Constant Service

By Sean-y Boy

Published on May 29, 2013


Constant Service 8 - The Jacuzzi

I took a deep breath into the used towel, breathing in his scent. All I could taste was sticky, salty cum, and my lips crusted over with his dried cum. My muscles were sore and my head was dizzy from cumming. The day was just getting started, the estate lit with beautiful sun across the countryside. He had jumped into the pool to clean off and started swimming his laps. He was like some kind of superman, just having finished his bench & weight work out, dumping a load on my face, and now moving effortlessly through the pool. I felt a twinge in my just-drained balls watching his hot, beautiful body. He had just used me as a sweat & cum rag, the taste of his musk still on my tongue. But I obeyed and followed him into the pool.

I wrapped his used towel around my waist, probably in an attempt to hide my still semi-hard cock. I couldn't help but be excited when he used me like this. I loved his attention and servicing him despite all the humiliating things I had to do for him.

I sat down on a the benches along the pool, the windows glistening with the morning sun, and this hunk of a man finishing his routine with a gliding backstroke. His hairy body looked so hot against the picturesque estate. I smiled to myself feeling lucky for a moment with the reprieve to rest my body for a few moments. Every now and then catching a whiff of him through the towel when I would wipe the sweat from my brow.

He pulled himself out of the pool in one quick motion and I immediately jumped off to get him a clean towel. He walked over to me and I start to dry him off, feeling his tense muscles, giving him a small rub as I dried off his body. He smelled so good, masculine, strong, with a hint of chlorine and sweat. My mouth moistened and I absently lick my lips. He must have noticed -- he caught my eye with his sexy smirk staring back and me and I got a little weak in the knees.

"You're a good little boy, Sean" he said through a smile. I knelt down to dry his legs and feet, giving me a chance to be eye-to-eye with his cock. I inhaled deeply taking his scent in. He looked down at me, arms at his side, and said "okay, your turn, baby".

Before I knew it, he pulled me up like a rag doll by my chest, ripped off my towel, and threw me in the pool. The cool water felt great against my skin and I saw him uses the dirty towel that was wrapped around me to wipe his crotch a little bit. I'm sure he did it on purpose, and left it on the bench with a knowing look for me. I treaded water for a bit, my cock finally softening as I watched him finish drying himself off.

"Get your work out done, free-style, backstroke, and butterfly…I'll tell you when you're done," he said standing over me next to the pool. The cool water felt good against my aching body, and I started my laps. He took a seat on the benches, completely naked, his package and body on full display as I went back and forth getting glimpses of his body. He looked relaxed, comfortable, so manly and beautiful.

I started to count off the laps, my muscles beginning to burn, and I could tell I started slowing down. I remembered back to my swim days in high school, feeling so excited to be in the pool with all those other guys in the lanes next to me, their bodies so muscled and beautiful.

"Keep going!" I heard him yell pulling me back into the present. If he had a whistle and red shorts I would have believed he was my old swim coach. For a moment I saw Coach Henry's lewd and shocked face staring at me after I had sucked off Billy in the locker room after practice. Billy had been really verbal that afternoon, I think on purpose since Coach was still in his office. After Billy had dumped a load on my face, I had to wonder over to the showers, and there was Coach Henry as I turned the corner, having heard every dirty phrase uttered by Billy, I was so humiliated. My mind wandered I for a moment I tasted Billy's cum, then caught a glimpse of Sir sitting back on the bench relaxed, legs spread wide, arms behind his back exposing his amazing chest and sexy furry pits.

I lost count of my laps. My body was burning, and I'm sure my form and speed took a complete nose dive. I kept hearing him yell to keep going, "come on pussy, let's go!…push it, pretend you've got a cock in your mouth, haha!" he kept taunting me.

