Constant Service

By Sean-y Boy

Published on Mar 9, 2004


************* Standard Disclaimer Applies: Do not read if you do not wish to view sexually explicit material, or if you under the age of 21. *************

Constant Service

Part 6: Sunday Service - 2am till the Gym

I felt two hands pressing firmly into my hips, as I was quickly pulled off the tiny bed so my feet fell to the floor and my waist was bent. My ass was exposed in the air, and I was facing the blank wall the bed was against. His hands were persistent, forcefully grabbing at my hips so I was in position. They felt warm and calloused against my smooth skin as one of them felt its way up my back to the back of my head. He grabbed me by the hair, and I felt the enormous head of his prick begin to slide into my ass cheeks. It was already well lubricated, and I could feel it slide into me easily. My ass was still sore from my night with Jimmy, but it didn't matter. I was going to get fucked hard, and I knew it.

Part of me thought this was a dream, but then his cock slammed into my asshole with no hesitation, and I was shook to consciousness. I screamed out as his hard dick forced its way into me without stopping, and I felt obscenely full. One hand was holding the back of my head by the hair so my neck was pulled up, and the other was clutching my hip to pull my ass onto his cock. He buried his huge dick into my tender asshole, and I felt his wiry pubes against my ass.

He pulled out slowly, scraping every inch of my asshole with his dick to make sure I felt it. His hands were very rough, continuously pulling my hair so my neck was jerked up. He paused at the end of my asshole so only his dickhead was in me. It felt like forever that he stayed in this position, and then he suddenly slammed into me so his cock was crammed all the way up me, and I screamed again. I could feel his cock press against my insides, and I felt completely full and invaded. He held his cock all the way inside of me for a while, making slow circles with his hips and quick jabs so my asshole stretched to accommodate him.

It was completely dark in my little bedroom as the shades were closed. I had no clue what time it was, but it must have been around 2 or 3 in the morning. My room consisted of a very small single bed that was pushed against the wall, a window, and a small bathroom off to the side. It was sparse and unimaginative, as I rarely spent time in here. I only used it to sleep and shower on occasion when I was in trouble, and we rarely had sex in here. In fact, the only other time I can remember him being in here was when I was in serious trouble before. That time I was restricted to this room, all my meals were sent up, and I had only seen him when he needed to get off.

I was very aware of him in my room, as his presence was large and the room was tiny. I felt him pull out of me again slowly, his hand still grasping my hair tightly, and then he slammed into me again so that the room echoed with the sounds of skin against skin. I screamed out again, completely unprepared for this assault, his cock filling me completely.

He continued this pace for a while, each time making me scream, each thrust timed differently. He was intent on keeping me awake and making me feel every movement of his cock in my asshole.

I had done what he said earlier, showered and thoroughly cleaned myself in and out. I had applied lotion to my ass and body to help sooth it from getting abused by Jimmy. I had drifted off to sleep soon after, exhausted after the day I had had.

I could smell his sex in the room. The July heat still clung to everything, and my tiny room wasn't ventilated well. I was starting to sweat from being used, and each thrust into me made a lewd "Slap" sound that filled the room.

He began to thrust into me quicker, working up a steady rhythm so his cock was repeatedly shoving in and out of my asshole. I was in an uncomfortable position, and his cock angled into me, touching my most sensitive areas. I heard his breathing from behind me as his motions continued to get faster and more persistent. He never let go of my head, so his fucking motion kept pulling my neck back over and over.

His cock was really doing a number on my ass. He would push all the way in, grind his crotch into my ass, moving his hips around so that every inch of his huge cock found every corner inside of me. I was in pain and pleasure, and I kept moaning underneath him. He never said a word, just continued to use my ass.

It felt like he was in me for well over an hour, always going in and out, fucking my ass raw, never stopping to reapply lube, just repeatedly shoving his dick into me over and over. I was screaming out by this point, his cock completely abusing every inch of my asshole. My ass was so sensitive and it was spasming around his dick. I shuddered as he kept up his pace, fucking into me in and out, never releasing his grip on me. I felt so violated by his dick, but I knew better than to say anything. The only thing I could do was moan underneath his powerful bulk.

I felt his thrusts into me become faster, and he pushed his cock into me all the way. He jabbed into there a few times, pushing his pelvis against my ass. His breathing had quickened, his grip on my hair and hip even more tight and forceful, and he unloaded his cum up my asshole. I felt his dick throb inside of me, sending sharp pains up my body as my ass was so sore. His cum coated my insides, and I felt him repeatedly jabbing his dick into me the furthest it would go. He shot a load for what felt like minutes, and all I could do was cry out as his cock exploded in my ass.

