Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Apr 24, 2020


I slowed down licking Ryan's tight little perfect hole as His breathing deepened into a quiet sleep, and let myself out of the bed without disturbing Him. The washing machine wound down and I moved His clothes to the dryer then found my spot on the floor at the end of the bed. I set my phone to go off at 4:30 and tossed and turned for some time, dreading the time when Ryan would be out of town, finally drifting off for what felt like only a few minutes before the alarm went off. I got to my knees (sore from the games of fetch) and said "Master, it is 4:30am. Sir?" as I didn't hear Him stir. Finally He roused and looked down at me, saying "Good faggot, now get my clothes packed fast. I'm leaving in 20."

What? Damn, I thought I might get more time with Him before He left. His scent, His devilishly good looks and His cruel loving mind had me intoxicated. Fuck, I jumped up and retrieved His clothes from the dryer and started packing the bag He left on the bed while He went to the bathroom taking what sounded like an enormous piss. I really wanted to watch -- and taste, and smell -- but if He were really leaving in 20 I had no time.

He took a quick shower and walked out naked, big dick swinging, and told me to get a pair of boxers and jeans and a shirt for Him. After bringing Him the sexy tight-fitting clothes, I sunk to my knees to watch Him dress, feeling sick to my stomach at the prospect of two weeks without Him. He slung the bag over His shoulder, grinned at me and said, "Be a good faggot, boy. Work hard and make me proud. Now open wide," which was easy since I was already panting in need. He spit squarely in my mouth then pushed His strong finger in to explore it fully while I sucked away. He groaned a bit and said, "I'll miss your neediness and service, boy, but I gotta go. Give me one of your credit cards and then CORNER!"

I was so dejected, missing Him already, but fished a card out of my wallet for Him then included my debit card too when He ordered. I knelt there in misery while He just stood there so I crawled to my corner and faced the wall, hearing Him leaving. "Oh yeah boy, text me your bank login info so I don't go over the limit on the card." Then the door closed and I was all alone.

Obviously I couldn't stay in the corner for two weeks -- I did need to get to work after daybreak -- but I was frozen with loneliness and just felt so empty. I quickly texted Him my login info, not expecting nor receiving a response. I let the sadness engulf me and broke down into tears, deciding I needed to get it all out now or risk moping for two weeks. I must have drifted off and got in a couple hours of exhausted rest before my phone dinged with a message from Ryan! It was a video and the preview clearly showed me His big (soft) cock. I pressed play and heard His voice over His piss into the urinal, "Miss me yet faggot? Be a good boy and you'll get this when I'm back" then the screen flipped to His perfect face and cocky smile as He flipped me off and said "fuck you faggot" and spit towards the phone. I could hear the glob hit His cock and His arm moved like he started stroking it before the video cut off.

Fuck! That was so damn hot, my little clit was drenched in its own juices. I thought about a way to try to jack off but realized the time and shot off to work, energized by this attention from my Owner. The following days were a blur of work, running, going to the gym, deep-cleaning Ryan's place, and missing Him dearly. I did get a text or two a day from Him, usually a pic of Him enjoying a beer or meal with the amount He was charging to my card, telling me how hard it make Him or what a good boy I was. Sunday hit though and the loneliness was so strong, I finally texted Him unbidden and said, "I hope You're having a good weekend, Sir. Are You working today?"

His response an hour or two later was just "No boy" and I felt lonelier than ever. I didn't know how to reach Him and finally texted back telling Him I hope He got some rest and would use my cards to please Himself. When no response came, I forced myself to run to the gym and work out, then run a few extra miles and clean more at His place. I was just falling asleep, almost looking forward to work the next day so I'd have something to do, when He responded, "Don't need you to be my cashfag today boy, found a sub here to take care of things."

I was stunned. It was like someone had kicked me in the stomach and face at the same time. I had served so hard and so well. I didn't know what to say and finally texted back, "I hope he does a good job and makes You happy Sir." which is exactly OPPOSITE what I felt! Another restless night for me, with the only response from Ryan the next day of "He's ok."

