Constant Service

By Sean-y Boy

Published on Apr 21, 2004


************* Standard Disclaimer Applies: Do not read if you do not wish to view sexually explicit material, or if you under the age of 21. *************

Constant Service

Part 7: Sunday Service - The Gym

He was already in the middle of his workout lying flat on his back on the bench doing bench-presses. He was wearing a pair of light gray sweats, running shoes, and a white tank top that hugged his chest and stomach. His package was clearly defined through his sweats, and I swear, his cock was always half hard. I could see the dickhead clearly outlined in the cloth material. He was lifting the bar over his head so his armpits were exposed, and the muscles in his chest and arms contracted and bulged. He was so hot.

The gym was huge, and it was right next to the pool area. There were huge windows all along one wall of the gym, and the afternoon sun made it quite hot. There were beautiful glass painted windows that looked over into the indoor pool area and sauna, and out to the gardens. The Danes Estate was beautiful, and it had been photographed for some of those best home/architecture magazines.

The room smelled of sweat like any gym did, and it always took me back to my varsity swimming days. I remember staring at all the hot swimmers naked or in their speedos or in towels. I had to muster my entire self control from popping wood around all my teammates, and on more than one occassion completely failed. I think most of them knew I was looking at them, and some of them even smirked back at me. Then there was Bobby who I used to blow regularly after meets and seemed like a life time ago. I'm sure Bobby was at some University living it up, partying, fucking tons of women - he was really good-looking. I could still remember the taste of his cock and cum as I must have given him over a hundred blow jobs throughout high school. He used to love shooting his load in my mouth, and would always laugh when I swallowed it. He was a real bastard, but I still liked blowing him.

The loud glang of the metal weights brought me back to the gym, and he was finished with his bench-presses. He sat up on the bench, and he was beginning to sweat. Sweat was collecting on his forhead and his chest.

"Get me a towel, Sean," he said to me.

I went to the closet and pulled out a stack of towels as I knew he'd probably need all of them. I handed him one, and he looked at me and smiled.

"You must be sore, huh? You're moving kinda slow, champ" he said.

"Yeah, my whole body is hurting, I need to do some stretching before tonight, Sir," I replied.

"Maybe later, get the 50lbs and put em on...then spot me," he said wiping away the sweat from his forhead, then throwing the towel back at me.

He went to the leg press machine and started working his calves while I attached the 50lb weights to the bench. My body was aching all over, and it was a struggle for just to lift the weights on to the barbell. I knew tonight was gonna be hell, and I had no clue what else he had in store for me this afternoon. It was already 1pm, we must have slept in very late. The tv was on, he was watching CNN.

I waited for him to finish his leg routine, and then he came back over to the bench and laid down on it. He looked fantastic, his hair was damp, and his chest was glistening from sweat. I breathed him in, he smelled so strongly. I loved being around him. I stood at his head while he reached up to the barbell and grasped it.

"25, count em off..." he said as he lifted the barbell.

"One...two...three..." I began counting as I watched him. His body was so hard and well built, but not overly muscled like a body builder. It was thick and meaty, but also lean. He had definition all throughout his chest, arms, stomach, back, and legs. I think I overheard him once say he used to play Rugby and LaCrosse, and his body was tall and well defined to prove it. I continued counting his reps, taking in his body, and I couldn't help but get hard watching and smelling him. I was staring down at his package, bulging obcenely out of his sweats. "Twenty-five," I said as he finished his reps.

He put the barbell on the bench with a loud clank, and reached up to my crotch and grabbed my hard dick with his palm open so that it pushed my cock flat against my stomach facing up through my nylon track pants.

"You fairy, you're fucking hard...watching me work out gets you horny, huh? I guess it would... seeing me take a shit would probably make you cream you're such a pussy..." he said to me as he rubbed my dick into my stomach through the nylon. He rarely touched my dick, so the sensation of his hand through the nylon was driving me crazy, it felt so good.

"Strip," he said as he got up off the bench.

He stared at me as I removed my pants, my cock bouncing up and down. I couldn't help but stay hard, and his eyes were devouring me. He looked so good standing there glistening with sweat in his tank top and sweat pants. I was very aware of the heat in the room, and I knew I was turning red. I didn't look back at him as I folded my pants and laid them on the bench. He just stood to the side of it watching me. My cock was rock hard, I was so horny.