He held his cock into me for another moment or two, milking the feeling of his orgasm. He finally pulled out of me quickly, making a popping sound. I felt him grab his dick and wipe it all over my ass a few times. I felt his cum and lube all over my ass as he did his best to clean his prick off. He pulled me up off the bed by the hair a little bit, and then just threw me back onto the bed and left. I was alone now, still bent over on the bed, and I felt his cum slowly dribbling out of my still spasming asshole.

He had come in, used my asshole roughly and however he wanted, didn't say a word, and then just left. I stayed in that same position for a moment just thinking about what had happened. I reached around behind me and felt his cum leaking out of my ass, and brought it back to my face smelling it. I licked my hand clean tasting his salty semen, and I realized I had just been used like a bitch. I didn't even see him as he was fucking me, I only felt him invading my ass from behind. I felt so used and humiliated, and I was pretty upset. He had never really treated me like a bitch before. Even when he would just use me to get off, he would at least say something to me, a few words here and there. I didn't know what to think, and I slowly leaned up off the bed, dizzy in my thoughts.

I slowly limped into the bathroom, my asshole still twitching and hurting, his cum swishing around inside of me, and I turned on the lights. I squinted into the brightness of the bathroom, and sat down on the toilet, extracting his cum from my asshole. I sat there in silence, my ass still hurting on the hard toilet seat. I heard his cum hit the water lewdly, and I knew I had to straighten up. I hated being treated this way, and this was his way of saying I had majorly fucked up. Another wad of his cum fell out of my asshole, the water splashing back against my ass. I buried my head in my hands, hoping tomorrow would be a better day.

I don't know how many more times he came and used me that night. I remember being fucked again relentlessly in different positions, his cock never going soft. I remember being buried in his crotch, licking his sweaty nutsack, throating his cock, swallowing his load. I remember him slapping his cock across my face for a long time, never saying a word, just smacking his wet stinking prick over and over on my face. I remember licking out his rank armpits, him grabbing my head and forcing me into them. I remember shoving my tongue up his stinking asshole as he sat on my face grinding himself to me. I remember him fucking on top of me with me on my back, as he pressed himself into me on the tiny bed. I was flung every which way as he drilled his dick into me, pinching and pulling on my nipples. I remember him dumping his final load of cum all over my face, into my hair, having some of it go into my nostrils so I was coughing up his cum. The entire night was a blur, and I just remember being used over and over again by him, his smell and rough touch never leaving my mind.

When I opened my eyes to warm sunlight creeping in through blinds, I felt the weight of him sleeping over me. I was lying under him, my legs wrapped his legs, his morning wood pressing into my crotch as he laid on top of me. His left arm was over me, spread over and hanging off the single bed so his armpit was right in my face. I was crumpled up on my back underneath him, his head was to my side, and I felt his stubbled chin on my shoulder. His entire weight was on me so his hairy chest was pressed to my chest. I breathed him in, his musky masculine scent filling the entire room. I tilted my head up and stared down his muscular back down to his ass. His legs were hanging off the edge of the bed, and I was trapped underneath him. I felt him breathing deeply on me, still lost in his sleep. I had to piss really badly, but I just waited for him to wake.

I laid there, eyes open, taking him in. He was such a handsome man that I couldn't harbor any ill feelings to how he used me during the night. I felt warm underneath him, and though I was a bit uncomfortable, I didn't want to get up.

When he finally stirred, he reached around completely unaware of me and scratched his own ass. I just stayed still, letting him wake from his sleep. He rubbed his unshaven chin against my shoulder, finally acknowledging me. He nuzzled into the side of my head, pressing his erect cock into my crotch, and took my earlobe in between his teeth, chewing on it. I let out a little gasp, and lifted my ass up to meet my crotch with his cock so that my piss hard was pressing against his huge dick. I moved my hands down his back, and grabbed his ass holding onto it, loving the muscular toned feel of it.

"Fuck, I can't believe I stayed here all night," he said in between chewing on my ear, "what time is it?" he asked.

"uuuuuhh, I dunno..." I said moaning a bit at his attention.

His hand traced up my stomach and found my nipple squeezing it. "Mmmmm, you're so soft..." he mumbled into my ear, "The boys'll be here tonight at 9 in the guest house...I want you dressed and ready to go by 8, got it?" he said pulling on my nipple a little harder.

"Yes, Sir, ooooooooh," I replied reeling from his tongue in my ear, and his hand on my nipple.