I kept pushing, frantic, sore. I could feel my body about to give out. Every muscle screamed and I kicked my legs to try to keep going. It had been such a world-wind of service, so much cock, such physical fucking, and now the pool. In the back of my mind was the evening, with his friends coming over and me having to service their needs. Not only was I physically exhausted, I'm mentally unprepared for what's to come, but I keep hearing him yelling…wanting to please him. "Just a little more kiddo, keep it up".

Finally, I stopped at the opposite end of the pool in complete exhaustion, close to tears trying to catch my breath. I was panting, my hair soaking wet, my legs and chest on fire, my balls tight against my body aching. I could barely look up when I saw his feet in my vision, standing above me at the side of the pool. I looked up afraid of his expression and in complete exhaustion, but he looked relaxed, jovial. He gave me a brief little smile, so handsome. My face must have been red, and I got flustered with this hunk of a man, naked in front of me, watching me.

"That was good, baby, let's get in the jacuzzi and unwind a bit." he said, motioning for me to get out of the pool. I could barely lift myself out, and he squatted to grab me by the pits in one quick motion. I get another whiff of him, so intoxicating.

We walked over to the jacuzzi, my legs still on fire. I feel weak and want nothing more than to sit down and rest as he gets the jets going and gets in first. He leans back, arms spread, legs spread inside, and motions for me to get in. I climbed in, and he grabs my arm and pulls me close so that he's got one arm around me, my back is to his chest, my head leaning in his neck. I collapse into his body, my whole body exhausted. His body so strong, warm, and electric in the jacuzzi.

"Baby so tired from being a bitch?" he asks with his hand on the back of my head, massaging my scalp. I can only respond with a small moan as cuddle into his body.

"You got a long day ahead of you… Steve texted me this morning and said he was looking forward to tonight" he said with a chuckle. Steve was one of his good friends, who I've spent evenings underneath getting pounded. He was a good guy with a great cock and hairy body, and with a very strong sadistic streak when it came to me. He liked calling me a bitch boy, which I guess I was, and reminding me of it constantly.

"You going to be a good little cunt, tonight, right?" he asked. "You're going to make those guys feel like a million bucks, right?"

Again, I had no words, completely exhausted and my anxiety increasing. I didn't know how I was going to physically be ready for these guys, the last few times I was used by them pushed me to my physical and mental limits. The guys were all rich, successful, really attractive and established. They each had their own personalities, and liked different things. Steve liked to fuck doggie, he'd bend me over the bed, plant his feet, grab my hips, and pound and pound with his thick cock for hours. He was a blond swiss guy, hairy in the right places, very masculine. He had one of my favorite cocks to suck, besides Sir's cock, but he was a total fuck machine. One time he had me in this very jacuzzi bent over facing the other guys, fucking the shit out of me, slapping my wet ass so all that could be heard was my moaning and grunting and his hand smacking my wet ass with the other guys laughing, talking, and having a good time.

"Answer me" he demanded.

"Of course, sir, anything you want." I said meekly. My exhaustion probably coming through in my answer.

"Don't be a lame faggot, Sean, I know how much you love being used by my friends. You're one lucky faggot to get all this cock, you know that? Answer me…" he demanded again…

"I know, sir, thank you" I said again meekly, taking another deep breath. My anxiety clearly building, I was so numb and tired from all his sex, the work out, and now tonight.

"Don't worry baby, we'll take good care of you, you'll love it…you're going to get all the cock a bitch boy like you needs" he soothed me with an arrogant laugh. "You're all nice and tight from your work out, the guys will love it" he tells me as he moved his hand down my hairless chest rubbing against my nipple. He paused for a moment, palming my chest, pressing against it as if to make his point. Suddenly, he took an intense pinch on my right nipple, and I jumped in reaction.

"See, you're ready…you're always ready like a good little faggot" he said tweaking my nipple with more intensity.

I can only sigh and moan into his hairy chest, feeling his pinching and flicking get more frantic.

"Tell me what you're looking forward to tonight" he demanded.