"Come here, stand in front of me," he said.

I came over to him so was facing him, my dick point straight at him. I was about a foot away from him, and his eyes never left my body. I could feel his heat as I stood there breathing in his musky scent.

He reached his arm out and grabbed my dick, circling his fingers around it. I wanted to scream out from pleasure as it took my breath away. He pulled on my dick towards him so it hurt and I had to step forward as he pulled. He pulled me in close by my cock so that my head was inches from his sweaty chest. He reeked of sweat. His smell was so strong and masculine.

He let go my cock and grabbed the back of my head, pulling it towards his chest. He brought my head up to wear the tank top ended and the upper part of his chest was exposed. I knew what to do, and I stuck out my tongue and began to lap up the sweat on his hairy chest.

"And I didn't have to tell you...grab your faggot cock, boy...and start stroking. Don't stop jerking it off till I tell you, and you'd better not cum till I tell you..." he said as I did what he said. I grabbed my own dick and started stroking it with my left hand all the while licking the sweat off his chest.

"Faster, boy," he said as his hand directed me across his chest. I started beating my meat faster, the sensation building, as I continued to lap up his hairy sweaty chest. My hand was moving so fast, it felt so good to finally be jerking off, licking his hard sweaty body.

"Come on, get in there, cocksucker," he said as he lifted his left arm exposing his hairy stinking armpit, the smell was so strong. With his right hand on the back of my head, he shoved me into his pit and I started licking like crazy, all the while quickly stroking my own dick. I lapped out his armpit the best I could, my tongue taking long strokes the entire length of it. I felt the hair on my tongue, the taste of his sweat consumed my mouth. My whole face began to stink of him and his rank smell as I continued to suck out armpit.

He grabbed the back of my head by the hair and pulled me to his right armpit, and I again I licked with all I had. His pit was covered in dark wet hair, the muscles of his arm giving it a nice shape. I lapped up the sweat like I was a starving dog, savoring the taste in my mouth. The entire time I was jerking my dick off, the sensation building. I didn't know how much longer I could last, but I kept going. I must have spent a good 10 minutes in his pits, as he just continued to hold my head in them. All my senses were of him and his body and his smell, and the pleasure I was getting from stroking my dick kept increasing. I began to moan into his pit, as my cock was so close to exploding.

"That's it, pussyboy, keep stroking your faggot dick, I know how much you get off on licking my body clean, keep stroking it you fucking fag," he said as I moaned into his hairy pit. Finally, he pulled me out, and I took a quick breath, as he pulled my head to his right nipple. I pursed my lips and flicked my tongue on his hairy nipple, tasting him again so strongly. I darted my tongue and did my best to milk his nipple, all the while beating my cock off. I was doing my best not cum right there. My head was spinning. I was worshipping this beautiful manly man, my cock stiff as it could be, and stroking off. He moved to his left nipple, and I gave it the best oral treatment I could. I felt the coarse hairs of his chest on face and tongue as flicked it back and forth on his nipple.

He pulled my head away, letting go of it briefly. He quickly pulled off his white wife-beater exposing his well-defined hairy chest and stomach which was still glistening with sweat. I was so close to him I could feel his heat and smell him so strongly as I stared at that gorgeous chest. He brought his sweat stained wife-beater to my face, and held there for me to smell, rubbing it all over my face. All I could do was moan, my load boiling in my loins, ready to fire at any second. I had to control myself as he said not to cum, and I didn't want to piss him off today.

He threw the wife-beater away, and grabbed the sides of my head with both hands, and brought me close to his chest again. I kissed his beautiful sweat covered body, loving the feeling of his hair and hard muscles. He directed my head all over his chest, my lips constantly smacking against the sweat on his body. He brought me down to his taut flat stomach, and began kissing the treasure trail he had there. I kissed his stomach down until I was at the waistband of his sweatpants.

He then pushed me down on my knees so my face was staring directly at his package. He was wearing light gray sweat pants, and his dick was clearly defined through them. He wasn't hard, his cock was just so huge soft. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into his crotch, and I felt his cock press against my face through the cotton fabric. He smelled even more strongly down there, and I breathed him in as he rubbed his package into my face, grinding his dick all over me.