"Good. Now I want a blowjob...," he said, twisting my nipple between his fingers.

He got up off of me, and leaned against the wall so his legs were spread on the bed, his feet just the floor. His cock was pointing straight-out, and it was hard as a rock, pulsing up and down a bit. There was a big drop of pre-cum coming out of the head.

I got down on the floor on my knees, and leaned into his crotch. The smell was intense, pure masculine crotch smell, and it overwhelmed me. I took in his huge prick, the shaft completely straight, the head contoured just right, the thick bush surrounding it, the low hanging hairy balls. This was the same cock that had abused my asshole just a few hours ago, and here I was about to service it with all I had. I didn't mind much.

I leaned in and licked the drop of pre-cum off his cockhead, savoring the salty taste in my mouth. Out of all the loads of semen I've swallowed, his was the best tasting right down to his pre-cum.

"That's it, Seany-boy, kiss it...kiss it nice and good, you dick-licking faggot," he said. He loved talking dirty to me and he knew how humiliating it was to me.

I took his dick in my palm, feeling the weight of it, and holding it up so I could kiss the end a few times. I smacked my lips on his cockhead, trying to get it wet, sticking my tongue just into his pisshole. It tasted so good, his pre-cum was free flowing now, and the musky smell of his crotch was intoxicating.

"How many cocks have you sucked, Sean? Do you even know...I bet you can't even remember but it must be many nasty old dicks did you suck before I found you, huh...Nothing compares to my Big Dick, does it boy?" he asked as I kept kissing his dickhead, "Answer me dickbreath..."

I looked up at him, "I dunno, Sir, I've blown a lot of're right, probably hundreds, and you're right Sir, nothing compares to your cock, I love sucking it so much, Sir," I replied and gave his cock another kiss.

"Of course you do, Sean. Put the head in your mouth and suck...just the head," He said looking down at me with a lewd smirk on his face, "You see, Sean, you are a cocksucker...its the only thing you know how to service men and if you're lucky you get to blow a man like me. How many times did I use you last night? You liked it, didn't you, you pussy? You liked being used like a bitch..."

"Yes, Sir..." I said.

"Did I tell you to take your mouth of my dick?" He said grabbing the back of my head and pulling it towards his cock. I put his dickhead back in my mouth and sucked.

"Start sucking boy, you're gonna have a sore jaw today," he said, pushing my head down further on his dick.

I bobbed my head up and down, getting his cock nice and wet, loving the feeling of it my mouth. I could taste and smell him so strongly, and I was making sucking noises with my mouth. I'd reach the head and swirl my tongue around trying to get a taste of his pre-cum, then go back down and slide his dick into my mouth, each time taking more and more. I loved staring into his crotch, his thick dark bush was the only thing I could see.

"Yeeeeah, blow me, faggot," he said pressing his hand at the back of my head, "show me how much you love it."

I increased my pace bobbing my head up and down, milking his big dick the best I could. I felt the head of his cock slip into my throat, and I contracted my throat to accomodate him. I finally swallowed all ten inches of his thick cock so my lips were brushing against his pubes. He held my head there for a few moments.

"That's it dickbreath, take it all, take my fucking cock...come on cocksucker, blow me..." he said loudly, getting more into it, thrusting his hips off the bed a bit to meet my mouth.

We worked up a steady rhythm as I would suck up and down, taking different amounts of his cock in my mouth, then pulling all the way back until only the head was in my mouth. I'd run my tongue all over the head feeling the smooth hardness of it, his pre-cum so strong tasting in my mouth. Then I'd slide my mouth down the length of his dick, feeling the thickness of it in my mouth, and he'd meet my mouth by thrusting his crotch into my face when I was all the way down. He'd hold my head all the way onto his dick so that my whole face was pressed up against his bush. I could feel his balls press up against my chin, and my whole face stank of his crotch.

"Suck me baby...mmmhmmmmm, feels good, huh? you like my big fuckin cock, doncha? suck it slower for me, daddy likes it slow...your jaw is gonna be sore today, suck it you cock slut..." he said to me as I mouthed his dick.

My jaw was indeed getting sore as I kept up the pace of blowing him for a while. His cock was so big it filled my mouth to the brim. I had to stretch open my mouth just to get it in there, and my saliva was dripping down all around his cock.

He took his cock out of my mouth and said, "Keep your mouth open, faggot...stick your tongue out." He grabbed his cock by the shaft, and started slapping my tongue with it. He was getting aggressive and playful. He took his cock, and held it up to his stomach, then he'd let go so his cock would smack face. He did this over and over, laughing above me, "You really do love my stinkin' dick, doncha pussyboy? Get down and lick my nuts..."