I was like a zombie all day and when the boss stopped by, he had another cash award for me but knew something was wrong. Everyone else was leaving for the day but I was planning to stay in my depression and keep working. Mr. Snead looked uncomfortable and finally said, "Look, I don't want to intrude but you seem really upset and I don't want it to affect your work. Is everything OK?"

I almost broke down, I felt like he was the first person to show me any kindness in all this mess. But how could I tell him the truth? I thought about lying to him that everything was ok but he looked so empathetic -- standing there that I told a half truth and said, "Just going through some stuff, I'll be fine really. Thanks though, it won't affect my work, Mr. Snead."

"Call me Kevin," he said. His brilliant blue eyes held me and I realized just how sexy the boss was. I had lusted after him since he hired me but being a faggot -- openly gay -- in this industry wasn't really smart. But Kevin was shorter than me, thicker than Ryan, solidly built and filled out his work attire with muscle bulges that belied his current role. I had certainly jerked off thinking about him before Ryan swept me off my feet. He was about halfway between Ryan's young age and my mature age, and exuded a kind of energy -- it was hard to explain.

I realized he had been waiting for a response from me and mumbled, "Oh, ok, thank you...Kevin. I love working here and it's the best part of my day so I'll get better, I promise."

"I've got another house where we're way behind...are you interested in working over the weekend?"

My mind raced -- yes, I wanted to work over the weekend but didn't know when Ryan would be back. "Um, I'm not really sure what this weekend looks like yet," I mumbled. "Can I let you know tomorrow sir?" I asked, his blue eyes boring into me and eliciting the 'sir" without me thinking about it.

One eyebrow arched at that and it was several seconds before he drawled, "You need to check with Ryan first?"

I panicked. I wanted to run away or melt but was clearly trapped. My mind raced and I felt relief when I said, "Ah, yeah, just to see when he's getting back and if we were going to hang out." My heart was racing as I wondered if Ryan had told him about 'us'.

"I bet," he said, his gaze never leaving mine. "Well let me know, and hope things get better for you soon. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better by the time Ryan gets back."

I wanted to protest, do something -- move -- anything -- but his sexiness and surety held me. He dipped his head slightly and turned and walked off slowly. My eyes followed his sexy ass and as he reached the door he turned, caught my eyes on his ass, ignored the panic in my face and looked at my crotch. "Oh and you might want to wear longer shirts -- that mess is pretty obvious."

Shit! My cock betrayed me, leaking hard during that intense exchange. I did not want to lose this job. What the hell was happening to me?

I decided to wait to see if I heard from Ryan...knowing He had another sub out of town was just so crushing. I didn't want to ask when He was coming back, risking looking needier than I was, even if I explained about Mr. Snead's offer. So I went back to work, trying to calm myself by focusing on the project, eventually heading to the gym before going back to my house to pass out from exhaustion.

There was no way I could sleep well, wondering what Ryan was doing with His other sub. I got up and went for a midnight run, ending up at Ryan's doorstep even though He wasn't in town. It was a really nice night and I curled up on His door mat -- feeling like His door mat -- and fell asleep finally.

I felt pretty good when I woke up so walked and ran home, got showered and out to the job site. I was hoping My. Snead wouldn't stop by too early today since I hadn't heard from Ryan -- or maybe he'd just text or call instead of stopping by. I was working inside a back room when I heard footsteps approaching and smelled some amazing-smelling food. Looking up, I first saw Mr. Snead's sexy work boots, then his thick sexy thighs and a big obvious bulge before scanning quickly up past his chest (with a little fuzz showing at the open top of his button-down shirt) to see him looking down at me as I worked on the floor. Shit, busted again -- he had seen the path and hesitation my eyes had taken up his compact sexy body.

"I thought you might be hungry -- you've lost a lot of weight and look good but don't starve yourself." I didn't know what to say, he was so sexy and the sandwich he brought smelled amazing. I hadn't eaten in a day and a half -- ever since Ryan said He had another sub -- and the growling in my stomach betrayed me. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't hungry now!

