Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Jun 7, 2020


Having Ryan there again, helping me and being my friend was incredible. We flew through the work and I got to sneak glances at Him too! As we were cleaning up He had me fetch the last of the tools and was leaned against His truck when I came out. His body was on full display and I couldn't help myself -- I dropped the tools by my car and walked over to kneel before Him. He grinned and grabbed my head and rubbed it against His crotch. We were pretty much out of view but I was pretty much out of control and didn't care. He let me kneel there smelling and rubbing Him for what felt like a long time that just flew by. My mind started fantasizing about going back to His place and having Him naked on the bed for one of the mind-blowing foot worship / massage / rim sessions that always left both of us content.

"Let's go to the gym -- I assume you didn't fuck that up like the jockstrap, right?" Ryan didn't sound mad and I was glad I did have my gym gear in the car. Ryan told me to grab my bag and head back into the new house where I was allowed to fully strip Him then watch Him get into His gym gear. It was an amazing process watching every lithe line of muscle on that smooth sexy body come into view. He pulled His shirt over His head, leaving His hair mussed and perfect like always then ordered me to change. I was very self-conscious changing as always, and was told to get fully naked as I wouldn't be wearing the briefs because I was so dumb not to be in my fagstrap. I rushed for my gym clothes to hide my nakedness and dripping hard trapped little dick, but Ryan said "wait" and checked me out fully. My dick shrank in mortification; I was embarrassed to have Him ogle me like livestock. But He seemed pleased and said, "You look better boy. The gym and running and eating better have done good. One day I might even fuck you."

I was just so turned on that I fell to my knees right there, thanking Him and blushing as I dropped to crotch level with Him. He hadn't slipped on shoes or socks yet and started rubbing my sac with His bare feet and toes, moving down so His big toe was at my ass entrance. He pushed a little and His cock throbbed in His shorts -- I had shaved my boypussy like I know he wanted and it was super smooth for Him. I was hoping for more as He said "lay back" and I eased onto my back right there in the middle of the unfinished room. He grunted "not a sound boy, understood?" and I nervously nodded. He grabbed my ballsac and tugged HARD -- it was all I could do to stifle a moan. But He didn't release my sac and pulled His dick out the bottom of His shorts. It was wet with precum and throbbing. When His dick was out he gently tapped my balls with one hand while still grasping them with the other, sending a shock of pain through my stomach.

He kept tapping my sac harder and harder, and I was convinced I would pass out. I wanted to beg Him to stop but His blazing eyes and rock-hard cock told me all I needed to know: He was enjoying this and I would stay quiet. But fuck -- He was changing tempo and strength and I couldn't help it! I gasped out "oh my God" and He immediately stopped.

"Worthless sissy faggot," Ryan mumbled almost to Himself. His big hard cock was still out as He told me to cover my face with my work shirt as punishment. I lay there unable to see anything, hearing Him stroke His wet dick! All of a sudden I felt a huge stream of piss aimed right at my mouth -- covered in my shirt, I felt like I was drowning as every breath made me breath His piss. I was scared and turned on as His piss started showering every part of my body. After what felt like hours His stream slowed to a trickle.

"Get dressed. You need more discipline. Let that piss dry on your body and in your hair -- you will smell like me at the gym." He didn't seem especially mad but did seem disappointed which just crushed me. I worshiped His perfect feet for 10 or 15 minutes while He moaned and the piss dried on me. He made me finish dressing as He did the same. We left His truck there and the only words we exchanged on the drive to the gym was my lame apology to which He just nodded. When we parked He said, "Did You follow orders boy?"

"No Sir, again I am very sorry."

"You did try -- I know that boy. But this will cost you. My dick is hard and I need to cash rape you. Give me your wallet." I quickly complied and He took every dollar out then gave it back to me and headed into the gym. We dropped off our bags in the locker room then went to lift.

Even though I should have been exhausted -- mentally and emotionally and physically -- the prospect of being at the gym with Ryan again was invigorating, and we had a really good workout together. I was able to do so much more weight with better form just by having him there, and time flew by. Ryan said "last set" as I got on the bench for one more effort. As I finished up, a guy walked in the gym I had never seen before (and I had been spending a lot of time there and knew everyone's face at least). Confidence oozed from him, and Ryan caught be looking. His grin widened as he turned and saw who it was, calling "Yo -- Alpha -- glad you made it!"

I didn't know what was going on but the new guy came and gave Ryan a big hug. Apparently they had met while Ryan was out of town and he was going to be in town a week or two checking it out, looking to make a move. 'Alpha' as Ryan had called him looked down at me and said, "So this is him?" I was having a hard time knowing where to look -- craning my neck to look up at them or staring at their full crotches or Alpha's sexy boots. I realized the problem: this guy's scent was intoxicating. Pure animal lust man-scent was overwhelming me quickly.