I leaned into his crotch further to get access to his hairy balls. I had to bend in further onto the bed, so my knees were off the floor, and I was in an awkward position. He was like a king on a throne, and I was like some twisted puppy licking at his nutsack. I stuck my tongue out lapped up his right nut, feeling the hairs coarse my tongue. He was very sweaty and ripe, and his balls tasted strong. He continuously smacked his hard dick on my face, and I could tell it was leaving red marks. His cock was slick with saliva and pre-cum, and I felt both cling to my face.

"Lick em, baby...lick my fucking nuts. I'm gonna floss your mouth out with my ball hair you ball eating cunt...look at you tonguing my sweaty really are a fucking cocksucker," he said. He continued to verbally abuse me, and his cock kept smacking my face, making loud wet sounds in the room.

"Take em in your mouth," he said.

I opened my mouth and his right nut slipped in between my lips, and I licked it all over. He was moaning a bit above, as I tried to get his other nut into my mouth. His balls were so big, it was pretty much impossible, but I knew he liked me trying. I felt the hair on them inside my mouth, and the salty taste permeated my senses. His cock was leaving wet marks all over my face as he continued slapping my face with it.

"Come on faggot, on your knees, I wanna fuck your throat," he said slapping his dick on my face pretty hard.

I moved away from his crotch and stayed on my knees as he climbed off the bed. He looked gorgeous in the morning light, the sun capturing his magnificent body perfectly. He had that dirty smirk on his face as he stepped toward me, his huge cock jutting out from his crotch, hanging slightly downward from the weight of it. It glistened from my saliva and his pre-cum, the head red and swollen. It looked like a deadly weapon. He towered over me as I looked up into his face, past his well developed hairy chest, to the stubble on his face. He looked down on me, giving me a dirty smile.

"You ready for my meat, pussyboy?" he asked as he grabbed the back of my head with both hands and jerked his hips left and right as his cock slapped my cheeks. I felt the wetness of it, and it hurt somewhat as he wasn't being too gentle. "Get those lips and throat ready, cocksucker."

He held the back of my head in place, pushing it back so that my lips were at the tip of his massive throbbing dick. I parted my lips and held out my tongue as he moved his hips forward so his dick pushed its way into my mouth. I had to stretch open my mouth to accommodate the thickness of it. He slowly slid his cock all the way into my mouth, and I gagged a bit when it met my throat.

"Yeah, take it," he said, pushing his cockhead into my throat. I did my best to swallow his thick prick as he kept pushing it into my throat, and I tried my best not to gag.

Finally, his tool was all the way down. He held the back of my head into his crotch so all I could see was the hair on his stomach leading down to his crotch, and my nose was buried in his rank bush. I felt his nutsack hanging below my chin. I coughed and gagged a bit on his dick, and I had to breathe through my nose.

"Yeah, Sean-y boy, swallow my cock, it feels good down your throat," he said above me.

He began to pull his dick back slowly, his hands never leaving the back of my head. I felt his cock slide out of my throat, and he paused when just the head of his cock was in my mouth.

"You ready to get your face fucked, cocksucker? Look up at me with those pretty eyes..." he said.

I looked up at his face while swirling my tongue around his dickhead. He was looking down at me like an lion ready to pounce. He had that wicked smile on his face when he was about to use me hard.

We stayed like that for a brief moment, I was looking at him, he was staring back at me, both of us knew what was to come. He finally ended the wait and pushed his cock all the way down my mouth into my throat. I gagged from the quickness of his thrust, but he didn't seem to notice. He pushed his dick all the way into my mouth until I was again buried in his pubes, and he quickly pulled out again, and pushed it in again. He began fucking my face as hard he could, holding the back of my head with both hands, and shoving his dick into my mouth. He would push all the way into my mouth, hold for a few seconds, circle his hips, and pull out again. He held my head firmly in place as he fucked in and out of my mouth.

"Yeah, cocksucker, take it, take it all down your like my dick, doncha you faggot? Take it, boy, take it," he said to me, fucking in and out of my mouth constantly.

My mouth was so sore from being wrapped around his dick for the last hour or so. The room was filled with his voice and slurping sounds as he continued to pound his cock into my mouth. I kept looking up at him, getting brief looks at his face, and he just kept using my mouth.

"Suck it, baby, you look good down on your like it, come on, take it...I'm gonna cum down your cocksucking throat...mmmmmm...yeah, take it..." he said, moaning above me.