"Haha, you fucking fairy, you like this shit, doncha? Look at you stroking your faggot cock while you worship a real man...sniff baby, sniff like the dog you are," he said as he pressed his crotch into my face. I could hear him laughing above me. I could only see his hairy flat stomach, and I felt his cock flop around in his sweats as he pressed his crotch into my face. I smelled his musky masculine stench so strongly, and it overpowered my nostrils. All I could do was moan as I continued to beat my cock, I had to cum so bad. He held me there in his crotch, his dick rubbing against my face through his sweat pants as I sniffed. He just laughed away, grinding his crotch into me.

"You can't get enough of my dick, huh? Well you're gonna earn it today, that what you want, fag? You want my huge dick fucking the crap out of your scrawny little ass? Answer me, boy..." he said as pushed my head into his crotch even further.

"Mmmmmhmmmm, yes, Sir," I replied, muffled as I spoke into his crotch. He was being so brutal to me.

"Of course you do, you're a little love getting boned by nasty stinking dicks...well you're gonna have to earn this one, baby..." He said, as he pulled me away from his crotch, and pushed me back against the bench, so my head was pressed against it. I felt the bench push into the back of my head, as I watched him tower of me. He stepped forward over me, so that he had one foot on the ground, and one foot on the bench. His crotch was right above my face, and I could smell the musky odor. His planted his right foot on the bench, and began to untie his sneakers.

"Get to work, baby," He said as he undid the laces on his sneakers. His basket was pressing right into my face and pushed my head back into the bench as I stuck out my tongue and licked his package through his sweats. I slobbered over his semi-hard dick and balls through the cotton material, and his cock kept moving about inside. I felt him remove his sneaker finally, and he tossed it by the door. I kept stroking my dick as he didn't tell me I could stop. I was so hot in the gym, the sun was beating down on us through the windows, and I think he purposely turned the Air Conditioner off. He was sweating a lot, and I was as well. I was feeling flushed in the thick air, the smells getting to my head. My cock was so swollen, and I was losing control. I moaned into his crotch as I ran my tongue up and down his cloth covered cock.

"That's it, pussboy, you love my nasty dick, doncha? How about this, you love this, too?" he asked as he moved off of me and planted his right foot in my face. He still had on white athletic socks, as he pushed his big stinking foot into my face. I hated kissing his feet so much, so the fact that his whole nasty foot was in my face was awful. I kept stroking my dick though, the sensation still building. He rubbed his foot in my face for a while, taunting me with it.

"Take the sock off, but don't stop jerking off," he commanded, looking down at me with a wicked grin. I knew what this meant, so I opened my mouth and grabbed the end of the sock with my teeth and pulled. He didn't make this any easier of course, moving his foot all about my face, as I tried to pull the sock off. It was hard cause my head was already pressed up against the workout bench, so I had no leverage. He just kept chuckling above me.

"Come on, Seany-boy, hurry the fuck up or I'll have you licking my feet clean for hours everyday..." he said, as he finally stopped rubbing his foot in my face. I was finally able to pull the sock off with my teeth, and dropped it onto the floor below me. He pushed his big toe into my mouth, and I sucked on it. It tasted so awful, and his feet stunk so bad. I was almost gagging, but he didn't stop. He had his hands on his waist, and just kept laughing above me.

"You'll suck just about anything, won't you?" he said chuckling, "Stick out your tongue and say ahhhhh."

I stuck out my tongue, and he dragged his whole foot across it, from heel to toes. It tasted so bad, I couldn't help but gag. He just stood over me, hands at his waist, his leg lifted so hit foot was in my face.

"Kiss it," he said, planting his foot on the floor again. I bent down on all fours, and began to kiss his foot, tasting and smelling how nasty it was. I sucked the big toe into my mouth, and looked up at him for a moment.

He finally pulled his toe out of my mouth and stood in front of me, inches from me. I kept stroking my dick, it was getting raw at this point, and I had to seriously stop myself from cumming. I looked up at him and met his gaze, that dirty smirk still on his face. He was covered in sweat, as was I by this point.

"Get up on the bench, its time for your lunch," he said with a laugh as he grabbed his package and rubbed it one last time in my face.

He moved around the bench, and straddled it so that each leg of his was on the side, exposing his ass in the air. He leaned against the barbell, bending over so his ass stuck out, and I knew exactly what he meant by 'lunch'. I was going to have to eat his sweaty rank asshole out.

