Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Mar 3, 2020


I am loving the feedback and will try to continue this story. Ryan is someone I see on job sites quite often and He is every bit the stud in real life as He is here. I woke up dreaming of Him this morning and had to write the next chapter. Please support the site so I can keep writing! ----

The exhaustion and excitement of finally kneeling before Ryan had my mind racing but sleep was a necessity after all I had been through. My dreams were so real, Ryan using me over and over again in front of His friends -- and even my friends. When I would groggily come out of a dream, my little cock was hard, twitching and leaking, and then I'd pass out again.

It seemed like only minutes later when my dream refocused on Ryan calling me "faggot." "Faggot, wake up." "God damn you are stupid, faggot!" Crap, was this real? As I struggled with consciousness, something heavy hit my head.

"Fuck! That hurt!" I mumbled before realizing where I was. It was pitch dark out and as I reached around with my hand, realized a boot had hit my head. A big heavy boot. Fuck! Ryan's boot. "Sir?"

As I tried to see in the dark I could just make out Ryan propped up on His pillows a bit, legs spread, huge dick rock hard. He was stroking it slowly when something flew through the air and almost hit me. My ATM card.

"Get the card and go get me cash, boy. You'll need to withdraw your daily limit, you owe me." I did. "Pick up some food for me and be back ASAP."

Suddenly his bedside table lamp came on and there He was in all His glory. His cock looked bigger than yesterday and His messy hair melted my heart. I struggled to get in motion, looking for my clothes and shoes while watching Him. "Get the ATM card first, boy" He said, gazing at me and fondling His sac and big cock. I had to crawl around on the floor looking for my ATM card, exposing my ass, making Him laugh. I finally found and grabbed the card then grabbed my clothes and dressed quickly under His watch. It was so early and so cold. I left Him there stroking, wanting nothing more in this world than to stay - but my lot was cast.

I hurried to the nearest diner to get Him food, texting Him where I was and asking what he wanted. He made me text Him pictures of the menu and I could feel the waitresses and early patrons snickering at me. I felt like shouting, "but you should see this fucking stud!"

I put in His order and walked over to the ATM, withdrawing the daily max of $400. It seemed like weeks since I had first handed Him my card and begged, but I vaguely remembered I owed Him at least $200. And it was only yesterday, not ever 24 hours, since I gave myself to Him. As I grab the money and head back to the diner He texts "where are you boy? hurry the fuck up!" I sent back that I was waiting for His food and he responded with the picture of me kneeling there yesterday - the first picture He had taken and only one I was consciously aware of . I blushed bright red seeing it and the waitress got a glance and laughed out loud. She handed me the food dismissively.

I slunk back to Ryan's place and as I was parking He texted "crawl." I didn't know what to do -- walk inside then crawl, or crawk all the way from His truck - but I wanted to exceed His expectations. I crawled with the bag in my teeth, food swinging, my sore knees screaming at me. He laughed loudly as I crawled in, now soft and relaxed. I wondered if He had cum but wasn't in a position to ask as I crawled over with His delivery.

"Good boy - now go get me silverware and some juice, then get ready for work."

"Yes Sir," I said as I crawled to the kitchen to the refrigerator. Fuck! No juice? "Sir, am I just stupid and don't see the juice?" I called.

"Of course you're stupid, faggot - you should be on your way to the store to get me juice. And fucking hurry, we will be late."

Goddamnit. I knew He knew there was no juice - and I just drove past the store - but I started crawling to the door for this fool's errand. I realized this whole thing amused Him and showed His power when I heard Him say "RUN." So I ran to His truck, jumped in, and was about go to the store when my phone buzzed. "SILVERWARE FIRST BOY". GodDAMNIT. I ran back in, grabbed the utensils, delivered them to Him (sexy shit-eating grin), flew to the store and was back in no time. "Let's go" He said, standing there dressed and looking sexy as fuck, ready to go, His to-go order container in His hand.

My mind was spinning. I hadn't had a chance to get cleaned up, brush my teeth (of course no toothbrush) - nothing. I thought about asking if I could use my finger and some of His toothpaste to brush my teeth but figured He would have told me if that's what He wanted. I still had His keys as He grabbed the juice, sauntered to His truck, got in and waited for me to drive Him to the job site.

My mind just couldn't work. It was all too much. I found my way to the site and when I parked He finally said "I guess you did that on purpose?" and I just gaped at Him, confused. "I mean, I KNOW you didn't forget to get my cash for me, but you kept it and didn't pay me for my piss or abuse at all. What are we going to do about that?"

I was shocked, trying to gather my thoughts and automatically reached for my pocket to fish out the cash. Other workers were walking by after parking, curious as to what I was doing in Ryan's truck. He slapped my hand away and said "not here." I breathed a sign of relief, grateful no one would be able to see, when he pointed next to the front yard and cruelly said, "There." His eyes sparkled and the bulge in His jeans was growing. Before I could say anything - do anything other than react in horror - He was out of the truck and standing by the driver's side door waiting impatiently.

I got out slowly, trying to figure out a way for this not to be obvious. That decision was taken away from me. Ryan was grinning until I reached again for my pocket when He looked disgusted and said "faggots always pay - and they always pay on their knees." The glint came back to His eyes and I knew he was loving this power trip.

My instinct was to argue, plead, beg - but one look at Him and I knew the only path open to me. I knelt on the ground before Him and softly said, "Sir, may I please pay You?"

"For what?" He grinned at me.

"For letting me drink Your piss and touch Your big cock, Sir." My voice cracked with lust and need and embarrassment, unsure if anyone was watching or listening.

"Morning, Ryan!" one of the guys called as he walked by. Oh my god.

"Hey! Be there in a sec," He called back. Looking down at me, He said "Good boy. Plus spending the night...just fucking hand me all of it with the card, boy." My head bowed and I fished in my pocket as ordered, blindly handing Him my cash and card. My life.

"What a bitch!" Ryan laughed as He turned to start work. "Heel!" He said and I jumped up, happy to at least not be on the ground in front of everyone. Like a puppy, I followed this stud I was quickly falling (harder) for, happy and scared.

After that embarrassing start, the day was shockingly normal for the most part. We got to work and got a lot done, even though I was starving. Someone brought some bagels but when I went to get one, Ryan said "No boy, you can wait." My stomach was rumbling as I watched Him grab half a bagel, slather it in cream cheese and eat almost all of it. "Heel!" He said again, not even glancing at me. I followed Him to His truck where He threw the last bite of bagel into His leftovers from breakfast then set it on the ground, roughly where I had been kneeling just an hour or two before.

I pleaded with my eyes, not saying anything. His back was to the site and all the workers, and He stroked down the huge bulge in His jeans. "It will turn me on when you get on your faggot knees again and eat out of there," He said just for me I looked at the food - I was ravenous - and saw the silverware was not there. I sunk to my knees and honestly didn't know if I would stay there and cry or crawl to Him and eat. After a few seconds I heard His level, soothing voice "this is your life now boy, it amuses me and this is where you belong - but your choice."

Slowly I crawled to His feet, kissed one boot then started eating the leftovers. Luckily there wasn't much so it was only a few seconds, but I still felt naked, not knowing who saw. When I was done I looked up at Him. The sun behind His beautiful face was a halo. "Thank You Sir," I breathed automatically. He smiled and patted my head, giving me a warm loved feeling even though I was petrified.

"You're a good boy. Let's get back to work."

Next: Chapter 4

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