"Oh sir…" I moan, trying to formulate my thoughts. My head was spinning, he smelled so good, and body so nice against my skin his attention on my nipple shoots to balls and my cock starts to twitch. I tried to answer "I'm looking forward to it all…" I said all flustered.

Clearly that's not good enough for him, and I know it. He pinched my nipple even harder.

"You're going to have to do better than that with Samir, you know that, right?" he asks me as takes his hand off my nipple and lightly slaps and rubs my face.

"Yes sir…" I can only answer. I'm sure my face turned bright red. Samir was an occasional guest at the Danes estate. An international Indian, very handsome with tan looks, a spicy scent, a big 8" uncut hairy cock with a juicy head, lots of precum, surrounded by a thick bush and hairy balls. He worked in some executive trading company, was a very demanding high-level man. When he stayed at the estate with Mr. Danes, he would use me as his personal assistant and bitch. There'd be days I wouldn't leave his ad-hoc office. He liked me in a black jock strap, usually on my knees licking his musky, hairy balls while he sit back on the bed with a laptop answering emails. He demanded I be completely subservient, always asking me what a bitch I was. His accent so sexy, making me weak. There were times I'd be on the phone scheduling his appointments, booking flights, doing his office work, while he slow fucked me. I'd have to hold in my moans while talking to his business associates, and he'd laugh and comment on what a good job Sir did making me his house bitch. Samir was by far one of my favorites of Sir's friends. Easy-going, good natured, but knew how to use a bitch. His favorite thing was to cum on my face, rub it in with his cock, feeding it to me, making me lap it up with my tongue, then resuming to licking his just-drained balls until he was ready to be sucked again. There were days I'd have his dried cum and taste of his balls on my face for most of the day, and he and Mr. Danes would refer to me as sack-breath as I served them dinner.

Sir moved his hand slowly down my body, feeling my sore body. I felt so good, so tired, but comfortable in his arms. He moved down to my flat, taut stomach, and a squirmed a bit under his muscled arm. His smell intoxicating, the jacuzzi jets massaging our muscles together as I relaxed for a few moments. I felt him breathing under me, as he flattened his hand against my package.

"I can feel you getting hard, baby…You're thinking about being a cum dump for my friends, huh? You're going to love every second of it, right? You're going to show them what a good slut you are, right Sean-y?" he said as he gently started stroking my hardening cock.

I don't know how this man did it me, but just being pressed up against him made me so horny. I had just cum, worked out, was completely exhausted, and here he was pushing all my right buttons again.

"Look at you, you little cock slut, you can't wait to be passed around tonight…probably doesn't matter who's cock it is, as long as it's plugging you, huh?" he laughed as he put more pressure on my cock. He moved his other arm to pinch my nipple again, giving me even more pleasure. He leaned into my ear, and start to bite my lobe, and all I could do was melt into a big mess and moan…

"Ahhhh, sir, it feels so good…mmhmmmmmmmmmmmm..." I gasp.

He whispered, "I know baby, you're a slut, you're my little slut…you're a total faggot -- you're gonna love it with the guys tonight, aren't you? You're going to be our good little bitch all night, right?"

He jerked my dick with a slow stroke, sending sensation after sensation through my body. I breathed him again, his musky scent getting me all hot. His hot, wet tongue biting my ear, his words echoing in my head.

"You're such a little dick slut, huh baby? Pussy boy still so hungry for cock, maybe I'll put you in a Walmart glory hole so you can suck all the nasty cock you want, huh? Would you like being a whore like that, Sean-y?" he teased me, getting my cock rock hard.

"Oooh, sir, anything you want…" I moaned, his words berating me as hand kept rubbing my dick. I couldn't believe I was so turned on, I felt so humiliated, but he smelled so good, and his body felt all slick and nice against my skin.

"It's not what I want faggot, it's what you want…you like being a whore, swallowing all that cum. You like it when you're on your knees slurping on any nasty guy's cock, remember that time you got a facial from Fernadez after his match and he left it on your face all day? Haha, man, he still talks about it -- you had so much cum on you, he sent pics to all of us.." Sir reminded me still slowly stroking me.