I did get to check out his sexy legs from up close...his black work boots and thick sexy socks around his big calves, leading to sexy gray gym shorts that showed off an amazing tattoo on one thick thigh. He filled out a white tank-top perfectly, his arm muscles showing excellent definition. His hair was long and his facial hair gave him a canine look that had me drooling. Dark eyes pierced my soul. Ryan was smaller next to him, and His dark tank top and black shorts showed off His flawless body. I could barely think, seeing and smelling these two Gods.

"Yeah, I've owned him a few weeks now and he's made good progress but I'm hoping you can help take him to the next level. Would you like that, faggot?"

I was a little shocked and felt trapped, but managed to stutter out, "Whatever makes You happy, Sir."

They both laughed and Ryan said, "See -- I told you he is devoted but needs some pride and hesitation trained out of him. You up for it?"

They turned and started walking towards the locker room, Alpha with a bag over his shoulder. I had a split second to check out two sexy asses before Alpha growled, "Heel!" to me and said to Ryan, "Yeah I think I can help. I appreciate you letting me stay at your place so it's the least I can do."

I followed them quickly, feeling like I was jogging while they were calmly walking. They really scrambled my brain and I could smell them both powerfully as I drifted in their wake. Once in the locker room, Alpha set down his bag and pulled off his shirt. I was trapped staring at his beautiful body -- the sleek muscled frame of a god. He absolutely knew I was staring as he slowly moved into a full-body stretch that showed off the top of his bush and his hairy armpits! And those muscles all stretching and moving, showing off his power -- his sexy tight abs and legs and arms -- fuck. I was in heaven. The lightly furry chest and trim flanks had me panting like a dog. Ryan sniffed near his armpit and said, "Fuck -- no doubt why you control your pack!" Alpha chuckled and said something about 'wait until he smells my boots' which made Ryan grin wider and suggest a short game of fetch.

Alpha looked sexy as hell standing there with his hairy legs spread and a big bulge in his shorts - shorts I had been checking out ever since he walked in. They really showed off his strong thighs and hot ass -- I kept thinking they were just short enough to show the big thigh muscles without letting his cock hang out (although I would have been ok with that!). He had his sexy black work boots planted firmly, anchoring his presence and controlling the room. He glanced at Ryan who gave a small nod and then commanded me, "gets these boots off me, pup." I glanced at Ryan but He was stripping off His shirt and getting into the locker so I obeyed Alpha as if I had permission or an order, and Alpha's smile grew as I got down on my knees to untie his boots. This close to him, the heat coming off him wafted his scent and slowed my actions so I could bask in it. He was patient until he wasn't -- telling me to get his boots off now. Good thing too, because once I got the first boot off the intoxicating scent from his sweaty feet would have had me comatose. God he smelled amazing!

Once I had both boots off he tousled my hair and said "good pup, now hand me a boot" which I immediately did. He then threw the boot across the locker room saying "FETCH!" Ryan had turned shirtless to watch with a wide grin as I scampered across the space on all 4s, madly trying to retrieve the boot for my new...master? Trainer? I wasn't sure but I was very excited and scared. When I turned back with the boot carried by its string in my mouth, I saw both Men had hardening cocks growing down their shorts legs. Fuck! I carried the boot back and deposited it at Alpha's feet, looking up to make sure I had done well. He again patted my head and purred, "open for your reward, boy." Eyes locked, I opened my mouth almost expecting him to pull out his cock to shove it in, but instead got a wad of spit right in my mouth. I was in heaven and moaned loudly as his finger traced his lightly haired abs, getting a little sweat and a lot of scent before being pushed into my mouth. I sucked greedily and evoked a moan from Alpha which made me very proud.

"This will be fun," he commented to Ryan -- who rubbed down His rock-hard cock in His little black shorts and grinned agreement. Just like that, Alpha removed his finger and draped his shirt over my face. I couldn't breathe -- it was intoxicating -- a musky manly scent that invaded me totally. Suddenly the shirt was pulled off me -- by Ryan -- who then took a giant whiff and said, "God that's nice" then rubbed the shirt on His crotch. I was trying to check out Alpha's sexy body too -- it was just too much. Alpha quickly shucked off his shorts and underwear, showing a nice thick heavy uncut cock and some really nice tattoos. He turned to his bag, showing off a muscled ass and dressed slowly, letting me see every lithe movement. I needed off my knees -- it was humiliating and starting to hurt and I was afraid of getting caught.

