Construction Fag Boy

By Sub Boy

Published on Feb 27, 2020


Ryan asked me to come out and help on a house to do some catch-up where he needed an extra pair of hands. He was cute and sexy with his porn 'stache and tight tight pants. I was distracted and he gave me lots of opportunities to check out his package and ass as he squirmed into tight places to reach things I couldn't. It was hot and his shirt started sticking to his tight little body - plus he was wiping his brow with his shirt bottom, showing off his abs and treasure trail. I wanted him bad.

We took a break inside for a snack and some water when a storm rolled in. The skies opened up and looking at the radar it looked like it would last about an hour then clear, so he said he'd stay and chill but I could go if I wanted. Of course I wanted to stay and watch him so slid down the wall to sit and stare up at him.

He eventually sat across from me in the small room with his legs spread, showing off an impressive bulge. Skinny boys! He stroked down it a couple of times and knew he had me mesmerized. His boots were near my feet and I was thinking about licking his feet. He hopped up and paced, walking so close to me I had to look up at him past his bulge and could easily breath in his scent. I was in fucking heaven.

He leans against the wall near me, his crotch at face level and says "damn I should have taken a piss before this storm hit" and looks me in the eyes. My eyes were of course on his crotch and after they darted up to see him regarding me, I let them slide back down his fucking sexy body to his crotch and said "you gotta piss bad? I'm sure we can figure something out." He got this silly sexy shit-eating grin and groped his bulge and said "yeah? how's that?"

I wasn't 100% sure I was reading things correctly but held up my empty Coke can and said "well, you could use this" and he just laughed and said "I have a lot more piss than that! but I guess you want to watch don't you?"

"I wouldn't say no" was all I could croak out. This was the first time I'd ever made a move and although I suspected he was bi, had never talked about it.

He smirked and with his eyes locked said "You're a little faggot aren't you boy?"


This sexy fucker half my age pushed all my buttons.

"Yes Sir" I mumbled.

"And you want to see this big dick don't you?"

"Yes Sir" I admitted louder.

"You have been useful in the past and I know you have money so let's say twenty bucks and you can watch me piss" sexy grin

"Sir, may I ask a favor?"

"What, boy?"

"May I pay You $50 to watch You piss Sir?"

He laughs out loud and says "that's what I thought. Make it one hundred."

"Yes Sir" I said, pleased and worried. "I don't have that much with me but will go to the ATM. Now, if You want." I look at his feet, ready to bow if it pleased Him.

"No boy, we'll keep a tab but hand me all the cash now"

I hand Him my wallet and He rubs it on his crotch. More buttons pushed. He doesn't even count it, just opens the wallet takes all the cash and throws it on the ground between us as he stuffs the wad in his tight jeans pocket.

I reach for my wallet and he says "no" quietly and shakes his head. "Sir?" "Take it your mouth faggot and rub it where I rubbed it."

Fuck! I was going to get to sniff and rub on His crotch! I leaned over eagerly and only struggled a bit to get the wallet in my mouth then got up on my knees looking up at him before leaning towards His crotch. "That'll be another hundred" he states as I got close enough to feel the heat from that big bulge. I could only grunt a muffled "yes Sir" with the wallet in my mouth as I started rubbing it all over His crotch. The wallet kept me from licking but I could smell Him and feel the heat and power emanating from His core.

"That's enough" he said, far too soon. "I still have to piss. Put the wallet away and beg to take out my big dick."

WOW. This skinny strong young MAN had me on my faggot knees, had all my cash, and now I begged. I begged more than I should have and we both knew it.

"Sir, please I want to see and touch Your amazing cock. I've lusted after You for years and jack off about You and try to please You and now I'm so close I would do anything."


"YES SIR! What do You want? More money? My ATM card? Me to drink Your piss?"

That confident, sinister, in-control laugh: "Yes boy. All of the above. Get out your phone and text me your ATM pin, Now."

He didn't have to raise his voice and I was vaguely aware of my knees already hurting on the unfinished wood floor as I texted 4872 to Him. He pulls his phone out of his tight pocket, glances at the message, says "good boy, open wide" and snaps a picture as I'm kneeling there. I didn't care. I think I will see His big dick soon!!!