He pushed his dick all the way down my throat and grabbed my hair, holding his cock there. My jaw was hurting so much, and he just held his cock there, making quick little jabs. My throat contracted around his dick as I tried my best to swallow. I tried to look up at him, but all I could see was his tight firm stomach up to his well developed chest. His head was thrown back, and I felt his dick throb in my mouth.

"Uh uh uh, oh yeah...ahhhhhhhhh, take it, boy..." he said as he finally let loose his load. I felt his dick spasm in my mouth, and his cum hit my throat. It felt warm, and he just held his dick all the way down there, I felt his hairy sweaty nuts pressed up against my chin. He must have shot 8 or 9 times into my throat, and pulled out a bit so the final two shots landed in my mouth.

"Mmmmhhhmmmmmm, yeah, baby..." he moaned above me.

He pressed his crotch into my face one final time, then slipped his dick out of my mouth, still holding on the back of my head.

"You liked that, baby?" he asked with laugh, titling my head up to meet his.

"Yes, Sir," I replied his cum still in mouth.

"Thought you might...give it a kiss" he said pulling my face to his crotch and his now semi-hard dick. I kissed his cock a few times as he rubbed his crotch into my face. I felt his dick move around my face, and I finally swallowed the remains of his orgasm, the taste so strong in my mouth. He was laughing lightly above as he rubbed his crotch into my face.

"Mmm, that felt good. I need to piss, come here," he said, motioning me towards the little bathroom.

I got up and followed him into the bathroom. My mouth was so sore, my whole body ached from the pounding I received last night from both Jimmy and him. Could Jimmy really have been last night? I knew I had to rest up today if I got the chance cause the men at the poker game were gonna be brutal. My whole body was sore, and a limped my way into the bathroom, still tasting his cum.

He was at the toilet, holding his dick, getting ready to piss.

"Get down here and lick my asshole," he said to me.

I dropped to my knees behind him, and pressed my face into his crack. I reached up and parted his strong ass cheeks, and the smell of his ass was intense. I heard him relax, and his loud stream of piss hit the toilet. I leaned in and stuck my tongue into his hairy ass, finding his hole and licking it all around in and out. His piss grew louder as fucked my tongue in and out of his asshole, and I felt him clench it a few times. The smell and taste were so powerful I almost wanted to pull away, but I persisted. He must have pissed for a good two minutes, and hearing him pissing made me realize how badly I still needed to go. My dick was hard, and I felt the pressure building in my bladder. He let out a loud fart into my mouth, my whole face was buried in his ass and my tongue was inside his asshole. It tasted and smelled awful, but I knew better than to pull away.

"The breakfast of champions, huh?" he said, laughing at his own joke. He reached around back and scratched his ass, letting out another fart. He grabbed the back of my head, and pushed my face into his hairy ass.

"I'm gonna go workout, you get yourself cleaned...and I mean squeaky clean, Sean...then come down and join me in the gym, got it?" he said, punctuating his command by pushing the back of my head further into his furry ass.

I flicked my tongue into his hole a couple more times, then mumbled into his ass loudly, "Yes, Sir."

"Good," he said, and let go of my head and walked out of the bathroom without even looking back at me. He disappeared from the bedroom as I watched him leave taking in his gorgeous body again. I stared at his ass and powerful back loving every inch of him.

I finally stood up to piss, and his yellow piss was still in the toilet, he never bothered to flush it. I relaxed, feeling every muscle on my body ache, and let out my piss. I stank so bad, my whole body smelled like his sex, and I was still tasting his cum and ass in my mouth - and I was really horny. I thought about jacking off, but I knew better than to risk it with him home. I had to go spot him in the gym, and he basically told me to do an enema, so I really didn't have time. I finished pissing, turned the shower on, and started brushing my teeth, my cock never going soft. I kept reliving the sex from the night before, getting banged over and over in the dark. I wanted to cum so badly.

I opened a new enema package, hopped into the shower and rinsed myself of well. The warm water felt so good on my aching body, and I wish I could have taken my time but I knew I couldn't. I quickly showered, did the enema, and found a clean pair of baggy track pants to wear. I didn't bother combing my hair or finding a shirt, and made my way to the gym barefoot, knowing that it was going to be one long Sunday...

Part 7 & 8(with the Poker game) Coming soon. I'm still looking for ideas for the Poker game -

*** Thanks for all the feedback! Its greatly appreciated and it keeps my writing this series!

Please email me any comments/suggestions/story ideas/or anything at Would love to hear from you.

Copyright 2004.

Next: Chapter 6

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