Ryan took over and said "stand". I wrenched to my feet and saw both of their gazes go to my crotch! Fuck!! They started laughing and Ryan said, "I told you the boy leaks like a faucet around real men." My shorts were ruined...soaked...fuck. I whimpered softly in my throat in shame and Alpha glanced at Ryan then slapped me across the face lightly -- enough to get my attention but not enough to really hurt. I looked up in agony and he said, "Look pup -- you should not be ashamed here. You have your pack leader and owner showing off for can smell us...and your body reacts. Plus it amuses us greatly. You should be thanking us for noticing." Which is exactly what I did. In detail. The pleased look on both their faces made me so happy and proud.

"Thank You both for letting me see and smell Your amazing bodies, Sirs. I am privileged to be of service and my dicklet can't stop leaking, showing my devotion. I appreciate it and am ready to serve as You see fit."

Ryan offered up His keys to Alpha so he could spend the night and they noticed the crestfallen look on my face. It was like they could read my mind as Alpha drawled, "I think the pup here worked hard cleaning your place and wanted to show off for you." Well, that and I wanted some alone time to reunite with Ryan -- who was now looking at me tenderly and asking if that were true.

"Yes Sir, I was hoping You would approve of the work but I know Alpha needs a place to stay so it's no big deal." And I really did mean it, surprising myself at accepting this new Man completely, ready to give up my most private desires to please him.

Ryan smiled and said, "You can show me your hard work while Alpha works out, ok slave?"

"Yes Sir!" I cooed.

Ryan said, "Have a good workout man. See you later," as Alpha locked up his bag and headed to the gym floor. I watched his ass blatantly as he told me to be a good pup. Ryan smirked and said, "He always is for me" and I felt so full and happy. I practically floated outside to drive Ryan home, afraid to ask if we should stop to pick up His truck which probably meant I wouldn't be spending the night. Ryan casually put His hand on my thigh and said, "You performed well today boy. And while I was gone. I know you did a good job at the house. Maybe -- just maybe -- I'll let you cum for Alpha. Would You like that boy?"

My mind swirled. Oh my god, I needed to cum so bad but honestly didn't think about it that often -- Ryan kept me so busy and off-kilter. I tried to think of what Alpha had just tried to teach me there in the locker room about pleasing them and being confident of my place and said, "Master, I'll do anything for You gladly, and thank You for it. I'd love to cum for Alpha and for You."

"You want more," Ryan spoke without looking at me, sensing it was true.

"Yes Sir, I'd love to cum for Alpha and for You, but would love to see You cum Sir -- and Alpha too." I blushed as I spoke it, knowing I wanted it so soon. "Especially if my skills assisted in any way."

I knew I had done well when Ryan smiled hugely at me and said, "You are learning so well. Let's just see what happens boy." We talked about the last two weeks until we pulled up in front of His house. My heart was thumping as I carried His bag in the door and was immediately told "CORNER!" I scurried into position and heard/felt Ryan walking around checking on things. "COME!" He bellowed from the bedroom and I got up to race to see Him -- the scant minutes in the corner making me miss Him all over again. "Kneel, faggot," He said as He stripped off His shirt showing off His sexy body still sweaty from the gym. He dropped His shirt on His shoes and said "get to work boy."

I crawled over and buried my face in His shirt, using my fingers to untie and remove His shoes then socks. I pushed aside the pile and licked and sniffed His feet as His moans became audible. He slid off His shorts and boxers, and His huge dick once again was in my face, dripping wet. He held it in one strong hand and commanded, "Clean off the precum. That's all for now." I was hoping for more but also glad to taste His essence again. After licking His piss slit a few times He moaned and laid back on the freshly made bed -- showing me His huge cock, low-hanging sac, sexy hairy legs, smooth torso and tufts of armpit hair. I had no words and sunk again to my knees. His smile was huge as He rolled over and said, "The house looks great boy -- I am proud of You. But my hole has missed your tongue and you need to show you missed it!"

I jumped up and dove in, just feasting on His sweaty hole for as long as He let me. He moaned and squirmed, fucked the bed some, and even drifted off to sleep then would half wake up again moaning and pushing my face into His hole. About this time I heard the front door open and sensed -- mostly by his scent -- that Alpha was now standing in the room. His footsteps sounded certain, and his scent was even stronger after his workout. He pet my head and murmured in my ear, "Yeah pup, enjoy that sweet ass!" I redoubled my efforts and he purred, "Slow down, make love to that hole and don't neglect his feet or legs or back or any muscles you can reach. Be a good pup." I followed his orders, wondering if I should check with Ryan first, but His moans and squirms told me that for now -- as long as Alpha's orders led to more enjoyment for my Master -- I should obey. I made a mental note to check with Ryan later to confirm.

Ryan responded hard -- especially when I got my tongue and mouth and hands on His sexy feet. Alpha was standing fully clothed next to the bed,slowly feeling up Ryan's hairy legs and adding to the sensation, and said, "Sorry again that my foot slave was shit last week stud -- my regulars were all out of town and that one clearly wasn't ready."