"Wow, thank you so much sir -- I mean, Mr. Snead! I really appreciate it but wanted to get done back here while it's quiet when everyone else is at lunch."

He just smiled knowingly and said, "I'll just leave it then. Did you hear from Ryan? And it's still just Kevin."

Shit. I couldn't pretend any more that His schedule was the uncertainty here, but I didn't want to stretch the good relationship I had with the boss. "Um, Kevin, no I didn't hear from him. But sign me up, I need the work anyway -- sorry for not saying so sooner."

"All good. Oh, and I have another spot award for you. You've earned it -- thanks for all the hard work." I was still virtually on my knees below him, my face at his crotch level, and realized I should have stood up like a man but it had been trained out of me. But now he's holding out a wad of twenties down towards me and I accepted it gratefully.

"Thank you, Mr. -- er, Kevin. I really appreciate it."

"You definitely earned it. Just let me know if things change with Ryan and you can't make it over the weekend." And with that he turned and I got to watch his ass again. Did he know? My mind was swirling so I just tried to focus on work. A few minutes later my phone pinged and it was from Ryan, a picture this time: "Thanks for lunch, boy" with a photo of a big plate of food. My mind swirled in circles -- did this mean He had stopped using the sub as a cash fag? What was going on?

"My pleasure, Sir." was my response even though I wanted to ask a million questions and tell Him about the weekend. I just felt so trapped and owned.

That night after the gym Ryan called me on video. I was caught off guard...I had run to His place to sleep in His bed again so I could smell Him. When I answered He looked great, relaxed in His hotel room, shirt off. "Miss me, boy?" He grinned.

"Oh God yes of course Sir."

"Just wanted to check in before a new foot slave comes over. This place is crawling with subs." He laughed but I was once again left feeling useless and low. "Don't pout boy, I'll be back Saturday and you can prove your worth after you buy me lunch."

"Sir I am really, really sorry but I told Mr. Snead I'd work over the weekend. I didn't know when You would be back. My bad." Which I did feel bad but I was also frustrated that the Man I served absolutely was sampling ever whore while He was away, while I was mooning after Him, starving myself and serving Him in many ways while not able to even touch my own cock.

"You don't sound very sorry boy. Really disappointed you didn't check with me before committing to the weekend work, doesn't seem like you care when I get back. Oh well, maybe I'll see you on the job site Monday." And with that He clicked off the call, leaving me miserable and close to tears. Goddamn it! I worked so hard and felt like I was getting nothing.

I decided not to sleep in His bed, not even at His place and went home, dejected. I texted Mr. Snead to get the address for Saturday -- but mainly I was lonely and felt like he was one of my few 'friends'. He texted back almost immediately that he'd get me the address tomorrow, I should be relaxing. I thanked him and wished him good night and he told me to sleep well.

While crawling in bed my phone dinged with a text from Ryan: "You know I care for you boy. That sub sucked at foot worship." I felt marginally better but had no response except to say I was sorry (that His foot faggot sucked -- I was not sorry) and drifted off to sleep.

The next day Mr. Snead dropped by at the end of the day and gave me yet another spot award. I was caught in a less-awkward position this time and shook his hand to thank him. He held my grip firmly and my eyes intently as he said, "You look better. Good. I'll text you that address tonight." He said hi to the other contractors and I wondered why he didn't text me the info then but was actually looking forward to hearing from him that night.

He sent me the address, thanked me again, and I thanked him etc. I worked to get Ryan's place as clean as I could and left the key under the mat, deciding not to go back. I just felt like He was drifting away and didn't hear from Him at all.

Saturday morning I was the first one at the job site and figured out I was the only one. There was a lot I could do solo but an extra pair of hands and eyes always helped. Sometime in the afternoon I thought I heard the front door open but I was way in the back and didn't think much of it. Suddenly though -- I'm not sure if it was scent or sense -- I knew HE was there. I was working on a window sill facing the back and heard Ryan's deep voice, "Corner, boy!"

