Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Mar 9, 2020


Ryan and I worked on different projects all day but I was acutely aware of His presence wherever He was. When lunch was delivered, Ryan casually walked by and said, "You're behind - work through lunch." I wanted to cry but felt dismissed and so very small, so I kept at it and actually felt a little better about the progress I was making.

As the other workers came back from lunch. Ryan passed me again and said, "grab some water, I think all the lunch is gone." I took a break and sure enough there was only water left. I got right back to work and by the end of the day the general contractor came by to check out the progress. He was super happy with all I had gotten done and handed me forty bucks, saying "I wish everyone were getting done as much as you are!" but as he turned to walk away, Ryan sauntered by with a couple buddies, grabbed the money from my hand, and said to no one in particular, "Cool - now we have extra beer money for tonight!"

They all disappeared and I was standing there feeling lost and forlorn - sad and confused - and hungry. Well, my car was still here from yesterday so I drove home slowly, contemplating how my life had changed and thinking about texting Ryan. When I got home, I felt very alone and typed "Did I do something wrong, Sir?" to Ryan but never hit send. I focused on household chores as best I could, but my thoughts kept wandering to Ryan of course and to food since I hadn't eaten much of anything for a long time.

Around 8pm I got a text and my heart jumped as I saw it was from Ryan!! "Go to the gym, faggot - you need the exercise." I wasn't sure He knew I didn't have a gym membership - construction kept me in decent shape was my excuse - so texted back to see if there were a certain gym He expected me to go to. He gave me the name of a smaller gym a few miles from my house, so I scrounged together a gym bag and gear, and off I went.

It was Friday night so the place was pretty dead and I was able to pay for a day pass without the usual hard-sell membership tour. There were only a couple guys in the gym, and one caught my eye: average height, nice muscles and big bulge. Confidence oozed from him and I found myself positioning myself on various machines so I could check him out. I was pretty exhausted and was in a dreamlike state watching this stud when I sensed someone standing very close to me.

Ryan! Fuck, I don't know how I didn't sense Him immediately. He looked freshly showered but ready to work out in a tank top that showed off His arm and shoulder muscles, with a pair of shorts showing off His hairy legs and big bulge. Was He even wearing underwear?! His sexy voice snatched my eyes to His face: "Good job boy, looks like you've worked up a sweat getting distracted by that stud over there."

Shit, I was so busted. But He wasn't mad, told me to keep at it as He started His own workout. Now I had two studs to watch and even more motivation to make Ryan proud. My muscles were burning when He walked over and said "Heel!" I was learning to love and hate that word!

As we walked, I felt the other stud watching us. He seemed to be winding down his workout and lingering a bit more than I expected. Ryan explained as we walked to the front of the gym where mats were spread out, "A few push-ups and stretching and you'll be good to go, boy." I was excited to finish up. "Down boy," He says as we get to the mats. I drop to push-up position and He says "count 'em out boy." I wanted to ask how many I was expected to do but didn't feel like talking to the floor would do me much good at this point - plus I loved Him standing over me - so I slowly started counting off the push-ups even though it was a chore after the long day.

His feet shifted and I realized He kicked off His shoes, so His feet in socks were right in front of my face, I could feel the heat and smell His odor, making me pause on the down motion to breath in. He balanced on one foot and dropped the sock right under where my nose almost hit the mat, then His bare foot was right next to the sock. I realized I had stopped counting and needed a rest, so I paused in the up position and see another pair of feet approaching.

"How long have you owned your boy?" a deep sexy voice asks. I am hoping it's the stud I had been checking out but wasn't in a position to look as Ryan tells him that I'm sort of a test drive. That hurts a bit but my arms are about to give out so I have no option but to lower down and try to press back up again. Ryan pushes His bare foot into my lips as I lamely try to press back up. I'm trapped and finally fall fully to the mat, muscles spent.

I look up at the two Men standing shoulder to shoulder looking down at me. Ryan says "25 more, boy." and I take a deep breath, not sure if I will beg or argue or just get to it. The other Man says I might need a little more motivation and kicks off His shoe then pulls off His sock, laying it on the ground before Him. I shift slightly and get in the up position, lowering down faster than I wanted to bury my nose in His sock, catching this new scent, steeped in testosterone. "UP" they bark in unison.