Ryan moaned and said, "It's all good now -- this faggot is the best!" but Alpha was giving me tips and pointers on where to lick, how much pressure to use, how to tease and go hard then let go of the feeling and Ryan was loving it! He was fully awake, squirming, moaning -- and that's when Alpha pulled out his big dick and began stroking it. Fuck! For the second time today, a super hot stud was pleasuring himself watching me please Ryan! His dick pushed aside the fabric of his sexy shorts and he stroked nice and slow, clearly enjoying the show and his place within it.

Alpha was moaning with us, and softly gasped out, "Does the pup need to lick my precum off your hole, stud?" to which Ryan just moaned really loud. Alpha moved up and let his precum drip right on Ryan's tight little pucker while I licked and sucked His toes, then worked my way up to clean off His hole. Ryan was getting aggressive with His moaning and bed-humping, and Alpha said, "More?"

Ryan grunted yes and suddenly Alpha said sternly, "Out of the way, pup!" As soon as I moved my head from Ryan's hole, Alpha's dick started spurting more precum all over it. They ordered me to clean it all up in unison and I licked feverishly at Alpha's amazing precum -- the best I had ever tasted. He stayed close to us so that scent overwhelmed me. Ryan ordered me to hurry up then flipped over and shot all over himself!!! FUCK. Cum flew onto His face, neck, chest -- the clean pillows -- all over His abs. I was whimpering unconsciously, awkwardly half-kneeling next to the bed.

Alpha was still standing and moved onto the bed, kneeling next to Ryan. Ryan was exhausted from His huge load but seemed interested in tasting Alpha's precum for himself!! He cocked His head sideways and slurped a huge glob of precum from Alpha's cockhead. Alpha asked Him, "You think pup earned a reward?" Ryan smiled and said sure. Alpha locked eyes with me (still kneeling) and then rubbed his big dick in the mess of cum on Ryan's abs!!! "Get up here and enjoy this pup!" Alpha said. I got further on the bed, my hairy legs against Ryan's hairy leg -- already in heaven -- and licked Ryan's cum from Alpha's big dick. He started moaning and asked if I was a good cocksucker. I looked to Ryan who told me to show him, and I slowly swalloed his big cock. It was too thick for me to take it all, but he talked me through how to swallow more of it as Ryan rubbed my throat and Alpha stroked my ass.

I gagged on Alpha's big dick and SMACK he slapped my ass, causing me to tense up but then relax, getting more of that big meat down my faggot throat. SMACK SMACK SMACK harder and harder as Alpha picked up speed down my throat. All of a sudden a finger was shoved in my hole and I realized Ryan was probing me while Alpha spanked me! It was too much and I was squirming and sucking and drooling and moaning.

Alpha's sweat was dripping on me and his scent was radiating off his body. His eyes were rolling back and he gasped, "Where do you want it?" I knew instinctively he was asking Ryan who was still rock hard watching.

"Cum on my abs, the faggot can have a cocktail of our loads!" Ryan laughed. Alpha pulled out and just covered Ryan in cum from His balls to His neck. I had almost caught my breath when Alpha's hand pushed my face into Ryan's creamy abs. I licked it up like it was life itself (which it was to me!) and thanked them both over and over as I did so. Ryan rubbed His finger through the mess and languidly sucked it clean!!! Then moved it to my mouth to suck on -- it was just so overwhelming. I didn't want it to end but Ryan told me to go start the shower.

I did as I was told and knelt next to the shower. Alpha strutted in, patted my head and stepped into the shower, telling me to come bathe him to show my respect. He taught me to slow down and really give each body part my full attention, only giving me permission to lick the last of his cum off his dickhead before spending a lot of time cleaning his hairy crotch. I was totally absorbed in my task and didn't notice Ryan had walked in until He was stepping into the now-crowded shower. Alpha rinsed off and stepped out to dry off, while I started soaping Ryan tenderly. He was exhausted and happy -- as was I!

After He rinsed off He had me kneel outside the shower while He dried off. He looked down at me and I couldn't help it -- I blurted "I am so glad You are home Daddy. I love You."

His grin lit up the bathroom and He said, "Good faggot," then let a glob of spit slowly down into my opened mouth, leaning down for a deep kiss. I could barely stay upright on my knees! He actually helped me up and told me to go fix my sleeping spot. I was hoping to sleep with Him in the bed of course but as long as He was close, I would be happy.

I had settled onto a thick blanket at the end of the bed when Ryan walked out, smiled, called to Alpha in the other room, "Let's get some sleep!" and then waited for Alpha to come in. They were both naked and stunning. Alpha walked over to Ryan and gave Him a full-mouth kiss then crawled into bed. I couldn't see up there but it sounded like they spooned close and stroked each other a bit, but we were all exhausted and soon their breathing slowed and I matched it and we all passed out.

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