I didn't know what to say, so I just whimpered into his body, my lust growing. I remembered that day with Fernadez, he was such an aggressive asshole. He's a mid-ranked tennis player, 6'1 lean muscled, 7" uncut spanish cock, married to some super model from his country, who never puts out the way he wants. But he had a major aggressive streak, and liked to humiliate me in front of his buddies, none of which would touch me. They all knew I was there to service Fernadez when he bought me out for his tournaments, but wouldn't say anything to me. Instead, Fernandez had me back in his hotel room, sometimes in the corner on my knees still dressed, sometimes lying face down on the bed with my shorts around my ankles, most of the time just leaving me there with his cum on me after he was done. His entourage would come and go and see me there in his pools of cum. The time Sir was referring to was when he won a somewhat major tournament, and brought a bunch of his buddies back to his hotel room. They were partying like crazy, drinking out in the living room, while I was in the corner on my knees. Fernadez kept drinking, so eventually when I had to suck him off after everyone passed out, he lasted for hours and built up a huge load, probably the biggest load I had ever taken. Ropes of cum where all over me, and he snapped a couple cell phone pics before pulled up his shorts and passed out in his bed. I eventually fell asleep in the living room, and his buddies woke up and found me with dried cum. They all had breakfast in front of me while they looked at the cum pics from the night before. All I could taste was Fernadez's salty cum. He made sure to tell Sir all about it…

"It looked like you had been dumped on by 20 guys, haha" Sir commented. He had let me see the pics and he was being kind, I couldn't believe what a cum whore I looked like.

"Man, I miss hanging with Fernandez, but probably not as much you, you little cum rag!" he said, giving my dick a harder pull.

"Just remember who's cock is your favorite…come on baby, bend over.." he said as he grabbed my wrist and startling me.

He moved so fast. Before I knew it, he had one of my wrists behind my back, I was on my knees and I felt his other hand push into my back to bend me over. He was suddenly standing in the jacuzzi, and I felt his strong tall body hovering over me. He pushed me over the jacuzzi ledge so that my ass was in the air, still holding onto my wrist. I gasped, surprised…

"Easy baby, we're going to do this nice an easy…" he said lewdly. He grabbed my other wrist, and I was left on my knees, bent over with my body pressed against the tub, my hair dripping wet. He moved both my wrists to one of his hands, and I knew what this meant. I wrapped my hands together and leaned my head down to so I was laying flat with my knees bent and my ass in the air.

"Ha, you're such a faggot" he added with laugh. "Stay put, cunt".

He moved behind me, smacked my ass, and before I knew it, he had an unlubed finger up my asshole, finger fucking me. He tugged on my balls with his other hand, and his finger hurt, I had no lube since I was in the pool all afternoon. I just whimpered and moaned, filling the room with bitch noises. He just kept finger fucking me, my asshole twitching, and tugging on my raw balls. I felt consumed, used, but I could only moan.

"See baby, you're a good little slut, you're gonna be just fine tonight," he assured me pushing two fingers up my ass with a hard smack on my left ass cheek.

He jumped out of the jacuzzi leaving me in position as I watched him walk away into the house. My knees were beginning to hurt, my legs on fire again, and I felt my cock start to get hard. I blushed, the afternoon sun drying my skin through the windows. I'm not sure how long he left me there, but I didn't dare move. The jacuzzi was still going, I began to sweat.

When I saw him come back he was carrying a bottle of lube, and his huge cock swinging semi-hard as he walked back over to me. His face was lit up, he looked like he was having fun. It made me happy to see him like this.

"Getting comfortable, huh?" he said with a chuckle. He jumped back in the jacuzzi, lubed up his cock, and fucked me like a bitch all afternoon.

So after a long hiatus, I got inspired to continue this series. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. More to come?

Please email me any comments/suggestions/story ideas/or anything at Would love to hear from you.

Copyright 2013.

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