I managed 16 push-ups before my arms and chest failed me totally and I laid there heaving, drenched in sweat. Ryan didn't look too upset and sat back on one of the big exercise balls. "Put my socks and shoes back on boy," he growled. I scooped up His gear and sort of crawled over and slid them back on His feet. I loved touching His sexy feet and hairy legs, then I got to repeat for the other Man who looked pleased but remained silent. "Clean up the mats then hit the shower, boy," Ryan said/

I watched as their beautiful asses headed to the locker room, Ryan's tight little ass and the other Man's beefy muscled butt. In an exhausted daze I used the spray and paper towels to clean my sweat from the mat then struggled to my feet to drag myself into the locker room.

Ryan and the other Man are standing there with their shirts off, just chatting about work and life and women. Ryan grins and says, "enjoy your reward, bitch," pointing to their sweaty shirts next to each other on a bench. I stumble over, fall to my knees, mumble a thank you Sir and bury my face in first Ryan's shirt then the other Man's. As I sniff the second shirt, a strong hand settles on the back of my head and presses my face into the shirt and hard wood of the bench.

"I'm Master John, boy - you like that?" I struggled to affirm in the positive but then the pressure let up as He continued "take our shoes and socks off boy, we need to shower." I stayed on my knees of course as they sat to let me remove their shoes and socks, quickly giving each foot a kiss or lick and very short massage. "Is that all natural?" Master John asked Ryan who laughed and said I seemed to catch on pretty quick for a useless faggot and did seem to have some positive natural tendencies.

When I was finished I looked up and Ryan spit right in my face. As I as trying to lick some of it into my mouth, Ryan shucked off His shorts and underwear - and Master John spit in my face. Ryan's big dick was swinging freely as John started to remove His shorts and underwear, but I only saw a sexy bush and thick cock root before Ryan's gear was draped over my face. John did the same and I felt that they turned towards the showers. "Do 100 squats there and then join us boy." Ryan said as I inhaled their co-mingled sweaty scents.

I admit I took a few seconds which turned into a few minutes to bask in their smell, then try to tongue their underwear. But I also wanted to see them in the shower so started the squats, which took much longer than I expected - I was so tired. My legs were shaking as I finished up, stripped down and wrapped a towel around myself. My little dick was leaking like a faucet but I was either too tired or scared to actually get hard. I felt so ugly and out of shape, I had to force myself to walk into the shower area.

FUCK! I was rewarded with the site of these two Gods showering side-by-side in the open. Master John's cock was every bit as big as Ryan's, and they were both over half hard as they chatted and enjoyed their manly shower. They noticed me and Ryan barked, "your tongue needs to get to work over here faggot! John, what do you need cleaned?"

John's smile widened as He first thanked Ryan for the use of "the faggot" then He said "start with my feet," and I realized I had to drop my towel. The look of disgust and disdain on John's face was like a kick in the gut. "You let that fat little-dicked faggot touch you? Well, he must be good at his job if he looks that way, so get over here and prove it." I crawled, partially to hide my little cock and big gut, and partially to please Them. I sucked on John's toes, licked His feet and ankles, licked between His toes. He did seem to enjoy it, moaning from time to time, and then told me to work up His legs.

I massaged and licked my way up the strong hairy legs, seeing His big dick hanging out over my head and wondering if I would get to taste it. He started turning so I could massage the sides of His legs then work His hamstrings which were sexy as fuck, then He said "massage and rim my ass, boy." WOW! I was going to get to lick this Man I just met in the most private place. I wasn't very experienced and so really focused hard on pleasing Him. His moans said I wasn't doing a terrible job, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Ryan smiling, pleased - and rock hard!!! He saw my look and told me it was hot seeing my tongue in that sexy ass, telling me to do a good job.

John said that was enough and Ryan indicated he wanted the same treatment. As I turned toward Ryan I realized my cock was hard too, and apparently that was not allowed. John said He was disgusted at my little cock and shouldn't I be focused on Them, not enjoying this. Ryan gave Him free rein to "fix things" as I licked my way up Ryan's sexy legs. As I got closer to a full kneeling position, John slapped my cock with all His power - causing me to blurt out FUCK and almost pass out. Ryan would have none of it and I went back to serving Him, my cock now shrunken in pain and fear. They were both still huge and hard and pumped and my mind was swimming with "what next" possibilities - none of which were to happen. I rimmed Ryan for a good 10 minutes and then they rinsed off and headed out with just a "later, faggot" in parting. I knelt there abjectly, wanting to lay down and cry and pass out, but forced myself to shower and headed home.

Next: Chapter 5

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