Shit. Really? Even as my muscles moved me quickly into the corner, my mind was pissed off at His audacity. After all I had done for Him! When He didn't speak I finally calmed down and asked, "Was Your place cleaned properly, Sir?' even though I just wanted to beg Him to 'take me back'.

"Haven't stopped by, I came straight here boy. To see you." With that His hand descended on my head, running through my hair, and He pressed His big crotch into the side of my head. My head was swimming and I was caught between joy and lust and anger. I realized tears were running down my face -- tears of relief and need -- when He told me to kneel in front of Him. I just let the tears run and the softness in His eyes made me cry even more. He ran His finger along my cheek, coating it in the tears, and made me suck on His finger. This got His big dick stirring and He said, "All 4s, boy."

I got on all 4s and He pushed the back of my jeans down. Fuck! I hadn't expected to see Him and had briefs on like I always did before He made me wear the jockstraps. SMACK! His open palm scared and hurt me. "Why" SMACK "are" SMACK "you" SMACK "so" SMACK "stupid" SMACK "boy?!"

My tears were still flowing, this time the pain accelerating the flow. Once again His fingers ran through my tears but this time He shoved them in my hole! Fuck! My dicklet was leaking like crazy and I was panting and He was smacking my ass non-stop and fucking my hole with 2 fingers HARD.

I was so lost in the sensations that when His fingers ripped out of my hole and the spankings stopped I moaned loudly. Ryan said, "Oh shit, I am so sorry Mr. Snead."

WHAT? I turned to look and sure enough there was Mr. Snead leaning against the door frame! Fuck!! I quickly pulled up the back of my jeans and wiped my face, turning to stand next to Ryan and ready to be fired.

Mr. Snead just stood there for a minute then slowly said, "That was hot as hell."

Oh my god. I ran my eyes down his sexy body and saw a giant bulge in his crotch! "I was pretty sure something was going on but hell -- that is what I wanted to see. Keep going."

Ryan grinned and said, "Yes sir," then looked at me and said, "You want to show Mr. Snead your little clit boy?" Ryan's smirk and big bulge told me the answer but I tried to fight it.

"Sir, he is our boss and that would be too embarrassing!"



"Because my little nub is so tiny and it's been locked away in a cage for almost a month for You Sir."

Mr. Snead was moaning and openly rubbing the big bulge in his pants. I was panting and Ryan's chest was heaving. We were all on edge.

"Beg him boy."

I automatically turned to Mr. Snead and said, "Please sir can I show you my little nub please master I need to be humiliated by a real man like you."

Ryan looked surprised at my open begging to him and before Mr. Snead could respond, said to him, "Is it ok if he waits a minute?"

Mr. Snead said, "Yeah. Call me Kevin. Take your time. This is so hot."

Ryan nodded to him then turned to me. "That was some very convincing begging, faggot. Have you been checking him out?" My face flushed. Ryan laughed out loud. "Good boy. Fantasizing about him?" I nodded my head slowly. "Speak."

"Sir, I have always thought he is hot as hell. But Your power controls me and is all I need."

They both nodded. Ryan said, "Good boy but you didn't answer the last question."

"Yes Sir, I have fantasized about seeing him naked. Touching him."

Ryan looked impatient and said, "What turns you on about him?"

I opened my mouth to reply but he grabbed my chin and made me look at Mr. Snead. "I love how compact and thick his body is at the same time. How his pants or jeans hug his legs and ass, showing off a big bulge. I love his strength and the way his eyes piece my soul. I've always thought you were hot," I blurted as I tried to slow down, feeling trapped.

"Well, boss -- Kevin -- you've clearly seen what a good sub faggot boy this one is. Do you want a turn with him? I can wait...I've had other fags serving me."

Kevin didn't respond but slowly unzipped his pants. I was mesmerized. He slowly pulled out a really nice big cock -- it was really thick at the base and stretched almost 8" with a downward curve. I was drooling.