"Come on, assmuncher, lets go," he said as he stared back at me. I sat down on the back of the bench so I had one leg on each side, my ass planted on the bench. I was still stroking my cock, as I leaned into his ass. He still had on the sweatpants, and I reached up with my right hand to the waist band. I pulled down his sweats so just his hairy ass was exposed, the smell wafted through the air as I breathed in his ass.

"That's it faggot, get your tongue in my hole...and you better not stop whacking your fairy dick..." he said. I leaned into his musky ass, stroking my cock with my left hand, and I spread his right ass cheek with my other hand. I pressed my nose into his crack, and darted my tongue into his damp ass hair, and I knew his ass taste all too well. There were days when he wouldn't have me do anything but eat his ass all day. I'd have my tongue up his chute while he read the paper, watched tv, talked on the name it. He loved taunting me like that cause he knew how much I hated eating ass, he wouldn't let me suck his dick or fuck me until I had eaten his ass out.

I found his hole with my tongue, the coarse hairs around his hole brushing up against my lips. His hole tasted particularly strong today, probably from the heat and his workout. I shoved my tongue as far as it would go up his ass chute, and I got a moan out of him, which made me happy.

"Mmmmmm, that's it, lick it clean, baby..." he said, as he reached around behind him and grabbed the back of my head, holding my head in his ass.

The only thing I could breathe was his ass. All my senses were of his hairy stinking asshole and the sensation of my hand beating my own cock. I was on fire, I couldn't control myself, I was so horned up by this man. He was making me take him in, his scent, his body, his presence, as I fucked my tongue in and out of his asshole. My mouth was filled with his taste, it hadn't left me the entire time I was in the gym. He shoved my head into his ass, moaning.

"Yeah, you like it, huh? Come on, cunt, press your lips against my hole, suck on it while you shove your tongue up there, mmmm, that's it, baby, tastes good, huh?" he said as I did what he wanted. I made an 'O' with my lips, and planted them on his asshole, sucking on it while I pushed my tongue up his chute. I felt his ass hairs press against my upper lips and chin, my whole face was buried in his stinking ass.

I flicked my tongue in and out, continuously stroking my own cock, for a while. He just kept one hand on the back of my head, keeping my head shoved up his butt, and kept moaning. I was getting so aroused by his sounds and smell, I had to blow my load. I was on the verge of coming, but kept stopping myself, my balls hurting from waiting so long.

"That's it, fag, now lick my crack clean, come on you shitlicker, lick my crack up and down," he said.

I pulled my tongue out of his hole, and began to lick the entire length of his hairy buttcrack. The taste was so intense, I was sure I was going to pass out from the heat of the room and being so turned on. I licked his crack up and down a few more times. My own cock was tingling to the point of no return, but I kept stroking, trying my best not to hit my most sensitive areas.

"Get down and tongue my nuts," he said.

I bent down further and his sack was huge, hanging down glistening in sweat. I flicked my tongue out and lapped up the underside of his balls which made him moan - it was so hot. I dragged my tongue all over his nutsack, savoring the taste of his ball sweat. My whole face stank of his crotch smell by this point, and it was all I could breathe. There he was, half bent on the bench against the barbell, with me attached to his ass and crotch licking away in the stickiness of the hot gym. It was obscene, but it made me so horny.

"Lick them nuts, Seany-boy, oooooh yeah, that's it baby, lick em clean...mmmmmmmm, that feels good, now get your tongue back up my hole and show me how much love sucking on a real man's ass..." he said as I moved back into his stinking ass and probed my tongue through the hairs and found his hole. I pushed my tongue in, fucking in and out of his whole with it.

"Yeah, pussy boy, you're an ass licker, Sean, you can never not be an ass licker now, you know that?" he said as he pushed my head into ass even more. I was trying so hard not to gag from the shear force, and that fact that I had been tonguing his hole for a long time now. "Oooooooh, yeah, mmmmmmhhhhhm, that's it baby, show me what a fuckin ass licker you really are, oh yeah..."

I don't know if it was his words, or the heat, or the fact that I had been stroking my cock the entire time I was servicing him, but I just couldn't take it anymore. My cock was on fire, every part of me had to burst I was so tense from everything. Having this stud of a man to lick clean after a sweaty work out was too much, and all my senses were magnified. I flicked my tongue into his sweaty hole one last time and shot my load all over the workout bench. I just kept cumming and cumming, and I moaned into his felt like I was screaming into his hole, my orgasm felt so good. It was one of the most intense and pleasurable orgasms I ever had, and I had with my face stinking of His sweat and my tongue so far up his chute. I must have cum so much, I just kept stroking my dick feeling the cum lubricate my cock, I was still hard.