He snaps His fingers and I'm confused. "Card" is all He says and I remember to quickly pull my wallet out again and hand Him my ATM card. "Pull it out" He says and looks at His crotch. Fuck! Here we go!!!

I tentatively reach out and place one palm flat on his crotch and grasp the zipper with the other. He moans slightly and I know He likes the sensation...I think back to all the times He's complained about His wife and realize He needs this too.

His cock is big. Thick, Throbbing. I can feel it, see it. As I pull the zipper down slowly He says "I really got to piss. Hurry boy" and I pull it down all the way then looking up making sure I have His permission, reach inside and find the fly of His boxers (which I knew He wore from seeing Him stretch or bend over and seeing the waistband above His jeans).

I reached in and found only shaft. What? This thing is so big I couldn't find the head! I tried pulling His cock out through the fly and earned a slap. SMACK. It surprised me and I immediately withdrew my hand and looked up at Him. "It doesn't bend much when it's hard. Treat it with respect. You've stared long enough, you know what leg it runs down. Pull it out and get the tip in your faggot mouth NOW."

YES SIR! I reach back in, now with more urgency, and gently extract the monster from His jeans. How does His skinny little wife take this thing?! I can barely wrap my hand around it and it's twice as long as my little 5 incher. Fuck.

Another moan as my wet mouth wraps around His big head. He looks down and says "here it comes" as I feel the first salty rank piss flood my mouth. Oh fuck. He isn't going to give me a break!! Swallowing with that big dickhead - keeping up with the stream - oh God. I get two huge swallows down before coughing and sputtering, spraying His piss all over His jeans and boots and the floor. He hits me so hard that more of His piss and my faggot spit fly from my mouth and then He spits full in my face.


"Yes Sir I am so sorry You're just so BIG and there is so much piss so fast please Sir I am sorry"

"Until You can drink like a proper faggot, You can lick it off the floor boy" and with that He unloads a giant stream of piss from that magnificent tool all over the floor. I was mesmerized, not able to look everywhere at once: the splatters going out several feet in every direction (including on my knees and crotch), the golden circle where it hit the floor, the amazing stream, His huge cock, His fuzzy huge low-hanging balls, His sexy body covered in the tight white Tshirt or His beautiful face. That's where my gaze got captured - looking up at His strength, His power while hearing the pounding of His load of piss on the floor in front of me and feeling the splashes - now joined by smelling His piss!

Without changing His gaze, I felt the stream getting closer to me. I didn't more, didn't flinch as it began hitting my knees. Then my crotch. Then my chest. Then I did move - to open my faggot mouth wide. His serious expression of concentration and control didn't change as He aimed that monster at my faggot mouth and began pissing straight into it.

He filled my mouth and I realized that to swallow I'd have to close my mouth and get a face full of His piss. I could feel the spray all over my face as I swallowed then opened my mouth again, feeling the stream move back to my throat and opening my eyes to look through His piss at Him. I expected Him to be amused at my degradation and desperation - and there was some of the that - but even more was satisfaction and confidence that He now owned me.

He always had.

After repeating the swallowing / spraying a few times I wondered if He would ever be empty and sure enough, I started to sense the stream getting less violent. I had forgotten how hard He was though and that He had been holding on aiming it at me - He let go and His big dick bounced up, hitting His abs hard and continuing to spray piss everywhere. I was speechless.

As the stream slowed and stopped, His gaze never left me. He moved the huge head right over my open mouth and shook it a few times, the last amazing drops flinging everywhere. He took a slow step back to lean against the wall and said in a gravely voice, "roll in it."

I hesitated just the briefest of moments, thinking if I had clean clothes in the car (not that I wasn't already soaked at this point) and He firmly ordered "Now, boy." my hesitation gone, I rolled in it - I thrashed around rubbed myself, licked the floor while windmilling my arms and legs laying on my face, humped the floor, licked His boots - I groveled and reveled in it. His smile broadened.

Next: Chapter 2

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