him. I was vaguely aware of a small crowd forming as the other guys working out came to see what's up. Ryan looked down at John's quickly-bruising face and said, "That is my faggot. My property. You do not lie to get your way -- that is basically sexual assault. You had no right and will NEVER speak to or interact with this faggot or any others I may own in the future again. Do. You. Under. Stand?"

John looked like he would argue but Ryan's tightly-reined rage was too palpable. "Yeah, whatever." Ryan punched his face. "OK fine, fine -- I'll stay away. He's ugly as fuck and fat anyway." Ryan punched him harder.

"That all may be true but that does not give you the right to do what you did. Now apologize." I really wasn't sure John would capitulate, but he finally looked Ryan in the face.

"Sorry man." He almost sounded sincere. Ryan cocked an eyebrow and His fist, and John blurted "SORRY SIR!" This time he sounded much more sincere. Ryan smiled fractionally and slid His gaze to me then back to John.

John looked at me and said "Sorry faggot, that wasn't cool of me."

Ryan looked pleased and said, "Alright, we're done here. Right after you kiss his ass." What?! We all were shocked and it took another stern look before John's face turned to acceptance. "Get your ass over here, boy -- he owes you." Ryan says. I pull down the back of my shorts and awkwardly lower my ass to be above John's face. I feel his breath and then his kiss on my pucker, causing me to get goosebumps. I stand up, pulling up my shorts as Ryan looks around and says, "Just to be clear -- anyone touching my faggot needs my permission. Understood?" It was hot as hell seeing Ryan kneeling on John like a leopard on weak prey, and all the guys nodding assent then heading back to their workouts.

Ryan got up, poked John with His foot then turned and walked out. I followed, proud to be owned and cared for by this Man.

Next: Chapter 7

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