He must have sensed something cause he clutched his hand around my hair and stood straight up.

"What the hell is going on, boy, did you cum?" he asked, raising his voice as I tried to ignore it and swirled my tongue around his hole. He suddenly pushed my head out, and turned around and saw the big pool of cum clinging to the sweaty leather of the workout bench. I looked down at my cum, then looked back to meet his gaze, and he was pissed...

"Who told you to shoot your pansy load, huh?" He said as he turned around completely so his half hard dick swung between his legs. He moved in closer to me as I straddled the bench, each leg on either side, and he grabbed the back of my head and pushed my head down onto the bench into my own cum. I felt the side of my head squish against the cum as he moved my head along the bench as if to clean it up.

"You ass munching pussboy can't even control yourself, licking my sweaty asshole gets you that boned up? Fine, boy, we'll see to it that you get a lot more of my stinking hole...and a few others at that, too." he said as he smeared my face into my cum along the bench. I felt my cum spread across my face. It was all over my noise, my cheeks, my chin, my lips, my forehead. "You stay just where you are, boy...I've got a present for you." he said as he moved so that he was standing above at the side of the bench. My face was on its side so that my cheek was lying flat on the bench against my warm cum and I felt it squish into my ear. I was staring at his muscular hairy thighs and his balls as they hung down. I felt his motion as he began stroking his dick. He was beating off above me as I layed there completely still.

"Here you go, cumdump..." he said as he pointed his cock directly at my face and blew a huge load right onto me. I felt each cumshot hit the side of my face and dribble down onto my nose and lips. Some of it went back down my neck, into my hair, across my forehead. My whole face was covered in cum, first my own, and now his, as each hot spurt landed on me. He dumped his huge load onto me as he stroked his cock, and I knew I shouldn't have cum. This was so humiliating being hunched over on the bench while he blew his load all of my face. I opened my lips a bit to get a taste of his load mixed with my own as he shot the final two wads on me. He shook his dick off above me.

"Look at you, boy, you look like one of them cum whores from those gangback movies, but I bet you like that, huh? Well, we'll have to arrange that sometime, won't we?" he said. Get your fag ass off my bench and get it clean, Sean, with your tongue. We can start there...lets go, now," He said.

I leaned up, strings of cum clinging to my face and the bench as I did, running down my forehead and hair. I felt his cum everywhere, and it felt like my hair was slicked with it. He chuckled as he stared at me, his impressive form standing there, waiting for me to lick the bench clean. I got off the bench on to my knees on the side of it, and licked the mix of cum off, tasting mostly my as most of his landed right on my face. He laughed some more and I licked up the cum. I caught a glimpse of myself in the many mirrors, and he was right, I looked like one of those cum sluts from those bukake movies, and this was just mostly his load.

He watched me for another moment, then walked over to the sweaty towel had already used. I wiped his sweaty body down, the hot sun still beating down through the windows in the rank gym. I stared at him as I lapped up the bench having gotten almost every drop of cum, his gorgeous body looking so fine, and my cock was still hard. He caught me staring as he toweled off his chest, lifting his arms to towel his armpits. He gave me that lewd smirk...the playful one where I had no idea what was in store for me, but also the one where I knew how much he took care of me. I licked my lips as his cum dribbled into my mouth, tasting him so strongly.

He finished toweling himself off, walked over to me and rubbed the sweaty towel in my face. It reeked of his powerful manly musk, as I inhaled it.

"Get yourself cleaned up with this, boy, you look like a fucking cum rag...then meet me in the pool," he said ruffling the towel in my face one last time.

I watched him as he walked away to the pool area, his ass looking so good. I licked my lips again, breathing his musky scent in the towel, tasting his ass and cum in my mouth, not sure what else was going to happen this Sunday...

Sorry its been so long, I'm still working on more. Your feedback has been great and has kept me going with the series, thanks! I'm still looking for ideas for the Poker game -

Please email me any comments/suggestions/story ideas/or anything at Would love to hear from you.

Copyright 2004.

Next: Chapter 7

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