"Tell ya what. You keep doing what you were doing and I'm going to enjoy the show if that's ok."

"Sure, boss," Ryan drawled. To me He barked "CORNER!"

I quickly crawled back to the corner while Ryan towered behind me. "Faggot, you fucked up not wearing a jockstrap. Now we're going to put on a nice show for the hot boss. My feet are sweaty and need some attention, boy. NOW!"

I spun around and started on His work boots, unlacing and pulling them off. From the corner of my eye I saw Kevin slowly stroking his big dick, with precum dripping to the floor. He unbuttoned his shirt with the other hand and started rubbing his furry chest. His moans were driving me crazy. As I got Ryan's socks pulled off, the scent overwhelmed me and I dove in with my mouth and tongue. Soon the room echoed with the sounds of all 3 of us moaning.

Ryan seemed even more appreciative of my foot work -- I'm not sure if it was because He had been away or because sexy Kevin was watching and stroking! Soon enough Ryan ordered me to unzip His jeans and pull out His big dick. This was almost impossible because of how hard -- and huge -- He was but He made me unbutton them too and finally I hauled out the huge meat. Kevin's gasp from across the room was sensual and loud.

"Holy fuck! That thing is huge! Anyone ever swallow the whole thing?" Kevin asked.

"Not yet but this faggot it getting close to being able to take it. Wanna see?"

Obviously Ryan wanted to show off for the boss, and Kevin was all for it. Ryan snapped His fingers and said, "Suck!" I moved up and started working my way down His huge meat and worked hard but Ryan was too horned up watching the boss stroke too and started to fuck my throat. Saliva rolled from my mouth and tears ran down my face. Ryan was getting into it and gasped, "Any chance you brought your fag collar, boy?"

I took the opportunity to try to catch my breath, pulling off His huge meat and choking out, "Sorry Sir, the collar is at Your place." Ryan spit full in my face and slapped me -- makingKevin moaned hard. Ryan started pulling off His belt, His big dick throbbing just in front of my face. I thought I might get whipped for not bringing the collar, but instead He wrapped the belt around my throat, pulled me hard onto His cock, and resumed His throat rape. I had no control and the tears and drool intensified. He was forcing all but the final inch that always seemed to elude me into my throat then yanking it out cruelly. I didn't have a way to look up but sensed that Him and Kevin had their eyes locked.

"You want a turn down his faggot throat, Boss?" Ryan offered as He slowed a bit. Kevin was stroking fast and moaned.

"Fuck. That is amazing what you're doing to his throat. Goddamn I'm good just watching!" Kevin's breath was coming in gasps as his hand picked up speed on his rock-hard cock, precum flying off the tip.

Ryan grinned and said, "I wasn't expecting all this and really just wanted to surprise my faggot plus I needed to piss." He looked down at me as I sucked on His big dick. "Still do. Do you want it, faggot? He asked. I nodded feverishly, making a few inches of His thick dick thrust in and out of my throat. He laughed cruelly and said, "Beg, bitch."

Fuck. I was out of control and glanced at Kevin. His pants and shirt were falling further off his sexy body and his cock was throbbing, drooling. My gaze returned to Ryan and I almost sobbed, "Please Sir, I am begging. I need Your piss, I need Mr. Snead to see what a good faggot I am, I need to drink Your hot piss again and please You. That's all I want Sir. Please?"

Kevin paused his stroking and gasped, "Is this for real? He drinks your piss?!"

Ryan smiled and nodded, pulling His big dick from my throat and aiming it at my open mouth from an inch away. "Ready, faggot?" He asked rhetorically. I nodded as best as I could while still keeping my mouth lined up with His dick -- and the yellow flow came spurting out like a fire hose!

So much piss, I realized He must have drove all the way back holding it. His dick lost none of its strength or rock-hardness and I really tried to swallow it all but there was no stopping the stream and it ended up on my face and running down my body. Ryan slid His foot forward so His piss dripped from my face onto His foot and shoved His big dick in my mouth saying, "That's just the beginning, faggot! SWALLOW!!!"

With that, I heard Mr. Snead let out a ferocious snarl and gasp -- then the splatter of his cum on the floor!!! There was no physical way I could watch him cum but there was no doubt what was happening as Ryan said, "Oh fuck -- very nice load sir!" His piss slowed down in my mouth and I tried to regain some composure but Ryan did not let up. "Lick my precious piss off my foot, faggot, then crawl over and lick up Mr. Snead's cum."

I did as ordered, and even though the floor of the new construction was littered with sawdust and dirt I licked up and tasted Kevin's cum. It was some of the best cum I had ever had and I was moaning, cleaning up all I could. I really wanted to look up at him and see if I could lick the last of it off his big cock, but instead Ryan sauntered over and said, "May I?" while standing next to Kevin and putting His finger under that nice cockhead. Kevin's eyes locked with Ryan's as he nodded. Ryan swiped his finger on the underside of Kevin's cockhead, tracing the slit and coming away with a wet finger. Kevin moaned deep in his chest as Ryan held His finger out to me.

I sucked on His finger without instruction. Ryan sawed His finger in and out of my mouth and we both moaned. Kevin was regaining his composure but hadn't put away his sexy dick and they both caught me looking at it.

'I think my faggot likes your cock, Boss." Ryan smiled.

Kevin laughed and said, "Really, Ryan -- call me Kevin. You've really trained him well. But I should probably get going." Kevin started putting his cock away and getting his clothes back in order; both Ryan and I were enjoying watching I think!

"Faggot, you didn't thank Kevin."

"Thank you for the cum...Sir? I don't know what to call you."

"Kevin is good."

Ryan said, "I don't think you've shown your appreciation enough boy."

I was confused then on instinct said to my boss, "Um, that cum was amazing...Kevin. May I please pay you?"

Kevin looked surprised and shocked but also turned on. Instead of answering he looked at Ryan. "He PAYS you for your cum?"

"Well, he pays me. He hasn't gotten much of my cum but he knows his place and that he will earn my loads in the future. Take the money if you want, would be hot." Kevin hesitated and Ryan said, "Oh shit -- you never saw his cock cage! My bad. Faggot, show Kevin how your little clit dripped and made a mess of your crotch then show him your nub in the cage when you pay him."

I didn't think I could be more humiliated. But instinct and hope for more of this abuse led me to my feet, my knees sore from the time I was on them on the bare floor. My crotch was indeed soaked with precum (even more than the other day when he first caught me with my little clit making a mess in my pants) and I pulled open my jeans then pulled down the front of my briefs to show my boss my cock cage. I couldn't believe this was happening.

Kevin looked turned on and surprised, looking at Ryan. "You really do own him don't you? Wow, I had no idea it had gone this far." At that point I held out a wad of twenties I had fished from my jeans -- cash Kevin had given me. Kevin shook his head and said, "Nah, we've already crossed enough lines here."

Ryan especially seemed disappointed but nodded. "Well, he's yours to use any time you want man."

Kevin said, "Thanks guys, that was awesome. Maybe I can watch again some time?" We both nodded -- me greedily, Ryan smugly. "Cool, well I'll stop by tomorrow and check in. Thanks again for working over the weekend."

With that he turned around and I got to check out his sexy ass again as he left, a whole new experience of watching him stroke and cum filling my brain. Ryan looked down at me and when I looked up, spit full in the face and said, "You like that boy?"

"I did, Sir. May I serve You more? Do You need to cum?"

"Settle down boy, no -- I'm good. You need a hand?"

Wow, my Owner asking to help me. I said, "I'm really grateful of that Sir, but I can and should do this myself. You probably want to rest after the drive."

Ryan looked so kind in that moment and softly said, "Like I said, I came here to see you boy. The faster we get this done, the faster you can serve me properly." He leaned down and gave me one of those passionate as fuck, open-mouthed kisses that absolutely melted me then went to get His toolbelt to help me out.

I could not have been more in love.

Next: Chapter 11

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